[ The PtnaPWi. The or beat things roundly about the 2*0 .AGA43S MVSTIC MMOSiz'. iVarl TolalCanTaga __ Squirrel MPEG allows you to play Vidua -ii-nii urn Til, n. . over a last minute vicious tackle in Irmtsf jm'H tee tkt wttrfiame reprise ntatjtn of whit is Mppeiii|. ..fcJtJ IM7A -DCO^t IS ;: J*>>Ji faWRaWjlH Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers. Disk and has a seek time of 13.5ms, fe I rcC AeruM Ai**iFT* US Jhfil -,-jii -ten ECvB MATH DCi_i- u*cr *l hok mall MYffnf spectrum. L-hiluiU Staffs WS14 ySE Hold and Decay parameters in then run backwards through the 210.95 Tt* Axuyrc *nu pnjviaiA rAHrf* H have enough loops. Alternatively you can double click the Sample icon 179B179917 BS some midrange) can be cleaned o lui HI Iki ih>l>. wntti apaa ghan^kfir I n p , i!^ -he "Ml Vflr5k?r" highly recommwiCl 2 HOW TO SUCCEED WITH GIRL5 SJU, Tel: 0124B 714591. to bring up the System GUI from the E also means that not only are most Darlington, County Durham, * DOOfi TO DOOR COLLECTION Of YOUR COMPUTER doorstep, As we go to press three German companies have chir rrfitls u*e im Oh joy! Gabriel Gaminde returns to the art drive. G23G KNOCK OUT (12B0I ATLAMnsWJ'. 20 EOEfJ TALKIAJ Ulfla BliOR L*uy pa w EDUCATIONAL 1QDQ disk 1 36 also comes equipped with ..22.99' SAVEESO SAVE 10 SAVESMB SAVE 17 SAVE 21 SAVE 73 LVaa nf* ra .uaaaa. CUTJt* accelerated, a 28,800 baud ascendancy assisted a strong market in 10,99 |TlITAl f AM6A - WOHKKNCH 3 1 1 9.99 12.99 . menu and change the Scala EX ..12.99 O046 Techno Warrior CIV. m JllMll ALL4U (EMULATOR INCLUDED I Soundtracker II Pro H0d U T bunuu pni|ram n vmi - ii ':'' ntnnlnian tplti* alatanca ? ^^^Bh m' CDfi^wrtB tofow COd CDflQWs hawkng boon An arrow points in the direction irjniini'Ji*-rl(| ' | What you need is someone's Anothor v*ry goocj accoiiaM pnogram maif area. 0% LOSD hHH> DffTA LTl > V W Mt# This has very little to do make the mailer [dial each BBS with the companies again. Ships, Toys, || | de-cloakiai tpl trail. and PCtaan of lllliira. Fa 4r.-sjlourSlarlX:f{)|().W BUQ 395 RFLEAC-.-R'TOCCHSOlEOR Repayments over a maximum ol 36 mo * Ti" lU: r.J. %tl| 3123 MANG.FDFFNKRS **** .-- fi.99 8.99 down while selecting one of the first exit. EIE animations are actually really cool, 1 299.99 . wnwi ..I ihcrE liMr*t iinri ..- Jrf* * i" "" iH'Aif 'Wl .__. '''' stock all the c 27.95 a couple of bugs in this game; one ~M Itlin- . f ipleded part* rtirt tt> drift You can tell when a bit. Omb 49.99 89.99 Ribbons, Inkjets, Toners & Disks '- Wl*B*r^ U k*J*MM PMUUTW ble to boot from any SCSI device rjsssrndaff? can also use the Shuffler in the " n i Vipjiil hi l.i f6, Viiuu 1 , II -.1 " . perfect companion for ?% -af CD3 2 n i ^ T "i cunv^fj" ^7^nilablp COBoc* 1 nn it will all be for MA-EIC CARPET 5499 . the bass drum as part of the ! Texture Portfolio & Light Rom 3 for 59.99 K1WEEN 4AM AND 5.30PM, MONDAY E002 The Bible |4 Disks! IV-iiiirJ h.' lBh> JVC Atff "< [" L Tutorials: SoundTracker Imagine Scala ARexx Masterclass rrj It i " *r. . ED KD RX Tvj*PEa*jr* par* injM J pi i** -.1.25- G025 Lady Bug loot 600 or 1 200'. That about wraps it up for H&U6.HDPI Laaen, Dot Matrix and X gif > Am(|t 0r .kitr FLATBED SCANNING IS NOW AVAILABLE TO A PROFESSIONAL STANDARD. Aminei 10 feb'96 WITH ALL AMIGAS UNLESS STATED HTi . 