bearded dragon food list

Try to feed a split of 75% greens, vegetables, and fruits and 25% insects and vertebrates. You can feed your beardie cooked or raw vegetables. Ensuring you feed a healthy diet is fundamental to a good husbandry routine that will keep your pet happy and healthy. Although not all bearded dragons do this in captivity, it remains a fairly common phenomenon. Spinach: No. 4. WebVitamin C. Vitamin K. Potassium. 5. It contains high levels of oxalic acid, enough to be poisonous to Every bearded dragon is different and can react to foods differently. Do not feed your bearded dragons avocados. Green Anoles love to jump around their tank, climb glass walls and explosively jump to higher branches they can even watch you with one eye while focusing on their prey with Read More . Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription! We promise well never spam! We even have a ready to go feeding chart for you to follow, so keep reading. In the wild, bearded dragons will get most of the vitamin D3 they need from natural sunlight, so the amount of vitamin D3 you give your bearded dragon depends on how much exposure he/she has to natural sunlight (or full spectrum lighting). Bearded dragons are one of the most common pet reptiles. An example feeding schedule can be seen below: Before serving any vegetables or fruits chop them into small bite-sized pieces this will make them easier to eat. You should peel the apples and cut them into bite sized pieces before serving. Being omnivores, they have a wide range of diet options. Even one of these bugs can be lethal to an adult bearded dragon. Include the carrots green top as they are also heathy. There are certain types of these food types that work the best for them. A 1.5 hours drive is not at all an issue if youre not well below 64. However, these should be cut into small pieces to avoid choking. Meats and fish are too high in fat and phosphorous. Cabbage, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin and sweet potato. WebWhen your pet bearded dragon roam beside you, you might want to share fruits that youre enjoying. As your Bearded Dragon grows their diet will change. They take the best care of me! There are certain types of these food types that work the best for them. Adult beardies will eat more vegetables than bugs, so its important to make sure the veggies they're eating are healthy and nutritious. Any suggestions? Heres the full list of insects that you can include in a bearded dragon diet: Approximately 80-90% of the plant matter you feed your beardie should be vegetables and greens. A small amount of fruits can be added to their intake but it is important not to overfeed them as they are high in sugars. It is recommended to use a container with thicker plastic so they cannot chew through the air holes as easily. Purple means, that you should not feed it too often. When I talk to the pet store they say this is normal for the season. Its a good idea to mix these up from week to week to provide nutritional diversity and a more balanced diet. Aim for a diet break down of 80% feeders and 20% vegetables for your baby. Baby Bearded Dragon Food List (2022 Guide) February 29, 2020. Misting your beardie when theyre shedding moisturizes their skin and helps them shed more easily. When choosing a Vitamin D3 and Calcium supplement, make sure the one you purchase has a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 - the higher the better because you don't want your dragon to have too much phosphorus. As an Amazon Associate, Triple Tree Endeavors earns from qualifying purchasesTriple Tree Endeavors also participates in affiliate programs with Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Here is a list of the most common staple vegetables they can dine on daily: Kale Asparagus (Raw) Butternut squash Yellow squash Acorn squash Spaghetti squash Butterworms Celery Peeled Cucumber Yams (Raw) Turnip greens Collard greens Mustard greens Zucchini (Raw) Okra (Raw) Raddicchio You can mist them once or twice a day with a spray bottle. Here is a list of the most common staple vegetables they can dine on daily: Kale Asparagus (Raw) Butternut squash Yellow squash Acorn squash Spaghetti squash Butterworms Celery Peeled Cucumber Yams (Raw) Turnip greens Collard greens Mustard greens Zucchini (Raw) Okra (Raw) Raddicchio Scorpions, bees, wasps, and other venomous insects, Lettuce (because it has very little nutritional value and is mostly water), Fireflies, lightning bugs, and other insects that glow in the dark. The number of times a day you need to feed them changes too: Sub adults (12 to 18 months) should eat 30% feeder insects and 70% vegetables. They are toxic, but their toxicity levels are unknown; however, they are deadly for birds. Please let us know of any suggestions or improvements. Also, have a bowl with some greens and start offering some too. 1. If you have any questions about your bearded dragons diet or supplementation needs, you should always consult your vet for advice. It contains plenty of fiber and vitamins A and C, which will help boost the immune system and help develop eyesight. First off, you need to get a proper storage container for your insects. Bearded Dragon Lifespan Explained, Turtle Tanks: Best Tanks, Setup Ideas, Filters, Cleaning & More, Pacman Frog Care Sheet: Everything You Need to Know, Top 50 Ball Python Morphs: The A-Z Morph Color List, Snapping Turtle Breed Information and Care Guide, Box Turtle Care Guide (Feeding, Habitat, Handling & Hibernation). Were always looking for ways to improve the resources on our site! Feeding bearded dragons can seem complicated, however by following the easy guidelines below you will be able to keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy. Soaking is a natural behavior for bearded dragons and it actually helps them with digestion. Garlic. We broke the list down into four, easy to understand categories that will safely guide you to healthy foods for your bearded dragon: Staple: A food you can feed your bearded dragon on a regular basis. If it is longer than the space between it's eyes, then it is too large. Also, make sure to remove whatever food ISNT eaten within