But I have read this thread and I am wondering if the electrolyte with activated charcoal would also help solve distemper issue.. Blue. Great job! He is sooo much better today. He also dont want to eat. If they keep that down, then youre good to go, give them a sterile bath and they are now free to run around and play. Now I knowkeep up the charcoal no matter what for the first 48 hours. Please.. He tested positive and worm pos but was negative 7 days prior. EC: Pharmacies and grocery stores sell activated charcoal tablets in the medical section for poisoning, which you can grind into a fine powder. or else they will be euthinizing him. I brought him to the vet and he tested positive for parvo. This form of canine parvo affects the heart muscle, especially in puppies less than 3 months of age. Yesterday we started giving him the apple cider vinegar solution, seen slight change on him. Any pet owner that hears that would get overwhelmed shoot just knowing your beloved pet is sick could get anyone overwhelmed. Unfortunately I lost one but saved the other just in time. Wednesday night he still hadn't eaten anything so I went out and bought the activated charcoal as recommended and mixed it with gatorade and water. Action must be taken immediately or the dog will die in a matter of hours. I just really wanted to thank you for this post! God bless all of you for sharing your info on this very deadly virus. Please help me where can I buy an activated charcoal? 7. They gave her a large dose of fluids and send me home with an antiobotic and anti-nausea meds. Taking too much apple cider vinegar can lower blood potassium levels and may not be good for your bones. 2023 Earth Clinic LLC. So far she seems to have parked up and color is returning to gums and ears. In the afternoon, about 3 hours after his first dose, he was up and ate a few of his fave kibbles and drank some water. I will share this and your page to all my friends. Because it is made from grape juice, it has a similar fruity undertone to apple cider vinegar, though the flavor is sharper and sweeter. ITS UNBELIEVABLE but I really believe if theyre not keeping anything down, the enema gave me the ability to get the charcoal in her system to do its thing. The only thing missing still is he wont take food yet but is showing interest in it. Take the puppy to the vet, mine two of six of my pups had parvo they require iv meds and hydration! I really appreciate your willingness to share this info so we can help our sweet family members!!! Hes home now with you? Dissolve the ingredients in the boiling water and cool before serving. These are time sensitive conditions and the sooner you get a handle on it the better. What kills fleas on contact in house? Especially in summer. Research suggests that. It's not just good for acid reflux but for other things in your body. My husband and I finally decided to buy my five year old her first puppy. I wouldnt have believed it We are so happy! Copyright 1999 - If this is parvo, your pup could look worse before he looks better, but dont give up. Im a mother of 3 and cannot afford what this vet was going to charge to save her life. So sticking to a schedule keeps you focused on the work and not on your pup. It sounds like your daughter is a great help. We are giving our puppies this mixture, but they vomit it right away!!! What is the shot she is receiving? My sister in law took her to another vet & they basically told her the same thing if she doesn't get hooked on to an I.V she could die in 72 hours or less . To tge person who wrote. It would help if you could keep the one with parvo in a dog kennel. Write it down when you do it so you know when its time to do it again. Can we get back home so we can treat him in the house o he will stayed in vet. Apple cider vinegar is commonly used in cooking, but it has also traditionally been used for medicinal purposes. Washing Your Dog with Apple Cider Vinegar. This method works because puppys die from being dehydrated, not from the sickness itself, the key is keeping them from throwing up and healthy while the sickness goes away. I spent over $1,000 to have them in the animal hospital for fluids, only to have my heart broken when they sent them home and they passed away. 2 Tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon flavored jello or sodium free broth to add some flavor. 4.Echinacea (also nature's way) It will help her tremendously. A dog can often be unresponsive for a week as the virus runs its course. We tried everything nothing seemed to be helping. NO, you should not use Theraflu. If she vomits immediately after eating, there is a good chance she is not getting anything from the egg. Yes, you can give your pup coconut water, but now may not be the best time because it does have a bit of a laxative effect. They said if I didnt bring him to the Animal emergency hospital, he wasnt going to make it. I think the most important thing is creating a schedule for feeding/hydrating and sticking to it no matter what. By the end of the day he had like a mucus stool with just a tiny hint of blood and had vomited a few times. Puppies with this form stop nursing, cry out and gasp for air. and stick to it no matter what because dogs with parvo can look pretty rough before they turn that corner and start to feel better. She dose have 4week old pups that we have separated from her and they all seem to be doing great. Activated charcoal with name of "Blackforce Activated Charcoal" is available in Brigada News Fm or Brigada Healthline Clinic in your area. 2 Parvo is a highly contagious and deadly disease. Start with 1 cup of electrolyte solution in a small jar with a lid; add 2 heaping tablespoons of AC and then put the lid on and shake to blend. If you cannot find it, you could consider making