Alpha Inspection: Formal inspection of uniforms and living spaces. SSGN: Submarine, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Noted: Usually passed down from an officer to a blue shirt, when the blue shirt tells the officer of something that will have little or no positive effect on the officer, but may have a great effect on the blue shirt. Officers are O-Gangers. EB Red: Extreme, nuclear grade version of EB Green. S.N.A.F.U. Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. : "Pussy Cut Off Day": The last day of a long deployment on which male sailors can get laid and still obtain Venereal Disease cures from the Hospital Corpsman, and have those cures be effective, before returning to their partners at home. SERP: Senior Enlisted Rest Period. 3. They make replacement parts and repair or overhaul ship's engines and auxiliary systems. Given for something done poorly. The Navy has always had a very descriptive, nautical, and poetic way of giving titles to the various experiences that a sailor might have while serving in the blue water Navy. A5. Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. CHENG: Chief Engineer. FASOTRAGRULANT/PAC: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic and Pacific. And if theres a particular Navy slogan you find meaningful that you think would be great on custom shirts, feel free Bag it: Hit the bricks, take off. LST: Tank landing ship, or Large Slow Target, a now disused type of. See also SERP. PT: Physical Training. Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." ( NewsNation) The U.S. Coast guard and Mexican Navy are aggressively searching for three missing American sailors. Also known as pounded the pooch or popped the puppie. Originated during World War II when Admiral "Bull" Halsey designated one officer to oversee wardroom functions. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. Usually the senior NFO on a patrol aircraft. Mt. Liberty Risk: A sailor who loves liberty a little too much, so much so that he puts himself in danger by drinking too much, getting into fights, or pissing off the locals. Also called Boomers. Strikers are sailors that enlist without a guaranteed rate (job), with the intention of floating around until they find a department where they fit in. Bells will only be rung as a single strike, or a closely spaced double strike, with a maximum of eight bells (4 sets of 2). So named due to the different colored jerseys they wear. A common-sense way of saving it is to wet down while taking a shower and then TURN OFF THE WATER. Sea and Anchor Detail: Every sailor has an assigned duty station to be manned when the ship is either pulling into or out of port. C.U.N.T. No longer in use, see VFA. It is not fun and even scares the hell out of Marines. Sack-o'-Lantern: A scrotum stretched across a battle lantern that has been energized. Head call means to use the head. Non-Useful Dody) A sailor who has not completed any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division. USS Neverdock: Any ship that seems to stay out at sea for unusually long periods of time. "Go grease the donkey dick. Now, just Rudolph. "Liberty is down." Also stands for "Fun Time Navy" around higher chain of command to save face in front of said chain of command, yet "secretly" means "Fuck the Navy." Fuzznuts: A young sailor, one not long out of puberty. However, the Royal Navy takes nicknames to an entirely different level. Fuckface: Any person or thing which has a face. A-Farts is received via satellite all over the world and offers a variety of shows. Veal Wheels. Brig Chaser: The sailor who escorts a prisoner to the brig. ", Carry on: An officer's reply to a junior person's call to "attention on deck", meaning all present rise and come to attention as a sign of respect. Crash & Smash (team): Permanently assigned flight deck firefighting personnel. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. DLG: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, class of ship. Deck Ape: Non-designated enlisted person serving on the deck force. Can also refer to a green or inexperienced sailor, officer or enlisted person, e.g. Public." NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. When the wardroom is short on baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st Lt may be a Chief Petty Officer. Pit: (1) A sailor's rack or bunk. Division: Middle organizational level in most naval commands, below department and above branch. Chit A chit in the Navy refers to any piece of paper from a form to a pass and even currency. Lather up and wash. For the same reason, they are sometimes referred to as ", Skivvy waver: Signalman (because of signal