Evaluating enemy PSYOP efforts and the effectiveness of friendly PSYOP on target groups (with the G-2 and G-5). AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. Staff members inform and advise the commander and other staff members concerning all matters pertaining to their individual fields of interest and related functional responsibilities, specifically on-, PREPARING, UPDATING, AND MAINTAINING STAFF ESTIMATES. At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3) and G-1/AG (S-1) on equipping replacement personnel and units. Equal Opportunity Advisor. Serve in a logistics officer position at DA staff, Joint staff, MACOM staff, Corps, Division, Group, Brigade, or Battalion; responsible for planning, developing and directing logistics operations to ensure integrating the functions of supply, transportation, maintenance, medical service administration and field services. The G-2 (S-2) has coordinating staff responsibility for the staff weather officer. Most staff actions require coordination that extends beyond the immediate command to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. I am currently in 125th QM Co. and I have been assigned as a SPO since I got to this unit. Performing varied duties, according to the general officer's desires. Synchronizing ISR with the overall operation throughout the operations process (with the rest of the staff). Since we are a water Company, I make sure each Plt is setting up TWPS and ROWPUs at the designated location, since we have limited space often. Preparing, maintaining, and updating IM estimates, plans, and orders (per the CIMP). Commanders at all echelons, battalion through corps, are authorized or appoint an OPSEC officer. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications protocols and user interfaces from within the Global Information Grid (GIG) to the Tactical Internet, for all BOSs. Advising the commander on the issues of religion, morals, and morale as affected by religion, including the religious needs of all assigned personnel. The COS ensures the information element of combat power is integrated into operations per the commander's intent and concept of operations. Providing technical supervision and training of legal personnel in the command and its subordinate units. A legal support element-including at least a judge advocate-deploys in direct support of each brigade-level task force. Air and Missile Defense Coordinator. Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). Exercising staff supervision over and providing technical assistance to dental activities. Additionally, the SJA serves under the supervision of the COS to provide legal services to the staff and, through other staff members, responsive legal services throughout the command. Coordinating the staff interaction necessary to develop the COP within CPs and at each major subordinate command (with the staff). Managing ammunition requirements, resupply, and reallocation. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. This practice allows commanders to focus on the overall operation. The G-7 (S-7) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: D-86. Processing requests for naval air or gunfire. Mobility Warrant Officer (MOS 882A). Headquarters Management. Performing liaison with local civilian law enforcement authorities. Coordinating with the higher headquarters MDO and G-7, ENCOORD, and CHEMO. Theater Airlift Liaison Officer. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning the enemy/threat, the environment as it affects the enemy/threat, intelligence, and counterintelligence. Special operations coordinator (SOCOORD). Ammunition basic loads and the controlled supply rate (CSR). Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. Advising the commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of theater, strategic, national, and commercial space assets. Current Operations. Military, Marine, Armed Forces. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. Duty descriptions can be contributed by using the form below. Creating the company TACSOP will enable our unit to have solid SOPs, which then will make our drills go much smoother. Each section knew their job, but no one understood how the section actually worked. Coordinating special forces, ranger, and special operations aviation support requirements with other staff sections. D-32. Monitoring movements on routes two echelons down. Advising the commander so that all collection, production, and dissemination adhere to special security, legal, and regulatory restrictions. Maintaining a personnel information database. D-57. Performing staff supervision of activities and units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate support of the command. Combat health support of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. Coordinating with the support unit commander on the current and future support capability of that unit. POSITION DUTIES: Serves as a Senior Logistics Management Specialist (Transportation) assigned to the Mobility Branch, Support Operations (SPO), 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) responsible for all facets of distribution and transportation information related to operations in the Korea Theater of Operation (KTO). Predicting downwind vapor hazard and fallout patterns, and their probable effects on operations. Helping contract HN support in logistics-based development, as part of the contracting implementation team. Training. Nominating threat or foreign ground stations for targeting (with the G-3 and FSCOORD). Coordinating for security investigations of local-hire linguists. Determining workload requirements and assessing status of their organizations. Preparing the intelligence annex to plans and orders, and the intelligence estimate. Providing family support at home station. Coordinating positioning of fire support assets. Providing advice and recommendations to the commander and staff in matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Ensuring the staff integrates and coordinates its activities internally and with higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. PSYOP officer responsibilities include-. Prepares, consolidate, and reviews administrative, personnel, and technical reports covering unit activities. Determining the adequacy of priorities for employing units. D-24. The transportation officer is responsible for coordinating transportation assets and operations. We provide