Them Pins was after Master all de time for a while at de first of de War, and he was afraid to ride into Ft. Smith much. Lots of the slave children didn't ever learn to read or write. He would sing for us, and I'd like to hear them old songs again! I remember Chief John Ross. Birth 04 Oct 1852 - New Hope, Ok. Death 24 Sep 1879 - Saline District, Cherokee Nation, I.T. He used to take us to where Hyde Park is and we'd all go fishin'. He was the father of Nancy Vann Mackey; and Delilah Amelia, wife of Oliver H. Perry Brewer (Brewer cemetery). Yes, I have seen something, a story about a 'grandson' of Joseph VANN running away to Texas. When they get it they take it back to their cabin. Their slaves also helped build the nearby Moravian mission and school in Spring Place. Joseph Vann removed to the West in 1836. He died early in 1771, and was replaced by John Vann. Some had been in a big run-away and had been brung back, and wasn't so good, so he keep them on the boat all the time mostly. Oh they was good. . His pappy was old Captain "Rich Joe" Vann, and he had been dead ever since long before de War. I've seen em. Pappa got the soldier fever from being in the War; no, I don't mean like the chills and fever, but just a fever to be in the army, I guess for he joined the regular U.S. Army after a while, serving five years in the 10th Cavalry at Fort Sill during the same time John Adair of Tahelquah and John Gallagher of Muskogee was in the army. Wife belong to de church and all de children too, and I think all should look after saving their souls so as to drive de nail in, and den go about de earth spreading kindness and hoeing de row clean so as to clinch dat nail and make dem safe for Glory. Pappa named Charley Nave; mamma's name was Mary Vann before she marry and her papa was Talaka Vann, one of Joe Vann's slave down around Webber's Falls. He went clean to Louisville, Kentucky, and back. He is indeed of warm temper, but who can gain his love, which is no hard task, has gained all, and we have no doubt that with reasonable management, he may be made a very useful man.". Yes Lord Yes. I'm glad the War's over and I am free to meet God like anybody else, and my grandchildren can learn to read and write. I dont know what he done after that. He jest kept him and he was a good negro after that. My marster and missus buried their money and valuables everywhere. I'm gonna give Lucy this black mare. I always pick a whole passel of muscadines for old Master and he make up sour wine, and dat helps out when we git the bowel complaint from eating dat fresh pork. Our marshal made us all sign up like this; who are you, where you come from, where you go to. -ga Vann, Delilah Amelia Mcnair (born Vann), Sarah "sallie" Vann Nicholson Or Buzzard Trapper (born Vann), Tacah To Kah Do Key, Oct 26 1844 - Ohio, Indiana, United States, Chief "crazy" James Ti-ka-lo-hi Clement Vann, Nancy Ann Vann (born Timberlake Brown). There was Mr. Jim Collins, and Mr. Bell, and Mr. Dave Franklin . He and Master took race horses down the river, away off and they'd come back with sacks of money that them horses won in the races. I had a silver dine on it, too, for a long time, but I took it off and got me a box of snuff. Joseph Vann, son of Chief Joseph Vann and his wife Margaret Scott Vann, married first, Jennie Springton, born December 23, 1804, died August 4, 1863. He took us back to Texas right down near where I was born at Bellview. Joseph Vann was the son of Chief Crazy James Vann , a half-breed Cherokee and Elizabeth Hicks. Two year old when my mamma died so I remember nothing of her, and most of my sisters and brothers dead too. The colored folks did most of the fiddlin'. Master give me over to de National Freedmen's bureau and I was bound out to a Cherokee woman name Lizzie McGee. He was a Cherokee leader who owned Diamond Hill (now known as the Chief Vann House), many slaves, taverns, and steamboats that he operated on the Arkansas, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers. Unfortunately, this building was later destroyed during the American Civil War. He was a Cherokee leader who owned Diamond Hill (now known as the Chief Vann House), many slaves, taverns, and steamboats that he operated on the Arkansas, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers. See other search results for Chief Joseph David VANN Ready to discover your family story? I never forget when they sold off some more negroes at de same time, too and put dem all in a pen for de trader to come and look at. Some of us had money. He didn't want em to imagine he give one more than he give the other. He passed away on 21 Feb 1809 in Shot at Buffington Tavern, GA, USA. My mother Betsy Vann, worked in the big house for the missus. He had charge of all Master Chism's and Master Vann's race horses. My missus name was Doublehead before she married Jim Vann. He said that those troops burned the Vann home during their pillage. Lord no, he didn't. Joseph Vann inherited the "Diamond Hill" estate from his father and from him he also inherited the ability for trading by which he increased his fortune to a fabulous size. There was a house yonder where was dry clothes, blankets, everything. Chief James Clement Vann married Mary Margaret "Peggy" Scott and had 14 children. One time we sold one hundred hogs on the foot. Didn't you never see one of them slidin' beds? There was a house yonder where was dry clothes, blankets, everything. One day Missus Jennie say to Marster Jim, she says, "Mr. Vann, you come here. He located at Webbers Falls on the Arkansas River and operated a line of steamboats on the Arkansas, Mississippi, and Ohio Rivers. Son of Di-Ga-Lo-Hi 'James' "Crazy Chief Vann and Go-sa-du-i-sga Nancy Timberlake A bunch of us who was part Indian and part colored, we got our bed clothes together some hams and a lot of coffee and flour and started to Mexico. sse Vann, James Clement Jr. Vann, Mary Vann, Delila Copeland (born Vann), John Vann, John Vann, Joseph Vann, John Vann, Mary Vann, Robert sse Vann, James Clement Jr. Vann, Mary Vann, Delila Copeland (born Vann), John Vann, John Vann, Joseph H Vann, John Vann, Mary Vann, Robe James (Ti-ka-lo-hi) (James Wahli Vann Etc. On October 23, 1844, the steamboat Lucy Walker departed Louisville, Kentucky, bound for New Orleans. When anybody die, someone sit up with them day and night till they put them in the ground. After de War was over, Old Master tell me I am free but he will look out after me cause I am just a little negro and I ain't got no sense. Old Mistress had inherited some property from her pappy and dey had de slave money and when dey turned everything into good money after de War dat stuff only come to about six thousand dollars in good money, she told me. The home was subsequently owned by . My mother was seamstress. Then I had clean warm clothes and I had to keep them clean too! Every dollar she make on the track, I give it to Lucy." Mr. Reese had a big flock of peafowls dat had belonged to Mr. Scott and I had to take care of demWhitefolks. We git three or four crops of different things out of dat farm every ear, and something growing on dat place winter and summer. A doctor put it in alcohol and they kept it a long time. They never sent us anywhere with a cotton dress. Yes, Lord Yes. Father of Nancy Vann; David Vann; Sallie Blackburn Vore; William Vann; Sophia S. Johnson and 9 others; Charles J. Vann; Delilah Amelia Brewer; Joseph W. Vann; Jane Elizabeth Vann; James Springston Vann; Mary Frances Vann; John Shepherd Vann, Sr.; Henry Clay Vann and Minerva Vann less Source: [3] Lucy Walker steamboat disaster, [1]. They rendezvoused with other slaves who had agreed to participate in the revolt, stole horses to ride to their freedom, then broke into a store to steal guns, ammunition, food, and supplies they needed for their planned escape to Mexicowhere slavery was illegal. Cal Robertson was eighty-nine years old when I married him forty years age, right on this porch. I had on my old clothes for the wedding, and I aint had any good clothes since I was a little slave girl. It look lots of clothes for all them slaves. In de second year of de War he sold my mammy and my aunt dat was Uncle Joe's wife and my two brothers and my little sister. Eventually the Cherokee council granted Joseph the inheritance in line with his father's wish; this included 2,000 acres (8.1 km2) of land, trading posts, river ferries, and the Vann House in Spring Place, Georgia. Born in Spring Place, Murray, Georgia, United States on 11 Feb 1765 to John Joseph 'Indian Trader' Cherokee Vann and WahLi Wa-Wli aka Polly Otterlifter Mary Christiana Otterlifter Wolf Clan. Missus Jenni lived in a big house in Webbers Fall.s Don't know where the other one lived. Don't know what they ever did with that arm. Clarinda Vann and my aunt Maria turned the keys to the vault and commissary. Joseph Lewis "Rooster Crowing". Chief Joseph David VANNfamily tree Parents John Joseph 'Indian Trader' Cherokee Vann 1735- 1815 Waw Li Otterlifter 1750- 1835 Wrong Chief Joseph David VANN? Master Thompson brought us from Texas when I was too little to remember about it, and I din't know how long it was before we was all sold to John Harnage, "Marse John" was his pet name and he liked to be called that-a-way. Chief Joseph David VANN passed awayon 1844in in boat race on Ohio River, Indiana. Women came in satin dresses, all dressed up, big combs in their hair, lots of rings and bracelets. Christmas lasted a whole month. Master's name was Joe Sheppard, and he was a Cherokee Indian. Bryan (t) Ward also had a white family and his son John/Jack married a Cherokee woman named Caty McDaniel. Everybody pretty near to crazy when they bring that arm home. Oh Lord, no. We had a good song I remember. All my children was from the first marriage: Thomas, Dora, Charley, Marie, Opal, William, Arthur, Margaret, Thadral and Hubbard. He died on September 21, 1904, and was buried in the Colville Indian Cemetery on the Colville Reservation. After the old time rich folks die, them that had their money buried, they com back and haunt the places where it is. Well, I'll tell you, you pull it out from the wall something like a shelf. She done his washing and knew the cuff of his sleeve. Everything we had was made by my folks. Sometimes us children would try to follow her, but she'd turn us around pretty quick and chase us back with: "Go on back to the house or the wolves get you.". After the war I married Paul Alexander, but I never took his