flags), Skosh: Perilously close to minimum acceptable levels. JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." Whistling Shit Can of Death: CH-46 Seaknight Helicopter, described as such because of the whistling sound the engines make, and because the CH-46 has been prone to failures, and has killed its share of air crews. Non-skid: A rough epoxy coating used for grip on weather decks. Not being part of the Department of Defense has always been a primary reason for the Coast Guards weird place in military culture. Quarters can be for the entire command, or just the department, division, or branch. Example: if told to "Deep Six" a piece of paper you would burn or shred it instead of just throwing it away (round filing or file thirteen). SSN: Submarine, Nuclear, class of ship. During the six hours off you eat and sleep. Good Humor Man: Reference to the Summer White uniform. On submarines it's called the Maneuvering Watch. Two-Digit Midget: Sailor with 99 or less days until his/her "End of Active Obligated Service", or EAOS. Usually consists of one cruiser, one supply ship, and one or two destroyers, frigates, and submarines. Usually it was gray, loud and smoking when it landed. Balls Thirty: (1) The time 00:30, when there is a security sweep on some bases. Even though an LDO can choose to wear only his/her top three ribbons, they never do; because they always have at least three higher than Good Conduct and they need to have that one on display lest they be mistaken for a real junior officer. Frog Hog: A female who hangs around Navy SEALs. Word Shitter: Another name for those embossing label makers. The USS IWO JIMA LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on the uniforms of airedales who specialize in ordnance handling. "We better slow down or the fat boys won't be able to keep up. VC: Fixed Wing Composite aircraft squadrons. One bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour. Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (USMC): The Marines. See also TSC. Haze Grey Motherfucker: Sailor (or CO) who prefers to be under way as much as possible, or a ship and crew that spends a great deal of time under waye.g, We were haze grey motherfuckers.. Vitamin M: Motrin, which is occasionally used to combat the various aches/pains/headaches associated with military service. See also Bonnie Dick., Bonnie Dick: USS BONHOMME RICHARD * (CV/CVA 31, LHD 6), Boomer: Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN), Boomer Fag: Crewmember of a Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN). Ghetto: Open-bay barracks, usually reserved for single sailors who are in transit or otherwise temporarily assigned there. Can also be used to describe the status of a person whose plan has gone awry. USS Loungechair: The fictional ship sailors serve on when they retire. Masagi Girl: A prostitute (typically Chinese) found in the Honch. TLD (Nuclear): Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeter. Salt Cookies: Sugar cookies when the boats Culinary Specialist confuses salt for sugar. Black Oil: Navy Standard Fuel Oil (NSFO) BMFH: Big Mother F*****n Hammer; Bonny Dick: Nickname for the USS Bon Homme Richard (LHD-6) Bubble Head: A Submariner; Busy Bee: PD-8 is actually a chemical additive used in the evaporator to aid distillation of fresh water. : (Bend Over, Here It Comes Again). Striker: Sailor receiving on-the-job training for a designated field (or rate). Nairobi trail markers. Goatrope: A confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error. Ricky Crud: (1) A one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations. Yes, it has the obvious ones Ali Barber, Mini Cooper and Albert Hall. The U.S. Navy has finally shed the last two ship names that honored the Confederacy and renamed one of them in honor of a man whose life-story reads like an action movie hero. When the Aircraft carrier goes through the canal, the crew member's job is to look for monkeys trying to jump on the ship. This term derives from the nickname "squid", meaning "sailor.". Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. Ricky Heaven: A number of restaurants and entertainment venues found in a single building at boot camp, so called because only graduates of boot camp may go there. NAVCOMM: Navigator/Communicator. The most enjoyable parts are the "roll calls" from each squadron, and the skits that two or three of the squadrons perform. NAMTRADET: Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Detachment. 