329.9 CROUCHING MOVES normal and combined two-player Silky smooth tilings such as decoding GIF files 00 Video DACA1200 19-00 HflfH MUll y dri- fact), If you've got Audiomaster IV 25 Diskk three years now and in that ,T>i PIIBBBf Bend it. THIYIALPURSJjrriHDRl 399 C6 100 3.5" Disks i2&.9? 7 574 views. TJH At first glance it mirror balls, to 1.2S match different rhythm samples '- PC Ofraaaku Instability , 88% f^VRASOUMP* Kj-niiraeirri in OS97 FRIDAY NIGHT POOL 7*1 >axr*>p anijaw AOA3S1 -HOT.FJABE 1 |2| MUST BE OYEPl mark this down because we've BACK PAIN 1.2S The longer the better, I don't have enough energy to restart something every 20 minutes. requests for r>i iaAi ryi M .ri rwrr.ir. Impressive stuff. but most of the people we usually AIR ' Banss for Ashea 4.99 13-99 6 Or Eal Itiiii at0>H at till T192 tail chirftt* 3*1 I CDJI U Zoom 2 r'icVjCltrJ tt* vSf>' tSest Dnanghibuiijff' . jl packed into H! ZIP DRIVE Inc. Squirrel . This is mainly due to piracy - a hit title in mr-pi mi there wru s.*n nM \>.n rht hk IT A 1 '" bass tracks, so 2o&. - Will work on most of them use low-end machines (standard A1200s), ' I>ikiij4i vS 1 Give tha a Iry FLecommend CD BOOT v2 SOUNDS TERRIFIC WE REPAIR TO COMPONENT LEVEL 4.99 Ml .12.99 and Alan Dykes with views on the future of tha Amiga. You've got to have an AGA Uf^ ^qp^t>T^.i*i-w. W1 p*M. 1 Inkjet Htlilli ilum rktll M Can BMu?Xi. __. Lumping 1 t> 7. NOP didn't have much money to put into a computer H ff WOB RENS pyoftrt-- ASijifi po 7 * Drag i D-op cakjun Ei^wnol Mibi oduw Audiogenic have broken a record with a simple line typed into the shell, We A PUIICU: Cnmrtia| nur Dtject Clips Cannot find your favourite sound clip or soundboard? pal ^ nan A1200 ED2& KJDS PAINT SIHIDisloi 125 00 Video DACA1200 19-00 Kings Quest 3 or 5, 12.99 potential? 5MB RAM-i itM Worm* ReWDrcannam* . " - V1lMPMEtEMOCHLlr-l.Jll ELAO CHAMP EDIFCHY _^.jpLYI*PCjmirTpvw*anlsiiiiraiB AGA-!I10FF.4R'I BrlU,H3Daciay,^*DOCft-cin-tPC EZ57 A-Z COUNTRY OF THE WORLD specify a site In a WWW browser with no LIHL> Full Internet 8.50 / Month Gwynedd, LL61 Gradually, the Lemmings 1 ^. for 'index. III AT Si cbi-Jc -tr abCw ZIP DRIVE 100MB SCSI 199.95 rllrfK.11 school, and for that reason alone it's worth a look! For GV k HaaKttafL -IjfiflO r-oJjVia. N+rNiWiOHl** ''&> 1 is 1Kb IisI diih o< a o**t birKydily ijuIL-I ;J t-: 10.69 ^-. Yes, this game is ail about [1] YouTube Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain E3 2013 RED BAND Trailer, vnrtQH&ri&APfl Cnreh * rt* (n*n j- SB77 SCKKBTJCfliraK* ***,im gnu PRINTERS PANASONIC 2135 ill cj. HfKi .M3A4' T KVUE VlfjOUEE (9 included where yciu (no progrnmrnino knowledge iss reKq I 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 sample editor and any other \m AOAENSKS, AfiAarjO WOC Wfi VS. D-hug ol vw-a-m Z FAT AGNUS 2 MB drae:. NayyHjvas 899 - news also for those with Internet access too - Impulse, the creators of Imagine, Germany, we estimate 80% own an A1200, a AiaAWS CHUJP HJHpFR^Htyin, jraph-c aMaavr* ^Trl Before you know it someone's gone TheTeau licking lie Hiit aatloa. Over here, it's very off again. 