Her favorite topics include nuclear energy, cosmology, math of everyday things, and the philosophy of it all. rev2023.4.17.43393. One example of a PEM fuel cell that could be used for this application is the Ballard FCgen-H2PM fuel cell. Fuel cells: Fuel cells can also be used to generate power for remote operations. [18] Some have suggested that Dyson sphere habitats could be built around white dwarfs[19] and even pulsars. It will be capable of carrying up to 130 metric tons of payload into low Earth orbit, making it one of the most powerful rockets ever built. Perhaps if they introduced a wormhole, then yeah, this would be pretty neat. Some of the most promising asteroids for mining include: These are just a few examples of the many asteroids in the solar system that could be good targets for mining. answer to the above: construct the swarm to be inclusive of a repulsive gravitational field (similar the the astrophysical structure of a pulsar) oscillated/emitted from the swarm itself to sustain around the hole, additionally have each equipped with a laser based projection optical ray to catalyze the accretion disk for higher power achievement through absorption by the swarm. A: For fuel cells, some examples that could be used for powering mining and refining operations on Psyche include: For solar panels, some examples that could be used for powering mining and refining operations on Psyche include: Its worth noting that the specific types of fuel cells and solar panels that would be used for the mission would depend on a variety of factors, including the mission requirements, the specific characteristics of the asteroid, and the available technology at the time of the mission. What would be its composition? I think Dirk has a valid point, but +1 for rigor and effort and a fun read. I'd suggest that "minimum" distance depends more upon the technology available to the builders than anything else. The first modern imagining of such a structure was by Olaf Stapledon in his science fiction novel Star Maker (1937). Caterpillars 797F is a large haul truck used for transporting bulk materials in mining operations. A: There are many asteroids in the solar system that are potentially good candidates for mining, depending on their composition and location. Your pencil falls faster and faster and faster, and is allegedly going close to the speed of light at the event horizon, which would represent a huge mass deficit. Is a copyright claim diminished by an owner's refusal to publish? Then when you drop it into a black hole, all this is taken to extremis. A growing alien civilization may need to develop a way to harvest the energy of their host star. The estimated cost of Dextre is $200 million. Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of human support equipment equipment and their approximate costs. Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of relevant power generation equipment and their approximate costs. Life support equipment: A life support system is essential for providing astronauts with breathable air, removing carbon dioxide and other contaminants, and regulating temperature and humidity. The estimated cost for a new LM90 is around $500,000. Based on estimates from the Galileo mission, its been suggested that Ios surface may contain around 10^18 kilograms of sulfur. Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? [5], Dyson did not detail how such a system could be constructed, simply referring to it in the paper as a 'shell' or 'biosphere'. Communication equipment: Communication equipment is critical for maintaining contact with the mining and refining operations on Psyche, as well as for transmitting data and other information back to Earth. Can you extract much energy by encapsulating the hole entirely? And this current version 5.0 has been designed and deployed by Dumky de Wilde in collaboration with S. Abbas Raza. That's because the "coordinate" speed of light at the ceiling is circa 4 m/s greater then the coordinate speed of light at the floor. It could potentially be used on Psyche to explore the asteroids surface and collect data on the distribution of metal. The first question you are probably asking is, how can you get any energy out of a black hole? It has a drilling depth of up to 45 feet and a hole diameter of up to 12.25 inches. Could you build a stable structure just short of the Schwarzschild radius or would you need to move farther back to be safe? Dyson Spheres Around Black Holes: the Ultimate Energy Source? Doing that is really hard work because it isn't gravitationally stable. @Len - other way around. Valve Corporation. This would include satellite communication systems, GPS, and other navigation tools. A: Here are a few examples of human support equipment and their approximate costs: Its worth noting that the specific human support equipment that would be used for a mission to Psyche would depend on the mission requirements and the available technology at the time of the mission. Black holes can form at the center of stars in the Milky Way. Therefore, its unlikely that we would have enough material to construct a Dyson sphere of the size and composition you specified using only the asteroids and selected moons mentioned earlier. Additionally, the cost would depend on the specific design and capabilities of the power generation equipment required for the mission. The results depend on the assumptions put into the model, but this contraption could collect anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of times more energy. Heres how it works. The estimated cost of a small modular reactor ranges from $500 million to $1 billion, depending on the design and capabilities. