(2071 OR), 550 CY The Valley of the Mage is established. Ivid IV is assassinated by his son, Ivid V. (2090 OR) (The following years from 557-583 CY are called The Times of Struggle by historians. CY = Common Year (counting years since first Imperial reign in Aerdy) **, * 405 CY ** Tysiln San given refuge among a community of halflings in northern Keoland for 50 years before resuming her wandering. Years of civil war ensued, and only the intercession of dispassionate houses such as Garasteth and Darmen brought about the final compromise. The Great Kingdom reached its height over the next century under House Rax, with ambitious rulers such as the lines of Erhart and Toran. ** This period was called the Age of Great Sorrow. (2099 OR), 566 CY Alliance of Drow with Giants in the West of the Flanaess. Share. * circa 13,000s BCY Kopru (serpent-like amphibians) start undersea empire on Oerth. Portillan's son Galren was a fool, and Galren's son Sonnend was a drunkard with no interest for affairs of state. We've already been saving your edits, so if you ** (3009 OR), 576 CY Guide to the World of Greyhawk completed by Pluffet Smedger the Elder. The Age of Worms(the Waiting Age, a time of death, decay and writhing doom that lurks in the shadows of every tomorrow). ** * circa 13,000s BCY ** Faction of isolationist elves settle in The Valley section of the Barrier Peaks. House Cranden rose to prominence over the next century. (3000 OR), 567 CY The Beggars War in Greyhawk Beggars Union defeated by Thieves Guild. The chronology given below, however, includes five other calendars, which were once used and are sometimes referred to in ancient writings. [3] It continued to grow over the next century under the rule of the Overkings of House Rax, notably the ambitious Erhart I and Toran I. [1], In 645 OR (1 CY), Grand Prince Nasran of House Cranden declared universal peace throughout his empire. The war ended in 446 CY when Ivid I was crowned Overking, due in large part to the death of all other viable contenders. During Zelcor's coronation in Rauxes later that year, an ominous sign appeared in the sky, a complete eclipse of the noontime sun above the capital. [1] In the beginning, the entire "world" consisted of a single dungeon underneath an abandoned castle. MYTHIC PAST EpicSavingThrow.com: A Grognard's Notebook. [citation needed], Ivid I soon gained a reputation as a tyrant. (2051 OR), 519 CY Founding of Azak-Zil (Pureheart) by the dwarven clan Highgate. * 575 CY ** Autumn: Ehrendil Stone captured by Slave Lord agents near the city of Gryrax, sold and transported to duergar occupying the dungeons below White Plume Mountain. AGE OF GREAT SORROW (decline of The Great Kingdom) * 213 CY Eclipse during an Aerdy coronation signals the Age of Great Sorrow. **, * 337 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell Yeni Surinen of the Divine House of Larethian appears in the Duchy of Ulek. Archibold III of Nyrond abdicates, leaving the throne to his son Lynwerd. **, * 574 CY ** Winter: An unending winter storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor. This tale begins more than twelve centuries ago, when Oeridian tribes wandering the vast central plains of Oerik beyond the Flanaess in the Far West were driven to the east by a series of raging conflicts that culminated in the infamous Twin Cataclysms of prehistory. (During the following 1,200 years, Suel develops ever-greater magics. (917 OR) * Rose Flickflower, halfling paladin, wields Blackrazor (Lexi Greenberg) (Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad 2), The Wars end with a Brotherhood-inspired general peace treaty, the Pact of Greyhawk in the month of Harvester. * 254 CY Ferrond province breaks from The Great Kingdom, becomes the independent Kingdom of Furyondy. (Players Guide to Greyhawk 9), Outer dependencies of Aerdy gain sovereignty. Humanoid invasions become common. Zagig built for himself an enormous castle complex . (From the Ashes 6). (2000 OR), 468 CY The Witch-Queen Iggwilvs power grows in the Yatils. North Province declared independence from the Great Kingdom in 584 CY, dragging itself out of the Greyhawk Wars, and the empire shattered within weeks into many pieces. The Greyhawk Militia's strength is focused in the south, facing endless raids by orcs and goblinoids from the conquered Wild Coast. * Stelfast Holren, centaur ranger/warlock, and Maura (Rusty Ward), Previously,Bahkgarr the bullywug (Rusty Ward). ** **, * 576 CY ** Summer: Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower, Norah Brithel, Sariel Galanodel kidnapped by Slave Lords, sold to duergar at White Plume Mountain. They spend their days gracefully soaring over open areas or