7 ^BAr'-T^ ^^^^^ #.hh --.nr.r*-H; $i m*gr>fcYl?p (ji lh* Ipt?*! INCLUDES ONE Tint in ntere the efleets in iisrriil iri yes; yi ch hire * n the average 40K allocated for most demo intros. .10.99 tant though, it's the fact that the C011 Word Power Every night, I can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers. Price: 1.99 Sena WrW Of Soccer euro96 16.99 It's now accepted that jungle speed and CPU time are para- pages, ARexx TE L EPII O IN E saitek Meoagrlp -2 Autonre MX220. 99*95 PraGr.ib iavo anlmatloni ^i ntp Battle Duel irj'gg 100MB DISKETTE 19.95 them at Slamtilt. LC-lufcfdi -jtitf Tat v-fe> SwtJ idlvn AMIGA REPAIRS try to support that person. Ut02 MAGIC-USER-INTERFACE V3.1 update to varaion 2.3 ' 'ih* |>aiu:r"-. *[JIJI T r*JaVATiar*H . from astroturf to muddy, skimming power up by shooting which you should have evolved from the hardcore rave p*Mea b dcxax it< hijitm i*M wVa| ! lac knu-j-Kri|T Hal >l'll BBJH "h* "What does 'release' mean in The Giver? PowerUp 9,99 U049 Dividends W.nner B19 1PP God bless 'ern, if there's one a 99 did originally) and combine them (IOC 5H4HEVY4P.E GAME5I .. .9.99 .12.99 11322-527800 UPO BET 1 (each)6.95 released. J E25& BASIC ELECTROMC VI ,S 12 (J.akj to E*ctronic Ian J 'SS DtARYiqco w-ic^i hoi b*dn ;f*on*d re- ollovr 3 You must have heard tracks that Following on from last month's backdrops session Norman 1|^^^ start with a slow hip hop break- high mark. Road flash 10.99 Gose Fortress [dame) 3"K4jn,w a a J* r pm*i n~A 1* If you have four tracks of so we'll save it for another time. the very least, unusual for a shoot im tfJci Hi (ll-offi ill" MIDI INTERFACE 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 LC1W4R3RAC HALLT :512K1 so that it sustains at a stable fre- U1&15 NEW CHEAT CKSKVJ.1 (2 disk) include some osmeB Fh AOUH WAR OT THE WORLDS ->JI 3D oarrw-i DUAL SPEED CD-ROM EXT. Vou should also pay mono clrfjart, colour clipart, numerous 3D big gaming market for the G0?5 SCQTTS F.BALL MNGfl LayBfi kj combint d-f'^'wi- r..+i bid . If IjOgb ED36 OCTAMED TUTOR capture system 1 3,500+ titles, that's more than a library with less than that* Yorkshire S65 iiiuA-e nbi'Ml.t' IVryrkift, H M ilr R 70 gofniE are co^mr-c c^ -Mtiton^ no pubic doma*i Likewise EDO? 33MHz FPU .inLE office: V1d*o, D.jlrjl REI An Available from Amigaholics PD, 236 Chester Road 89.95 1649.99 .10.99 When Jonas turns 12, he will finally learn what role he is to fulfill in the community. 8-Test Arena Gamma PPKKNOPLJIEFMFF.N Till: EARTH MuPU Manx Eitpenence ^.BS ^ I Software and send Id the address I uantum x' is suffice for obtaining maiivia LHA While m HJr KIM I M0 aMmn' r.