The Heirs time is mostly spent learning to become a rulerpursuing academic and martial training, touring the kingdom to get to the know the land and its people, experiencing the intrigues of courtly life, and so on. Add the base Consumption for the army (1) and the adjusted Consumption cost for the Ranged Weapons (2) for a total of 3 Consumption per week for the army. If you fail by 4 or less, Unrest increases by 1; if you fail by 5 or more, Unrest increases by 1d4. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Download Links: 918. You may also prepare a hex for constructing a settlement. Shop the Open Gaming Store! The GM may want to allow a leaders ranks in a relevant skill (such as Diplomacy or Intimidate) to also affect the kingdom statistics. | GumshoeSRD I solved it by using the correcting the reference for the column waterfront and districts. Unless otherwise stated, the DC of a kingdom check is the Control DC. Phase 3Income: Add to your Treasury by collecting taxes and converting gp into BP, or withdraw BP from your kingdom for your personal use. You may sell one item per settlement district per turn. Here's a form fillable, auto-calculating sheet for Kingdom Building. Step 3Sell Expensive Items for BP: You can attempt to sell expensive personal items (that is, items worth more than 4,000 gp each) through your kingdoms markets to add to your Treasury. If you have reached this walkthrough from the Stolen Land article, this walkthrough will be rather brief in comparison as kingdom management is more of a mini-game than it is a necessity. While it is possible to convert gp into BP and back again, for the most part youll just be spending BP to run your kingdom. I still have some stuff I would like to add in future updates, but let me know what you think, what you're missing, what's broken, etc. Benefit (s) a method moving from one floor of the building to another without using stairs. Kingdom Sheet. Whether you acquire these funds on your own or with the help of an influential NPC is decided by the GM, and sets the tone for much of the campaign. Regardless of the intent, the work involved to create a new settlement costs thousands of gold piecesmore than most adventurers would want to spend on mundane things like jails, mills, and piers. If successful, the negotiation emancipates your kingdom and ends any treaty or alliance with your former patron; you retain an embassy with that kingdom and can try to negotiate a new treaty or alliance. The names of these roles are game terms and need not correspond to the titles of those roles in the kingdomthe Ruler of your kingdom may be called king, queen, chosen one, padishah, overlord, sultan, and so on. Your kingdoms initial Stability is 0 plus your kingdoms alignment and leadership modifiers. be construed as - you get more people living in a similar sized space You may abandon any number of hexes to reduce your kingdoms Size (which you may wish to do to manage Consumption). The Treasurer is in charge of the tax collectors and tracks debts and credits with guilds and other governments. Step 7Issue Edicts: Select or adjust your edict levels (see Edicts). Category: PDF Log in Page Discussion Read View source View history This amount is enough to keep a new kingdom active for a few turns while it establishes its own economy, but it is still at risk of collapse from mismanagement or bad luck. - 120 sq. rather just idicative First, I just want to say that this is great stuff. If a vacant role lists an increase to Unrest, however, that increase does not go away when the role is filled. Try Google Docs or MS OneDrive for sharing the spreadsheet. This is amazing, thanks so much for sharing. Abdicating a Role: If you want to step down from a leadership position, you must find a replacement to avoid incurring the appropriate vacancy penalty for your position. Thanks for being awesome! Running a kingdom is more fun if all the players are involved and each is responsible for making some of the kingdom checks. Also Moral is set by default on "0", is there a way to modify it? I've uploaded it for you here if you don't want to hunt for it. Sorry :(. If you have the Leadership feat, increase this benefit by 1. Adam rolls a 19, adds the kingdoms Stability (56), and subtracts its Unrest (5), for a total of 70; thats a success, so Unrest decreases by 1. At our centers, kids learn to code while building their own video games. all text not specifically designated as Open Game Content is not Open Game Content. I'm sorry to anyone who'd prefer a different set of priorities. Fill a Settlement with 4 Lots of Buildings: 1,600 XP, Fill a Settlement with 16 Lots of Buildings: 4,800 XP, Fill a Settlement with 36 Lots of Buildings: 12,800 XP. Add the (updated) magic item slots back to the settlement worksheets, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber, Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Tracking Spreadsheet, Open/Libre Office Quick Conversion (.ods), previously posted version 4.2 download links, I've uploaded it for you here if you don't want to hunt for it, 1 Its Unrest is currently 5, its Consumption is 5, and the Treasury has 12 BP. My group will be using these as soon as they get to kingdom building in hopefully a few weeks, so I look forward to giving some feedback. Found the reason for the large consumption, and it is the counting of the districts from the cities in the city overview tab. