[99], In a tale collected from a Karelian source with the title "-" ("The Reptile Beloved"), twelve maidens go to bathe in the sea and leave their clothes on the shore. [Latvian Folk Tales]. A young maiden named Egl discovers a grass snake in the sleeve of her blouse after bathing with her two sisters. known as slayer . The two elder brothers try to summon the snake brother-in-law, but he recognizes their voices do not belong to his wife. In: Kabakova, Galina. The story of Lamia, Queen of Libya, a woman driven to eat her children, sometimes depicts the titular character as half snake. 90 likes, 5 comments - (@elizah_leigh_art_writer) on Instagram on January 15, 2021: ""What . The girl is wreathing a flower garland that is swept off by the wind and falls on the sea. A water snake (a crested newt, in the original) announces it is a louseskin and marries the girl, taking her to its underwater palace. The king and queen of Trachis were deeply in love, but he was killed when his ship was caught in a storm at sea. In: . She is known by many names including Buto, Uatchit, Uadjet, and Edjo to name a few (McDevitt). The girl returns home that same evening and the reptile comes to take his bride. In: . She often had a serpent's tale even when the rest of her form was that of a beautiful woman. Mythology In myths, legends, scripture and folklore, the category naga comprises all kinds of serpentine beings . However, the princess's younger brother mimics her voice and tricks the snake into coming out of the water, only to be beheaded by the princess's brothers. She returns home. URL: , . "Le mari-serpent ou Pourquoi le coucou coucoule". Some time later, the princess and her child come to the seashore and try to call out to the snake husband, to no avail, so the princess turns into a Maserbirke (a type of birch tree) and her son into a duck. He is usually associated with the Tuatha D Danann. Egl the Queen of Serpents, alternatively Egl the Queen of Grass Snakes (Lithuanian: Egl ali karalien), is a Lithuanian folk tale, first published by M. Jasewicz in 1837. After she put her daughter and grandchildren to bed, the old woman uttered the incantation, drew forth the snake husband, in human form, out of the palace and decapitated him with an axe. [101], Another Russian variant of tale type ATU 425M was collected in Tver with the title " " ("Uzhenka and Masha"). The girl accepts, if only to get her garments back. In 3 volumes]. Later, Sira eats some food her mother prepared and a hen reveals it is made from the flesh of the serpent. All of Medusa's siblings were monsters by birth and, even though she was not, she had the misfortune of being turned . Hundreds of different wings were grafted onto his body. In fact, she was a queen. Thor battling the Midgard Serpent by Emil Doepler. [81] In addition, in these variants, the mother-in-law is the one that kills the snake husband. 2015. Dragons also represent the dark reaches of where we have come from - the sources of humanity's allegorical river, for which the snake has often been used as a metaphor. The femme fatale is a character archetype found across many different cultures and mythologies - and Ancient Greek mythology is no exception. When he was still an infant, she sent snakes to attack him in his crib. She is worshipped by many in India, particularly in Bengal . Its main head supported 100 snake heads, which made different animal noises. " - " [NON-FAIRY PROZE OF VELIZHSKY REGION IN SMOLENSK DISTRICT - GENERAL AND SPECIAL IN LOCAL TRADITION]. Human suitors test their skills. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home deco. Perseus was the son of Danae, daughter of Acrisius the King of Argos, and Zeus. Legends have it that she was rejected by her father Shiva and husband Jagatkru, and hated by her stepmother, Chandi, who scooped out one of Manasa's eyes. The youngest being named Egle. A snake was likewise kept at the shrine of Apollo where it was tended to by a naked virgin. She agrees to his proposal and the snake comes later to take her to his underground palace. The brothers go to the lake, summon the snake with the song and kill him as soon as he appears. Meanwhile, the girls are bathing in the lake. [63][64], In another tale, Das Schlo des Meeresknigs or " " ("The Palace of the Sea King"), the son of the Sea King gets curious about the land above the sea and decides to visit it. Stryczyska-Hodyl, Ewa. She was the patron goddess of Athens, defended many beloved heroes, and even fought alongside the Greeks in the Trojan War. URL: "Ji pagrstai gali bti laikoma balt lietuvi ir latvi pasaka, nes daugiausia jos variant urayta Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje." Papa-Water gives her plenty of fish and teaches her a magic song to summon him and the fishes. The girl visits her family, but her brothers consult with a nearby witch, who reveals the sons know how to summon their father. [56], According to scholar Norbertas Vlius, the tale is "more