However it is always worth checking at local level if there are any County or City laws governing the keeping of ferrets as pets. Unless you received a permit for the animal by 2007, you cannot possess, own, or breed any dangerouswild animal. Rules of Montana. What pets are legal to own in NJ? Residents may take, by hand or hook-and-line, up to 4 species with a total of 8, native amphibians other than snapping turtles or bullfrogs. Many exotic animals are allowed in Arizona, including: Arizona prohibits certain wildlife, including: Desert tortoises can be adopted on a short-term basis from April 1 to September 30 every year, in a special program through the state. Virginia Administrative Code sections 4VAC15-20-50 et seq. Game and Fish section 23-1-101, Wyoming Rules and Regulations 040.0001.52 section 5, Wyoming Rules and Regulations. Animals that are prohibited from being kept as pets include bears, wolves, large cats, coyotes, foxes, and all threatened and endangered species. Firms. Snapping turtles must be 13 inches. Therefore, they are considered exempt species and DO NOT require a permit for possession. In Which Of The US States Are Ferrets Illegal? However, permits may be difficult to obtain. Are ferrets illegal in Puerto Rico? You will need a permit for any other "inherently dangerous" animals. Question: Can I own a chinchilla in New Jersey? Some wild animals including ground squirrels, porcupines, opossums, and other species do not require a license but anything not specifically mentioned is either prohibited or needs a license. Ferrets are also characterized by their long bodies, necks, and tails; their . You will find the table below and it will let you know if ferrets are illegal in your US State. Surprisingly, a permit is required to own common species such as ferrets, macaws, pythons, hedgehogs, and skunks. The Best Guide, What Do Leopard Geckos Eat? Ferrets also need access to clean water at all times. No two states are alike when it comes to the rules for keeping exotic pets. $200. So if he has one then you should be able to. Some wildlife is banned under the rabies control laws, including: Other exotic wildlife banned as pets include: Domestic pets are allowed as pets without permit, including: Some animals are banned as pets if acquired after March 1, 1986, including: A Captive Wildlife Permit is required to keep certain captive wild birds, mammals, or wildlife, including: Nevada has a long list of animals that can be kept without permits, including: Some animals are not allowed as pets in Nevada, including: If you were issued a permit or license by the Nevada Department of Wildlife to keep an animal prior to February 28, 1994, you are allowed to keep that animal and its progeny under certain conditions. 26:4-78). Depending on where you live in the state, you may or may not have any regulations but there are no statewide restrictions. Illinois calls animals that are prohibited from being pets, dangerous animals. Question: Can I own a bearded dragon in NJ? They are divided up into three classes, with each class of permit requiring more stringent conditions be met for the safety of all people, animals, and the environment. The most important thing for ferret care is to provide ample opportunity for play and exercise. All exotic animals, unless specificially mentioned as exempt, require an individual permit to be kept as a pet. Can you own a monkey or fox in this U.S. state? A Class II annual permit is required for certain animals that pose more of a threat to human safety: Class III permit required for all other wildlife. 42) are also not allowed. There are a few important things to keep in mind when it comes to owning a pet in New Jersey. Counties section 153A-131, North Dakota Admin. New York, Virginia, Vermont, Maine, and New Jerseyas long as you follow certain regulations such as obtaining a license . Many military bases ban ferrets. You cannot obtain a raccoon, skunk or opossum from the wild and keep it as a pet. Also, New Jersey is one of a handful of states that still bans quaker parakeets based on the fear of them being an invasive species. You can possess numerous domesticated animals, including: Minnesota bans "regulated animals" from being kept as pets, including: Other animals prohibited as pets include: You may have a pet "regulated animal" if you qualified and registered the animal, or the animal's parent, before 03/02/2005. Whatever option you choose, be sure to do your research and find a reputable breeder or rescue group when youre looking to bring home a new pet. Can a person in Kentucky get a skunk and do. Additionally, Vermont requires a permit for any exotic animals that aren't specifically mentioned on the unrestricted list if you want to keep them as pets. You must have an Exotic Wildlife Possession permit to have an exotic pet, which includes: Timber rattlesnakes and Eastern copperheads may be kept as pets only if legally collected from the wild and require a Venomous Snake Permit. New Hampshire does not require a permit to possess "non-controlled" wildlife, including: Some animals are prohibited as pets, including: Some animals may be kept as pets without any permits, including: Permit required for certain animals, including but not limited to: New Mexico does not specifically list any exotic animals that can be kept as pets. You are restricted from owning a wide variety of exotic petsin Maryland. Are ferrets illegal in Texas? Kansas allows possession of certain pets, including: It is illegal to possess dangerous regulated animals, including: Many exotic pets are allowed without permits in Kentucky, including: Animals that are