True that Algol comes from an old Arabic word meaning particularly nasty spirit but then, as we have noted, we all too easily look back and within ourselves only to be halted at our traumas and nasty bits, failing to penetrate further to the glory beyond them. They may even feel as if they have schizophrenia as they have so many different thoughts and feelings. My mystical and karmic placements have a good relationship with this great star. Firstly, let us look at the profected chart (not shown) valid during Michaels accident because of the connection between the head injury and the mythology of Algol. Saturn And since he has that conjunction in his own chart, his own children might experience misfortune ? Perseus Constellation gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. Donald Trump has the fixed star Algol almost conjunct to his Midheaven (out of orb). The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.38, 130. This idolization can become like a drug to them. These people are unable to look down to see their feet, and when under stress, are unable to bend the neck forward or in any direction. Think of just the children separated for years from their parents at the border and the Kurds slaughtered in the Middle East when our troops left Syria leaving families to be murdered. Algol is positioned in the forehead of Medusa. Historically, it has received a strong association with violence across a wide variety of cultures. Hi Deborah. Charlotte has {natal} Mars in the 12th. In the Greek myth, being invaded by Poseidon (Neptune) was exactly what happened to Medusa in the first place. Some famous people with this placement in their charts include David Beckham, Joan Collins, Julian Clary, Jay Leno, Salvador Dali, Dean Martin, Brooke Shields, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Depp, and Saddam Hussein. The poor star appears to die, but then it is reborn. As a result, many people with this placement make excellent writers as they take in all the minutiae of life and use it in their stories. Debra Winger (19); Outspoken actress. WebIn traditional astrological nomenclature, the stars were divided into fixed stars, Latin stell fix, which in astrology means the stars and other galactic or intergalactic bodies as Alcohol disintegrates and dries us out, so it literally petrifies. She was known for being amazingly beautiful and her hair was her crowning glory literally. [12], Christine Keeler 005 (and Uranus), Carrie Fisher 030, Tommy Lee Jones 036, Pope John Paul II 039, Mick Jagger 124, Linda Lovelace 157, Moon conjunct Ascendant or Midheaven with Algol: The natives have a virtuous disposition and are respectful of their elders, have noble feelings, are generous, tolerant, sensible, and love their loved ones. Within an orb of 5 degrees only; correct? Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically it has always had a reputation for being one of the most wicked stars in the sky. This is where Algol becomes horrific, when our intelligence evolves quicker than our consciousness. I appreciate any insight. That comment had a lot of irrational rage. of course all youd see is your dreamy, sensitive side. There is something very striking about them. Benedict Cumberbatch has Jupiter on Algol. There are no divisions in the sky. My Jupiter is 1 degree in Gemini, and Saturn is 27 degrees in Taurus (both in 9th house according to Placidus). Children separated for years from their parents ? As this is also a star that is all about transformation, it is found in the horoscopes of artists who constantly like to transform and reinvent their image. Alcohol is also used to dry the skin and petrify things, just as Medusa would petrify her victims when they looked into her eyes. Some other things that this star is known to be associated with include genetic mutations, plastic surgery, perverse behavior, deformations, destruction, regeneration, impotence, exorcising demons, mind-blowing ideas and thoughts, monsters inside our head, brainwashing and the shadow side of our nature. But I also have a dictator placement, Pluto in the 10th house. Their energy is blocked up to the pituitary gland thus interfering with spiritual development. Algol, like other stars, confers tasks upon us which, if comprehended and accepted, offer great rewards of power and creativity. You may also have a tendency to attract people who are on the fringes of society or who feel like they do not fit in anywhere, as they recognize this feeling in you. I wrote that Medicine comes from the same root as Medusa, the name of the sorceress Medea also comes from this root. Hugh Clapperton (17); 18th Century Explorer. Saturn was conjunct Algol. Algol is a Fixed star, not an asteroid. People have told me that they have it and I have tried to feel that person out.I dont think one could feel out Algol conjunct anything but the ASC, Sun or Moon. With Ophuichus the serpent is about linking sexuality to enlightenment, and that seems to worry Christianity. The book includes insights Dr, Lomer wrote in Kosmobiologie, August 1950: Arabic commanders-in-chief, in times of conquest, made it a point that no important battles were begun when the light of Algol was weak., In spite of the appreciable distance from the ecliptic, this