common" in the eastern area of Lithuania, where "more than two thirds" of the variants have been collected. Over a hundred slightly diverging versions of the plot have been collected. (2016). [9], The tale was translated into German language as Egle, die Schlangenknigin by German professor Carl Cappeller[sv] in his book of Lithuanian folktales,[10] and as Das Weib des Schlangenmannes ("The Wife of the Snake-Man"), and published in Mitteilungen der Litauischen literarischen Gesellschaft. Enraged grass snakes return for a final time and threaten everyone with dry year, deluge and famine. Suddenly, the girl's mother asks her how she can summon her reptile husband, and the girl reveals the secret. A feathered serpent of Aztec myth, Quetzalcoatl is believed to be the creator of man, and the dividing deity between the land and the sky. Now, she is a bloodthirsty villain who slithers through the darkness of the night, searching for children to devour, or walks in beauty through the daylight, searching for . Some time later, a "troop" of snakes came to the maiden's house to force her to fulfill her promise. She warns her daughter not to go to the lake but the daughter is drawn to the lake anyway. Despite her immense power, she was depicted as highly competitive with both mortals and other gods. 585 ff (trans. After much insistence, the brothers learn of the secret command and go to the seashore. pp. Tom 2. The next morning, Mirzhan goes back to the shore to summon her husband, but she only sees a red tint in the river and her husband's head near the reeds. After some years, the girl wants to visit her human family, but the water snake sets a task: to wear down some pairs of iron shoes. "Ukeikimai, magikos formuls ir vard problema balt "ali karaliens" variantuose" [Spells, magic formulas and the problem of names in the Baltic variants of the tale "The queen of grass-snakes"]. A snake slithers from beneath the well, goes to the king's court, and guesses the right answer. The next day, the snake asks her to prepare the oven and to throw it in the fire. [74], German scholar Oskar Dhnhardt[de] collected an untitled Estonian tale: a king has a daughter and three sons. The feast is going on for three weeks, and thereafter the couple lives happily together. 818 Likes, 7 Comments - (@belarusian_monsters) on Instagram: "", . The sea prince tells he will help him, on the condition that the fisherman gives him the first thing that is on the shore (which happens to be the fisherman's only daughter). Medusa - whose name probably comes from the Ancient Greek word for "guardian" - was one of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, and sisters of the Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon. "), a mother finds a louse in her house, fattens it and make a pair of shoes for her daughter. [105], In a tale attributed to the Chuvash people, " " ("About the girl and the snake"), three sisters run to the shore to play and bathe in the water. [31], According to Bernard Sergent, "humananimal marriage is an union that is too remote as incest is a too close one. The girl navely reveals the command to her sister, who goes to the shore of the lake, summons Yaku and kills him. The serpent is a symbol immortality, which according to ancient beliefs was demonstrated by the shedding of its skin. One warm summer day, Egl, the youngest daughter of a local farmer, went bathing in the sea with her two sisters. She was however raped by the sea god Poseidon in Athena's temple. Variants have also been found from Tatar (4 tales) and Kazakh (1 version) sources. The fisherman returns home and discovers his wife had given birth to a baby girl named Jegle. Zuhra goes with the girls to bathe in a nearby lake and leaves her clothes on the shore. One day, he meets a despondent fisherman on the shore, who laments to the sea prince that he has not caught any fishes. Magic Tales That End Badly. #1 Late Night. [88][c], In a Polish tale translated as Jegle and the King of the Lakes, a fisherman has two sons and goes to fish in the lake, when, suddenly, a storm begins to rage on the lake, threating to drown the man. The man's wife goes to the beach and repeats the song to summon her husband, but he does not appear. "On the Cult of the Snake in Ancient Baltic and Slavic Tradition (based on language material from the Latvian folksongs)". The story has also inspired the creation of literary tales. The religious reception ties into this, as does the Freudian interpretation that . She returns home to her family with dresses and money to give her sisters, and to wait for her husband to fetch her. Snakes in religion and ancient Greek mythology. He sets a riddle for any suitors: whoever guesses the right material of both mantles, shall marry the princess. He marries the elder in church. " " [Mari Folk Tales]. Apollo (Greek god of healing, medicine, music, and poetry): Lyre (musical . [77], Author August Lwis de Menar[de] collected a variant from the village of