around 30 minutes, be it feeders of vegetables. WebFruits may be preferred by your bearded dragon but are generally mineral-poor and should be fed sparingly as top dressing only. However, crickets do jump (meaning they can escape easier), smell foul, and can carry parasites, which can cause health issues for your lizard. WebAmong the staple vegetables and safe plants include dandelion greens, turnip greens, cacti leaf, cacti pear, alfalfa plant (not sprout), squash, escarole, endive, collard greens, kales, mustard greens among others. While spinach is healthy, calcium binds easily to it which can make it hard for your bearded dragon to digest. But, I wouldnt purposely feed them because of parasites. It is important to never use a water dish to water your insects because they will drown in the bowl. WebBlack means, that you can feed it to your beardie unhesitatingly. I hope (and think) everything went smoothly in the end. WebFruits may be preferred by your bearded dragon but are generally mineral-poor and should be fed sparingly as top dressing only. I even occasionally make a big salad all at once in the beginning of the week with a chopped and keep it in a seaford tight mason jar. Hey Mela. The following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragons diet: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms. Moderate to severe vitamin A poisoning occurs when 10,000 IU/kg of synthetic vitamin A is given to a bearded dragon. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of phosphorus, so most lizards receive enough phosphorus through the food they eat. You're the best beardie lover ever! Pet Beardies have a very diverse diet and eat insects, small vertebrates, greens, vegetables, and fruits. This article will explain everything you need to know about feeding bearded dragons. Swiss chard, spinach, and beet greens should also be fed sparingly, as they contain oxalates that can bind calcium and other trace minerals, preventing their absorption. If you suspect that any food, even one listed as safe on this list, is causing a negative reaction in your bearded dragon, you should immediately stop feeding them that food and seek the counsel of a qualified reptile vet. If you arent sure whether a food is safe or toxic to your beardie, avoid feeding it until you can talk with them about it as well. Everything in your article is exactly the opposite of what experts and other articles have told us to do. 4. Reptile Direct is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It is recommended that you dust your baby beardies food with a calcium supplement once a day for five days each week. Bearded dragons should live on a diet thats a mix of live protein sources, greens, and an occasional fruit treat. It should be made easy for you. You never want to feed your dragon insects that you have caught yourself because insects in and around our homes can contain pesticides and parasites that can harm your dragon. You can see the full list of safe vegetables for bearded dragons by clicking here (including their nutritional values), or you can view a partial list below: Reptile Safe Vegetables Acorn squash Artichoke heart Bell peppers (raw) Bok choy Butternut squash Cabbage (raw) Carrots Celery Cucumber (peeled) Endive Mustard greens Yellow squash The following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragons diet: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms. WebBlack means, that you can feed it to your beardie unhesitatingly. Also, make sure to remove whatever food ISNT eaten within around 30 minutes, be it feeders of vegetables. WebAmong the staple vegetables and safe plants include dandelion greens, turnip greens, cacti leaf, cacti pear, alfalfa plant (not sprout), squash, escarole, endive, collard greens, kales, mustard greens among others. Leave your beardies light on for at least 30-60 minutes after mealtime as well. If you have noticed a reduction in his movements around the enclosure, or an increase in his sleeping time, there is a good chance your dragon is in brumation. A juvenile needs a diet of mainly insects and some plant material. Toxic!!! Sounds like weve been doing the veggies right but everyone has INSISTED that meal worms are better than supers and roaches and crickets arent necessary.And they are still juveniles. In the wild, they get a lot of exercise climbing bushes, scurrying across rocks, and burrowing in the ground. So they tend to eat a lot, especially insects. Keeping your insects at the right temperature will encourage healthy eating and growth, which are both good for your bearded dragon. But a good diet does more than simply keep your bearded dragon healthy. Insects and other bugs. Broccoli: Yes broccoli is high in vitamin A, thiamine, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Celery: No like iceberg lettuce, it is mostly water and contains very few nutrients. Crickets and superworms can also be fed for variety but are not as easily digestible. We broke the list down into four, easy to understand categories that will safely guide you to healthy foods for your bearded dragon: Staple: A food you can feed your bearded dragon on a regular basis. You probably want to avoid using containers which are see-through, because many people have insect phobias and you don't want to risk house guests having a panic attack seeing thousands of crickets, roaches, or worms. Its also low in fat and sugar, and the leaves are acceptable for your beardie to eat a few times per week. In the wild, they get a lot of exercise climbing bushes, scurrying across rocks, and burrowing in the ground. These reptiles may enjoy eating fruits, but they arent very rich in nutrients, which is why they shouldnt comprise much of their diet. It helps keep their coloring vibrant, increases their activity level, and will help maximize their lifespan! Pick up all of the insects left over after that time, since remnant food can lead to overeating or insects burying themselves in your lizards substrate (causing problems later). If he is waving Hes stressed its the same as when a dog lays in their back to admit submission. This page will tell you which foods are safe and heathiest for