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with Apple products or what tools iPads would use to view/edit spreadsheets. Unrest +1. The General is the highest-ranking member of the kingdoms military. When a building is completed, apply its modifiers to your kingdom sheet. Because buildings don't even show up on your list unless you meet the requirements, it's very easy to find yourself going "Should I not build this windmill because it'll block a Sacred Grove? Like the exploration system, the kingdom-building rules measure terrain in hexes. They are of less use to GMs, who can, quite literally, put whatever they want where they want it. If none of the kingdoms leaders are in the secondary territory when this split happens, you lose control of all hexes (as described above) in the secondary territory. The Councilor acts as a liaison between the citizenry and the other kingdom leaders, parsing requests from the commonwealth and presenting the leaders proclamations to the people in understandable ways. | Here Be Monsters Thanks! Phase 4Event: Check whether any unusual events occur that require attention. Getting this to work on Google Docs seems like it could be very, very useful, even for games that take place in person, so I'm definitely going to add this to my to do list. Disclaimer: This spreadsheet keeps track of up to 10 cities / districts and connects them all to the main kingdom sheet, but doesn't keep track of BP purchases (you'll have to do that on your own). Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Great! With the Rulers permission, the Consort may perform any of the Rulers duties, allowing the Ruler to effectively act in two places at once. Warm Up a Room With the Look, Feel and Memories of Knitting. 2) From the overworld map,. While there's some fuzziness between what's a rule and what's other text when you have, for instance, a 200-word paragraph with a sentence in there that contains a rule, but that's not really relevant for creating a spreadsheet. Our group had mentioned the kingdom building rules in Ultimate Campaign which had just been released. I can afford my ever growing Visa bill& all will be well! Currently you are either paying the full 4 weeks, or none if army is not active. Step 2Make Deposits to the Treasury: You can add funds to a kingdoms Treasury by donating your personal wealth to the kingdomcoins, gems, jewelry, weapons, armor, magic items, and other valuables you find while adventuring, as long as they are individually worth 4,000 gp or less. While in anarchy, your kingdom can take no action and treats all Economy, Loyalty, and Stability check results as 0. Let me know if there are any issues, its my first time making a self calculating sheet. I also haven't picked up a copy of it yet, so I have no idea how much work this is going to be :) Thanks, redcelt32! You are absolutely correct! Cohorts, followers, and even intelligent familiars or similar companions can fill leadership roles, and you may want to consider inviting allied NPCs to become rulers, such as asking a friendly ranger you rescued to become the kingdoms Marshal. See Losing Hexes. Oh ho ho, thanks for the hard work on this. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Will test it more thoroughly with a trial game tomorrow! Step 4: Each daughter kingdom should follow the steps for founding a kingdom. The downtime system doesn't normally use BP, but if you are using the kingdom-building rules, you may have ways to spend BP as part of your downtime. | Cepheus SRD Modifiers: Corruption +1, Law 1, Lore 1, Society +1. The game statistics for terrain improvements. I haven't purchased it, yet, and I'd like to incorporate it in the spreadsheet eventually if it's Open Content. Looking ahead to the Income Phase, Jessica realizes that an average roll for her Economy check would be a failure (10 on the 1d20 + 52 Economy 4 Unrest = 58, less than the Control DC of 60), which means theres a good chance the kingdom wont generate any BP this turn. Something about a 400,000 cell limit anyone knows any other decent online spread sheet programs, like to know them(or at least a way to fix w/e is wrong with this google). Oligarchy: A group of councilors, guild masters, aristocrats, and other wealthy and powerful individuals meet in council to lead the kingdom and direct its policies. I don't spend a ton of time testing these sheets so errors, large and small, are likely to crop up. Leader Statistics: The statistics for the different roles are presented as follows. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) The kingdoms alignment represents the majority outlook and behavior of the people within that kingdom when theyre considered as a group. The game statistics for the types of buildings. Though many kingdoms break apart due to military, racial, or religious conflicts, you can divide up your kingdom amiably if all leaders agree. Our group has made it through 16 months in total and I think they might finally head back out into the wilderness for some more adventure soon. Hey Brad (& Psi51), A settlement is created with one district, covering a 1 mile square. I assumed Mr. Nelson and company would be the awesome type that supports and loves the OGL, though. Rebellion Sheet. Then follow the steps for founding a kingdom. The Spymaster observes the kingdoms criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms. If you lose control of a hexwhether because of Unrest, monster attacks, assaults from a hostile kingdom, and so onyou lose all the benefits of any terrain improvements in that hex (such as Farms and Roads). Step 1Make Withdrawals from the Treasury: The kingdom-building rules allow you to expend BP on things related to running the kingdom. Once I get the chance to do more with events in the workbook, I'll look into working these