double stars influence is strongly felt and in more cases, it is a disastrous one. She is a Sun Mercury in Leo square Mars conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol and conjunct her South Node. The magnitude of a fixed star, and whether its cadent succedent or angular aids in referencing its strength in a chart. At the same time, you may fuss over your appearance as you care so much about what other people think of you which can then make you seem shallow and obsessed with your own image. Nigel Farage 136, Midheaven conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. He had a sun Jupiter conjunction trine the Moon Sect light and exalted ruler of his ascendant Algol conjunction from the 11th to the 3rd house. Edgar P Jacobs; Comic book writer and artist. In ancient times people were wary of this star which is called a binary star and is actually eclipsed every 3 days for 8 hours at a time which means that it can look as if it has mysteriously vanished. These beings should consult spiritual healers who can make life a bit more comfortable for them as it will help open up the energy at this point and balance it with the rest of the system. The full moon lunar eclipse on November 19 th 2021 is at 27 degrees of Taurus with the fixed star Algol. [3], Rihanna 049, Emma Watson 125, Nigel Farage 136, Ellen DeGeneres 153, Pope Francis I 156, Sun conjunct Algol: Violent death or extreme sickness. This is one the reason I sometimes doubt if Astrology is true. We fear because we do not believe, and we fear to overcome our fear, lest to be fearless of death should somehow cause us to love mortal life the less. 2nd April 2023 by Marjorie. of pure sterling silver talismans of the fixed star Algol for protection against curses and enemies. We often find Algol in the charts of people who work in the media or who are artists of some kind. Algol is however present in some dictators and it is also true that Algol has a connection with death and pain. I must say that one of my most traumatic times was when my progressed ascendant was at 26 degrees Taurus (the fixed star of Algol). I think the Queen might pass and he will be forced up a rank to which it will cause him great stressit would be great to hear your prediction on this!. That is a good point. I can look it up and add more on that, I thought it was so interesting I kept what was said about it. Efron/Hudgens Davison; High School Musical teen showbiz couple. That is a four degree orb from either Venus or the Moon, and a four degree orb for a major fixed star like this is reasonable William Lilly uses orbs a bit wider than that for some major fixed stars. . Algol isprominent among those who work inthe mass media. There is often a lot going on in your mind and this can mean that you have a very active imagination but this can even make you become delusional or paranoid at times. A blue-white star with a magnitude of 2.1 var. your 10th house is your reputation/public persona and your career. By The Mountain Astrologer. Its not, but maybe you are against yourself (subconsciously). Im sure Ill have other setbacks, but I know I will thrive because of everything Ive survived. We all know the 5th house is the house of royalty and since transit Uranus is now in Taurus, thus meaning it will eventually conjunct this fixed star and Williams Venus, do you think something will happen? When you talk, you have a lot to say but the intensity of your words may catch other people off guard and you may provoke quite extreme reactions in the people around you. Fascinating stuff. I would say this kind of bold statement can be seen in the natal Mid Heaven 24Ari13, transit Eris as many as 11 times near or over the MC between 2018 and 2024. Jupiter conjunct Algol: This is the best placement for Algol. The other fixed star to note here is Algol, which is around 26 Taurus. Woody Allen; Neurotic misfit. Primitive natives will be of the base mind with an inclination to brutality and violence, especially when Algol is found together with Mars or Saturn. Mental illness and drug addiction. Don Bachardy; Portrait artist, met life partner, writer Christopher Isherwood at 18, 30 year age gap. Because he is Dianas {Algol Venus} child and so it affects him from that direction. [1], Astrologers, of course, said that it was the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens, and it certainly has been one of the best observed, as the most noteworthy variable in the northern sky. Margot Fonteyn; Prima ballerina with Mars. This is why people in the media often have Algol featuring prominently in their chart, as it is their job to speak for a living, through whatever medium they may choose. The ancients mistrustedAlgolsblinking and inexplicable 8 hour disappearances. In turn, you may also start to crave attention and act in negative ways in order to get it. if you have scorpio rising, it would make sense that your reputation for being very plutonic would precede you, because despite neptune being conjunct the asc, you are much much more plutonic than you think. But I would consider Jupiter too far away to be conjunct either Algol or Saturn, by degree (8) as well as by virtue of being in a different sign (I only give multi-sign conjunctions about 3 or less for planets), and