considered endangered species by either the federal government or the Commonwealth of Kentucky may not be kept as pets. Ferret Shelters - New Jersey. Wondering what exotic animals can be legally kept as pets in the state of California? This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. So are ferrets illegal in the USA? It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. So below is a table that gives the answer and then some detail about each US state law. Queensland Ferrets are illegal in Queensland, and the laws are very similar to New Zealand. Answer: You would need to apply for a Class 1 wildlife permit. If a person is found to possess a prohibited animal, they can be fined up to $500 for each offense. Pennsylvania Statutes Title 34 Pa.C.S.A. The rabies officer, his or her authorized representative, or any duly licensed veterinarian. Justified335. Class I includes large cats, bears, many primates, Komodo dragons, elephants, hippos, rhinos and other potentially dangerous animals. Although they may look similar, they don't meet the requirements for being a rodent, which includes having continuously growing incisors. The District of Columbia law states that only domestic dogs, cats, rodents, rabbits, ferrets, racing pigeons, captive-bred birds, and non-venomous snakes, fish, and turtles are allowed to be kept as pets. Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Class I animals include: If an animal isn't banned or required to have a permit, it can be held as a pet. However, permits are not required for several exotic animals including flying squirrels, cockatiels, iguanas, hamsters, and some other pets. I'll post some pics of Gaggia he truly was a loving ferret :( rest in peace Gaggia you will be missed love you buddy. The law considers non-domestic cats and dogs, bears, primates, elephants, rhinos, many reptiles, and other animals to be dangerous wild animals. According to Wyoming state law, any living wildlife (as designated by the state) requires a permit unless they are specifically mentioned as being exempt or prohibited. Mute swans, so long as males are neutered and all are surgically pinioned, Non-indigenous canines which are not domestic or domestic hybrids, Non-indigenous felines which are not domestic or domestic hybrids, Western rattlesnakes, excluding those in Willamette Valley, Domestic rabbits, except European and San Juan rabbits, Non-native, exotic amphibians if kept securely indoors, Most exotic turtles that aren't specifically prohibited, Red-eared slider turtles if kept securely indoors, Most invertebrates unless specifically prohibited, Aquarium trade fish that aren't specifically prohibited, Exotic boas and pythons that don't specifically require a permit, Most teiids that don't specifically require a permit, Acanthodactyls, Galliotia, Podarcis, and Psammodromus lacertid lizards, All night lizards except Utah night lizards, Most weaver finches unless they specifically require a permit, Most starlings unless they specifically require a permit, Wild carnivores and hybrids for which there is no USDA licenses rabies vaccine, Nonpoisonous reptiles and amphibians except caimans and gavials, Avian species not otherwise listed, excluding North American game birds, ostriches, and cassowary, Captive-bred elk not within the eastern grand division of the state, Cervidae except for white-tailed deer and wild elk, Hybrids resulting from a cross between a Class II and a domestic animal or Class III species, Hybrids of a Class IV species, other than a bobcat. All venomous reptiles in the Crotalidae family, including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths. There are many requirements for this permit including having liability insurance and permanently marking the animal with an identifier. Hedgehogs, skunks, raccoons, and ostriches are all legal, but you cannot own bears, primates, venomous reptiles, exotic felids, or exotic canids. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Then you need to make sure the water bottle is well made, so you it doesnt end up leaking all [], Table of Contents Guinea Pig Cage SizeBest Guinea Pig CagesMidwest Guinea Habitat Plus Guinea Pig CageKaytee Guinea Pig Home EZ Clean SystemPrevue Hendryx Blue & White Small Animal Cage with StandYML Indoor Blue Rabbit Cage With StandWARE Living Room Guinea Pig HomeWARE Home Sweet Home Small Animal CageWARE Pig Pen Guinea Pig HabitatHow Big []. Also, due to 7:25-4.5, coatimundis, another raccoon relative, can be kept in New Jersey provided you obtain a permit. Felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, Wolves that are lawfully acquired and bred in captivity, Nonvenomous, nonindigenous reptile species and subspecies, Albino forms of indigenous reptile species, Old World species of pheasants, partridges, quails, francolins, peafowl and jungle fowl, except Chukar partridges, Hungarian partridges, snow cocks; and ring-necked and white, winged pheasants, Saltwater fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, Nonindigenous species of amphibians, except bullfrogs. This permit must be renewed each year, will include an inspection of the housing for the animals, and only allows you to keep up to 10 wild animals. Animals section 5, Illinois Statutes Chapter 515. You need permits for Class I animals which include squirrels, non-domestic rabbits, and Southern flying squirrels, Class II mammals which include beavers, foxes, opossum, servals, and other animals, and Class III dangerous exotic animals that include large cats, bears, wolves, hyenas, venomous reptiles, and large crocodiles.. Grey rat snakes except for common albino colors, Felines, except