Voloitsa (Valyanitsy), on the Soikino peninsula. His hands were made up of 100 coiled snakes. [68] According to Estonian folklorists (who worked in conjunction with the Lithuanians), the Estonian archives registered 34 variants of the tale type,[69] and, at the end of the tale, the serpent's wife becomes a birch or aspen and her children turn into bark or leaves. While some elements of the original mythology remained, the character's evolution did not . The angels deliver God's message to her: She can return to Adam, no harm no foul, or God will kill 100 of her children every day. In another myth, Hera sent two snakes to kill Heracles when he was still an infant. Delighted, she made another figure, and another and another, and each came to life in the same way. "Apuleius' Cupid Considered as a Lamia (Metamorphoses 5.17-18).". [19], The tale has become the object of scholarly interest of ethnologist Jonas Balys[lt]. In: Sauka, Leonardas. Their sister goes to the lake shore and summons her husband. The girl becomes a weeping birch and her son a tree branch. Cumba follows her sister to a location near the water, and sees Sira chanting a song to summon an enchanted serpent from the waters. [17], The tale is one of the most researched in Lithuanian scholarship, under different approaches,[a] since "it represents the old Lithuanian worldview". Jrmungandr is a famous sea creature from Norse mythology known as the Midgard Serpent or the World Serpent. The snakes escorted her out of the house and into her fiance's underwater palace. After they bathe and play in the water, the maidens return to fetch their clothes, when one of them notices there is a reptile lying on theirs. The god had impregnated the princess in the form of a shower of gold after her father had locked her away upon learning from an oracle that he would be killed by his grandson. online streamer | 3.6K views, 269 likes, 139 loves, 419 comments, 27 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Irina Allyson: Hoppy Easter! They live together and have three sons. [86], According to scholarship, variants collected in northern Poland, in the ancient territories of the Yotvingians (Jatvings), show the gle's twelve brothers are eventually punished by Baltic thunder god Perknas. Ryujin was thought to appear in people's dreams and briefly in the moment of waking up. The elder two leave the lake and, take their garments and go home. [83], Researcher Galina Kabakova translated and published a variant from Ukraine titled Les coucous, les alouettes et les reptiles. Three years passed and she returned to her mother's house with two little children, a boy and a girl. It symbolized the pharaoh's role as lawmaker and maintainer of order, protecting the Egyptian people from the forces of chaos. They live happily for a time, until the day Jegle begins to miss her father and wishes to visit him. the dance, live snakes were handled and at the end of the dance the snakes were released into the fields to guarantee good crops. [20], The story has also been considered an oikotype, i.e., a form of the tale that is specific to a certain region (in this case, the Baltic geographical area). Artifacts and carvings made in the image of the snake have been found all across the world. 4, 2011, pp. . It is an instinctive fear. [25] In other variants, he is identified as the king of snakes or the spirit of the waters who lives in an underwater palace[26] located in a lake, a river or a lagoon. However, ilvinas (perhaps intuitively being afraid to lose his wife or sensing his fate) denies her permission to leave the Grass Snake palace. The next day, the girl and her daughters go back to the lake. [43], Although it can be considered a tale type developed in the Baltic area, since most of the variants have been recorded there,[44][45][b] variants are reported by scholar Leonardas Sauka to have been collected in nearby countries: 23 variants in Estonia (near Lake Peipus);[47] 150 Lithuanian versions; 89 Latvian versions; 28 from Russia; 22 from Belarus; 6 in Ukraine; 3 from Poland; 2 from Bulgaria. Born during the Qing dynasty, Hu Tianbao found himself attracted to an official of the local government, spying on him naked through a hole in his bathroom wall. The snake asks the girl to be his wife and to live with him in his crystal palace. The next morning, Zuhra says her goodbyes to her mother and goes back to the lake. Riga: , 1969. pp. The serpent is so large that it can wrap itself around the earth and bite its own tail. However, he is rescued by a mysterious man with greenish hair who introduces himself as Zaltis, the King of the Lakes. The snake wraps itself around Zuhra, they both dive into the lake and swim until they reach a large gate. From the very beginning, Heracles was hated by Hera, Zeus' queen. 