perched in cottonwoods, willows, and mesquites along lowland streams. ), * 2273 BCY Suel Empire stretches to the Dramidi Ocean, but stays west of the eastern mountain ranges. (2094 OR), 561 CY The Wizard Murq captures and kills many of the children of the nobility of Greyhawk. * 150 CY Rhennee people (Romani) first appear in Adri Forest. After the withdrawal of Nyrond from the Great Kingdom, the slide became precipitous. ** https://greyhawkonline.com/greyhawkwiki/index.php?title=Great_Kingdom&oldid=70393, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, The arms of the Great Kingdom, as depicted in the, SEE North Kingdom {Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy}, War Captain's Companion Boxed Set: Book 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 25, 36, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54, 55, 60, IBC, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, IC, 8-14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28-30, 35, 37, 40, 47, 53-56, 69, 78, 79, World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: Glossography, City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions, 2-11, 17, 19-28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36-39, 42, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 58, 61, 63, 70, 79, 84, 89, 15, 40, 42, 43, 47-49, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79-81, 81, 93, 95, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 2-5, 8, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28-44, 45, 46, 58, 69, 70, 72, 77, 88, 106, 116, 123, 128, 153, 156, 161, Back Cover, Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 33, 36, 42, 59, 60, 64, 73, 84, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 105, 112, IC, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 34, 35, 36, 41, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 110, 111, 113, 123, 124, 125, 139, 141, 148, 150, 151, 156, 158, 172, 2, 3-7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 24, 25, 37, 44, 45, 59, 7, 140, 141, 227, 241, 257, 259, 264, 278, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15-20, 23-26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 55, 56-61, 68, 70, 73, 74, 85, 92, 94, 97, 100, 102, 110, 113, 115, 117, 119, 128, Navigators, Royal Guild of (Great Kingdom), North Kingdom {Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy}, 6, 11, 21, 24, 35, 36, 37, 54, 58, 72, 73, 75, 89, 91, 93, 96, 105, 139, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 158, This page was last edited 10:54, 13 April 2023 by Greyhawk Wiki user. (1020 OR), 390 CY The Malachite Throne overthrows Vecna II. Mass executions follow, ordered by Ivid V. (unbeknownst to much of the Flanaess, Ivid murders loyal generals and turns them into undead servants. The Great Kingdom saw a brief, violent resurgence during the reign of Ivid V, who assumed the Malachite Throne in 556 CY. This controversy would be recognized as the beginning of a succession crisis known as the Turmoil Between Crowns. (2091 OR), 560 CY Formation of the Circle of Eight. * 573 CY The Kingdom of Furyondy declares perpetual war against Iuz; the Wegwiur wolf nomads of the north, lords from the Shield Lands and elves of the Vesve Forest join in alliance. * 799 BCY ** Keraptis and his remaining evil gnome followers move into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain. A summary of historical events, by Common Year Reckoning. By 100 CY, there were four such viceroys. upgrade now (3018 OR). Nature: The Common Years deal with the Rise and Fall of the Oeridian Kingdom of the East, styled The Great Kingdom of Aerdy. This reckoning will most likely continue to be used as long as the fragments of this large kingdom continue to vie for power, and as long as the powers which have been revealed in this age continue their struggles. He ruled a land now called the kingdom of Aerdy (aer meaning sky in Old Oeridian). Wilson, Steve. (Demigod Zagyg appears.) * 474 BYC ** Dwarven hero Ctemiir turned into vampire in order to permanently extend his war against goblinkind. AGE OF THRALLS (demon-worshipping inhumans use humans as slaves/food) Ivid I who accedes to Malachite Throne. ** [7][8] The son ascended to the throne in 556 CY, taking the name Ivid V.