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Robotics and automation equipment: Robotics and automation equipment can also be used for communication and navigation purposes, such as controlling mining and refining equipment remotely. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The main use of building a Dyson swarm around a black hole would be to capture the energy released by its accretion disk. The questions I answered were simple, the answers complex. Time would move slower. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. It is believed to contain a variety of minerals and organic compounds, including water and amino acids. To absorb the accretion disc luminosity, a Dyson ring or a Dyson Swarm could be a The composition of this material would include silicon, carbon and metals. The sphere has been traveling towards the galactic core for several billion years at sub-light speed and intends to enter a black hole as part of an ancient compact. Q: Ok, assuming we are building the Dyson sphere above, what kind of metals would we need? Therefore, it is likely that mining all known asteroids and the metal-rich moons of Jupiter and Saturn, as well as completely disassembling Jupiter and Mercury, would provide enough material to construct a Dyson sphere that is 1 m thick, 1 AU from the sun, and has a composition of 50% silicon, 30% carbon, and 20% metals. A: You are correct, I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. You're forgetting that the gravitational pull of the black hole will speed up the swarm units as they approach; as an example. Something's wrong. "Our results suggest that for a stellar-mass black hole, even at a low Eddington ratio, the accretion disk could provide hundreds of times more luminosity than a main sequence star.". It is estimated to be worth over $10,000 quadrillion, making it one of the most valuable objects in the solar system. We Know How Fast Earth Spins Dont We? The area around the black hole is extremely energetic, with its accretion disk accelerating matter so fast that it radiated energy for brighter than a star. A curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity [speed] of propagation of light varies with position". As for how your managed BH Dyson sphere might fare, have you ever seen a Chinese lantern catch fire? Refining equipment: Once the metal has been extracted from the asteroid, it would need to be refined to remove impurities and separate the different types of metal. Caroline Delbert is a writer, avid reader, and contributing editor at Pop Mech. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Further out, it will be much simpler and easier, but require more materials. " Q: Ok, now lets see a few examples of relevant metal refining equipment and their approximate costs. New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. At current world GDP growth rates and assuming current prices, it would take about 600 years for us to have enough capital to build the sphere. However, this step-by-step procedure provides a general outline of the tasks that would be involved if such a project were to be attempted. If you want to understand what the Universe is, how it began, evolved, and will eventually end, astrophysics is the only way to go. Aluminum Aluminum is a lightweight metal that is also strong and corrosion-resistant. The estimated cost for a new InLine Leach Reactor ranges from $500,000 to $1.5 million, depending on the size and configuration. Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? That's 20 times the data that Amazon Web Services holds, and it's effectively the storage backbone of the entire internet at the moment. Therefore, at the current world GDP growth rate of 2.5%, it would take approximately 572.5 years for world GDP to reach $6.117 x 10^33. Taking all of that into account, the paper suggests that a Dyson sphere around a black hole could harvest roughly five times more energy than that available around a star. Hsiao and his collaborators from the Institute of Astronomy in Taiwan, brings us to the very edge of possibility itself. Those include: Accelerating your swarm elements to orbital speed, which will probably be at least 0.05c. I overpaid the IRS. In the longer term, consider the concept of uploading people's consciousnesses to some kind of data storage center, as proposed in an episode of the dystopian anthology series Black Mirror. Valve Corporation. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? And that's challenging.. WebBlack Holes could actually theoretically be used to harvest energy in a lot of ways, the chief one being using its gravitational force to accelerate light beamed into its vicinity and then A: Unfortunately, I cannot provide an accurate cost estimate for such a large amount of material, as the prices of these materials can vary greatly depending on many factors such as supply and demand, location, purity, and form. He argued that as the structure would result in the large-scale conversion of starlight into far-infrared radiation, an earth-based search for sources of infrared radiation could identify stars supporting intelligent life. Falling bodies do not slow down. In a recent study, scientists analyzed the possibility of an advanced civilization harvesting energy from a black hole. Scientists believe that every major galaxy has a black hole lurking at its center. Therefore, we would still need to consider other sources of material, such as mining other planets or moons in the solar system or developing new methods for obtaining and processing materials, in order to construct a Dyson sphere of the size and composition you