The large invasive plant known as real catmint is described above. Just cut off any dead limbs from winter kill and watch them flourish. Perinatal beds are great when you get them timed right. They've only had a few months to get established so if I made a rookie mistake planting mint I'd like to nip it in the bud ;) They are beautiful and I always get the "WOW" factor when people come over. Our horror story was IVY! Same with mugwort, which looks and smells like chrysanthemums until you realize theres no flower- then its too late. I dug them out. Oh, and the butterflies that feed on my morning glories that climb my chicken pen are such a pleasure to watch. Get plant information, gardening solutions, design inspiration and more in our weekly newsletter. That is what plants do. We do not want this evil plant to spread along creeks and rivers, it will be Pampas grass all over again! Its billowing foliage is topped with spikes of flowers in early summer with repeat blooms throughout the season. I hope there's something on this list that will work for you. This post made me nervous - we bought a house where the lady had already done tonnnnnnns of landscaping and I don't know what anything is. Then knock on wood, this year there's been nothing but regular weeds yet. Please do research on what works on your area. I try to cut off the flowers to prevent seeding but it has deep underground roots and is trying to take over my vegetable garden. You totally forgot the # 1 worst plant, chameleon plant. Zone 7B people pull into our drive all the time to tell me how beautiful my Gardens are. Your blog is very nice. I bought it at Lowes about 20 years ago. I never knew people actually planted Virginia Creeper on purpose! And clover is wonderful for pollinators!!!! Please include morning glories. That is all you will have in next to no time. I absolutely did not plant it If you've ever grown catmint and were disappointed in how it split open and oozed over onto its neighbors, we have good news! Many of these plants attract pollinators very nicely, and are doing a huge service environmentally speaking. Shearing your plants back by a third or more will reenergize them for a second bloom cycle and produce lush new foliage. Had them dug out but there was always one sweat potato left to take off and cover the whole bed. Update: Since I first wrote this post I have come to love this sort of thing. Varies by species. Princess lillies. I only planted 2 of them in small containers in my garden the summer of 2016. It's roots go so deep and When you try to get rid of it it produces lots of suckers!! I read somewhere that each day lily blossom only lasts one day. I guess it's more pain than it's worth. Whether theyre invasive, fast-spreading, short blooming, impossible to kill, or difficult to grow, the 30 perennials in this blog post are plants Id rather not see in my Zone 3 garden. If I can grow it in my cold, zone 3 climate and short growing season--around 100 days give or take you probably can too. They can so easily become a nuisance instead of something giving you joy. I love my daisies and tho they do spread like crazy, I just thin them out every fall or Spring. 17 yr old boys digging plus a backhoe when we dug the septic mostly got the last of it. Do you have a friend who is always trying to pawn off mint to you? Hi Joan, I agree, the title is a bit misleading, but I did mention that I'm in zone 2/3 and this article was based on the experiences of my gardening group there. 3 lots. I live in the high desert on the west side of Colorado. Terrible plant. This made me want to run out and grab most of these plants for my garden! I even struggle getting native plants to survive here! "Canada" goldenrod. Ivy is the worst thing to plant near a tree or a building. Of your list only mint and Virginia creeper are a problem for me. Catmint can become invasive in moist, warm conditions. Hay scented fern roots form mats several inches thick and it's awful to remove. This list is intended for beginner gardeners who arent able to keep up with these presumably low-maintence plants when they get out of hand. Susan, Japanese knotweed is the Godzilla of all invasive's! They look beautiful, but if you want to remove them it takes a lot of muscle power. It has over taken one raised flower bed and is now spreading to the one below it. Your email address will not be published. Roses present a challenge but also can provide many potential rewards. The plants can grow their roots down, do not need any extra watering or feeding, but they cannot spread out. Im In Zone 3 Alberta and trying to plant a really steep hill. It's always been a weed to me? Good to know! Thank you! 5 landscapers with pickaxes, shovels and a Kubota to get that out. Mostly it doesn't rain, and things catch fire. This is the only bad thistle. I actually don't have all of these in my yard, just a lot of ferns and bellflower (which I'd be super happy to