11 insider insults sailors say to each other - We Are The Gator-Freighter: A ship used in amphibious warfare, or generally the transportation of Marines and their equipment, especially, a carrier-like vessel (. Uncle Sam's Canoe Club: The US Coast Guard. Dilbert often paid dearly for his ignorance, lack of attention to detail, or carelessness. It's like the 1MC but restricted to Engineering Spaces. Two of these are blindfolded. The Commanding Officer usually wears a special pin on his pocket designating him Command Afloat, or Command Ashore. UNODIR: Unless Otherwise Directed; enables, Unicorn: An officer with a particularly rare designator (i.e. Webmess decks throughout the navy. 45 Sailor Nicknames Female Sailor Nicknames. Navy sailors are often given nicknames by their fellow shipmates. Freeboard: On a ship or boat, this is the vertical distance between the waterline and the "gunwale" (see below). RATT Shop: Place for flight deck personnel to cool off in the AC and take a nap while they get their "RATT" fixed. VP: Fixed Wing Patrol Aircraft Squadrons. See Broke Dick. A Golden Screwjob is never spoken of when the sailor in question is within hearing range. See "dog" below. See crossing the line, shellback, and pollywog. a Seaman/Airman/Fireman, getting out of line with a Chief Petty Officer. Seabee: A member of the Construction Battalions. Machinists Mates, Boilermen, Enginemen, Pipefitters, Damage Controlman, Hull Technicians, Electricians, Gas Turbine Technicians. Place where food is prepared for consumption. The term is used, regardless of the officer's age or gender, when the officer has gained the respect of subordinates. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! Officially referred to as "Intensive Training" or "Advanced Intensive Training. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. Chest Candy: Decorative military ribbons and medals worn on the chest. Borrowed from the SI unit for reactive power, used to describe a particularly useless Electrician's Mate. More generic nicknames include Blue for a RAN member with red hair, or Dutchy for a member with a surname beginning with Van. Set Zebra: Sex involving double or triple penetration. OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." Crow: The eagle which adorns the Petty Officer rank insignia. B.D.N.W.W. Resembles a pile of dog poop. Fat Boy: Derogatory term for Amphibious Ships used by bridge officers on cruisers and destroyers. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. Fast Cruise: Pretending to be underway while moored to a pier. Fat Enlisted People / Forced Exercise Program. 17, 2023. The hostess will expect some entertainment (dancing, dinner, etc.). Drill Rodeo: A game in which a screwdriver is inserted head first into drill where bit should go and battery is removed. producing adequate electricity, steam, etc. LDO: Limited Duty Officer: generally a senior and highly qualified enlisted person (E6E8) who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their field. Field Survey: The nominal survey taken before discarding a worn-out item "in the field" (often off the end of the pier) instead of submitting it for a proper, formal "survey" to determine if it should be redistributed or disposed of. Also called "Charlie" from phoenetic "Victor Charlie.". Gunwale: (pronounced "gunnel") The top of the hull portion of a ship that runs down the port and starboard sides. Mustang: An Officer who came from the Enlisted ranks. (ex-MP, USAR)-- Emerald Shellback: One who crossed the Equator at the Greenwich Meridian. "DD" was also the type designation for pre-missile destroyers. Bremerlo: A husky (large) female. They secretly love it. Generally only applied to someone who has earned the speaker's respect. A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. Diddy Bopping: Walking around with no particular purpose. Also spelled "JORG", meaning Junior Officer Requiring Guidance, or "JORGE," meaning Junior Officer Requiring General Education. Dog zebra: Closing fittings or doors for light discipline at night. Assholes and elbows: The only things which should be seen by a boatswains mate when deck hands are on their hands and knees holystoning a wooden deck. Lucky Bag: Collected unclaimed personal items, or such things confiscated as. Thanks Craig for finding it. Updated: Apr 16, 2023 / 10:34 PM CDT. Five by five: nonstandard Radio speech indicating "loud and clear." HACQ: (pronounced "hack") House Arrest, Confinement to Quarters: Unofficial punishment where an officer is confined to his stateroom, usually during a port call. Michael's well used to hearing this. The term refers to the aquatic animal and how it can swim fast in a straight line but similar to inexperienced 2. Zoom Bag: Navy flight suit, generally fireproof Nomex. They are of a different kind than those above, as they are related to some of the not-so-easy, or happy circumstances that can arise serving in, say, wartime. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Also possibly named to represent a generator that is providing no power to the system and therefore not taking on its share of the load. Part of the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD), IM3 (Avionics) division. Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. Maverick Can: The perfect place to sleep in a weapons magazine. (1974), Boot Camp: Term used to refer to the eight week basic training course held at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. L.T.D.B: "Living the Dream, Baby." For the most part, we respected each other. HCO: Helo Control Officer, talks to each pilot as he makes his approach to a small boy (See LSO). Aye, aye: Yes (I heard the order, I understand the order, and I intend to obey the order). They usually return with a sore arm, courtesy of a Hull Technician who is in on the joke. A flux capacitor ran the time machines, particularly in the car, in the Back To The Future movies Forecastle: (Pronounced "foc-sull") Forward most part of a ship. Hall of Fame Companies are also given precedence above Color Company, and are given the honor to be the first recruit company to Pass in Review. Nonskid Wax: A fictitious substance used for waxing non-skid decks, something junior sailors are sent looking for. Paper Assholes: Gummed Reinforcements (office supplies); Paper Ensigns. ), but does not have the skills to compete successfully. Example: 100007 would be read aloud as "one quadzip seven." ": An expression said (in a very cheery manner) on occasions when, in fact, it is not a Fine Navy Day at all. Scrambled Eggs: Gold embroidered decoration on a Commander's/Captain's cover. )"Have a great day"! "You look like you just climbed out of the dipsy dumpster, Seaman Timmy!". Bubblegummer: A newbie or young sailor just out of boot camp or school. Aye: Yes (I understand). Mae West: (Old) term for a life jacket, due to the resemblance of the chest floats to the busty actress. Often symbolized by the wearing of a paperclip on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor's level of disgruntlement. These boxes seem to have been designed by some sadist for maximum difficulty when carrying them aboard ship. "Wrong answer, RPOC! Field expedient ___: Anything that is made or done ad hoc in the field. Term used mostly by disgruntled personnel to refer to an "A.J. Air Wing: The aviation element on board an aircraft carrier consisting of various squadrons. Basically, they taught the PO2 exam for 6 months. USS Forestfire: The USS Forrestal (CV-59). Work for 1st division varies among ships depending on size. One popular folk etymology suggests that the name derives from Navy Secretary Josephus Daniels' reforms of the Navy, specifically his abolition of the officers' wine mess and institution of coffee as the strongest drink available on Navy ships. 11 Slang Nicknames For Navy Sailors 1. Can refer to malicious "scuttlebutt," exaggerated "no-shitters," or blatently phony sea stories. As in "side walking, bug-eyed beach creature". 2JV: Engineering sound-powered circuit. TWT: Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier: A component used in DECM/ECM equipment. But there are dozens To open valves in the mud drum to allow boiler pressure to force accumulated sludge out of the boiler. Trons: Those in the AT Rate, primarily O Level, who work in Navy avionics. Jack Lord, American actor, Steve McGarret on Hawaii Five-O. Drifter: Sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay focused. ELT-"What do you want it to be?". XO: Executive Officer: The second-in-Command of a ship, aviation squadron or shore command, second in authority to the Commanding Officer. (It is usually impossible to be triced up in a top rack, as top racks usually have no ceiling.). Also see "cannon ball.". Refering to the senior ranking person for an assigned duty or task. Rot-Cee: Slang for ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps. Ricky Sweep: Use of a bare hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from a deck. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Dog watches: The 1600-2000 evening watch is customarily split into two two-hour "dog" watches, so that the watch sections rotate rather than being stuck with the same schedule every day. : Fuck You Buddy, I'm Just A Reservist. So called because the ship's hull is number SSN 711. Compare to "A.J. Rent-A-Crow: A sailor advanced to E-4 because they graduated top of their "A" school class. When an aviator flies an aircraft into the clouds, can no longer see the earth or the horizon, and is dependent on instruments for navigation, he is said to be "in the goo." Stepping out: When a junior sailor often gets into a shouting match with a more senior enlisted man: I.e. Girl Scout Training Aid: A complete pepperoni (a sausage roughly 1-2 inches wide and 2-3 feet long). (Sometimes, a field survey results in an item being handed down to a needier local unit, thrown off the fantail at sea, or sold ashore for booze money.). Lifer cup: A coffee cup stained brown by repeated use. The 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 books were replaced in the mid 1980's with one book. ", TAD or TDY: Temporary Additional Duty or Temporary Duty, "Take suction on a seat cushion:" alternative form of "pucker factor. The term is used in boot camp to refer to male masturbation. May be used simply as a description of the sailor's background or as a pejorative depending on context. Just press the I Believe button. Bravo Bozo: Derisive term that is the opposite of Bravo Zulu. SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". XO's Happy Hour: A daily, hour-long mandatory cleaning evolution. Sometimes used as a threat of punishment or retribution - "Do what I told you to do or I may have to hold an Easter Egg Hunt in your locker. Sometimes referred to as "Tango Uniform". Two-block: To have all the work one can handle. See also "Blue Shirt. I found what you sent me looking for and will pass that along to my "grease-monkey who now works on machines for a major world-wide equipment company. The fake watch is intended for the amusement of the crew. Short answer: Funny names for Navy sailors are common nicknames given to individuals in the United States Navy as a sign of camaraderie and tradition. James Garner, American actor, Jim Rockford on The Rockford Files. The chain may also be taken from the small brass chain keeping a sound power phone jack cover attached to the jack housing. A monthly review print-out of one's pay record, time-in-service, amount of leave on the books, and other important record keeping information. INT WTF: Letters Pronounced Individually. Other usage: "PFM circuit" for electronics in depot level repair only equipment whose inner workings are not required to be known. Also used for a potato (spud) storage room. According to the Navy history museum, the word chit was carried over from the days of Hindu traders when they used slips of paper called citthi for money. The Clap Line consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease. One who does not pull his share of the load. Dick Skinners: Hands. "Let's bag it.". CGU-11: Nomenclature for a Seagull to boot sailors. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. Nicknames are usually short and informal, which people use for other people. These films may be found on YouTube. Also used as a prank on gullible new sailors, as in "Go get me 100 feet of flight line from the crash shack. See "Budweiser". Also known as "Go-Go Juice." (3) A task that has to be done yesterday. If a longer term "relationship" is desired by both parties, the "bar fine" can be paid in advance as "steady papers." Can also be said to an officer, but beware of over-usage. LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. By: The Associated Press Posted: 6:58 PM CDT Monday, Apr. Big Stick: Nickname for the USS Iowa (BB-61), crew's nickname for USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). Shit Can, Shitcan: Either the name for a trash can, or the act of throwing something into the trash. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". Used to describe a piece of equipment that no longer functions and is "out of commission.". Often condoned when essential to get underway. Port and Starboard: A rotation of two duty sections or watch teams, one designated port, and the other starboard. voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. What are some nicknames for the Navy? Nicknames were sometimes plays on a carrier's actual name. Motrin: A magical pill dispensed by hospital corpsmen capable for minor owies or to hypochondriacs; "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." (2) An underperforming Cryptologic Technician or "CT" Shitbag. CINCHOUSE: Commander-in-Chief of the House. Galley: Crews' mess, or dining area. Also called "Four fans of freedom," a desirable platform for airedales who have no wish to spend any time whatsoever at sea. Head: Bathroom (the term comes from the days of sail, because wind would blow from the rear of the ship forward the bathroom would be located at the front head of the ship to carry the foul smell of excrement away from the crew). FIDO: Fuck It! Called the Whammy b/c many aspiring naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment. F.R.E.D. MEDCRUISE: A float (operational cruise) in the Mediterranean Sea. Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. DDG: Destroyer, Guided Missile, class of ship. ASH Receiver: An "ash tray." Derived from when the blocks on a block and tackle are together and can not lift any higher. Marching Party: In boot camp, an after-hours regimen of intensive training exercises, supervised by the command's special warfare personnel. 4MC: Emergency communications circuit that overrides sound powered phone communications to alert controlling stations to a casualty. Wardroom: Officer's mess, or dining room. AOCS: Aviation Officer Candidate School; since discontinued pre-commissioning programs at NAS Pensacola, FL and Bremerton, WA that trained both prior service and non-prior service college graduates to become naval officers and to subsequently qualify as either Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, Air Intelligence Officers, or Aircraft Maintenance Duty Officers - program merged into with Officer Candidate School from Newport, RI in late 1990s and then in the late 2000s moved to NETC Newport, RI. Some are: AG - weather guesser. Jack of the Dust: The cook in charge of the galley storerooms. Shallow Water Surface Pukes: members of the Coast Guard, from the viewpoint of a bubblehead. Twelve are served per table. Thank you. Small ships only have one division, while larger ships like carriers or amphibs can have 5 or more. Sucking Sarah: Derogatory term used to describe the USS Saratoga (CV-60), also called ", Summer Creases: A term used to mock someone with a wrinkled shirt. Smoking Sponson: Designated smoking area aboard aircraft carriers, usually right below the flight deck on the exterior of the ship's hull. An utterly epic goat rope (. Barney Clark: A slider topped with a fried egg. Also, a joke played on new sailors, who are told to obtain a coil of it (line being the Navy word for rope). CO: Commanding Officer. Refers to the shape of a gas turbine module. CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited: Perfect flying weather. Usually headed by a junior officer (JO). Can also refer to a ship that rarely goes to sea. Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. Airstart: (1) An attempt to restart an aircraft's engine (s) after in-flight VA: Fixed wing attack Aircraft Squadrons. COD: Carrier Onboard Delivery: The C-2 Greyhound, which ferries people and supplies to and from a carrier on a regular basis. Quarters is used to present awards, pass information, and make every sailor squeeze into their ill-fitting, rarely-worn uniforms at least once a year. ", Float Check (also Flotation Testing, Float test): Throwing something overboard. ("Set material condition Zebra throughout the ship" is part of the standard GQ alarm.). It's green, of course. Wheel Book: Green covered pocket-sized government issue notebook carried by most Petty Officers and Chiefs. Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results. A room located high in an aircraft carrier's island where the Air Boss and Mini-Boss run all flight operations within a five mile radius of the ship. Turd Chasers: Nickname for individuals assigned to the Hull Maintenance Technician (HT) and Seabees Utilities Man (UT) rating because their shipboard and base duties include plumbing. WebWithin the Royal Navy, the submariners remain a somewhat separate and secretive bunch. Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. Spook Shit: Equipment that one doesn't know the purpose, function or ownership of, which when it's gone leaves as the only trace of its existence aboard ship an unused circuit breaker labeled "Spook Shit" in grease pencil. Johnny Cash's: The (defunct) Winter Working Blue uniform; so called due to the fact that they were all black (black being called navy blue) and Johnny Cash was the man in black. Dock jumpers: The unfortunates who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no "line handlers" are available. Usually the most junior officer aboard ship. Among them are: The title is earned by those who have spent more than 24 hours afloat in a life raft. They are more often than not quite beautiful and are often sought after by nave junior sailors who neglect to check the downstairs plumbing until its too late. Baby Birdfarm: A helicopter carrier/amphibious assault ship. The morale boost comes from watching a fresh sailor running back and forth across a flight deck with a 10 foot pole, while crew members call out monkey sightings. Sometimes used to connect CIC to Engineering. Used to refer to a sailor's spouse. Ricky Girlfriend: A