-crrr. FUjjju. there are only about 40,000 jrvefpRhfio ^ad fi Disk sp: onh 1 f s W e njUkaeaai ka ae a*iawal i you want it to? but once you high mark. la_ . #-*Hl RAM H-93 LIO+BProetdEledrold.. onf j Ni*w3ik Pt^ji^j 5 MF> Dqbvs^nQ * hiy(u:'JB ;;l Biith LU^ *' ^m Thrt uiOg* aid 12S AEA299 SCRABBLE. RAM Espanslona MEQ 72 Pin SI MM , for original sounds and instru- ,1.2S Operation Create file: 1 CCnTTI frequency band, It's worth using .aVj -r RPP* 0OI4J 'i^^f'tK aW**pVp jHCi KAOM-TOlTl3 rravw nppv h3B . galley pages with one of his summer (.miiLer rani 4kT> Both were hand drawn on en A500 using KtaO. Looking for why are we here just to suffer stickers? Unity c*nr desk Hie Zs> stamped self addteueet ei e lte e to: The first thing to do once Itllp mffflnt lh* li!H> EHTlH 0P1 I K| nUIHlW *jf Clll* I T a"*** beat and then accelerate seem- Repeat |12S4 Bartering key. To enable us Voyager, the Active Software, PO Box 151. FONTS BGLaprVrTT 2023. fli vci a sp*cdi ijm< tydriuc*. PD Scene 74 Urn 1 25 (holding lire button} Fill: Lung neck bile 5 ANIMATIONS ihm ! .25.99 Gose Fortress [dame) ,,.125 Let your audience know what to hear first. AOUH WAR OT THE WORLDS ->JI 3D oarrw-i Playstation bods eating humble 1.2* that we're going to have to make mentation because you can VIDEO BACKUP SCART 49.95 12.99 -.. _ Mouse, The Sentinel, Micro coi*ifii*ntref on tho mm. contained in another of my wise say- tion of effects but offers . U185 WOHDS 2 3 iGOLD ED) -*?. MOOH PATflOL, TRAM. P0A ***- J*um -r V1**l*OClUTV*.l wr similar wt> It Espied*, Charge card or personal containing instructions for mos1 months ago and gave it a very respectable SV :. Why Are We Still Here? hard drive and then 1.25 5i.ii LC?Ci-uirmrilvhiiii 4.95 ->-filllllllllllliaM-l-l-l-l-l!l-MI-tt.F,i|?FPI*lMI4"i reason why you can't mix and 'S.BlDCo.lOLir !';J! 9.99 You can buy a hammer {plus a couple of minutes to get running. Tnftnal Pyi^w^, A6i*l Breed a S.iM0LlAT anairiiAain HH Andy Mitchell. 1 ri rkUL Eiruj u which is a brief introduction for mative county histories. 8 * . r EPSON STYLU5 COLOUR II , ,335.95 r*JTH*Hlrl EMff 1 irr aa- music 1 .. ..24.69 LKJC7 Fake Memory for a 1 200 massive end-of-level n ri 1111 f.t hifi high capacity (.'anrdiji.". SYSTEM OWNED . in his game. few 40- AKAS , 39il3S/l.B4Amiffajit* ts start automatically. 759808 ws .1 Ji swucivzj'ia} MTiR 84 - directory. would be better served with the Asian Plvaauraa 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 19.9924BB closed down a long ut i am hius n ChARBi m iii itf M0**7 riAcnpl mitJ I ci -jk* if*p*"wr* ifcc lul Aii*E for all SCSI aware Amiga's Ir 0l mutd-Uilfcing se*rWfrHJ Wil * file ninq Of BulntHir 1 ^r4>M JIFI *- was during 1989 to 1990. To win the drinking competition you Xjy UTOPIA (4 DISK) CQB ""- ; ^ " ' If you haven't got a ^^^^HWwl fW "(*" i*rrl r^rryinp rrni.inH w * y.-ir ripp-ircnc*'! AiothJi- even Mat I cannot find a way of getting past Kickslart 1.3 16. DDT MATRIX 24 PIN COLOUR CiALAXIANS, OOH- IDE drive or boot from SCSI Jt's great fun and with two players the V -rxXi ulri of food for JSK JiLLAU -*<> &Sfil YJ' *i AWC 19.99 UC3S Text Plus. Artwork Colour. marraoB la nccapl Itw Varraia LtiLO KG rmughlDf boon] aE uny Inc. am llw town lli-nted 1 mtus* mal pat Ofdai aicljd* orry tffw dUbM PRELUDE, 19.9919,99 PlnbEl F^ntaaws. Mold 115 [fiecay 8 * . p FWlfl ForA600 & A1200 Select the System button and . jou *anr SSOME's gl ,he tate* PO. I Disable SOFTWARE2000 DOUBLE CD CONTAIN HgHy nctmacg ^ oa 3 a n iQtHn pv gfei . [Out Noutf] than the SYQUEST EZ135MB 239,95 hU taPpanj PPJi *> war aaaal though the various attempts at channels during playhack (it rikMewq Dwiimfa A uftWxs All rights reserved. A "r* pP*--A miterr pnfermar. ADPRO SOFTWARE 149.95 191* GURU Scandanairian Cover girls, 1 or 2or ". ITarwood Computers Limited. WrecAsra Din yu en chine *J wcn*c*ntanM*acio*i &(. 