it, that is what I would do in an emergency. Many drug stores and health food stores or whole foods type stores carry activated charcoal in tablet or loose powder form. We also gave him 4ml of metoclopramide every 8hrs for his vommiting. This virus can take a week or more to get through and your puppy will likely look worse before he looks better. she does drink small amounts of water when we offer it, about 1 time an hour. 4 times a day ive been doing this. He is playing, eating, sleeping and seems happy, albeit a bit lethargic. It's already the 5th day with my pup feeling like this, I let 2hours go by and she got up to drink some water which she had already been doing on the 4th day after I had given her the nutri-cal and the broth I guess it would get stuck in her mouth so she'd feel like washing it down to get the taste off. If he is hungry between meals, give him extra AC and electrolyte feedings. So a 10 lb dog would normally drink about 1 cup of water each day. Now we have found this website and we are going to try this remedy with these other two puppies and we don't want lo loose them. Its best to give a small amount hourly. We are rooting for you both! 1. Saturday night she started vomiting andlater on had diarrhea that entire day she was so tired and wouldn't eat or drink, took her to the vet today and found out she has parvo and its a high chance she got it from her last owner. I buy mine online/Amazon - but you can also find it in health food stores or if desperate at an aquarium store in larger pellet form that you must grind in to a fine powder before using. Hello! I am looking for any and all home remedy ideas, I have apple cider vinegar in her water, she ate ever so slightly yesterday, chicken baby food and maybe 4 pieces of her kibble. Hes completely exhausted. Thats a good sign. I just want to stress that even though all appears fine now that the virus is still in his/her system and you should continue treating for at least 10 more days. Good luck i hope this helps you Jessica F. P.S. So i started researching and actually came across this page and read alot of everyones comments. Keep it simple and consistent. After treating my pitt Oreo activated charcoal caps as well as pedialyte through the turkey baster, today he woke up waggin his tail, not throwing up, and ate a some rice! Calculate your target amount and divide it by the number of times you will administer it via oral syringe. Good luck. The information contained on this site is for information purposes only, and may not apply to your situation. 0.5 ml amoxcicilin at 7 a.m and again at 7 p.m This can take a week, so progress may be slow. Warning! So again, create a schedule and stick to it even if she looks like she is doing better. The day Blu was sick we started force feeding Gemma raw eggs, pepto, antibiotics (i had left over adult stregnth) and pedialyte. Two weeks ago our dog Zoe was not active and didn't have an appetite. She was a stray. There is plenty of info on this site for treating parvo. 10 If treating with Sub-Q fluid, do not over hydrate after the puppy has pulled through the worst of the virus as it will put a strain on the heart, cause edema, and may develop an abscess. Hello i came by this site thanks for the info, can u pls mention how many times a day can i give raw egg ? I wasn't able to sleep for a couple of days but it was all worth it. Also if a dog is constipated, they may not eat because they feel full. Well heres the update on my 4 pups. Apple cider vinegar may keep the bacteria on your salad from getting out of control. So thank you so much I also have parvo-k and a probiotic and one other over the counter med coming from Chewy.com in hopes I dont lose my boy they are 12 weeks old. Is Vinegar safe for dogs? Also give colloidal silver 3x day 10mls, vit c 500gms 2x per day keep the fluid up liquid chicken stock with no salt. Great work on your part! For best results, just fill a large basin with one cup of ACV for every two cups of warm water and let those puppies bathe for 10 to 20 minutes. All Rights Reserved. Don't give up on your best friend. & well I kept an eye on her the next day I fed her the same thing that morning then I fed her the same for lunch for dinner I smashed up some of her kibble and added a little bit of water in it I didn't give her any tap water, I kept giving her filtered water she ate it right up she was back to her usual self I left for a few hours came back home to her wagging her tail waiting for me to get in the house lol im still keeping a close eye on her to see if any of the symptoms are coming back. Balsamic Vinegar. It has cured a dog by just giving a few drops for three days and he was fine at day three. I don't want to lose another baby and I am definitely sure my mom will be depressed if we lose Coby.. This goes into a syringe well and then can be placed into your dog's mouth; tip the head back and gently depress the plunger to allow him to drink it slowly. I did the activated charcoal in electrolytes and it worked on my 2 and a half month old blue pitt bull. I have my now 5 yr female German Shepard ? Benefits: The three key benefits are: maintaining healthy weight levels . Thanks so much, he is back to his self. Just dont try too many different things at one time as that can cause a whole other upset to her stomach. tamiflu is rx only will theraflu work also gonna try it im doing all i can hopefully this helps. I bought MMS from them. What specific pharmacy? We are on day 2 of parvo with our 8 week old border collie, she had her 1st shot. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the best. These can help. Can I give my dog bleach for parvo? While after being dewormed, he wouldn't eat or drink anything, he had lost 1lb in a day and you could see his hip bones! Does this work for distemper as well? I mixed the activated charcoal with gatorade as what I have read here, fed her 10cc of the mixture every 2 hours. I literally only used activated charcoal caps from Walmart with 1 cup Pedialyte and 1 cup bottled water. Used a dropper to administer some. Next day he dont have any improvement. Good luck. Sugar to water ratio: 1 tablespoon of sugar per one cup of water, or scaled up to 1 cup of sugar per one gallon of water. However, more studies are needed to know. By the 2nd does he was up eating and walking around! Take time off from work if you can. The volume of liquids is based on weight. Focus on getting the liquids in over feeding/solid food. Where can I find activated charcoal for my pup? But stay the course. One of the Earth Clinic's top pet contributors, Theresa from MN, explains how to use the activated charcoal remedy in her reply to a reader in 2014. Create a schedule where you give your pup small amounts of liquid hourly. Parvo has to run a course. Once the throwing up was completely over I did .05 charcoal and the filled the rest well to 1tsp with more pedialyte till I went to bed she did poo out side before bed straight like pee dark Burgundy color I'm assuming blood and charcoal so I thought to myself if she makes it through the night without vomiting or just through the night she may have a chance and she did :) so I did the same process only 1tsp of charcoal and filled the rest with more pedialyte to 2tsp/10ml, only every hour (keep in mind she has never stopped drinking water on her own((although very dehydrated)) then in the afternoon since there had been no throwing up I added in a 1/2tsp of plain Greek yougurt with probiotics and add pedialyte to it just enough that it liquidy to go into the syringe filled it up to 2tsp (I forgot to add I was rubbing molasses on her gums with every dose) she kept it down then did the same again and then did a mix of pumpkin she kept it down so I thought OK I'm trying some wet dogfood with pedialyte just a small amount 1tsp alright she was peeing clear by 5pm lol. So I gave him a half of a childrens pepto pill. Therefore bloody stools will be apparent. Content may not be reproduced in any form. Indirect transmission occurs when a puppy comes into contact with a contaminated person, object, or environment. As for the bowel movement, add some plain canned pumpkin (no spices or flavorings) to the food you are giving him. So adjust the amount you are giving based on this. (try this one time and wait to see if he can hold down the solid food. I cut the pill in half and put it at the back of his throat. A dog with parvo can look very bad before they turn the corner to better health. After they are not throwing up the Pedialyte, break two capsules open and mix it with ounce of Pedialyte and give them this solution every 30minutes for 4hrs. tnx and God bless to all to our lovely pets. How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Because ACV is slightly acidic, when it's mixed with two to three parts water it may extend the life of hair color, but only when applied right after the color is rinsed off. If your pups stomach is upset, he will likely not want to eat on his own, so you will need to force feed him in small amounts. How do I know if my puppy is getting anything from the raw egg if she keeps throwing up right after I give it to her? Talk to your vet about your pup. 4 Parvo mostly affects dogs under 1 year of age but an average of 6 weeks old. My 12 wk old GSD started declining yesterday. Hes continuing to have bloody diarrhea and his breathing doesnt sound very good at all. It was heartbreaking to have the all suffer. 5 Bleach is the only product to kill the Parvovirus in the environment (with the exception of clinically tested products used to clean kennels). Ito ay dahil ang atay ay hindi na nakakapag-filter nang maayos ng mga lason kaya ang mabahong sulfur compound, tulad ng thiols, ay inilabas sa baga. It is also often described as wine-like, which is great for cooking. It cost me $6USD to purchase, I also purchased pedialite and Gatorade. Will post again in a few days. To treat a dog with parvo you need to either crush the granules or dissolve the tablets, or start with the loose powder form. It contains enzymes and minerals that are all natural, and are extremely beneficial for your dog. P.s. I wish I had known! I cannot thank this website enough! I fed her every hour with 5cc gatorade. 5) When they are eating and drinking again and their stool doesn't contain blood and starts hardening up again you can stop the charcoal treatment. Symptoms include: vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea (usually bloody), and fever. Mix pedialyte, coconut water, black charcoal and echinacea. I want to thank everyone on this site. Our beloved dog of 11 years passed away this Fall. Mga Problema sa Ngipin ng Aso Ang ilang maliliit na lahi ay lalong madaling kapitan ng [] And its key ingredient, Jamaican castor oil, promises to moisturize and strengthen your hair in equal measure. Room temp for the next 12hrs .05tsp/2.5ml. You can also ask your vet for a kit, though some do not provide them. The Raw eggs for Nutrition, and pepto to keep there tummys calm. I also gave him the childrens pill form of Pepto 3 times a day. <3:) PS DONT WAIT TILL ITS TOO LATE!!! I am not sure if he is showing symptoms of Parvo or distemper. Best Flavored: Acid League Apple Cider Maple Vinegar at Acidleague.com. Recommended cleaning solutions are a 1:1 bleach and water solution or a 1:1 vinegar (white or apple cider) and hydrogen peroxide solution for surfaces. Please keep us posted! If your dog has an appetite, you can mix the AC into canned dog food and make that a bit wetter and sloppier by adding the electrolyte solution to the wet food.