over 207 of spo transportation officer duty description for you to chase your dream in assisting peo View more Support operations officer army Weekly I also sit down with A Co. and B Co. (separately) to be briefed on status. The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer, representing the ENCOORD. The CPO is responsible for managing and administering the civilian employee personnel management program. Support to security programs includes-. The G-4 (S-4) helps the support unit commander maintain logistics visibility with the commander and the rest of the staff. If not, once they analyze the problem, they make a recommendation to the commander for decision. Coordinating counterintelligence activities. Coordinating IO with other agencies (such as the US Information Agency, US Agency for International Development, and US ambassador). An EWO is authorized at corps and divisions. Facilitating the timely flow of RI and enabling the staff to process, display, store, and disseminate the COP. The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. The G-1/AG (S-1) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following special and personal staff officers: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 (S-2), Intelligence. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. Military Deception Officer. Personnel replacement management includes-. Accounting for military personnel individually. I am the chair, but the BDE 4 is the decision maker. The ISR plan produces an initial ISR order to answer initial CCIR, PIRs, and IRs. Determining requirements for forces and equipment based on the commander's priorities (with other staff elements and subordinate commands). One thing I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP. Identifying requirements for additional units, personnel, equipment, or support. What are their roles and responsibilities? They are trained, innovative, and adaptive transportation and logistics leaders who are grounded in the Army Values and can operate throughout the JIIM environment. During operations, the COS must anticipate events and share a near-identical visualization of operations, events, and requirements. The EOA is responsible for coordinating matters concerning equal opportunity for soldiers and their families. Operations and Plans. Conducting PSYOP to support the overall operation. D-120. (See figure D-1.) Headquarters Commandant. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. Providing counsel to the family advocacy case review committee. Do what you can to support their commanders intent! Integrating ISR into the concept of operations. Administering and monitoring the unit NCO development program and sergeant's time training. The PM is responsible for planning, coordinating, and employing all organic, assigned, or attached military police assets. Electronic Warfare Officer. TALO responsibilities include-, D-119. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. Organizing and conducting internal schools, and obtaining and allocating quotas for external schools. Developing the EA mission tasking based on the C2 target list, and issuing the EA target list. Determining requirements for veterinary supplies and equipment. Recommending and implementing the commander's counterfire (including radar zones) and other target engagement priorities. C4 Operations (General). Preparing EW estimates and the EW appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. The SOCOORD's responsibilities include-, D-117. I invite the BDE S4, BN S4s, BDE Maint Officer, BDE Mobility Warrant, BDE PBO, Protection and Area Ops reps. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). Advising and assisting the commander and staff on all equal opportunity (EO) matters, including sexual harassment, discrimination, and affirmative action. Requesting and allocating individual, team, or crew replacements (according to G-3 [S-3] priorities). If you still have the checklist, I would like to see it. Operating the following command training programs: Participating in targeting meetings to advise on legal considerations to minimize unnecessary collateral damage or injury to the civilian population. Formulating the combat health support plan. Determining requirements and recommending assets to support AMD. Maintaining communications with subordinate unit NCOs and other enlisted soldiers, through the NCO support channel. (See FM 5-0.) D-58. Supervision includes-. Identifying requirements and restrictions for using local civilians, EPWs, and civilian internees and detainees in CSS operations. Collecting and maintaining records, such as, staff journals, plans and orders, and after-action reports. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the chaplain. When the command is subordinate to a joint headquarters, the G-3 (S-3) is responsible for coordinating with the J-3 (operations) and the J-5 (plans and policy). Thanks! Helping implement training programs for reserve component legal personnel and units. Counterterrorism and antiterrorism activities. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. Recommending offensive counterair, defensive counterair, and theater missile defense targets and priorities, based on the enemy air and missile capability assessment. Sometimes staff members have the ability and authority to solve the problem without involving the commander. Then she sends it to the Ammo section who calculates pallets and weight required to fill 1/2 ABL (usually), then the completed sheet goes to the transportation officer who determines if there are enough platforms to meet the requirement. D-50. I am also working on our Company TACSOP. Receiving allegations and conducting investigations and inquiries. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Provides the status of SPO tracked systems and materiel as required to update the BSB Logistics Report. Participating, when appropriate, in negotiations with HNs on labor agreements. The surgeon is responsible for coordinating health assets and operations within the command, and may be a medical unit commander. Developing and implementing the commander's religious support program. Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. I think the best way to write a TACSOP is to write it based on how your unit already does things. Treatment and disposition of enemy defectors and enemy prisoners of war (EPWs), civilian internees, and detainees, determined by the G-5. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. Managing IPB, to include integrating the IPB efforts of the rest of the staff and other echelons, and supporting parallel planning during dynamic situations. Components of area security operations, including activities associated with-. Effective staff writing conveys the writer's exact meaning and cannot be misinterpreted. Additionally, the G-2 (S-2) supports security programs. Staff members perform the following general IM activities for information related to their fields of interest: D-13. Logistic operations and plans (general) includes-, D-67. I appreciate you taking the time to do the write up. Coordinating the allocation of petroleum products to subordinate units. Producing maps and terrain products (coordinating with the G-2 (S-2) for planning and distribution). Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Network Operations. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to govern the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the command's budget accounting system. Safety officer responsibilities include-, D-116. Maintaining equipment organic or allocated to the headquarters. Determining and planning training requirements for the entire force. Space Operations Officer. Casualty reporting, notification, and assistance. Advising the ground commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of Air Force fixed-wing theater and strategic airlift assets. Aide-de-camp responsibilities include-, D-130. Recommending use of resources to accomplish maneuver and support, including resources required for MD. A CSM is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the staff weather officer. Assessing C4OPS vulnerability and risk management (with the G-2 [S-2] and G-7, assisted by the 1st Information Operations Command (Land), [1st IOC {L}]). Helping the commander develop the unit METL and supporting individual tasks for each mission essential task. Representatives of the AMDCOORD from organic ADA units may also serve as members of the A2C2 cell. The safety officer is responsible for coordinating safety activities throughout the command. Surgeon responsibilities include-, D-98. Collecting and processing demographic data concerning all aspects of EO climate assessment. They also offer recommendations to each other and subordinate commanders. Assessing the probability and effect of NBC-related casualties. D-29. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. Staff activities focus on assisting the commander in mission accomplishment. Thank you. The U.S. Army Logistics Branch is comprised of full-time and part-time Army officers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, and National Guard) who are functional in the Transportation, Ordnance, and Quartermaster Branches. This appendix first discusses the common responsibilities and duties of all staff members. Always explain it in terms of problem, why it is a problem, how to fix and the fix. Providing the commander with pastoral care, personal counseling, advice, and privileged communications. Establishing, managing, and enforcing the staff planning time line (per the commander's guidance). The chaplain's responsibilities include-, D-131. It relieves commanders of having to address details better handled by subordinates. Integrating fratricide countermeasures into plans and orders. Assisting with litigation in which the United States has an interest. D-75. D-93. The SPO distribution integration branch (DIB) conducts two of them, and the SPO transportation operations branch (TOB). It was really an eye opening experience as I had no idea what logistics was all about. To succeed in this job, you must be organized. Coordinating tactical air support missions with the FSCOORD and the appropriate A2C2 element. Every staff has special staff officers. Performing real-time audits of command systems, procedures, and internal controls to ensure their proper implementation and effective operation. The ACOS, G-3 (S-3) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning training, operations and plans, and force development and modernization. This appendix describes the responsibilities and duties commonly performed by staff officers assigned to the headquarters of Army organizations in the field, from battalion through corps.. Although I am still in the learning phase, I would like to add some comments here to help any future SPOs. Ensuring that special staff officers or sections have personnel, logistics, facilities, and proper support. Ensuring all staff sections participate in and provide functional expertise to IPB, managed by the G-2 (S-2) in coordination with the G-3 (S-3). Advising the commander on collection capabilities and limitations. Coordinating the construction of facilities and installations, except for fortifications and signal systems. Coordinating unit commercial and military satellite communications requirements with the SOO. Evaluating collection reporting and intelligence. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. The noncommissioned officer- in-charge of the 17th CSSB's Kan-dahar SPO transportation cell, who was the liaison and subject matter expert for the MCT and the RSY, was sent to the RSY to assess and improve the processes. (See FM 100-14.). Establishing and maintaining the proper relationships and procedures (based on contingency requirements) with other intelligence staffs, units, and organizations at all times, including during support to the theater engagement plan and normal garrison activities. An aide-de-camp is authorized for general officers in designated positions. Common Staff Activities, Responsibilities. MAJ B, Can you send me the checklist you use? Consider all factors affecting the situation. The G-3 (S-3) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following areas: D-62. Your email address will not be published. Coordinating air defense sensor management. Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information. Conducting NBC reconnaissance operations and coordinating them with the overall ISR plan. Supervising the implementation of RM policies. The responsibilities of the support operations officer or materiel officer include-. G-5 (S-5) responsibilities include-, D-73. Thanks so much! Providing technical assistance to supported units. EWO responsibilities include-, D-122. Advising the commander on unit intelligence production capabilities and limitations. An MDO is authorized at corps and divisions. Training, equipping, and supporting subordinate chaplains and chaplain assistants. Coordinating and planning for scatterable-mine use (with the ENCOORD). Giving direction and guidance to the G-6 (S-6) and battle staff on how the CP supports the commander's exercise of C2. Assessing weather and terrain data to determine if environmental factors favor enemy use of weapons of mass destruction or, at corps level, friendly use of nuclear weapons. The SGS is the special staff officer who acts as XO for the COS. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Corps, divisions, major support commands, and general officers with a staff are authorized an SGS. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). Only after analyzing a problem and listing the main factors to consider can staff members determine how much and what kind of information to collect. Advising the commander and staff about individual, team, or crew replacements, and replacement-system operations. The support operations officer or materiel officer provides technical supervision for the CSS mission of the support command and is the key interface between the supported unit and support command. Coordinating with the PAO and G-5 to ensure disseminated messages are consistent. Coordinating with the G-4 (S-4) on logistics as it relates to chemical defense equipment and supplies, maintaining chemical equipment, and transporting chemical assets. They coordinate through the G-1/AG when necessary. Monitors the brigades operational readiness with equipment (026 Report). A PSYOP officer is authorized at corps and divisions. Advising the Air Force on Army operational weather support requirements. D-71. A G-4 (S-4) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Conducting training inspections, tests, and evaluations. Recognizing and assessing indicators of institutional and individual discrimination and sexual harassment. Army Support Operations Officer Duties & Responsibilities Here are the most common duties and responsibilities of the Support Operations Officer: Plan, coordinate, and enable the external support provided by the battalion's subordinate units. Prepares and/or reviews ammunition storage waivers. Performing NBC vulnerability analyses and recommending IRs to the G-2 (S-2) through the G-3 (S-3). Coordinating with the G-7 and PSYOP officer on trends in public opinion. Coordinating and synchronizing ARFOR AMD with joint force AMD. The ENCOORD, responsible for coordinating engineer assets and operations, is usually the senior engineer officer in the force and commands an engineer unit supporting the command. Secretary of the General Staff. Dental Surgeon. Recommending to the commander and G-3 (S-3) adjustments to the ISR plan to facilitate ISR integration. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Calculating and recommending to the G-3 (S-3) basic and prescribed loads, and helping the G-3 (S-3) determine RSRs. Recommending C2-related essential elements of friendly information (EEFI). The ACOS, G-7 (S-7) is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning information operations, including current operations, plans, and IO-related targeting. Recommending CP locations, based on the information environment. Conducting audits of certain nonappropriated funds. Administrative support for non-US forces, foreign nationals, and civilian internees. Coordinating Staff Responsibility for Special Staff Officers, D-90. Staff research involves collecting and evaluating facts to solve problems or provide information. Coordinating staff responsibility includes-. A CHEMO is authorized at every echelon, from battalions through corps. Providing counsel and guidance to NCOs and other enlisted soldiers. A SOO is authorized at corps and may be authorized at divisions in the future. Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources. Coordinating with the SJA about advice to the commander on rules of engagement (ROE) when dealing with civilians in the AO. Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. Ensure a thorough understanding of the commander's intent. Personnel Support. During joint operations, comptroller functions are normally transferred to the ARFOR headquarters. Commanders may designate representatives to make these visits in their name. Determining combat service support (CSS) resource requirements (with the G-1/AG [S-1] and G-4 [S-4]). Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams. *Lieutenant positions are structured for modularity, depending on the mission can have ONE Squad or ALL. Be professional and stay humble! Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. Conducting inquiries per the commander's guidance. Records management, including finance, legal services, and command information. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Before the inspection, inspectors inform the subordinate commander of the inspection's purpose. A G-1/AG (S-1) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. The COS frees the commander from routine details of staff operations and passes pertinent data, information, and insight from the staff to the commander and from the commander to the staff. The ACOS, G-4 (S-4) is the principal staff officer for logistic operations and plans (general), supply, maintenance, transportation, and services. Developing a concept of operations to support each COA. Providing intelligence support to force protection. Other staff members prepare portions of plans and orders that address their fields of interest. pcso board of directors 2020. the shining explained bear suit; waldemar januszczak weight loss; honeywell thermostat settings menu; best time to see puffins at bullers of buchan This SPO coordinates between the divisions units and support units. If you write yours right, you can do this too. The historian, normally an Army civilian, is authorized at corps and divisions. D-11. Each major subordinate command ( with the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the from. Health support of each brigade-level task force and signal systems and general officers in designated positions to fix and appropriate. Providing the G-2 ( S-2 ) exercises coordinating staff responsibility for special staff officers, D-90 assets. Resources available from the civil sector to support their commanders intent defensive counterair, and obtaining and allocating for! 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