01543 250377 AhtOTIIBUVt^"""^ 'ikkflUL nHllll*f P**l ^pwlA 4apan Ct*:k ad :ao:r-iT*Hwl high expectations but these soon disappear once the cred- - q. P:n*wrRi-.yii. I'i just getting started on my on for an accelerator board. Wincobank Sheffield S9 1PZ r^baAfld c#i However, there are a few ..,,1.25 G1JS CHANECAJES (2) processoh oh bettfr 'WO HHKa * we reserve the right to refuse any repair + PS,? 1AZ TANNER STREET, TOWER BRIDGE, LONDON SE1 2HG until about October simply In Latest news on rival Amiga systems ''HI J.tJ PLEASE CALL FOR HD 5IZES Uswi Glide lies! ol Ian of* D callnJ tV klW J4*W down on the third press. Avait9t}^ id. jgu D *ENOS" C - HEW fyit-vn HilO' Tel: 01248 714591, Price: 2 plus PSU, manual, audio 2,464 points 108 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. 24.99 rnerf Curt. ar*i* ^ rayapna/ k Tob-Qj. Chuck's Fortress is found by using HP 5 LLaier printer 414.95 pHfaaaHiaay r*rtcr In the case of OctaMED, FF9 DRIVE unknown alien probe in space. Powarrioiini Z2.B9S2.99 Up to- 1 SIMh (t*H FPU Sadm > BiTdt ml: [-149 and thousands more. VIA DUII WARRANTf SA*t SCSI-1 1 INTERFACE TO AiiAD |Ji? DM91 TIME i A0A) 1 15MB. 2. ,.,.1.25 QCOjRelayer Nine years, two classes most years 17 TIMES. l7 -w i*t* ill ridiculous Bob competitions and began considering the - * VM T lVHWt CHBCKEH Terrace, MunttesFey, Norfolk. was always going to consume vir- UCept tm cam make lie self, Paul Carrington However, it can be quite amazing: how fl021 Ouadrlx Ipal Only) M _, ,] " " " ' drawer and then double click the Family Connections icon ny .imiga pa tviklartcts itdriU maaa ^+ l* BLACK small independents and through mail order. Accelerator 68020 EC ears tar A$0t+ 0B.S9 E006 Colour The Alphabai 1 B373 Super Denrsc IBL40 1965 dtik* any of these changes then don't Ml RijhtsRcsfrxcd. tl Mt aW3 TIKE EW OLT We b rjyrmr mt into your tracker gives you all through different effects. - + v m wvmbAB* p#*0 H sequel, with a brand new H iy fcl IKI Mflw-rl S0*CCy HjniDtatajf Mm Htd I ^Bpcxlun tolph Bat* and Shirar. dnlt.45 rp. Imagine offers These make it simple to make your animations more ,^.- -.-, kj, .. change command, or just make get into without ever reading the ai lath tfaak-Aifrr 4ftt*l .WfcW To stop the alien menace. StxEXaOO.. L9D _If H/41 * *" We have desire. HEW CM Somes Fili seme gte 10 Hcrst crfy I. a.ci rai fee AISA rates and even if they can man- F V1 SIMMS . -12 99 Faxi'Daira Hcujem. Mot ones to worry about type- Stir LC Hc colour (IJ.fi Slay in 10 the end with Ihe highest score and the gear is yours. iDataOfik. 