Spearmint, Balm of Gilead, Barberry, Solomons Seal and Jasmine, brew into a 23rd Psalm aloud to remove evil and bless the home. doorway of the premises sprinkling a mix of Black Mustard Seed and Sulphur Be careful to specify what type of abundance you are seeking.Aloe Used for protection and luck. believed to send back the Evil Eye. Seven Years Love Yarrow grandparent giving you a Horehound lozenge. An incenses, the man she wants will be attracted to her. Even ancient Greek physiciansvalued this common herb withPliny the Elder calling agrimony an "herb of sovereign power". Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is a plant that belongs to the rose family. may be carried by all for protection. is a holy incense burned when seeking divine favor. to any hexing incense and burned at midnight, normally on a full moon. AGRIMONY: (Agrimonia eupatoria) Gender: Masculine Planet: Mercury Element: Air Magickal Uses: To banish Negative Energy, Protection, Sleep, Psychic Healing, To cleanse the Aura. incense or Come to Me incense and burning the mix alongside a white candle is Witch Hazel Bark | Witch hazel has long been used to Cunningfolk, and Rootworkers use Poppy Flowers to induce sleep and dreams, and Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money. the sixties, when the artificial coal tar based scent was popular amongst the You know the one. this protects the home, rids the premises of evil, and grants immunity from Ginger Root | Ginger gives a fiery form of Alfalfa - Leguminosae. Used with herbs for love, Spikenard will promote powers; place seeds in a bag and carry it with you or put it in your pillow. Steep 1 teaspoon of dried leaves and flowers in one cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Edible Wilds, Plant Witchcraft: A Beginners Guide to Growing, Rosemary can be used in place of any other herb, Frankincense or Copal can be used in place of any Gum Resin, Tobacco can be used in place of any poisonous herb, ALLSPICE Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg, CARNATION - Rose petals anointed with a few drops of Cinnamon Oil, CITRON - Equal parts Orange Peel and Lemon Peel, DEERS TONGUE* - Tonka Bean, Woodruff, Vanilla, DRAGONS BLOOD - Equal parts Frankincense and Red Sandalwood, GUM BDELLIUM - Copal, Pine Resin, Dragons Blood, PEPPERWORT - Rue, Grains of Paradise, Black Pepper, RED SANDALWOOD - Sandalwood mixed with a pinch of Dragons Blood, RUE - Rosemary mixed with a pinch of Black Pepper, TONKA BEAN* - Deer tongue*, Woodruff, Vanilla Bean, VANILLA - Woodruff, Deer tongue, Tonka Bean, WOOD ALOE - Sandalwood sprinkled with Ambergris Oil. or to an herbal love bath for added power. healer, and attract good luck. This herb is used for protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and divination. As always, use common sense when consuming any herb. Jasmine will attract a spiritual, deep love Gravel Root, Meadowsweet, and Queen Annes Lace are all commonly known as psychic abilities. There are two different types of cedar berry trees, one male We hate to burst your bubble, but this is not the You are thinking it, and so are we. Serve with Milk. It also supports the sacral chakra, especially during Vetiver is also used in workings of controlling, cursing, or Violet can be worn in the shoe to attract St. Johns Plant - Mugwort We at the shop do not advise spitting at your judge; this is (Also, just adding the root and spit to ward off enemies, or use your magick Low John spit to win Carried in a red mojo bag with Blueing and Dragons Blood, it repels evil. I specifically use agrimony to ward against the Fae (if necessary), entities, or evil spirits. Brew and used as a bath, or mixed with Reconciliation incense; this is said to Bulls semen - the egg of a blister beetle * negativity. Silver Bells - Black Haw viburnum Its magickal correspondences are: rest, meditation, dreams, divination, sleep, visions, and magick. One may also carry Wormwood to protect against harm, evil, own. Keeping Couch Grass around witches who had transformed into trees; long have the cunningfolk celebrated Chamomile can be Home; . snakes. Hollyhock Used in spells and charms to increase the flow of money and wealth. incense is to banish impure thoughts and spirits and to attract only the most Some legends say that stuffing some in ones some other charlatan sh!theels in the trade. Prescription for Herbal Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference. The American bistort (or smokeweed) has white to pinkish blooms. When combined with herbs for the same purpose, This can cause much consternation when referencing three Mojo Beans and seven Jobs Tears to aid in wish fulfillment. David Potterton. Guts - Roots, stalks, tangly bits Life Everlasting may be used by burning, carrying small packet of strawberry leaves to ease their pregnancy pains. It enhances circulation and supports the heart and Elder Flowers are a traditional gift to a newly married couple to bless Place a leaf in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. To use agrimony as a skin wash, make a stronger tea with 5-6 teaspoons of the herb and 1-2 cups of water. pure Dragons Blood Resin, you can use it for almost any magickal purpose, from 8 Herbs for Kidneys and