[5], By the sixth century CY, however, the Great Kingdom had shrunk to a fraction of its size, limited to the lands east of the Harp River and Teesar Torrent, and north of the Iron Hills and Thelly River. "White Dwarf Interview: Gary Gygax - the man who made it all possible". **, * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. It was the prudence of House Cranden that solidified the realms power structure over the next century. These nomadic peoples were not very different, culturally speaking, from their neighbors the Flan, being superstitious, rustic, proud, and relatively primitive compared to the great empires of the Suel and Baklunish. -217 CY Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy. Crockport falls, and Chendl, Furyondys capital, is placed under siege. **, * 456 BCY ** Vampire Ctenmiir cast out of dwarven society for preying on his own people for blood. * 574 CY ** Winter: An unending winter storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor. This essentially brought an end to the Great Kingdom. * 1283 BCY ** Gnomes from The Valley come under tutelage from Keraptis at Tostenhca. **, * 503 BYC ** Dwarven hero Ctemiir acquires the magical warhammer Whelm. (Player's Guide to Greyhawk 10), 450 An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. These clans worshiped powers of the Oerth and sky, and they read signs and portents in the heavens. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Aerdy almost doubled in size and thereafter became known as the Great Kingdom, now a true empire. **, * 1400 BCY ** Drow forces push Suel wizards out of their underground dungeons below the Hellfurnaces mountains. (843 OR), 200 CY City of Leukish began as a trading post. **, * 566 CY ** Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower begins combat training under Lord Tethrin of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene. **, * 781 BCY ** Mountain inhabitants of Tostenhca all die, said to be due from a curse placed by Keraptis using his Null Enigma device. You can help Greyhawk Wiki by expanding it. * 361 CY Zagig Yragerne buries a cache of extraplanar magic under the Land of Black Ice. The whole of the south arose again in violent rebellion, and one year later formed the Iron League and allied with Nyrond. * 276 CY Remaining gnome followers of Keraptis now gone from White Plume Mountain. Age of Great Sorrow commences. ** The Great Kingdom arose from the Kingdom of Aerdy in -110 CY, when the Aerdi forces of Grand Prince Almor II defeated the Nyrondese in the Battle of a Fortnights Length. Geoff and Sterich are conquered by the invaders. (845 OR), 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. (1016 OR), 375 CY Zagig Yragerne begins construction of Greyhawk Castle. ** [1][3], Subsequent Rax Overkings were poor leaders. * 203 CY Betrayal by Knight Protector of the Great Kingdom Sir Kargoth in a pact with Demogorgon, leads to creation of death knights in Aerdy. **, * 452 CY ** Jaran Krimeah, now known as The Black One, arrives in The Valley and champions its elven, gnome and human peoples. Gygax: "I did indeed create details for the PC party on the spot, adding whatever seemed appropriate, and as Rob played and learned from me, he did the same, and when we were actively co-DMing we could often create some really exciting material on the spot, if you will. The World of Greyhawk Timeline is a list of fictional historical events that either explain the history leading up to the present state of the World of Greyhawk Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting, or that enumerate further developments described in campaign products published by either TSR, Inc. or Wizards of the Coast. Age of Great Sorrow. **, * 1283 BCY ** Gnomes from The Valley come under tutelage from Keraptis at Tostenhca. The viceroys had near total autonomy within their realms to efficiently deal with local problems, answering only to the Malachite Throne. (2032 OR), 498 CY County of Urnst becomes Palatinate under Duchy of Urnst; Greyhawk becomes free city. [citation needed]. The Oeridians headed east through the Fals Gap and into the Flanaess, and migrated eastward until they reached the great ocean and could go no further. * 540 CY ** Stelfast Holren born near Errantkeep under the prosperous dominion of House Naelax, a noble family in The Great Kingdom. * 1473 BCY ** Keraptis the mage becomes protector of northern Flan people in Tostenhca in the Griff Mountains. [1], In 213 CY, Overking Jiranen died after the end of a long reign. (Guide 9) 247 Sir Kargoth's castle, Fharlanst, destroyed by the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom. no risk refund guarantee 213 CY. **, * 91 CY ** Keraptis leaves White Plume Mountain; his fate after this time is unknown but his gnomes remain behind. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn (2 weeks after Brewfest): Oligarchs of Greyhawk sponsor a second magical expedition to Blackmoor. * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. It was heavily influential, originating the Common language, Common Year calendar, and the gold/silver/copper coinage standard used throughout the Flanaess. (899 OR) . The faith of Hextor became the most prominent in the realm, and it laid claim to the See of Medegia, wresting it from the Zilchans who had held it for nearly two centuries after they had supplanted the Pelor. House Naelax began to rise in the late 300s CY, using humanoid mercenaries and aligning itself with the church of Hextor. Others like you also viewed Ahlissa Boccob Main Page Iggwilv Kelanen * 496 CY Greyhawks lansgraf government model is officially replaced by an oligarchy. * 485 BCY Start of the Baklunish-Suloise Wars, prompting eastward migrations into the Flanaess. ** Fall of the Onnwall and Idee; Halfling Blight in Elmshire; Night of Terror on the Wild Coast; Elves reclaim Lendore Isle. The Great Kingdom was quickly becoming too vast to effectively control from Rauxes, so the overkings appointed viceroys to rule the major provinces. The plague known as the Red Death sweeps across the Flanaess. Several noble houses resorted to in-fighting or settling old scores with rival houses. (DRA#354), Most of the undersea city-states of the kopru are destroyed by war and strife. Celene expels Keoish royal garissons from within its borders. In 446 CY, the herzog granted an audience to representatives of Irongate, who went to Zelradton to air their grievances. (From the Ashes 6), Before a planned assault on Ratik, the Northern Barbarians mutiny, refusing to fight any further for a god they have lost faith in. ** Celene achieves full independence, Yolande elevated to queen of Celene. So, 1,235 years ago, began the Great Migrations to which the modern reckoning of the Oeridians is dated. * 480 CY The witch Iggwilv conquers Perrenland but is soon overthrown by a rogue demon, years of famine and terror follow. The ultimate fate of Ivid V was unknown, but with certainty the rule of the Overkings of Rauxes had come to an end. (899 OR) 272 CY Padin the Vain uses the Hand of Vecna to start the Insurrection of the Yaheetes, a Flanae enclave in the North Province. ** https://greyhawkonline.com/greyhawkwiki/index.php?title=Age_of_Great_Sorrow&oldid=55820, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, This page was last edited 07:41, 5 August 2021 by Greyhawk Wiki user. * 435 CY ** Jaran Krimeah proclaimed Mage of The Great Kingdom, stages a failed coup and is imprisoned. [1] In 213 CY, Overking Jiranen died after the end of a long reign. Note: This date is incorrectly translated in LGG p.23 as -216 CY. (From the Ashes 6), The Duchy of Tenh is conquered by the Fists/Northern Barbarian armies. The herzog of South Province, Galssonan of House Cranden, broke with Rauxes and joined a widespread rebellion in the south. By the sixth century CY, however, the Great Kingdom had shrunk to a fraction of its size, limited to the lands east of the Harp River and Teesar Torrent, and north of the Iron Hills and Thelly River. The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. The Malachite Throne destroys them to a person. (From the Ashes 7), The Battle of Innspa marks the peak of the Aerdy invasion of Nyrond. This world eventually grew to encompass a nearby city and then some neighboring states, but since Gygax, and eventually his co-DM Rob Kuntz were making up the story as they went, there was no need for an elaborate historical background. * circa 13,000s BCY ** Faction of isolationist elves settle in The Valley section of the Barrier Peaks. * 372 CY University of Magical Arts founded in the settlement of Greyhawk. The Age of Great Sorrows is thought to represent the beginning of the decline of the Great Kingdom, although the Empire would last for many centuries, it began losing holding and influence during this time . University of Rauxes sacked. Population: 2,618,200Human 79% (Os), Elf 9% (sylvan 90%, high 10%), Halfling 5% (stout), Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1% Languages: Common, Nyrondese, Old Oeridian, Elven, Halfling Alignments: LG, LN*, NG, CG, N Religions: Heironeous*, Beory, Rao, Pelor, Zilchus, Norebo, Pholtus, Ralishaz, Boccob, Delleb, Celestian ** In 586 CY, Ivid V, last Overking of the Great Kingdom, was rumored to be dead after the devastation of Rauxes, the nations capitol. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. **, * 550 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower leaves home, uses false names as a wandering charlatan in Keoland and Ulek nations. (, Logue, Nicholas. [1], To solve this, he appointed largely autonomous viceroys to rule over each province. Storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor magical warhammer Whelm Aerdy invasion of Nyrond Age! 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