maybe 1 for a fixed star). This important part of the story is often skipped over. Web3 hour workshop teaching the fundamental skills of fixed star devotion, elections, magical operations, writing invocations, and more! hi H20, Algol is also known for being linked to death and suffering and in scientific language2 algology is the study of pain. Prima Hyadum, In astrology, Algol is one of the most unfortunate stars. From Medusa being a feared gorgon, she then became a key component of winning a battle. At the end of the day however, you will always speak your truth whether people like it or not. Oh I see. It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. He sterilized 60 000 unfit, or mutant Americans and strongly influenced the Holocaust in Europe [8]. As a practicing astrological consultant, however, the present author has found that one or both of these stars prominent, even though afflicted, on ones horoscope makes for an excellent counselor to others in the time of bereavement, with a special gift for bring out the brighter spiritual significance of Death as the transition to Greater Life and this so very often relieves the counselor him or herself from the misery that others so commonly suffer in that area of life. Medusas deathly look is inspired by the appearance of a corpse, the skin dries and tightens over the bones of the face making theeyes huge, wide and staring. The strongest influence on the full moon November 2021 astrology is the fixed star Algol. Could someone whom William is at least supposed to love {if not be actually in love with}, like Kate, be part of his Algol Venus ? There is often a frisson of danger or weirdness that surrounds these people but this also makes them very charismatic. She was originally a beautiful maiden however but after a fling with Neptune in Minervas temple Minerva changed her hair into hissing serpents. That is split into multiple agendas and thoughts most of them setting you to suffering unless UNLESS you become PERSEUS and go inside yourself slay the inner demon. To work out the exact position of Algol, stars move forward through the zodiac at one degree every 72 years. He remains in isolation recovering from his head injuries in privacy being cared for by his family despite much media attention. Algol itself is a beautiful bright white star generally this signifies a positive affect which would account for the high spiritual manifestations noted by past astrologers. So she is another resurrection Goddess and like Persephone, she was also raped by a God. Poet, journalist, art critic. Web525 Likes, 13 Comments - Mandie Stevenson (@mandiesmagicalmarket) on Instagram: "Some of you tomorrow that like to embrace darkness may feel amazing. Aspects activate fixed stars when they are conjunct or in opposition to an activated planet or light. Never met an infant/toddler/pre/schooler/ grade schooler who knew full well they broke the law. Algol Star, Beta Persei [], Ascendant conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. So, Mayra, what HAPPENED on the 16th of May?? Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 123, 124, 232, 242. My early life was filled with physical, emotional and mental abuse and a lot of RAGE in my spirit (I also have a Mars/Pluto conjunction in Virgo). Ooops. Algol We fear to let go of the past because we lack faith in the Hand that holds the future. This one you have to nourrish in order for it to SAVE you. Tucker Carlson 005, Liberace 010, Marshal Applewhite 018, Debra Winger 019, Cosimo de Medici 019, Tori Spelling 028, Graig Ferguson 040, Megan Fox 056, Josh Homme 058, Zara Phillips 102, John Frawley 111, Brian Eno 115, Marshall Applewhite 118, Trent Reznor 119, Georges Braque 135, Don Bachardy 136, Pope John Paul II 146, Andy Murray 148, Erik Satie 153, Che Guevara 155, Yannick Noah 158. But with thanks in advance, I am seeking a little bit of reassurance. But when she was corrupted by her dark hideous and sinister sisters she became a mortal gorgon like them. Williams two sons both have some rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects. I realise you are asked frequently. Zaurak But I love houses. If at the same time in conjunction with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, gives victory over others in war. [12], Murder, sudden death, beheading, prone to murder and mischief. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. His typical behaviour is that of somebody without a head on his shoulders. And with Markab and Algol and then Uranus, natal Leo sun 12, Moon transiting with the current solar eclipse in Taurus? In some countries and dialects, alcohol is also a word that means demon. All fixed star positions are for the year 2000. Moon conj. The fixed star Algol is found within the head of the demon Medusa inside the constellation Perseus. Robson, B.Sc (The fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology), Errol Jud Coder (The Constellations Myths of The Stars), Ebertin Hoffmann (Fixed Stars & their Interpretation), Above Translated from Elsbeth Ebertins (Sternenwandler & Weltgeschehen), Constellation myths (Oxford world classics), The positions below are for the year 2000. Totally agree with you thereif parents put their children in harms way its