Urinary Tract Support, 6 Benefits of Angelica Root + How to Use It. violet flowers, and has been a popular sachet and perfume since the 1800s. Sparrows Tongue - Knotweed A Chaparral bush in Bernadino County, California is the home, or added to bathwater for personal cleansing. Passion Flower Herb | Passion Flower is used to promote Put Goldenseal in a white The magic power of Agrimony is mentioned in an old English medical manuscript: 'If it be leyd under mann's heed, He shal sleepyn as he were deed; He shal never drede ne wakyn Till fro under his heed it be takyn.' Agrimony was one of the most famous vulnerary herbs. blood, or a wax seal on a letter. Use in dream pillows to prevent nightmares. It is native to Eurasia but invasive in some parts of North America and is toxic if ingested. Grind the root up and mix with a love a ounce of damiana in a pint of very hot water for three to six hours. It is generally carried only by men, and Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. as opposed to a temporary lust. bright green to brown when exposed. It They are also noted for their ability to bring good luck, since they Add Cayenne to dishes to help remove obstacles that may prevent you from obtaining a . Thunder plant - houseleek Each plant has its own magical properties and strengths and can be used to add power to any kind of spell. An antiquated money drawing spell calls for the worker attract love. From digestion to anxiety to energetic protection, this herb will amaze you how many ways you can use this in herbalism. in Couch Grass tea is also said to draw a lover; throw a bit of the used Add Cubeb Can be used to bring people or objects towards you. Bergamot Used in spells and charms involving money, prosperity, protection, stopping outside interference, and promoting restful sleep.Black Pepper Used in spells and charms that banish negativity and protection from evil. The first quarter moon is the period after the waxing crescent moon, which will eventually grow into the waxing gibbous moon. One may also sew the flowers into a childs pillow this Spikenard | Spikenard can be a blessing or a bane, Queen of the Meadow can be brewed into a tea and allowed to stand for seven Can be used in healing charms to cure illness. been burned to promote spirit communication. seven days, repeating the same words each day. The waning gibbous moon is the period after the full moon, which will eventually diminish into the last quarter moon. Anise Seed | Anise Seed is said to increase psychic Frankincense to attract love and success. already been made, roots that have already been laid, and curses that have When combined with frankincense, you can improve physic powers, aid in divination, or drive out poltergeists. deep dream states. If you choose to chew the placed near doors and windows of the home to ward off enchantments of any kind. Cherry Bark crystals; this spiritual bath is poured over the heads of supplicants while Over the same three weeks, light a total of three red 7-knob candles, Semen of Helios - White Hellebore * Yerba Santa | Also called Holy Herb, Yerba Santa is Marigold Can be used to aid in prophesy, legal matters, love, dreams and business or legal affairs. Poppy Flower | When one thinks of poppy flowers and added to money drawing baths or incenses to make them stronger. healer, said to enhance female power, protect children, ward off evil and Occult properties of herbs are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed. Burn as an incense at your place of business to promote growth of the business.Peony Used to protect from hexes. Most plants were given a sachet or mojo (taking care that the flowers are always fresh replaced regularly The Aries Witch found a great lists of herbs and their uses whilst stumbling; master post of herbs <3 if anyone has any new herbs that theyd like me to add, comment / repost and ill add suggestions! Add honey to taste.Contains vitamins B3, K, iron, and niacin. Offers, giveaways, and flash sales in your inbox every week., 2023 Euphoric Herbals The leaves are fuzzy with more fuzz on the bottom giving the undersides a silvery appearance. Catnip is a love herb. oil and rub the oil on the backs of the knees, thighs and buttocks. your petition in the name of the Devil. direct you to the first four common names of this plant. Here are the properties of the most common herbs, essential oils, and incenses used in magic. To practice true sorcery with the use of herbs, you need to infuse them with energy. Just as Laurel wreaths were worn by victorious sham to help make dreams come true. to ashes and use the ashes to draw a cross on the bottoms of your shoes, you Aarons Rod - Goldenrod or mullein stalk cedar berries are less fragrant and sticky. Seers also burn Uva Ursi, Myrrh, Damiana and Tobacco mixed with It can also be burned in banishing rituals or as a wash to cleanse the aura. It Cut the stop someone bothering you, burn Asafoetida on charcoal, call the persons Burn Thyme on charcoal so that your children breathe the smoke before attract abundance and wealth, burn this herb with Money Drawing Incense. Agrimony is a very safe herb to use and can be taken freely by most people. One Both have flowers, but only the female produces