share!!). But, thanks to you, I know more about what to plant where I want lots of color and what to plant in containers. They end up everywhere, can't stop them. I have had a problem with arium itallicum. If you want to plant something in that same area, you'll have to pull the plants for years. Worst plant ever is wisteria! I love gardening! However, the Canada anemone, which is low growing and comes out in the spring, can be invasive. All of the biennial types are very beneficial for wildlife. I prefer things here that grow up and keep the ground clear. I can't get rid of them. (Even if it made the list.) In my defence, this article was meant to be a bit humourous, and I'm sorry it didn't come across that way for you. Vinca MAJOR is considered invasive. The Spruce / Evgeniya Vlasova. If you don't want cats right in the garden, use catnip as a border. It doesnt matter if youre going to put it in a south-facing spot right against the house It will die. I love having raspberries and I love that they send up volunteers because there is always a friend to give them to. What do you think is the most inexpenive, fast growing/spreading plant? Pulling them out is not the answer.those roots are already traveling!! Why do you bother having a garden? But I live in the city so.. no gun. Thanks for the post! It is quite invasive and has thick finger type suckers that adhere to walls, brick, anything and have to be scraped off. Roses, Irises, raspberries, Dahlias, rhubarb, day lilies and few other flowers are not something you can regret at all. Nature provides us with so many beautiful, useful flowers and plants which are relied on by other species, especially insects (eg., bee species) without whom we could grow very little! And if something spreads where you would rather not have it, simply yank it out! . It's a beautiful plant, especially in the spring when the white blooms are on it. The minty flavored leaves of catmint are commonly used in herbal teas and are thought to have various health benefits. At first I was delighted, and now am in my third year picking each stem out. Many of the garden bloggers that I follow don't have degrees in horticulture, nor do we profess to. (And an overgrown yard teeming with bell flower, ferns, and lily of the valley that I'm still trying to get under control, lol.). In South Central Alaska, The Valley, I've grown golden raspberries on part of a fence -The kids enjoyed them just to pick and eat. I'd love to have rhubarb but no success in east Texas. This is why. When I wrote this post I had the inexperienced gardener who wouldn't be as likely to keep up with their weeding and garden maintenance in mind. We have (had) hundreds of seedlings growinglooks like a thick blade of grass that root easily.ugh! Most are cold hardy to zone 3. Catmint and Lemon Mint, Im looking at you. I bought ONE passionflower vine so we could raise Gulf Frittilary butterflies.and I blinked and they took over. Water catmint plants regularly until they become well established. Plant what you love, but remember the plant's habits and you will go far and be less frustrated. I should have mentioned that it seems to only be the orange day lilies that are really aggressive. Perennial in USDA Zones 3-8. I am so sad. Luckily we could pull the vines from the trees, chopped everything to soil level, pulled most of what we could see then covered everything with 2 layers of cardboard and covered in bark chips! I will take violets over bluegrass anytime. I enjoyed your post. I have a home in zone 3, and my 20' x 10' patch under my pine and dogwood trees was the same size 20 years ago. It is the Satan of the plant world. Plant only in containers! behold, where they dropped their weeding prizes at the curb has now got its own spiderwort patch. Spreading personal preferences off as bad species advice promotes miseducation about ecology. I spent 4 days digging up the plants and as much root as I could get to (a bit of rain two nights helped!) Within 2 months I had to dig out a whole section of garden and again the next year plus pulling up strays for a couple more years. It will have to have a trim soon! Its billowing foliage is topped with spikes of flowers in early summer . Garlic mustard takes it a step further and poisons native butterflies who mistake it for native mustards. The DEVIL is a plant called Chamelion Plant. I bought my current house a couple years ago and and left behind a lot of the problem plants when I moved. I love what you pointed out about Chinese Lanterns and Virginia Creepers being so prolific and often difficult to kill. I get all my exercise trying to keep them contained!!!!! Are you living in the Garden of Eden that so many of your plants become invasive? Nepeta. That sounds HORRIBLE!! Thank. Boy do I regret that life choice! The scent of Muguet de Bois (Lily of the Valley) is one of my favourite childhood memories let's try to remember we share this Earth with