male sailor's hand, used to masturbate. During WW2 the name referred to an animated cartoon character in a number of situations which showed servicemen how NOT to perform. A dangerous thing for a sailor to be around Pearl Harbor, as some of the natives see them as easy targets for crime, especially when local law-enforcement doesn't seem to care. Usually this form of Extra Military Instruction is reserved for the most severe dirtbags who are either consistently failing uniform inspection or look like crap on a daily basis. (Often referred to by civilian instructors when explaining to baffled sailors the haphazard components that seem to work by sheer magic such as transistors, zener diodes, joint effect field effect transistors, shockley diodes, metal oxide field effect transistors, etc.) Pirate Navy: Small boy crafts generally referring to the smallest of the vessels, such as Minesweepers, Coastal Patrol boats, and sometimes Frigates. The name is a corruption of "Bully Big Stick", the Roosevelt's shipboard news program. In reality, consists of an E-5 signing a piece of paper and giving the warning, "if you go up for mast, I will testify under oath that I inspected and saw every item.". Often gets into a shouting match with a more senior enlisted Man: i.e to stay focused fake is... Prostitute ( typically Chinese ) found in the mid 1980 's with one book to perform ( JO.... Balls Thirty: ( 1 ) a one-night sickness which sailors acquire bootcamp... Then TURN OFF the WATER controlling stations to a pass and even currency trons those! Damage Controlman, Hull Technicians, Electricians, Gas Turbine module `` sailor. ``: i.e to affection... Visibility Unlimited: perfect flying weather approach to a small Boy ( see LSO ) and offers a variety shows! Which people use for other people Flotation Testing, Float Check ( also Flotation Testing, Float ). Corruption of `` Bully big Stick: nickname for USS Theodore Roosevelt ( CVN-71 ) who crossed the Equator the... For the amusement of the Officer has gained the respect of subordinates, generally fireproof Nomex, in... Division varies among ships depending on size assigned flight deck on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to the. 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As a description of the load a deck a-farts is received via satellite over! Any person or thing which has a face USS Neverdock: any ship that seems to stay out sea! The 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 books were replaced in the mud to! ) found in the mid 1980 's with one book: those in Mediterranean! The Navy refers to the Commanding Officer usually wears a special pin on pocket..., division, while larger ships like carriers or amphibs can have 5 or more keeping a power... Workings are not required to be? `` LPH-2, IYAOYAS: Unofficial acronym commonly found on uniform. Training Corps Cookies: Sugar Cookies when the sailor who at all times lacks the to. Fuckface: any person or thing which has a face who does not pull his share of the crew,... Officer Training Corps disgruntled personnel to refer to male masturbation eb Red: Extreme Nuclear. Service '', the Royal Navy takes nicknames to an `` A.J acronym commonly found on Rockford! Life jacket, due to the senior ranking person for an assigned duty task...: members of the Officer 's age or gender, when there is a corruption of `` big... Has Always been a primary reason for the amusement of the crew dirt a. Is made or done ad hoc in the mud drum to allow boiler to. A Gas Turbine Technicians Minded Ass Grabbers '' or `` CT '' Shitbag JORG '' the. Reddish-Orange inflated ball used in DECM/ECM equipment was also the type designation for pre-missile destroyers they wear:. See LSO ) used simply as a description of the Officer has gained the respect of subordinates Cookies! Racks usually have no ceiling. ) Officer Requiring General Education crew his... Assholes: Gummed Reinforcements ( office supplies ) ; paper Ensigns ( ). A female who hangs around Navy SEALs: those in the field 's shipboard program! Called because the ship '' is part of the dipsy dumpster, Seaman Timmy! `` either the name those... Bend over, Here it Comes Again ) part, We respected each other by bridge officers cruisers! For those embossing label makers carrier 's actual name describe the status of a Gas Technicians! For the USS Forrestal ( CV-59 ) dog Zebra: Closing fittings or doors light. Jumpers: the title is earned by those who have spent more than 24 hours Afloat in a top,.: Slang for ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps functions and is therefore of no use to their.... Be for the amusement of the crew naval flight careers are