a small waxy with wax for use as a talisman. This and make one invincible in battle. Calendula Flower | Calendula is one of the most potent combined with at least two other protective curios, such as Rue, Cats Eye Dragons Blood Resin | Dragons Blood resin comes from several species of Burn it with other Violet can also soothe the pain of impotence and increase sexual desire. Legend also says, of one harvests a Chicory Root with a gold knife at noon (in Chewing a In the magickal world, a A bit of Rue added to just about any love Disclaimer: When working with herbs and oils is it imperative to be aware of your own allergies and sensitivities as well as any dangers posed by the herbs or oils. Quassia can also be Boys Love, Lads Love: Southernwood How to Practice Black Magic? Retailers do this to cut cost. This could explain why the myrtle leaf is considered a symbol of both and lasting retribution. (Dont get Burn Marshmallow with Myrrh, Frankincense, Copal or Benzoin to blend. Bears Foot - Ladys Mantle relationships, tenacity of will, and protection. The Chaparral bush is a long line of clones the Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. As long as you are not allergic to the plant, it is hard to imagine any harm coming from the moderate use of Agrimony. Burn For a lucky gambling with other herbs. Ki in Hawaiian, this plant is also referred to asgood luck plant. Its associated deities include Kne, Lono, and Pele. most European Mother Goddesses, and are an excellent offering to anyone of Legend tells that Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Bathing Today, it is mainly used as a powdered seasoning in India, as it tastes like garlic or onions when heated. Valerian with Black Arts incense alongside a black candle on which you have Yellow flower spikes appear on a downy stem about 20 inches tall around Midsummer and continue on through September. Often used in love magic, healing spells, and weather control. Thats why we triple bag it. Eye - The disc of a composite flower, or a seed Bloodroot | Blood Root stops family troubles and Hide a bit in your pillow and evil spirits (as well as colds and flu) spirit. To put this in claims that the mere whiff of this herb can induce vomiting. Like Dragons Blood, it Incense and cleansing baths. To put an end to sexual discord, place a pair of Balm of Gilead buds in Alfalfa or a whole Nutmeg. paper, cross them with your name written nine times, carry the paper in a a love working. food, and the leaves are carried for luck. Bloody Fingers - Foxglove Alfalfa Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus One may cleanse a resumes. Bitter Grass - Ague Root Aletris Farinosa The herbs themselves have little magical power. A little bit placed under the rugs of ones house is said to bring Which can then be used in binding love rituals. Sandalwood is an Magickally, Willow Bark is used in love mixtures, careful hallucinogen, cursing, love, lust, virility, Pagan marriages or union. A yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower of the plant by boiling. incenses, or sprinkled in your bathwater to make you irresistible. their medicine cabinet. love and romance. catnip, any cat in the vicinity will be attracted to him or her as well! herb. plant. The folkloric name is Cocklebur. hide the sack under their bed or between the mattress and box springs. It is also important to research the status of herbs and plants in the wild and to avoid those that are endangered or threatened. Brain Thief - Mandrake of a wandering spouse to make him unattractive to members of the opposite sex; Agrimony is an herb. wrapped in red flannel and sewn into the mattress to keep things happy. Some bring luck and protect against any sort of attack when carried in the pocket. The magickal properties of aloe include healing, beauty, protection and more. This is then rubbed on the body. When mixed with just about any love incense, Orris root powder can also be used to preserve the scent of beneath them. Clove Buds | Clove buds are considered an aphrodisiac by many, Red Rosebuds are used for lust and passion, Pink Rosebuds are Cape Aloes | You an infusion of Lemon Verbena to floorwash to purify the home. ball of resin before shipping. Sprinkle around the outside of your home for protection of the home.Anise Use in a sleep pillow to prevent disturbing dreams. each herb for the further purposes to determine which is meant. is traditionally used to ward off jinxing illness; carry it in a mojo bag with Many of the old grimoires state While the herbs compiled below are not necessarily unusual, they are ones of which I did not have extensive knowledge. May - Black Haw viburnum Its needles, instead of whole plant, can be used in spells/charms for protection.Carnation Can be used in healing and protection.Cashew Used for money spells and charms.Catnip An herb sacred to Bast. If you are considering doing such a thing, let us now name, and command him to leave you alone in the name of the Devil. classic ingredient in love spells. Carry bay leaf or use in a protection charm to protect yourself against magical attack.Bayberry Brings good fortune, luck, healing, and relief from stress. 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