67-75. It is the child of Loki and giant Angrboa. [6][7], The tale was translated as Spruce, Queen of the Grass Snakes. One day, the princess finds a louse in her father's hair, who decides to fatten the bug and use its hide as part of a suitor riddle: whoever guesses the nature of the hide shall marry the princess. In this tale, titled Wie die Trauerbirke entstanden ist ("How the weeping birch came to be"), a rich man finds a louse on his daughter's hair, fattens it, kills it and makes a pair of shoes out of its hide. Both of them had twelve sons and three daughters. [113], Africanist Sigrid Schmidt stated that in African tales, the secret song known only by heroine and husband and learned by others who use it to betray the couple "connects also with the East European tale of The Snake as Bridegroom". She takes her sons to visit her brothers, and the brothers pry the children for anything. Thereafter she turns her sons into strong trees - an oak, an ash and a birch. Shocked, upset, hesitant (how can she, a person, marry a grass snake? [73], In a tale from the Lutsi Estonians collected by linguist Oskar Kallas with the name Ussiks niutud mees ("The Man Enchanted to be a Snake"), a couple prays for a son, and God gives them a snake. Ein Schlangenmrchen als identittsstiftende Erzhlung der Balten". -: , 1984. pp. . [24], Researcher Galina Kabakova cites that most variants feature a serpent husband: a snake, a boa, a winged serpent, even a Hydra-like dragon. In Sumerian and Old-Babylonian literary tradition the snake was a wise creature and an granted miraculous herbs for eternal youth and immortality. She summons her husband three times, but he does not respond. She marries the reptile, which lies on the rivers, and she has two children with him when he becomes human. In: Palmaitis, Letas. Liliana Daskalova Perkowski, Doroteja Dobreva, Jordanka Koceva & Evgenija Miceva. She convinces her husband to let her go to the surface to visit her parents, and he gives her gold and silver to gift his mother-in-law. Subcategories This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. She agrees; the snake returns the garments and teaches her a command to summon him, Yaku. Finally, Egl herself turns into a spruce. . [2], The tale was also collected by Polish writer Jzef Ignacy Kraszewski and published in his historical work Litwa. Although the Furies appear in the Iliad as spirits who make sure things are. A similar assessment was made by professor Jack V. Haney, to whom the tale type appears "only around the south Baltic coast". 83-87. " . 63). Zeus was afraid of her. [36], Other interpretations focus on the intergroup marriage aspect of the story: Egle's family (brothers) would then represent male relatives fighting against a male from another family or clan to rescue their only sister, by torturing their nephews and niece (the fruits of this "spurious" union). [85], A variant from Poland has been translated into English with the title Egle and Zaltis. THE DRAKAINA SKYTHIA (Scythian Dracaena) was the first ruler of the land of Skythia. She opens the door and answers to the snake's wishes: to be given food and to sleep next to her in her bed. "Egl ali karalien: slibino ir mergels motyvo kilm" [Egl, the queen of serpents: origins of the motif of dragon and maiden]. [3], gl is a popular female name in Lithuania. A donkey is one of his symbols because he would ride a donkey instead of a chariot. The serpent emerges from the water and is killed by the man. 137-138 (text), 422 (source for entry nr. .. Pasaka par zalkti baltu identitti veidojos ststs" [Spruce the Bride of the Grass Snake. On the other hand, if the tale ends with the transformation of the family into birds or reptiles, it is a tale from East Slavic origin. [122], Studies suggest that characters of the tale named several geographic features, such as toponyms and hydronyms of northwestern Russia, Pskov region. -: , 1971. pp. When conversing with her mother, the maiden unwittingly revealed her husband's name (Osip) and the incantation to summon him. Fand is a Celtic sea goddess also known as Queen of the Fairies and wife of Manannn. The snake promises to give it back if she marries it. When opening the door the mother finds a tiny head without a body and a tiny body without a head lying in their blood on the doorstep of her hut. " ". The full myth of Perseus and Medusa begins years before they battled. According to researcher Svetlana Ryzhakova, the tale first appeared in print in 1837, published by one M. Jaseviiaus or M. Jasaviius, in the supplement Biruta. And famine in a nearby lake and, take their garments and teaches her a command to him... Egl, the character & # x27 ; Queen returned to her with... A riddle for any suitors: whoever guesses the right answer PROZE of VELIZHSKY REGION SMOLENSK... And she returned to her sister, who goes to the lake shore and summons her husband for youth. Iliad as spirits who make sure things are REGION in SMOLENSK DISTRICT - GENERAL and SPECIAL in TRADITION! `` Le mari-serpent ou Pourquoi Le coucou coucoule '' particularly in Bengal 7 subcategories out. 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