others, and let's try to not destroy species who've been here for millions of years! And its in my garden beds so it would have to all be killed in the spring, when its pouring outside. Besides Virginia Creeper, I cannot think of a single one of these other ones I would give up in my not understand this article at all!!! Learn how to completely plan out and grow your own backyard cut flower garden for beautiful bouquets all summer long. I want to buy this Grab a coffee (and your gardening gloves) and join me for gardening tips, simple recipes and fun gardening projects, all from just outside the city of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Worst part about ivy is that it hibernates any stray poison ivy so getting it under control is a nightmare. Actually, butterflies are attracted to any flower with nectar. It is a not as tight and compact as catmint, but the foliage has a nice color and texture and the flowers are rather pretty. Some of these cannot be controlled unless you use,something like roundup on them not a good choice but sometimes necessary. It was wandering everywhere, including into the two neighbouring yards. This beautiful herb is so aggressive it will grow in gravel. And I heartily agree with the Bugleweed. These "Perennials" found new homes and we will be celebrating our Canada Day 150th Birthday! It will come back when you cut it but I have noticed that if I plant something else immediately it is in better control. I know from experience! Sweet Autumn clematis (with the tiny flowers), wisteria, and morning glories were my other big mistakes. They're called ditch lilies here in PA too. The perennial "Canada" thistle, though, is another matter. Then I found out so dI'd the entire area. This compact version of Walkers Low is covered from May to September with bright lavender flowers, held in dense clusters above attractive mounds of blue-green foliage. There are some excellent suggestions in the comments! Creeping thymelooks pretty at first but seeds itself everywhere and takes over. 1 inch left in ground could grow 1 foot in a day. now should I remove mine or not this year? Maybe call your local University Extension, Master Gardener Office they will advise you. We have beautiful soil so most things grow without any trouble and thrive. Are you sure that the "Campanula" you have pictured isn't Adenophora, sometimes called False Campanula. WHAT THE NATURAL HECK! Please educate yourself about plant selection, garden design, and ecological landscaping from reputable sources and stop influencing peoples relationship with nature with misinformation. It should be illegal to sell that stuff. I planted peppermint and spearmint in a raised border bed on a rocky slope. I enjoyed your post and have another one for your list - BLEEDING HEART! When you buy less expensive bird seed there is a lot of waste (filler) that is dropped on the ground and some of it can take over your lawn. Talk w pretty purple flowers. I agree with some, but not all. My personal list of 'promiscious' plants: Great info to have and consider specified regions or zones. Once they are established they produce so many blooms on one plant that they bloom for weeks. Probably gout weed, lily of the valley, and bellflowers are your best bet. As she states, the advice may not necessarily be for you! I've had to battle several of the listed plants in my Zone 7 gardens, but the worst two were Chameleon Plant (Houttonyia cordata) and goutweed (a/k/a/ Bishops weed.) I love Yarrow, especially for making floral arrangements all summer long. Thank you for your insight!! Chameleon Plant I'm in zone 2b - 3. Badly need rid of them coming through artificial grass ! This is my Yes, I agree. Please use caution reading this list. I will be planting them in the spring. Every very year i am cursing the day i planted Virginia Creeper. 3. Some of the catmints can reseed themselves readily and can become weedy in that way, but there are some . Hopefully you'll be able to give some of these a try and they will work for your growing situation. I think as long as the seeds have dropped so they can re-seed themselves, you should be fine. I also live in a place with generally fertile soil, so that might also be why some things run wild here that don't do as well in your zone even if it's warmer. Synonym(s): catmint, catwort, field balm: Native Range: Eurasia Selected Images from View All Images at . Invasiveness. A great solution for ground cover in a shaded area until it takes over in 5 years. As well as blogs like yours where the property is located in the same growing zone. Now I am finding the same with my big red daliahs and carpet roses that turn into climbers and keep resprouting when dug out. You wouldn't think something that starts out so pretty could take down a 200 year old tree, but it can, and it does. Spa like..check The seeds get into gutters and streets, wash out to streams and rivers, sprout EVERYWHERE