specified. Vesta: Vesta is a large asteroid located in the asteroid belt that is thought to contain significant amounts of iron, nickel, and other minerals. How can I drop 15 V down to 3.7 V to drive a motor? A black hole is a region of space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing can escape its influence, not even light itself. Mercury: Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and is known to have a high concentration of metals in its crust. Here are some of the major sources for the metals mentioned in my previous answer: These sources are not exhaustive and there may be other sources for these metals that are not listed here. Building a Dyson Shell around a black hole? WebA solar-sized black hole (BH) has a diameter of about 6000 m. It's apparent area is then A = 4 r 2 = 4 ( 3000 2) = 1.1 10 8 m 2 Since a blackbody radiates uniformly in all The estimated cost of the HRF is not publicly available. If Fine Structure Constant in not uniform in space what would that imply for cosmic background? A Dyson Sphere, a spherical structure that surrounds a star and transports its radiative energy outward as an energy source for an advanced civilisation, is one of the [1][24][25] Dyson spheres are depicted in the 19751983 book series Saga of Cuckoo by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson, and one functions as the setting of Bob Shaw's 1975 novel Orbitsville and its sequels. Based on the updated calculations, constructing a Dyson sphere of this size and composition would require approximately 1.8 x 10^25 kilograms of material. It is the largest object in the asteroid belt, and it is thought to contain significant amounts of water, carbon, and other valuable minerals. Related: 'Dyson sphere' legacy: Freeman Dyson's wild alien megastructure idea will live forever (opens in new tab) Knock yourself out. [1][2][3] The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to imagine how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements exceed what can be generated from the home planet's resources alone. NOTE: This answer has limited itself to considering a possible minimum safe distance for a dyson swarm and not a dyson shell. You might need an entire planets worth of material, Wright says. A: Assuming a constant annual GDP growth rate of 2.5%, we can use the formula: where FV is the future value (i.e., $6.117 x 10^33), PV is the present value (i.e., the current world GDP, which is approximately $85 trillion), r is the annual growth rate (i.e., 2.5% expressed as a decimal, or 0.025), and n is the number of years. Can a Dyson Sphere around a Black Hole be built so that it would not radiate significant IR? New external SSD acting up, no eject option. Now, I realize that last sentence is pretty wild. In the most literal way, we'd have to harvest energy from not only the sun, but from Jupiter (which is almost a star, itself) and everything else available to us in our solar system. These robots would need to be able to operate in the low-gravity environment of the asteroid and withstand the extreme temperatures and radiation levels. Should a civilization this advanced exist, then they would probably already know of our existence by the time we discover the black hole Dyson sphere. Think about the energy required to carry more and more people into space as the world's billionaires venture outside of our planet, plus the energy demands for NASA's own ambitions to install people on the moon. The researchers behind the new study suggest that building a Dyson sphere around a black hole would allow an alien civilization to garner energy from six sources: By not only relying on radiation as the main source of energy but a Dyson sphere around a black hole would also collect five times as much energy as one around a star, according to the study. Bennu: Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid that is currently being studied by NASAs OSIRIS-REx mission. Q: I think you have made a mistake. One example of an SOFC that could be used for this application is the Bloom Energy Server. However, there are some existing mining robots that could potentially be adapted for use on Psyche. A Type II civilization refers to the Kardashev scale (opens in new tab), a way for astrobiologists and cosmologists to classify the potential energy available to extraterrestrial intelligences. Power generation equipment: To power the mining and refining equipment, a source of energy would be needed. Spaceship orbiting a black hole under the event horizon - a prison where no one escapes. Keeping space fairly clear of debris in the area. If that is close enough to "insignificant", there is no need to go further. This energy-capturing sphere would radiate its enormous waste heat out in the infrared spectrum. It radiates a lot of energy. Life finds a way particularly if it has a moon. Platinum: Platinum is a valuable metal that is highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation, making it useful in a variety of industrial and scientific applications, including the construction of the Dyson spheres electrical components. It could also be used for mining operations on an asteroid, such as moving and manipulating mining equipment. However, here are some very rough estimates based on current average prices: Using these rough estimates, the cost of 1.901 x 10^27 kilograms of material for the Dyson sphere would be approximately: (0.5 x 1.901 x 10^27 x 0.8) + (0.3 x 1.901 x 10^27 x 1.5) + (0.2 x 1.901 x 10^27 x 1) = $6.117 x 10^33. Additionally, the cost would depend on the specific design and capabilities of the refining equipment required for the mission. Copper Copper is a good conductor of electricity and could be used for wiring and electrical components of the Dyson sphere. A: I apologize for the error in my previous response. Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? Some of the questions I asked chatGPT included: I verified at least some (but not all) of the numbers it gave me from other sources and was finally able to arrive at the following conclusion: Building a 1 meter thick Dyson sphere at 1 AU from the sun would take approximately 10^25 kilograms of material. This distance would need to be far enough away to avoid the intense heat and radiation of the sun, but close enough to capture a significant amount of its energy. The mission would involve sending a spacecraft to the asteroid to extract the desired metals. A new paper combines two concepts from the edges of astrophysics: Dyson Spheres and black holes. It only takes a minute to sign up. WebSolar panels and ray receivers/dyson components operate on different values, despite using the same power source. Lets describe them nevertheless. The power density emitted by the surface of the sphere will be twice that of the CBE, which will produce an apparent temperature of 3.27 K, or about 0.5 K above CBE. The recent paper argues that if an alien civilization were to build the Dyson sphere around a black hole, it would be detectable in ultraviolet, near-infrared, and mid-infrared wavelengths. I asked AI engine chatGPT to build me a hypothetical 2 meter thick Dyson sphere at a distance of 2 AU (~300 million kilometers). Wow this is really cool! How small stars help with planet formation, Mike Sipser and Wikipedia seem to disagree on Chomsky's normal form. What is amazing about this back and forth is that if I had to assemble the same set of answers together by doing a regular Google search or by constructing written sources, it would have taken me days, if not weeks, to do it. A black hole forms when a large enough collection of mass comes together in a small enough space. It could be used for constructing the outer layers of the Dyson sphere that will be exposed to space and cosmic radiation. A relativistic Kessler cascade is going to be a horrible problem. This is cosmic engineering - it will be a managed one. One example of a multi-junction solar cell that could be used for this application is the Boeing Spectrolab XTJ Prime. Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? Now, the NTHU researchers have figured that capturing the energy of a stellar mass black hole could provide as much as five times the amount of energy captured by a main sequence star, and might even be more visible as a result even using current telescopes. [8], SETI has looked for such infrared-heavy spectra from solar analogs, as has Fermilab. However, these estimates should be taken with caution as they are based on current material prices and may not accurately reflect the cost of materials in the future, especially if they are required on a massive scale for such a large-scale project. Regardless of the launch vehicle chosen, the equipment would need to be carefully packaged and protected to survive the journey to Psyche. Silicon, carbon, and metals are likely to be among the most commonly used materials. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? Share Could aliens suck the energy from black holes with Dyson Spheres? I am copying my exchange with chatGPT below in its entirety to give readers an idea of the level of detail it can bring to the conversation. Therefore, it's a theoretical device that sits around an entire star and harvests its energy. What is the etymology of the term space-time? The estimated cost of a robotic arm ranges from $1 million to $5 million, depending on the capabilities. If their maximum attainable velocity is one-half lightspeed, the dyson swarm units will be able to boost away from orbit around the back hole, if they need to (just think of it as an additional safety feature). You can find him online on Twitter at @thisdotjohn, Currently playing: Deep Rock Galactic, Destiny 2, Microsoft is holding a surprise event and it might be about Bing and ChatGPT, Watch and freak out a little as Boston Dynamics puts Atlas robot to work, Quordle today - hints and answers for Tuesday, April 18 (game #449). Scientists have upped the ante on theoretical Dyson Spheres with a proposal for alien civilizations constructing the colossal megastructures around stellar mass black Since then these giant spheres later sometimes imagined as distributed panels rather than single continuous shells that can be constructed by advanced civilizations to capture their stars energy have become known as Dyson spheres. Assuming a mix of 50% silicon, 25% carbon, and 25% metals by weight, the mass of each material required would be: As for the costs, the prices of raw materials can vary greatly depending on factors such as supply and demand, market conditions, and location. Here is a detailed plan for mining asteroids: In terms of which metals would be best to mine from asteroids for building a Dyson sphere, it would depend on a variety of factors, including the availability and concentration of the metals, as well as their usefulness in the construction of the Dyson sphere. See this 2001 paper by Friedwardt Winterberg. What would the sky look like to a being inside the event horizon of a black hole? In the case of a solid body, the swallowing of mass has a cumulative effect. There are Some existing mining robots that could be used for mining operations an. Incentive for conference attendance different values, despite using the same power source references or personal.. 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