Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one. Empower your your sword so that it slices the air around a target you can see within 40 feet. Once a guardsman then body for the emperor, he started to deal in dark magic after being feed a lies by demons. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. HOPE has a base damage of 1d4 + Dex Modifier force damage, with a range of (100/400). Eventually they were forced out and have lived and adapted to life on the surface. Each order specializes in a specific approach to harness the elements. You range from 5 to 7 feet tall. Starting at 9th level, as a reaction when a creature marked by your Deadeye's Gaze dies, you may trigger a burst of shadow energy against each creature within 5-feet of the marked creature forcing them to make a Dexterity save. Darkvision Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. While invoking the power of Shiro, he is forced to translate thieves cant to you. The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. Menu. The radiant or necrotic damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d8. Enemies that see you transform must make a wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until this power ends. The Minstrel is a golden rooster harp. The radiant damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d6. Barb. Search by name on the left, click race name to display on the right. An effect option in an aura specifies how long its effect lasts. They are now reincarnated as wrathful, angry,beings who live for battle. Monster Wrestler You count as one size category larger when grappling creature larger than yourself, in addition you can use a bonus action to attempt to escape a grapple. Recite a hymn from the annals of Zephyr to hasten yourself and allies. Upon the commander's death he or she reviled that the pack was the reason they were a good commander. Create Water (1-7 pp). Concentration. When you hide in such an area you are Invisible until you Attack or take another Move or Dash action. Many charr have a longer mane of fur between the shoulders and on the back of the head and neck. Sorry about the false page, the writer doesn't know how to make a proper Table of Contents using the GMBinder. As an action amplify the magnetics in your shield causing creatures that are holding metal weapons within to make a Strength Saving throw DC equal to your Elementalist DC or lose their grip on their weapon(s). The sword was named The Shining Blade, after the elite force that once protect a nations royal family. Starting at 14th level you can use an action to consume an active facet to unleash a strong wind that requires creatures up to 10 feet in front of you to make strength saving throw. Recite the ritual of cleansing that activates after a conditions is applied. Asura are a very short race that typically have slender builds with the head, hands and feet being larger than expected. The wielder of the sword also knows what time of day it is. Create a powerful well that warps space in an area, knocking down, floating, and pulling foes caught in its event horizon. Flawed Being in the Flame legion has lead you to be racist against non-charr, especially humans. As a bonus action, empower your sword skills so that your next attack is a critical hit. (It still does 2d6 worth of damage no matter the form). Asura do not have a last name, instead opting to use job titles, a krewe name, or honorifics to differentiate themselves. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn, or a minute has passed. It uses the base mechanics from D&D 5e, and the core ideas from Arenet's Guild Wars 2, which is owned by NCSOFT. Due to the proximity of your arms, you cannot wield more than two weapons at a time that do not have the light property.Ceramic Skin. Enemies that try to cross the diameter must make a dexterity save throw taking 2d12 radiant damage on a failed save and fail to cross the ring and half as much on a successful save. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Asura's were once warriors who, even if they meant well, did something terrible. The School of the Reaper teaches their students to imbue the recently collected Life Force into magical shouts. While flying the wearer doesn't provoke an opportunity attack. The target and each creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage. The wielder also gains advantage on survival and stealth checks in savannah and jungle areas. Remember, by far his greatest strength is his unyielding rage. As an action create a False Oasis for 3 illusion points over an area of a circle with a diamater of 10 feet centered on you. When you make a successful save against a dragons breath weapon, you take no damage rather then half. All your illusions attack the same target and disappear (shatter at higher levels) when the target has been killed. Enemies that trigger the trap cause swords of light to spawn around the diameter of the trap. While focused on this aura, as a bonus action you can light your hand on fire creating a bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Mountain and desert temples are their homes, and they live among other asura just as prone to outburst as they. The anthro race is a general umbrella term for a variety of humanoids that have animal traits, most commonly distinguishable on the head and maybe a tail. The wielder gains resistance to physic damage. How long a fire has been burning / burned. He spends his time now gathering an army to avenge his fallen god. But that's as far as I got. Some Terrestrial Weapon skills require energy points. Weakness and foolishness from individuals is viewed with particular contempt, some of such acts can result in a charr becoming a gladium, or in a worse case, the charr's name being stricken from the race's history. The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to a +3. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier Starting at 3rd level, you can mark a target that you can see as a Bonus Action. Call Pack Starting at 5th level you can use an action you summon 3 wolves in an empty space within 30 feet. Death too is not fully understood but viewed as something to be embraced and, as with many things in a sylvari's life, is viewed with a great degree of curiosity. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! I was working on classes, but I couldn't find the right place to start. They have short fur from head to toe in a variety of colors and patterns, many of which are similar to those of lions, cheetahs and tigers. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. What and how these meditations work can be found at the end of this section. As a bonus action, you become surrounded by electricity until your concentration ends. The wear can cast the Scrying spell through the trinket once a day, the spell has a DC of 17. Now the wearer can activate the wings as a reaction, and their fly speed is the same as their walking speed. You are considered proficient with this Dex based attack. Society is built around military units which charr become a part of from childhood. While carrying the tome, you understand the abyssal language. From now on you can switch a prepared legend as a free action, and swap a prepared legend with an unprepared legend as as a bonus action. Spellcasting Ability Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells and wells you learn through your studies of time manipulation. Sparkling stars emanate from the center glow. As an action blow your horn in an upbeat way to inspire all your allies in a 20 feet radius circle centered on you giving them advantage on their next hit. The DC is determined by your legend ability. The aura specifies the type of action and number of power points it requires. For 5 Life Force your sand shades Each wells cost temporal points, which mess with the fabric of time. Phoenix Fire As a bonus action you can make any fire damage you deal magically infused so that it hurts even the most resilient creatures. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 acid, cold, fire, force, or lightning damage. Enemies within that wave have disadvantage on their next attack. Spellcasting Ability Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells and mirage skills you learn through your studies of illusion magic. The Great Spirit is Bear, who is seen as the strongest of all the spirits and is said to have granted the norn with the ability to 'become the bear'. On a failed save, they become Poisoned. As a bonus action you turn yourself into Reaper once per long rest. The Oath of the Dragonhunter is that of Paladin thats personal past or god has an extreme hatred for Dragons. The blade's edge is a painterly design whose texture shifts and rotates. The Flame Legion (pejoratively referred to as the Gold Legion by their enemies), is one of the four charr High Legions. Once triggered an explosion of light erupts from the center of the trap. Meteorlogicus is a glowing orrery whose planets and clouds move. Though the exact words and strictures of the Oath of the Dragonhunter vary, most paladins of this oath share these tenets. So level 1-6 they just look like large humans. They use long bows and heavy crossbows to snipe at a long range, marking targets to harass them with harmful effects. The amount of tempral points you have is equal to your Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus. At 10th level your soul has become so tainted from the harvesting of Life Force that you can use necrotic energy to heal yourself. Until the end of your next turn you can add your intelligence modifier to any damage rolls you make. The biggest difference and the best way to tell a Druid and Elementalist apart is that an Elementalist will never shape change and does not care about balance. On a failed dexterity saving throw everyone takes 3d8 piercing damage and are knocked prone and half as much on a successful save. Starting at 2nd level, you can draw vigor from the elemental energy you use to power your elemental auras. At 3rd level, you sacrifice your use of Heavy and Medium Armor to make the complex hand movement and gestures for the following spells. As a bonus action, place the Facet of Darkness on yourself that gives you and nearby allies within a 20 feet diameter circle an increases critical hit range to be 19-20. As a reaction form taking damage from a melee attack you can spend 2 illusion points to evade backward up to 15 feet, leaving behind a Mirage Mirror where you once stood. The charr are a military culture and their society, technology and relationships are very much focused on supporting war. Normal Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet. The bonus equals +1d6 fire damage per power point spent. But no matter a charr's vocation they are always viewed as a soldier and view life like a soldier. They cannot use this ability again until they finish a short rest. If an enemy leaves melee range with one of your illusions you can spend your reaction to take an attack of opportunity from the illusion. Once the save has been made the target can't be frightened by this ability for another 24 hours. Size. I used u/pa1ebluedot version of the Deadeye for much of the bases for the sub-class. The wielder can now cast Create or Destroy Water once per long rest. Allies inside of the circle gain an additional +2 bonus to their AC until the end of their next turn. At 1st level, you know one elemental aura of your choice. An aura provides different options for how The Radiant Bow lasts for 1 minute, until you drop it, dismiss it, or you fall unconscious. As an action you summon a spiritual raven and cast animal messenger on it. As a bonus action, summon a projected image of Ventari's tablet into an empty space you can see within 30 feet or move the tablet 60 feet. Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a necromancy spell into your spellbook is halved. As a bonus action the wielder can light up the sword bright light for 40 feet and dim light for another 40 feet. The critical range for the axe becomes 18-20. This energy is represented by energy points. Once you get a condition this mantra activates cleansing the conditions. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.Age. As an action create up to 10 gallons of clean water per power point spent 30 feet in an open container. Second, choose the Far Traveler background. These properties replace the optional ones presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide. After attunement the wielder can change the blade to any form of two handed weapon. As a bonus action amply the electricity so on the next strike the target must make a constitution saving throw. Elemental Auras were each discovered by Attack Signal (2 pp). Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed of 60 feet. Sharur was once made by an ancient advanced sunken civilization. Whatever the case may be, it is evident from afar that an asura is no ordinary humanoid. As an action detonate the tablet. The HMS Divinity was once a great seafaring vessel, but after an in counter with water genasi went poorly it became a riffle that has the power of cannon behind it. Once youve used this trait you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest. The worship of the spirits Snow Leopard, Raven and Wolf is also prevalent because of the assistance they gave the norn in the past on their exodus south. For Elemantalists, nature is a force to be reckon with. options power point cost. Allies inside the circle can spend a number of hit dice equal up to your Wisdom modifier to heal themselves, while at the same time they are cured of the poisoned, burning, fatigued, or stunned condition. You also gain the following traits as part of your transformation: At 14th level, you have masterd the harvesting of Life Force from the recently killed. Roll initiative for the elemental, which has its own turns. Feel free to point them out, just realize there will be a lot of them. As part of your move on your turn, you can fly up to 20 feet for each power point spent. On a failed save they take 4d10 necrotic damage and half as much on a successful save. Search by name on the left, click race name to display on the right. Additionally when the wielder hits with an attack using this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 poison damage. Asuran Colleges. The Last King of Deldrimor Dwarf clan. While playing this harp, the wielder has advantage on performance checks. Unfortunately for the charr, the basis for the Flame Legion's dominance was deceit, and so when their treachery was discovered, it was outcast from the other Legions in a spectacular fashion. . In their humanoid form they are not only tall, at around eight feet, but their proportions are much broader and more heavily muscled than a typical human. The number of beast, size and challenge rating your companions can have can be found by in the Companion Table found bellow. The poison damage dealt by attacks with this weapon increases to 1d6. Focus the elemental energy of the earth in the area to manifest crystals on your spear. Creatures that are normal immune to fire damage take half damage, while creatures that resist fire take full damage. Starting at 10th level, you have learned how to overload your auras. At 18th level through meditation you have learned how to create an Antimagic Field. Over the ages, however, after constant upheaval, they now sequester themselves away to be among one another. Their fur patterns are also like that of leopards, snow leopards, and even some fur types of common housecats. No matter what form it takes it always has six side star with an eye in the center. Darkvision: Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 feet. Shout at a target making them easier to hit. A group of goblins surround an armored man thinking they've found a meal. Courage. For 2 Daily Light you can place a Light's Judgment. At best, their reverence and respect is limited only to great heroes and their deeds in their history, such as Pyre Fierceshot and Kalla Scorchrazor. At 7th level you learn how to use your temporal magic to create magical temporal wells. Slide forward, hurting all foes in your path. The Moot is a mace with a disco ball as its head. That foe must make a wisdom saving throw. Burning Retreat (2 pp). The wielder's swimming speed becomes 50 feet. While wearing it, you can rage like a Barbarian once per day. different specialization and tend to reflect their creators specialties. At the same time you take one point of exhaustion. While drawn, the head will light up and reflect light as well as spin around clockwise. Legends say that she protected her world from total annihilation thanks to her precognitive abilities. If you end this flight in the air, you fall unless something else holds you aloft. While focused on this your aura, your handaxe deals fire damage rather than slashing damage. Additionally when the wielder hits with an attack using this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. The Flame Legion is defined by zealotry and superstition. A Mantra can activate a number of times equal to your charisma modifier before it can no longer trigger. Manifest the metals in the earth to magnetize to your shield in your hand giving you increased defenses. The illusion can immediately takes an attack for you, but the damage dealt is only equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier. Your size is Medium.Speed. At 3rd level the bond with your beasts are so strong that you can merge into one gaining the following benefits: You can only enter Beastmode once per long rest and it only lasts up to one hour, or you die. As an action create a stone road in front of you that becomes difficult terrain and damages foes that walk across it. Allys within the trap heal 2d10 hit points. Forest Runner Your base walking speed is 35 feet. The norn do not fear death as they believe the bold and strong can achieve immortality, but they do fear they will be weak and end up forgotten. Tieflings of specific bloodlines (see below) gain a +2 bonus on different skill checks as indicated. For example, as a 3rd-level Elementalist, you can spend no more than 3 power points on an aura each time you use it, no matter how many power points you have. A storied race in many senses, asura are an ancient race that are said to be lacking in the self control their human descendants have. Each Mantra has it's own trigger condition that must be meet in order for the Mantra to activate. As a bonus action, empower your staff strikes so that they do force damage rather then it's normal damage type. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon's Misfire score, the weapon misfires. Discern color in darkness, only shades of gray being feed a lies by demons Daily you... Of their turn, or lightning damage no damage rather than slashing damage of fur between the shoulders on! Allies inside of the Dragonhunter vary, most paladins of this Oath these. Get a condition this Mantra activates cleansing the conditions create a powerful well that warps space an! Holds you aloft your move on your turn, you asura race 5e also replace one maneuver you know one elemental of... Deals fire damage take half damage, while creatures that are normal immune to fire damage per power point 30. 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