I would love to hear any of the signs, superstitions, and omens that are a part of your families or communities. Fruitcake was also considered good luck in old Appalachian tradition. It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants . 1978 (GN1.T454 no. On December 15, 1967, the Mothman was credited for the collapse of Silver Bridge, which killed 46 people. 1970 (F217.A65.W48) Glimpses of Southern Appalachian folk culture: papers in memory of Norbert F. Riedl. My family is all from West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Calling out the name of a deceased person while dreaming is an omen of a death. Links for Book One and Book Two. One is to look up the chimney in the house where the homesick person is visiting or residing. Another says fallen tree on your property predicts death in the house Im more worried about people with cell phones stuck in their ear than black cats. Share them with us in the comments section if youd like. If your nose is itching, it means company is coming. Rumors quickly spread through the company, where the name Bigfoot soon caught like wildfire. forms: { His son, Drew Bell approached an unknown bird perched on their fence but it flew off and was of extraordinary size. As a native Appalachian, I enjoyed this book. READ MORE:The 20 Best Fall Festivals in Georgia. In one of her books, "Appalachian Folklore Omens, Signs and Superstitions," Richmond defines superstition as a seemingly "irrational belief, arising from ignorance or fear, that is held by a number of people but is without foundation." Superstitions are thought to influence coming events, despite any demonstrable correlation. I heard many of the documented omens and superstitions as I grew up and many I hadn't. READ MORE: The 10 Most Haunted Places in Georgia to Visit. RB Vance Randolph, a folklorist described the wampus cat as a kind of amphibious panther which leaps into the water and swims away like a colossal mink. READ MORE: The 10 Best Haunted Houses inNorth Carolina. hands were tough as shoeleather. The Cherokee legend stated that the monster is the cat-like embodiment of a female onlooker cursed by tribal elders. And if you have a sore throat, a cure for it, according to folklore, is to wear wool stockings, and then at night, turn them inside out and wear them to bed to cure the inflamed throat. A bird that flies in the house is an omen of death. Work weeks are a wonderful annual tradition at the John C. Campbell Folk School. Just to add a one superstition if you ever hear a rooster crow at midnight there will be a death in the family and this one i really do believe. http://www.jimcasadaoutdoors.com. A dog howling three nights in a row means death is near. If the dough for baking bread cracks while being shaped, a funeral will occur soon. })(); There are tons of things I could tell you about myself, but all you really need to know is I'm crazy in love with my home in Appalachia-the people, the food, the music, the colorful language, the sustainable lifestyle, the history, the soaring mountains, and the deep dark hollers. This was a punishment for hiding beneath the pelt of a wild cat to witness a secret ceremony. The account is free. Carrying a rabbits foot gives you good luck. Instead, the name came from the Goldsboro News-Argusnewspaper in North Carolina. )to give forecasts. It was thrush in a babys mouth. Between the 1920s and 1930s, newspapers reported that the Wampus cat killed livestock from North Carolina to Georgia. Its blooms are symbolic, representing the cross, thorns, and nails. To experience these Appalachian legends for yourself, visit the Historic Bell Witch Cave, which located in Adams TN. Appalachian Mountain Roots Facebook page. If a pregnant woman craves and eats strawberries, the baby will have a strawberry birthmark. The legend holds that a Cherokeefemale was cursed by tribal elders for witnessing a sacred pre-hunt ceremony. Thanks again for the terrific read Tipper I had hoped this to be a book to enjoy and share, but alas, it is nothing more than another compilation of outsiders opinions. Youll encounter danger. All these beliefs are commonplace deep in these mountains and passed down by oral tradition. Celebrating and Preserving the Its bad luck because it was believed pigs cant swim. For instance, when we were growing up, according to our maternal Grandmother if a piece of silverware was dropped on the floor, it meant a visitor was coming; for a knife dropped, it was a man, for a fork dropped, it was a woman, for a spoon dropped, it was a baby. Your email address will not be published. A redbird (Cardinal) visiting means happiness or good luck. Im certain this way of thinking exists in other areas of the nation, but I feel (without reason, admittedly) that Appalachia is a core area for these beliefs. Currently residing in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Amy is an English teacher and soccer coach who grew up in the Appalachian Mountains. A full moon makes people act wild and mean. Wont someone please spend some time in Appalachian historical societies and write from information gathered there? A chin dimple is a sign of bad character. ;-D This years festival falls on September 17 and 18, 2022. Never leave a baby's washed diapers on the clothesline during a full moon because they will attract evil forces. If you dont look upon a dead family member (or another person whos close to you), you wont believe the person died and youll go insane. Typically associated with the small town of Murphy NC, the Moon-Eyed People are short, stout, and white-skinned, withbearded faces and large blue eyes. If you have a clock on the wall or mantle that hasn't worked for a long time and it suddenly starts ticking, consider that a warning of impending death in the community. That is certainly true! If you drop a knife, a man is coming to visit. A dog howling at night is a portent of death. Theres nothing any more lonely-sounding than a dog that will not stop howling at night. Strangeways Brewing, which has locations in Richmond and Fredericksburg, Virginia brews a beer named after the Wampus Cat, the Wampus Cat Triple IPA. I washed my hands all the way up to my arms for the standard twenty seconds, and then some, just because. Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk | Blind Pig and The Acorn Appalachia, Folklore Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk June 10, 2012 Today's Guest Post was written by Ethelene Dyer Jones. Dont let a pregnant woman see a dead person or the baby will have a birth mark. Depending other factors can cause serious harm. After Johnston experienced the spirit first-hand, word quickly began to spread. If you think of someone while shaking it, that person will come. I have heard quite a few of these, but not all of them. I have heard-if you drop a dish towel in the kitchen it means someone is coming to see you : ) I had high hopes for this but was underwhelmed. As a general collection of folklore, it's not bad, but it lacks the specificity promised by the title. And that aint superstition! Heard many of them, but a surprising number were new to me. there was a grave dug the day before. Stretching from Alabama andNorth Georgia to Maine, the Appalachian mountain range was formed millions of years ago before being settled by Native Americans and, later, Scots-Irish, English, German, and Polish immigrants. This system was passed down orally through the years and practiced as a way of keeping the folklore alive. The impact of Appalachia's people and culture is found in food and entertainment, industry and business, music and entertainment, literature, language, and history. A book by Benjamin Smith Barton of 1797 explained that they were called moon-eyed because they could not see properly during the day. Sometimes, there's a nationality so you know which immigrants brought them over, but there's not backing up with footnotes or anything. Unfortunately, this vibrant history is often preserved on vulnerable media. Blind Pig The Acorn Bad luck to go out a different door than you come in.. Here are the Appalachian Mountains Folklore: Monsters, Demons and Ghosts; Signs at the entrance to the Bell Witch cave promote ghost tourism in Adams, Tennessee. (My mom used to call these lie bumps.). Have you ever heard the saying. Or held your breath when youre passing a cemetery? Your baby has to fall off the bed before their first birthday. was a frog jumping on a grave being filled. Dont cross your eyes, theyll get stuck and stay that way. If you hear a screech owl at dusk someone will soon die Many had to do with death and sickness, an understandable reaction to the dangers of the early days of life in this country. If you hold in a sneeze, itll cause your brains to bleed. Quarter: the visitor was there at the veteran's passing. Which have you heard? Please forgive me because Ive been a bit busy and am just now replying to your comment. I have seen that several times not in Appalachia but in the Ozarks. Few wanted a spoon to fall. To cure a sore or wound, let a dog lick it. The first boy that comes along and says wax you will say stix. It will fall off. When they arrived at the site of the lights crash, they saw a pulsing red light and a 10-foot-tall creature with twisted hands and a glowing green face that seemed to levitate off the ground. I never heard of a frog in a grave, here where i live in north central Pennsylvania, p.s. If a child keeps sucking his/her thumb, he or she will have an overbite. Never take an old broom to a new house. Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk written by Ethelene Dyer Jones Wonderful post thanks, Ethelene! Away from home and homesick? I hope this helps! If you drop a dish rag, youll have company. Spin around in a circle three times before you walk in the front door to confuse any spirits that are following you. Learned a few new ones too. Thanks, Ethelene!! . I have compiled some information here for you. If you recite this verse, it stops bleeding: If you put chewed tobacco (chewing or regular tobacco) on an insect bite or bee sting, it draws out the poison and stops hurting. Cherokee Death Cat) is a large cat similar to a mountain lion or cougar, with tan-yellow fur, six legs, and large yellow eyes. All images and content are subject to copyright and are the sole property of Blind Pig & The Acorn. Mama was proud of It brings out whatever capacity for superstition and credulity a people come . If a prisoner survives an execution (hanging, electrocution, etc. There was also a co-worker who did the black cat thing turn around and go a different route. If a pregnant woman carries high, the babys a boy (or vice versa, depending on whos saying it). The first visitor on New Years Day to a home will determine whether the firstborn on that homestead for the year, person or animal, will be male or female, according to the sex of the visitor. Dream of losing a tooth (pulled or fallen out) portends death. Death always happens in threes. However, the killing of livestock attributed to the wampus cat might have been due to early intrusions of coyotes or jaguarundi. I hope you'll join me as I do my best to celebrate and preserve Appalachia. Ive known people that would stop and let another car go by before they went on. So are the Moon-Eyed People another Appalachian Mountain scary story, or just early European settlers who never received their due credit? Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia | Blind Pig and The Acorn Appalachia, Folklore Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia January 15, 2021 In my latest video I discuss folklore and superstitions. Any recommendations on some books/websites I can read about Local Folk Magic, Legends, Hauntings, etc? If you get shingles all around your body, you'll die. Then mama said 4.8 out of 5 stars 9. An apple held by a dying person until his death, and then after his death given to an alchoholic or habitual drunkard to eat will cure that person of his craving for strong drink. We encourage anyone who loves the Blue Ridge region to learn about theLeave No Traceprinciples ofresponsible environmental stewardship. After reviewing the instrument's special musical features, the book describes some related instruments, and reveals . If you and another person make a wish as you pull apart a wishbone, the wish will come true for whoever breaks the largest piece. j) Dont let anyone sweep under your feet. Ethelene: You sure enlightened me with some new beliefs from our past. More Im sure. ), he/she is innocent. The Bell Witch According to both Appalachian folk tales and Cherokee legend, a group of pale-skinned humanoids called the Moon-Eyed People might be hiding somewhere in the Appalachian range. To learn more about this Appalachian scary story, visit the Flatwoods Monster Museum in Sutton WV. Dream of a baby, someone you know will die. One of the stories given by a priest in 1721 stated that these huge creatures used to stalk them at night. For the most part, these beliefs are universally Appalachian. You know! If a pregnant woman is scared by something, the baby will have a birthmark shaped by what scared her. And why would I value folklore and disbelieve superstition? If you eat before bed, youll have bad dreams. Please lord no goitered for me please!!!! Grandma Polly from Robbinsville N C taught me to cure Athletes foot by wiggling my toes on fresh cow dung. A group of lights is the little children dancing and playing. LOL. Do it fast, though! *shudder* lawd! } Tipper You may find some info about Appalachian folklore on the Digital Library of Appalachia. Eat black eyed peas or collard greens with hog jaw on New Years Day. Whew. If a black cat crosses your path, turn and go a different way. I do believe in superstitions and some of these I had not heard of before. ), youll die once it reaches your height. For a cure of baldness, rub the scalp regularly with a divided onion cut cross-wise into hemispheres. the scarcity of Pawpaw trees was thought to be a sign of the end of the world. May described the figure to have small, claw-like hands, clothing-like folds and a head that resembled the ace of spades. To support our blog and writers we put affiliate links and advertising on our page. LOL I also remember both of our Grandmothers tossing salt over a shoulder for a superstition, but I cant remember what for. Fascinating. There is a list of resources in the back, which is nice. There are still claims that the lights seen today are of the spirits of the Catawba women still searching. Dime: the visitor served alongside the veteran. Thanks! Dogs get them from eating cats! Maybe the dog senses something humans do not. This system was passed down orally through the years and practiced as a way of keeping the folklore alive. Powered by WordPress. The Wampus Cat (a.k.a. . Many lives were lost. Tales of wild men in the woods date back to ancient times, including indigenous cultures and medieval Europe. Have you ever stopped yourself before walking under a ladder? Don't throw your hair out! I love this topic! Robert L Smith, a wildlife biologist told reporters that the descriptions from the sightings fit the sandhill crane. The 7th son of a 7th son or daughter can also do this. Dont cut your babys hair before their first birthday. Well What are some expressions you heard your family say growing up? Just to get the child to eat some stolen milk or food was considered a sure cure. Thanks Tipper and Ethelene, interesting suppositions here. READ MORE: Appalachian Folklore, Monsters and Superstitions. When you're exploring the wilderness, it's better to be safe than to be a statistic! If you plant a coniferous tree (pine, cedar, etc. Im sure theres more but I cant recall them. Why take chances? Pastor and his wife came home with They were warned as the monsters would come and carry them off to be killed. While they may not be as widely practiced today, these myths and mountain folklore were passed down by countless generations. Blowing smoke in the ear cures an earache. We want to hear them. I've heard many of these stories and beliefs while growing up and while I would not consider myself a superstitious person, the possible outcomes of not abiding by these rituals will inevitably worm its way into my mind. This years festival will be held on May 13 & 14, 2022. Made famous by a 1997 episode ofThe X-Files and the 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies, the Mothman is a fearsome creature with broad wings and red eyes who originated in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. If a picture in a frame suddenly falls and breaks, it is a sign of death. Back in the days when witchcraft was more common, and some were suspected of being witches, there was a sure sign of whether the deceased was really a witch or not. My family was really big on the death superstitions. Hold your breath when you pass a cemetery, or youll be the next to die. The Mothman is a humanoid creature that was reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15th 1966 to December 15th 1967 as per the West Virginia folklore. Then I washed my face, changed my clothes, and it was time to put everything away. If you go outside in winter without a coat, youll get sick. Tipper (and Ethelene)Im fascinated by superstitions, although I prefer to consider them mountain folklore since a fair portion of them have some underlying factual basis. Shes known for standing on her hind legs and using her supernatural powers to drive her victims to insanity. 17 Apr. Required fields are marked *. But first I have to say I was cracking up laughing at some of the comments above. Held your breath when you pass a cemetery some new beliefs from our past up... And writers we put affiliate links and advertising on our page date back to ancient,... Tennessee, Amy is an English teacher and soccer coach who grew up and many had! 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