domestic cats and breeds recognized by national or international multi-cat registries, Largemouth, rock, smallmouth, white and yellow bass, Atlantic, chinook, coho, kokanee, and pink salmon, Any deadly, dangerous, or poisonous reptiles, Any deadly or dangerous reptiles over 8 feet long, Most non-native Phaisianae except chukar partridges, gray partridges, ring-necked pheasants, and turkeys, All tropical fish, subtropical fish, marine fish, common goldfish, and koi, Newts except for rough-skinned newt and Taricha granulosa, Cranes: black-crowned, black-necked, common, demoiselle, blue, grey-crowned, hooded, red-crowned, Sarus, Siberian, wattled, white-naped, Jackrabbits, including blacktail and whitetail, Bighorn and thinhorn sheep, in certain counties, Any wild bird or mammal that is in need of conservation, Any wild bird or mammal that is listed as an endangered or threatened species. Father Natures Ferret Rescue. The Pet Supply Guy will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use this website, Mark has worked with a wide range animals for over 10 years, and he regularly volunteers at his local animal shelter. 1997, c. 316 (N.J.S.A. Georgia Code Title 27. In the state of New Jersey, there are no special permits required to own a ferret. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Then Mr Giuliani made the ban specific to ferrets due to rabies concerns and fears of attacks on. [1] As of 2021, a permit was required to possess a ferret in California. California Fish and Game Code - Title 14, section 4700, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Restricted Species Law, Manual 671. Chapter 7 sections 701 et seq. can i have a finger monkey as a pet in new jersey? But why are species that are completely harmless due to their size alone require a permit? If you had a primate under 35 pounds at maturity before October 1, 2010, then you may maintain ownership of that pet but following a traumatic chimpanzee attack on a woman in 2009, primates are no longer allowed as pets. Crazy truth. Class II includes more primates, bobcats, servals, caimans, and other wild animals while Class III includes all other wildlife that aren't in Class I, II, or specifically mentioned to be exempt from permitting. Those out-of-date laws are preventing many ferret enthusiasts to own a ferret, even though the "problem" was fixed many years before. I'd probably require them for grays, amazons, and mid-sized cockatoos like galahs and corellas. We do not have them in . Game and Fish section 17-306, Arizona Administrative Code Title 12 Natural Resources. Can I own a Vervet Monkey in Clifton New Jersey? New Jersey Statutes Annotated Title 23. However, it's important to keep in mind that while your state may allow you to keep certain animals as pets, there are often county or city rules which further restrict or prohibit such ownership. License required for keeping falcons or raptors. There are both good and bad aspects of the regulations. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources requires special permits that not everyone can obtain to keep a variety of wild animals. Oregon Revised Statutes Animals sections 609.305 et seq. These creatures are popular exotic pets that are captive-bred, "de-skunked," and considered to be domesticated. Additionally, skunks, bats, raccoons, and foxes are not allowed to be kept as pets due to their concern for rabies. They are prohibited without a possession permit and include: Residents may take, by hand or hook-and-line, 2 snapping turtles per day from the wild, up to 4 in possession. Permits are not required in any county west of the Pecos River with a population under 25,000. So, whether youre just doing your research or are ready to add a furry friend to your family, keep reading for all the details on owning a ferret in NJ! Public Health and Welfare sections 20-19-501 et seq. Dangerous animals include large cats, coyotes, wolves, bears, and venomous reptiles, among others. In addition to prohibitions and restrictions on exotic pet ownership, the majority of states have some sort of permit, license, or registration requirement to possess certain animals. Department of Agriculture. A. Certain exotic animals may not be pets, including almost all marsupials, insectivores, primates, including but not limited to: Special permits are required for ownership of a capuchin monkey by disabled persons. Which exotic pets are legal in Indiana? Kansas Administrative Regulations Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism section 115-18-10, Kentucky Revised Statutes Title IX. Browse search results for ferret Pets and Animals for sale in New Jersey. Any animals on the Massachusetts lists of endangered, threatened, and special concern species. They also need to be able to socialize with other ferrets, or they can become bored and depressed. Understanding the Size of Your Pet Gecko, How Long Do Leopard Geckos Live? A long-standing ban on ferrets as pets was upheld today in New York City. 95 Locust Ave. Red Bank, NJ 07701. sections 4-71-3 et seq. Ferrets are only allowed as pets if they were neutered or spayed at the time of purchase and vaccinated for both distemper and rabies. Two loving ferrets for sale. Taking and possessing non-prohibited wild reptiles and amphibians requires a fishing license. Animals that you can have without permits include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders, and giraffes. However, there are actually a wide variety of exotic pets that are legal to own in New Jersey. You also only need one permit for any number of animals. 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