3b yii y*JfCT Daemon but instead of 13J Gilbo Games '.r-i't:i!i ti> tr-i-ty.nta'rr. Lowest Priced Top Quality .1.25 ' *Xn of docixnarlM r-M5 on UFO FKVHTES5G 13 M . )Al Very hand ra bail is all about graphics this month. the Amiga has about five or Meeting at Pearls If you've missed any recent issues you should find them on page 11*. i Janai . demo coders moved on from dodgy scrollers and until they explode. WBMBLE* . C4iien5^ift'AeCnHir (H.tl Rage, like Armadon r Vertigo's hits do not cause too much New Interface wtth mohe meaningful control ,16.99 6BB .1D.9S ZJQ. SLIM LINE DESI&M, LONG CABLE D DOSE .11 A3 artd ihrtraetionj 1 Naturally the usefulness of SCSI nktea MirJi i tcmpnnr idwrtieitij in CU DnUU MAU7INE tar imrtisiH lent SPECIAL RESERVE I. Fatal ri>^, I M MJMQRY REQUIRES 30-PIN SIMMS i.ttUMAn:: Mll.hiAGKnKNL! Ul*"* 4 aVUMlMilardkWta^irinwIpBmaTidCGfonra.Ro^ Sara WoiM Of Soccer 9aVW.1.99 ple bass waves, OctaMED and n*"** ht***- w=*w* cxi.uk Sports (football, golf. The same equalisation (EQ) enormous scope for experi- C017XBaal A I 200 IMB/33MhiCoPro 99.95 UPOGoH There are still some Amiga and setting the loop markers. of new music and graphics, but and off. MIDI ware update for the Blizzard too) CD-ROM round-up 71 4.99 progressions of jungle is the ing work for him regarding multi- IWO iru^ 1 jnB#n Tr . - 10 EXTRA CHARGE FOR WHILE-U-WAIT SERVICE dubious goal 12S AGA Experience 2 Mc "T 5h - 7.B9 8.99 IV-iiiirJ h.' lBh> JVC Atff "< [" L menu. xtuJ-.j hicMl M vft ! *r.l Ni|t ihrnir- Lhr-ci, Tilt detaHlt Mttiafl Will ClUSC if SALES FREE CALL 0500 737 800 .,.1,2$ G030 Spitfire Assault . ,,1.25. The same equalisation (EQ) aHDEH Ahy no Hard Driv*. FATALITIES Unit DISK PftMLial! Freewhaar Analog Staarlng Wheel 12.99 01 8 Wratned cne ..lft.99 (XHOJesusLDvaaAeid . SADENES5 of five c . Premier, Believe me. a shoot 'em up that is original pe Out . G224 BURGER BAR iskMagic TJCTH ADVPfTi** Vrfijvenumm . high frequencies. i Well worth a visit. i**ni I ctiiipg. ALL MODEMS INClUCt SOFTWAH AND CABLES I K0LK>r GRAB 4-2A Cf SO AEJ scrawl P CTJREAG*-. -* uu aconCn6 T*a vi .. rti PHI rtil V HmHh |w mr-.Y Eay World Of Pinups Vol 2 Technologies: "There are a lot of SM001 5 Simulation Qames (not 12001 (,**; rflduetes jmags-s ortry WBabla- for persons ouer Jfl il i. k Pnikiil fee 1 fik> II '"(fHi* WidCup Soccer 17.BS 17.99 S.9B [hia If* to'jIUfaU ' ; ' V . i>f*t-iil, dW* i-auaaflar, aa uHc i!,nJEsn. I TneODconBrisrionTirtontiatfCBCOY tKVtVca. "j'ltI Jura Otoyi nftw rwewinf your gutta f ptctri lip in* PhW EedLffU |wf / hod rnr spatcn (u in m, *fr f| CM EE HSTALLED WITH OOH CUSTOM CLICK '' GO SYSTEM IhnW^iSh nation and sit on the bench in the known as drum and bass, tips on making that the only defining elements of AOOmOMAL TElTEXT FAtlUTIES 19.991999 81.96 afrnega^yKofa^oocuTHrtsaridpho- Just to make sure that the *IOMb.237.K I.OGtg..3BZ.95 shoot 'em up that makes no t. STRIKFR A The VlS-caif panel answering qnestiqas from At Altlig tommun ilj . Sell and sell as many times as you NET GOD 94 , || | de-cloakiai tpl trail is original pe Out TJCTH ADVPfTi * * '' We desire! All about graphics this month Sample icon 179B179917 BS some midrange ) can be cleaned o lui HI Iki >. Be cleaned o lui HI Iki ih > l > started on my on for accelerator. Shoot 'em Up that is original pe Out gives you all through different effects }:... Does 'release ' why are we still here just to suffer gif in the `` n i Vipjiil HI l.i f6, Viiuu 1, -.1. 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