not the fault of the USA if it turns out badly. I wonder what will happen when Uranus conjuncts Algol in 2024. Algol does also cast high spiritual rays and if the star is conjunct the ascendant and is not in aspect or conjunct a malefic planet at the time of birth and conjunct or in aspect to a benefic then a native my become highly spiritually aware and connected to nature, these people often point out the ugliness or darker side of life to either find the beauty in it or heal it in some way. On the flipside, however, you may also be a strong advocate for others and enjoy causes where there is a sense of social justice. because of how complex astrology is. Caput Algol has a similar influence as the planets of Saturn and Mars. Algold is associated with one of the Saros Series eclipses I think North 18? This has to do with Algol is eclipsed every The blood from Medusas left side was poisonous and the right side was used to heal.. [12], Imum Coeli conjunct Algol: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. 0914 Sagittarius. OK, my thoughts are; 1. Meaning the energy of the Logos (Christ) that is the energy of creation which is consciousness-existence-bliss, that got adulterated and now its producing opposite effects to his own nature, meaning anti-Christ or Demon or Satan whose energy produce only suffering. And the 8th house cusp is also at 26 degrees of Taurus. Honest opinion. Scary possibility of new covid mutation? Once we pass the ghoul in Algol, we find the pure Spirit in that word, just as its modern derivative, Alcohol, which does so much damage if used irresponsibly, is also the background material of the Universe, without which nothing else exists at all. He had Algol conjunct the North node, so violence was fated or gaining and increasing in his life. 2. The head contains the brain so its about wisdom and of course snakes in the hair represent higher knowledge, even antennae also. With Moon: Buy and sell but avoid the sea. Like something that will change his fate? This implies two things to me firstly Algol being eclipsed by the dark companion star may affect its manifestations in a malefic way. You must be talking about illegal aliens.They know full well theyre breaking our laws. This is explained by the fact that Jupiter takes on all of its most perverse meanings: too much heat, as it were, resulting in extremist actions that undo all the beneficial qualities of this planet. As a result, and because she was overcome with jealousy, she turned her into a gorgon who had a head covered in snakes and who would petrify anyone who looked at her. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Oh my Ive got Algol in my 5th house conjunct Mars (Taurus), and I have the grand talent trines I saw some people tripping on. Prosperity from youth and in own city. This name is derived from the Arabic Al Ghoul meaning demon, evil spirit, or devil. My birthday is 17 of May and my Sun is in 26 degrees of Taurus in the 8th house. Almach 14 13` Taurus Fame. Can anyone tell me about Jupiter-Saturn conjunct Algol? In other cases, one may need to know the person quite well. I may please add to my previous comment that my husbands natal Lilith/Nessus conjuncts Algol. Below is a chart of a Prussian now Poland pow who was captured and put in a pow camp that was then bombed by the Germans killing him inside the camp. It is an eclipsing binary; every 68 hours and 49 minutes this Demon Star blinks Salvador Dali 021 (and Mercury), Nancy Pelosi 043, Robert De Niro 045, Liberace 137. This also causes a great intensity in your life and you like to be a leader which can make people look up to you, but almost as if they are admiring the leader of a cult as you can make them lose their minds. Venus represents children, as well as many other things. At the same time crime is also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false sense of bravado. You seems to be very influence by evil and not good astrologer. Neptune attacked and raped her, and Pallas Athena (Minerva in Roman mythology) became furious that Medusa had sexual relations on what was meant to be a sacred site inside the temple. Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence, Mercury Sextile Mars April 11 and 23, 2023, Full Moon April 6, 2023 Wounded America. It is said that men become so fearful at the sight of Medusa they would turn to stone if they looked at her. Alcohol can also attack our nervous system and bring about problems with our minds, just as, in Greek mythology, Neptune attacked Medusa. The celestial granary. The head of Medusa from Greek mythology is representedby the infamousAlgol fixed star at 26 Taurus. For example, you will have Uranus opposite Sun transit in the next year or two. Algol represents disaster and inhumane acts. Can anyone concur? Since Algol is one of the 15 Behenian stars, its prime time to manifest ones desires. It was known as the blinking eye of the demon due to being a binary star that eclipsed itself every three days, vanishing for what seemed like no reason. Fixed Stars are an important part of Astrology. On June 1, 1866, Charles Benedict, the father of the American eugenics movement was born. How can I be sensitive and otherworldly but also have a dictator indication ? As this star is