your beardie. This will not only help keep them happy but also healthy too. You will want to store your feeder insects in a location with a steady temperature that is within the range specified for them. Triple Tree Endeavors is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Their diet can seem complicated, but even first time reptile owners can easily master their nutrition. These fruits are too acidic for bearded dragons. Expert Tip: Wash vegetables before feeding them to your lizard. Bearded dragons will also need a calcium powder sprinkled on their food twice a week. Hatchlings should be offered crickets constantly. You should always leave fresh vegetables in the cage, but three times per day you should feed your beardie insects. In the wild, bearded dragons eat a wide variety of insects, fruits, and vegetables (we dig into each of those a bit later on). Learn more. Calcium deficiency can be a problem for reptiles, which can result in metabolic bone disease. WebSo for now, leeks are on the can not eat list. The exact mix of those things will change as the bearded dragon ages. The easiest way to vary their food intake is to use a weekly feeding chart. Its a good idea to mix these up from week to week to provide nutritional diversity and a more balanced diet. Fruit and Vegetable Basics Owners are responsible for ensuring their bearded dragon's diet is healthy. However, you should provide your lizard with a water dish anyway. 5. Carrots should only be fed occasionally as too many can cause toxicity from too much vitamin A. With hundreds of educational care guides covering the health, habitat, husbandry and behaviour of lizards, snakes, turtles, and more;we are here to provide anyone keeping or studying reptiles and amphibians with expert guidance. Some owners will also feed their insects with wet lizard pellets. This species is considered to be a juvenile when it is between the ages of five and 17 months old. If you plan on breeding your own insects, crickets are also harder to breed. Fruits are an important part of bearded dragon diets. Bearded dragons between birth and five months old are considered babies. One of the most overlooked parts of a reptile enclosure is the cover. We made it easy to read, easy to use, and as complete as we possibly could. Below are common questions we've been asked about bearded dragon diet and nutrition. When kept in captivity adults should be fed once a day but they require different foods at different life stages. Kale: Yes Kale is an excellent food choice and is high in calcium, vitamin C, vitamin, K, vitamin A, and folate. They are high in vitamin C and vitamin K. Dont feed too many as they are high in oxalates that can prevent your bearded dragon from receiving enough calcium. You can easily find something to feed them at your local pet store, grocery mart or even your fridge. But, there is a thick line between the safe and unsafe list of fruits that bearded dragons can eat. As mentioned previously, we highly recommend Herptivite Multivitamin for Reptiles, because it will supply your bearded dragon with vitamin A without the risk of overdosing or making your beardie ill. Vitamin D3 and Calcium are two of the most important vitamins and minerals you need to make sure your bearded dragon gets. Do I need to feed my bearded dragon, Potato, roaches? What initially started as curiosity quickly turned into a deep passion for herpetology, and a connection with the reptile community as a whole. Im concerned. If a bug or insect glows in the dark, then do not feed it to your bearded dragon. The following vegetables are good choices to feed: Vegetables provide your bearded dragon with many nutrients and calories. Avocado, garlic, onion, and eggplant should all be avoided as they can be toxic even in small amounts. How regularly should my year and a half bearded dragon eat? Feeding your adult bearded dragon too many insects will lead to obesity, since they dont get as much exercise as beardies in the wild. Dust your lizards supplements on small amounts of food and offer this food first so you can be sure the supplements are actually being eaten. There are a variety of insects that you can feed your bearded dragon. The food list for your bearded dragon should include a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Heres the massive list of what vegetable and greens you can feed your bearded dragon: Sprouts Escarole Watercress Parsley Carnations Okra Sweet potato Green beans Kale Hibiscus Carrots Collard greens Broccoli Asparagus Zucchini Artichoke hearts Cucumber Cabbage Nasturtiums Geraniums Kohlrabi Cooked lentils Various types of Bananas should only be fed occasionally because of the high phosphorous to calcium ratio. Tomatoes: Yes tomatoes are low in oxalates and high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin, K, and folate. (Adult/female) What time of day? When we introduce a wild reptile to captivity it is important their food mimics the foods they eat naturally. Bearded dragons can eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, and greens. Inappropriate supplementation is a common problem for beardies in captivity. Cabbage, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin and sweet potato. While we may not be able to fully replicate the diet of bearded dragons living in the wild, youll want to replicate the lizards natural diet as closely as you can for your pet bearded dragon. The food list has feeder insects, veggies, plants and flowers, and fruit treats. While bearded dragons naturally live in hot and dry climates, its still very important for them to stay hydrated. Its a good idea to mix these up from week to week to provide nutritional diversity and a more balanced diet. Click here to see the full list of safe plants to feed your bearded dragon, or use the partial list below. Or do I feed them to my Beardie before feeding him insects? Alfalfa. Learn what kind of insects to feed your beardie, how to keep your insects healthy, and how to make sure your insects are nutritious. Hi there!Wow! Its recommended that you avoid light greens because they are high in fiber and nutrient-poor. 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