name. Everything was fine, Lord have mercy on me, yes. Person Interviewed: Betty Robertson Location: Fort Gibson, Oklahoma Age: 93 I was born close to Webbers Falls, in the Canadian District of the Cherokee Nation, in the same year that my pappy was blowed up and killed in the big boat accident that killed my old Master. He would tell em plain before hand, "Now no trouble." Soon as you come out of the water you go over there and change clothes. Mammy say they was lots of excitement on old Master's place and all the negroes mighty scared, but he didn't sell my pappy off. They could have anything they wanted. It was bad, oh it was bad. Joseph Vann took the rebel slaves belonging to him out of the Cherokee Nation and permanently assigned them to work on his steamboats. Some niggers say my pappy kept hollering, Rum it to the bank! And we had corn bread and cakes baked every day. There was big parties and dances. Marster Jim and Missus Jennie wouoldn't let his house slaves to with no common dress out. It look lots of clothes for all them slaves. It was Dont Call the Roll, Jesus, Because Im Coming Home. The only song I remember from the soldiers was: Hang Jeff Davis to a Sour Apple Tree, and I remember that because they said he used to be at Fort Gibson one time. He would tell em plain before hand, "Now no trouble." When Mammy went old Mistress took me to de Big House to help her and she was kind to me like I was part of her own family. *Family traveled to America Dec. 21, 1904 with mother, Maria Cairo and 2 sons, Luigi and Francesco, Michele Marchese b. Yes Lord Yes. I had the money Black Hock had won on the track. He come from across the water when he was a little boy, and was grown when old Master Joseph Vann bought him, so he never did learn to talk much Cherokee. The white folks go first and after they come out, the colored folks go in. After being evicted from his father's mansion home "Diamond Hill" in 1834, Joseph moved his large family (he had two wives) and business operations to Tennessee, where he established a large plantation on the Tennessee River near the mouth of Ooltewah Creek that became the center of a settlement called Vann's Town (later the site of Harrison, Tennessee). Lots of soldiers around all the time though. They was Cherokee Indians. They get something they need too. We never had no church in slavery, and no schooling, and you had better not be caught wid a book in your hand even, so I never did go to church hardly any. Joseph Rich Joe Vann (Joseph Rich Joe /"Big Joe" and /"Teautle"//) Born 11 February 1798 - Spring Place, Cherokee Nation-East, IT., GA. Deceased 23 October 1844 - Aboard the Lucy Walker,aged 46 years old Parents James Vann, Chief 1809 Nancy Ann Timberlake Brown 1780-1850 Spouses and children Before he was killed, James Vann was a powerful chief in the Cherokee Nation and wanted Joseph to inherit the wealth that he had built instead of his wives, but Cherokee law stipulated that the home go to his wife, Peggy, while his possessions and property were to be divided among his children. Upon being brought to Fort Gibson, five slaves were held to stand trial for murdering the two bounty hunters. A few days later they caught up with the slaves, still in Indian Territory. My mother saw it but the colored chillun' couldn't. He had black eyes and mustache but his hair was iron gray, and everybody like him because he was so good natured and kind. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. The first time I married was to Clara Nevens, and I wore checked wool pants, and a blue striped cotton shirt. There were some Cherokee slaves that were taken to Mexico, however, she makes vivid references to Seminole leaders John Horse, and Wild Cat. She inherit about half a dozen slaves, and say dey was her own and old master can't sell one unless she give him leave to do it. That sure was a tough time for the soldiers, for father said they fought and fought before the "Seesesh" soldiers finally took off to the south and the northern troops went back to Fort Gibson. They taken some of their slaves with them. Actually, the Assistant Principal Chief was Joseph "Tenulte" Vann, son of Avery Vann and probably a cousin of "Rich Joe" Vann. It was in the Grand River close to the ford, and winter time. He born at Spring Place, Georgia on February 11, 1798. Joseph Vann, the son of Chief James Vann and his wife Margaret Scott Vann, was a lad of 12 when his father was killed, in 1809. Sometimes she pull my hair. Now I'se just old forgotten woman. Trusted by millions of genealogists since 2003. . Joseph William Vann Born 26 July 1770 - Edgefield District, South Carolina Territory Deceased 23 July 1854 - Demopolis, Sumter Co, Alabama, USA,aged 83 years old Parents Edward Jr. Vann 1738-1822 Mary King 1743-1786 Spouses and children Married in 1795, Edgefield, South Carolina, USA, to Lucy Jones 1773-1822 with Margaret Peggy Vann 1796-1857 'S race horses Vann removed to the West in 1836 he was a good negro after that went clean Louisville! Saw it but the colored folks go in Cherokee Nation and permanently assigned them to work on steamboats. Keep them clean too, wife of Oliver H. Perry Brewer ( Brewer cemetery ) out of the '! 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