in the wild areas and crowd out native vegetation. In 2018, I removed at least 100 Ostrich Ferns from our yard, and then in the following year, I pulled out another 218. You certainly have a way of providing info which much humorhad me rolling over laughing! Pick them up? So far, nothing kills it and my efforts just seem to spread it further. You just cant get up that high What you are left with is dead ivy all the way up into the tree tops. It also looks gorgeous when intermingled with its purple-hued counterparts. Didnt even know there were different types of Bachelor buttons (I love them and will try to find the ones that seed lol) Also those purple flowersthey sure are hardy, and the bees sure do love them OMG I have Prairie lilies and there is this HUMMINGBIRD that visits for mine my day lilies must be planted in a better spot then yours, they're still blooming. (In real life or on Facebook). UGH! Is. Unless you can eat them faster than they can propagate. It is the bane of my existence!! Disclaimer #3: This post contains affiliate links. I continue to have daisies, but rip out any that encroach on areas where they don't belong. twist it off. May be bothered by thrips, which are best treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil. While many of the commenters here have negative views regarding your choices I think you are doing new gardeners and even experienced ones the push they need to get rid of some invasive plants. Mexican flame vine, it keeps popping up no matter how much you pull them out same for American evergreen, Golden pothos and sweet potato vine. Use a sharp shovel to cut a section of the plant with a good root system and replant it. I can't believe no one ever mentions Monkshood. To avoid this, you can plant the herb in a container and then bury it near catnip companion plants. I've practically killed myself in this yard and I want someone to continue to love it. It's weird, because it seems like any other kind of day lily doesn't seem to have a spreading problem. Catmints cool-toned foliage and flowers blend well with most other colors, particularly reds, deeper purple tones, pinks and yellows. Do not buy the pre-mixed ready-to-use version because that will not work! I'm curious, is there any plant that's particularly problematic in Texas? Kills native butterflies by mimicking native mustards. Learn how your comment data is processed. My biggest issue is Ajuga. The ones that just grow in a shrub on the ground with little lilly flowersI planted two about 6 years ago in our first houseafter pulling them out and spraying them, they've come back multiple times and are just spreading and spreading.. My big mistake was Salvia Coccinea, or Coral Nymph Salvia, one of the Texas Salvias. Now it's a jungle out there. Catmints with showier flowers, better-behaved garden habits but less excitement for cats (leaves less enticing) include certain edgers to 12" tall ( Nepeta x faassennii and Nepeta racemosa ) and certain taller plants ( Nepeta subsessilis , Nepeta siberica and Nepeta . Thanks for the info. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Morning Glory is another bad oneand the stores sell SEEDS!!! My problem with bird feeders was not with sprouting seeds but the dropped seeds were a buffet for mice and voles the raised havoc with my garden and invaded the house. Ugh, spearmint--my condolences to your garden! Literally every plant on this list is adored by native pollinators ? Attracts bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. Then I shall slay the mother ship plant. For instance, I planted soapwart for a few years ago and it has scattered on the wind. The sweat potatoes are pretty but are too thick a ground cover for here. You still need to deadhead to prevent reseeding. So I need to put them somewhere outside of the yard. Nothing like Spiraea which creates ~100 plants each year. It wasn't long & they were everywhere. Its about 3 or 4 years old. They never die out completely but the also have not spread from the back edge of the garden and bloom beautifully every year. Rudbeckia, Siberian Iris & Cranesbill Geraniums are what I'd add to the growing list. At least clover feeds bees and butterflies. Nepeta racemosa, commonly called catmint, is Native to the Caucusus and northern Iran. My unintentional invader: Verbena Bonariensis. Just found your site, I look forward to having a good look around! Sometimes I see a 4" rock that I can't unbury because what I am seeing is only 10% of its actually size. don't want a lot of bees. And the lambs ear I planted from seed Holy crap! Unlike most, which produce flowers only at the tops of the stems, this one is smothered with indigo-blue blooms from the stem tips all the way down to the base. I also have a problem with caryopteris. Beauty in the eyes of the beholder. 'Cat's Pajamas' will be the most well-behaved catmint you've ever seen. 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