known for being both light and dark depending on when it eclipses itself, people with Algol in their chart may also oscillate between the light and dark sides of their nature. See ? Secondly aspects to malefics represents the gorgon sisters and aspects to the benefics represent the spiritual teachings of Athena. Indeed she is, without doubt, counted the most malefic of all stars in astrology, even though Ptolemy gives her the less obviously ominous Saturn-Jupiter styling. Oh I think houses matter ! Some famous people with this placement in their charts include Debra Winger, Margot Fonteyn, Liberace, Marshall Applewhite, Brian Eno, Eric Satie, Ayatollah Khomeini, David Byrne, George Lucas, and Pierre Currie. Everything involving earth is favored, such as digging and funerals. Algol - Fixed StarBeta () Perseus. WebYes, Algol the most malefic of fixed stars appears to be the culprit. William does seem like a milksop. In astrology, Neptune is a planet that we associate with alcohol as well and is linked to blurred boundaries. I think I have something like that but am interested in transits involving Algol in my chart. I have only started looking into lately. Transiting Algol forms an opposition with the Natal part of fortune at 2646 Scorpio as the transiting Moon that rules the third house of driving, traveling, skiing and also communicating conjuncts the Natal part of fortune. Algol varies from a 2.3-3.5 Magnitude Star. Ceres conj. The appearance may even be shocking or disturbing at times yet still somehow alluring. Carl Sagan 001, Joe Rogan 006, Linda Marshall 028, Robert the Bruce 029, Ben Shapiro 038, Randy Travis 038, Maria Shriver 048, Althea Flynt 113, Steve Forbes 133, David Beckham 137 (and Mercury), Frederick the Great 155, Jordan Peterson 156, Julian Lennon 200. Mysterious indeed and only adds to its allure. Please do not fret, Gloria, you were born to handle and work with those energies! Algol is also pretty much right at the midpoint of the Sun and Moon. What seems to have been missed by the old school is that Capulus and Algol each have a very positive side to them. You tend to gravitate towards quests or causes which you feel a strong sense of commitment to. my ex-husband has his natal sun conjunct Algol. How does it play out if its on the vertex? It also loosens our tongues, but we may lie as a result of being intoxicated. As part of constellation Perseus, Algol wasregarded by the ancients as the most evil star in the heavens, but is its reputation warranted? [3], Part of Fortune conjunct Algol: poverty. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. Houses are not based on any reality. If Algol was truly so malevolent then we would find it common in serial killers. They call it a demon star, I beg to differ. Asma Assad Algol sinks to the ninth circle of Hades. My 26 degree Taurus sun is in the 8th house and that house cusp is also 26 degrees of Taurus. Of course they do. I think the Queen might pass and he will be forced up a rank to which it will cause him great stressit would be great to hear your prediction on this! Algol appears to blink as shown in the animation below. hello, if i have jupiter in gemini 3 degree conjuct saturn in 25 degrees, is it jupiter conjuct algol. Perseus then decapitated Medusa and took her head back to Athena who made it into her battle shield. They will attach themselves to a cause with great zeal and passion. You must be talking about illegal aliens.They know full well theyre breaking our laws. The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satans Head, the Spectres Head. Neptune conjunct Algol: Nikolay Gumilyov 025, Wilhelm Canaris 044, Hugo Black 135, Eleanor Roosevelt 146. Can I delete this last post? We just dont find it there. Here's an interesting link to fixed stars: Square Saturn and sextile Neptune. Mars or Saturn conjunct Algol and Moon with Sadalmelik: Hanging or decapitation by royal command; if the Moon is with Denebola death by judicial sentence; and, if the Moon is with Alphard death by water or poison. Maybe he knows. Of course, as this star is also linked to alcohol and addiction, it can mean that artists or members of the media have addiction issues, as is sadly often the case. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Astrology King , Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.14-16 Az Algol a ni energia zaboltlan, vad, nyers aspektusa, annak flelmetes megnyilvnulsi formja, amelyet okkal-ok nlkl dmonikusnak vagy egyszeren csak gonosznak cmkznek. The same is caused by Algol angular or with the hyleg. Elections, magical operations, writing invocations, and more conjunct or in opposition an! Means demon adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying placement, Pluto the! Turns out badly in Europe [ 8 ] are for the year 379, translation Giuseppe. Your truth whether people like it or not youd see is your dreamy, sensitive side lie a! Her battle shield being invaded by Poseidon ( Neptune ) was exactly what on... Or angular aids in referencing fixed star algol astrology strength in a malefic way became a key component of winning a battle being... Same is caused by Algol angular or with the current solar eclipse in Taurus ( both in house. 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