bonuses/penalties back in as appropriate. In Step 4, none of the attributes are negative, so Unrest doesnt increase. I also haven't taken the time, yet, to update the instructions sheet so let me know if you have any questions or something seems unclear. Edit: Oh, almost forgot! In Step 7, the leaders issue a Holiday edict of one national holiday (Loyalty +1, Consumption +1) and set the Promotion edict level to none (Stability 1, Consumption +0). You and the other PCs take specific roles in leading your kingdom, such as Ruler, High Priest, General, and so on. I'm also working on some printable quick reference sheets that can be used as a game aid to give an easy way of sorting through the massive amount of rules for kingdom building. Thank you Mr. Brad Turner! All settlements in that hex become free cities with no loyalty to you or any other kingdom (see Free City). Founded in 2016, our company is headquartered in Houston, TX. Each hex is 12 miles from corner to corner, representing an area of just less than 95 square miles.The hex measurement is an abstraction; the hexes are easy to quantify and allow the GM to categorize a large area as one terrain type without having to worry about precise borders of . Thank you again, especially for the Google comp. Good to have some free kingdom building tools out there for setting up a newly formed home base over in Kingmaker 2e, DM_aka_Dudemeister and tomeric. The cities, roads, farms, and buildings belong to the citizens who build them and use them to live and work every day, and those acts of living and working create more BP for the kingdom. Example: The GM rolls on one of the event tables and determines that a monster is attacking one of the kingdoms hexes. Build points dont have a precise exchange rate to gold pieces because they dont represent exact amounts of specific resources. The Royal Enforcer may grant civilians the authority to kill in the name of the law. This otherwise functions like losing a hex due to unrest (see Step 4 of the Upkeep Phase). Once that's all done, delete these extra lines up top, and it's ready to use! This is very nice. :). I've asked Berhagen if I could update his sheet and this is posted with his permission. ft living room - private bathroom BEDROOM includes: - bed frame (new) - queen mattress (new) - waterproof fitted sheet (new) - side table - tenant is responsible for linens, pillow, blanket, etc. (The download links for the 4.2 files have been updated with the aforementioned quick fixes. Unrest can never fall below 0 (anything that would modify it to less than 0 is wasted). Who makes each roll depends on the players in your group and what roles they want to play. I'll add this to my To Do list and tackle it once I get a chance to use my brain for a sec. Simply adorable quilts! Each leadership role provides bonuses to kingdom statistics based on one of the leaders ability scores. Both spellings are used in what I read. The moment you start dealing with . Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your spreadsheet! Thanks for the suggestion, Niilo! Removed the conditional formatting on the Edicts dropdowns on the Overall page so they weren't "hidden" when there was a relevant vacancy. I feel like I should mention this sheet: Well yes, but you should also tell that to Paizo and whoever edited the kingdom rules. Ruling a kingdom is a complex and difficult task, one undertaken only by the very ambitious. If you are the Ruler, abdicating increases Unrest by 2 instead of 1, and you take a 4 penalty on the Loyalty check to avoid the vacancy penalty. Anyways, from what I have screwed with, I noticed your control DC seems to be off. Losing a hex may break your connection to other kingdom hexes. Economy +1, Loyalty +2; Unrest +1. Looks like I was right! Legal Information/Open Game License. I Really would like to see the final version. You may have to fend off other challengers for the land. Kingmaker is very flexible and you can streamline the kingdom building rules if players feel it is boring things down or (like we did) lean right into it and expand it out like crazy (whole vassal kobold kingdoms, peaceful takeover of another large nearby kingdom through diplomacy and careful use of bagpipes, kingdom region hex map that ended up The form of government you choose can help establish the flavor and feel of the kingdom and also adjust its settlements modifiers. Vacancy Penalty: This line explains the penalty to your kingdom if no character fills this role, or if the leader fails to spend the necessary time fulfilling his responsibilities. The GM may also allow you to discover a cache of goods worth BP (instead of gp) as a reward for adventuring, giving you the seed money to found or support your kingdom. If you change the capital city, attempt a Stability check. At the end of this phase, the kingdom has Economy 55, Loyalty 42, Stability 55, Unrest 4, Consumption 4, and Treasury 27 BP. When it's finished you should be able to walk through a kingdom turn with this sheet in a couple of minutes and automatically keep track of the results of that turn. Kingdom Basics There are two ways to access the Kingdom Management screen: 1) From your Throne Room, click on the Hand icon ("Manage kingdom affairs") on the table. Status Sheet. To sell an item, divide its price by half (as if selling it to an NPC for gp), divide the result by 4,000 (rounded down), and add that many BP to your Treasury. That said, for some reason 4.1 refuses to cooperate with google drive - any idea what the problem is? The check for blank name from the cities was to counter the massive consumption use, so I do not think it will be useful anymore. These rules assume that all of the kingdoms leaders are focused on making the kingdom prosperous and stable, rather than oppressing the citizens and stealing from the treasury. The kingdom gains no benefits from the Holiday edict. If you want to designate a different settlement as the capital, you may do so in Step 7 of the Edict Phase. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission." The Ruler performs the kingdoms most important ceremonies (such as knighting royals and signing treaties), is the kingdoms chief diplomatic officer (though most of these duties are handled by the Grand Diplomat), is the signatory for all laws affecting the entire kingdom, pardons criminals when appropriate, and is responsible for appointing characters to all other high positions in the government (such as other leadership roles, mayors of settlements, and judges). These things are made at your command, but they are not yours. Thanks, Dead Phoenix! Google Compatible (.xlsx) Dance Halls have the same stats as Brothels and any references to Brothels in the UC rules (such as Theaters, the Drug Den event, etc) are essentially typos and should say Dance Hall instead. Again, thanks for all the excellent work! You may have to expand the borders of the land or defend it against hostile creatures. Let me know if you find any weirdness there and I'll try to look into it. Benefit(s): Add your Dexterity modifier or Strength modifier to Loyalty. If no event occurred during the last turn, this chance increases to 75%. Step 1Determine Kingdom Stability: Attempt a Stability check. For example, players may decide to construct a city full of graveyards because of the bonuses they provide to the city, but if the GM believes that is unreasonable, he could decide that the city is prone to frequent undead attacks. Fief: The sponsor places you in charge of an existing domain within his own already-settled lands. Providing a seed amount of BP at the start of kingdom building means your kingdom isnt starving for resources in the initial months. You may only take advantage of this if you dont have a sponsor; it represents your people seeing the hard work youre directly putting in and being inspired to do the same to get the kingdom off the ground. If you succeed at both checks, the criminal is caught before your kingdom takes any penalties from the event. If your kingdoms Size is 26100, choose a second kingdom attribute and add your Charisma modifier to it as well. Thanks, again, for everyone's input! NOTE that this is based on the Ultimate Campaign Kingdom Managementand NOT the system listed in Kingmaker book 1. Brothel (4 BP; must be adjacent to 1 house): A place to pay for companionship of any sort. My group is about to start book two of Kingmaker so, in my rush, I've had to ignore anything related to mass combat for now (as such, Defense bonuses may not be 100% accurate everwhere, although Settlements should be okay), settlements do not currently list slots for magic items, I've stripped out some of the special features (like Zoetrope's Event/Weather generators), and many of the "Optional" rules from Ultimate Campaign have yet to be implemented. Likewise, the rules assume that the leaders are working together, not competing with each other or working at odds. You must choose the settlement where you want to sell the item, and the item cannot be worth more than the base value of that settlement. I'm intending to use the Ultimate Campaign rules for kingdom building (they seem to be genuinely the same, aside . | True20 SRD In the Event phase, a random event may affect your kingdom as a whole or a single settlement or hex. To edit this sheet (or the better, more recently updated sheet), you must first make a copy of it and add it to your own Google Drive. The relevant skills for each leadership role are as follows. Step 1: Decide how many kingdoms youll make out of the old one. Even after the adjustment, though, I didn't get quite the same numbers you were citing, although I may not have been using all the same inputs. You cannot take 10 or take 20 on a kingdom check. At first glance, it looks like it should be working okay except that some cells have become unmerged and the worksheet protection has been removed. For example, a General increases Loyalty by 2, so the General provides a constant +2 to the kingdoms Loyalty (not a stacking +2 increase every turn), which goes away if she dies or resigns. As long as one of you is present for 1 week per month, you avoid the vacancy penalty. Standard Version (.xlsx) Kids have fun, parents see results. For now I'm using the 4.0 version to great effect :), Hey guys! | Fudge SRD The aforementioned Watchtower and Sawmill errors have been fixed and I've uploaded a quick bugfix version to the same download location as the previously posted version 4.2 download links. Press J to jump to the feed. The Royal Enforcer deals with punishing criminals, working with the Councilor to make sure the citizens feel the government is adequately dealing with wrongdoers, and working with the Marshal to capture fugitives from the law. I'll look into it a bit more and do some testing to see if I can start doing this with the next update. Traveller SRD To compensate for this (and encourage you to adventure in search of more gold that you can convert into BP), if youre running a small, self-starting kingdom, the GM may allow you to turn your gold into BP at a better rate. Stated, the kingdom-building rules measure terrain in hexes in the name of the event phase, a is! 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