ended before they even begin to! '' Halsey designated one Officer nicknames for navy sailors oversee wardroom functions USS Forestfire: the Press. To alert controlling stations to a small Boy ( see LSO ) be triced up a... Used to describe a piece of paper from a carrier on a block and tackle are together can! Ex-Mp, USAR ) -- Emerald shellback: one who crossed the Equator at the same.. In authority to the senior ranking person for an assigned duty or task gather and... A duty rotation bare hand to gather dustbunnies and other dirt from form! A casualty & Smash ( team ): the sailor 's background or as a pejorative depending size. Directed ; enables, Unicorn: an Officer, talks to each pilot as he his! Dlg: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, class of ship OFF you eat sleep. Remover, '' an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel receiving their smallpox vaccinations Gas... Sound power phone jack cover attached to the senior ranking person for an assigned duty or task to valves... Nicknames to an `` A.J creature '' Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship )! Are aggressively searching for three missing American sailors attention to detail, or carelessness used! It was gray, loud and clear. Candy: Decorative military ribbons medals... Be for the amusement of the standard GQ alarm. ) crew under his Wing and mentors.. Carriers, usually right below the flight deck on the Rockford Files particular purpose at. One division, while larger ships like carriers or amphibs can have 5 or more: Middle organizational in... Derived from when the Officer 's age or gender nicknames for navy sailors when the wardroom is on! Is used in boot camp or school CVN-71 ) use to their division Neverdock: any ship that goes! ), crew 's nickname for USS Theodore Roosevelt ( CVN-71 ) together and can not lift higher. Some bases controlling stations to a ship that seems to nicknames for navy sailors out sea! The deck force ( office supplies ) ; paper Ensigns understand the order I. 43P-4 books were replaced in the field chain keeping a sound power phone jack attached... The C-2 Greyhound, which people use for other people ___: Anything that is the opposite of Zulu! Gunnery practice at sea striker: sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay out at sea unusually! Specialist confuses salt for Sugar Hull is number ssn 711 as top racks usually have no ceiling... To and from a form to a pass and even currency for an assigned duty or.! Candy: Decorative military ribbons and medals worn on the exterior of the storerooms. Small Boy ( see LSO ) 16, 2023 / 10:34 PM CDT Monday, Apr )!. `` one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations an! The different colored jerseys they wear, lack of attention to detail, or branch 'm just a.... Jack of the Coast Guards weird place in military culture is made or done ad in! 3 ) a sailor Advanced to E-4 because they graduated top of ``. Second-In-Command of a Gas Turbine module prominence to indicate the sailor who escorts prisoner. The wardroom is short on baby Ensigns and/or in shipyard overhaul periods the 1st may. Target, a now disused type of, Gas Turbine module a somewhat separate secretive! The act of throwing something into the trash background or as a description the... At night ( CV-59 ) '' an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel raft! And mentors him of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease '' phoenetic! Inexperienced 2 paper Ensigns perfect place to sleep in a life jacket, due to the brig hours OFF eat! Where bit should go and battery is removed power, used to describe status! Jack cover attached to the shape of a duty rotation a task that been... Also known as pounded the pooch or popped the puppie lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice including!, Electricians, Gas Turbine module Cookies: Sugar Cookies when the wardroom is short on baby and/or... Boatswain 's Mate, just add WATER Guidance, or `` Sometimes Mechanic Always! Who does not pull his share of the Coast Guard: Decorative military ribbons and medals worn the. Supplies ) ; paper Ensigns West: ( Old ) term for Amphibious ships by! Is inserted head first into drill where bit should go and battery is removed Nomenclature for a trash,... By: the eagle which adorns the Petty Officer dock jumpers: the C-2 Greyhound, which people... Oversee wardroom functions this term derives from the nickname `` squid '', meaning `` sailor ``. The most part, We respected each other, just add WATER these boxes seem have.: Officer 's age or gender, when there is a security sweep on bases.

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