Grab the. [23] According to the goblin Nojheim, the beauty standards of the surface races made them prone to turn a blind eye to the deeds of the drow, showing them greater leniency and acceptance. [114] Since traits like kindness or compassion were considered dangerous and exploitable,[30] children who showed such weakness were punished. Meet Solaufein by the entrance to the Eastern Tunnels. Traveller System Generator. Dress is elegant formal wear. Every day spent in the city makes the adventurers start to feel safer and safer. [31], Despite their excellent craftsmanship, drow cities tended to be a chaotic and messy sight because of the lack of a uniform architectural style. Even so, surface cities generally didn't allow drow into their cities because of their reputation,[72] though followers of Eilistraee sometimes managed to gain a place within surface communities. [23] They were incapable of growing proper beards, but some males managed to grow long sideburns or even tufts of wispy hair on the cheek or chin. ADD TO WISHLIST > Watermarked PDF. These were by far the most common type of drow, and the only type known to most. The aforementioned pumps had two varieties: a corkscrew-type, that worked by water pressure, and a piston type, worked by slaves. And if he continued with this assumption. The party knows the humanoid currently being held. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and related content, such as map creating tips, map ideas, or map play tests. Other kinds of gems were often used as currency for trade with non-drow. A wrought iron gate surrounds ancient mausoleums of past dark elf houses. 82. Eye color(s) These included the spell-like abilities detect magic, know alignment, and levitate. The latest installation appears to be a body with fungi growing over it in a hypnotic pattern, suspended from strands of drider silk. 80. Humanoid [22] Drow had white, black, or purple teeth, while their gums, tongues, and throats could be red, pink, or purple. We have updated our privacy policy. Now we can connect cities drawing the shortest route between them. [203], The relationship between the drow and their gods was one of mutual exploitation (with the exception of the one good-aligned member, Eilistraee). No one seems to know what the purpose is. Ambition overrides good sense and compassion is thrown away in its face, all in the name of Lloth, the Spider Queen. All rights reserved. [9][8] During infancy it fluctuated between almost non-existent and youth-level (resisting around two fifths of the time), stabilizing as they grew up. [9] However, a lifetime of being indoctrinated with Lolth's dogma, combined with their upbringing giving them limited contact with other beings, surroundings, and alternative ways of life, made them close-minded, and left them with little wordly experience. [Encounter] All this exploration has gained the attention of a matron mother. 31. The fact that drow didn't relive memories of past lives during their trances was viewed as an indication that, unlike the elves, their souls didn't reincarnate. Drow also had a natural aptitude for audible mimicry, the entire race possessing the capacity to easily imitate the sound and tone of another person in a believable manner, especially if frequently exposed to the language they were using.[55]. The water is the color of rust. 1. [54][46] However, an honest bond of love between parent and child in drow society was even rarer than one between lovers. Drow names, both first and surname, usually also have a meaning, which I didn't include in this generator for simplicity's sake. [73][85] Especially famous was the powerful drow knockout poison, made from a slippery black fungus that grew in certain Underdark caverns, and commonly applied to crossbow bolts to easily put enemies to sleep. 63. If someone could not defend themselves, as the logic went, they deserved to have cruelty inflicted on them, which would prove the superiority of the drow performing the torment. In fact, the drow responded poorly to social norms being turned into written rules, obeying them primarily out of fear and social pressure (but obeying them nonetheless). [217] Some drow living in Waterdeep also followed the gods of the Seldarine. Origin They get to a part of town with many Drow. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. [75] Drow who wandered the surface in an attempt to settle their conflict with Lolth and each other were known as Seldarine drow. Humanoid stew is the house special. Other ways to improve these abilities included training to cast the cloud of darkness faster in response to harm, or to turn the darkfire into a flickering protective shroud that made the beneficiary harder to hit. You helped me, now you plan to enslave me. [72], Besides the obvious utility of cancelling light sources, the drow ability to creaste darkness was an integral part of their combat strategy, as it could be used to limit sight or otherwise hamper their enemies. Medium [102], The drow used the very environment of the Underdark as material for their architecture, and could make use of growing sedimentary structures to shape their buildings. [114], Drow lifespans were comparable to the rest of the elven race (and therefore far surpassed those of humans),[23] but the constant strife of their society kept their numbers low,[262] dropping their actual rate of population growth to dwarf-like levels. WebGL is not enabled :(This website renders millions of roads at once. Various instruments of torture decorate the windows of a shop. This practically assured a House's destruction as they were forced to fall back on diplomatic and physical methods of defense, with all other Houses able to attack them with impunity.[118][88]. [95] Provided they did not meet a premature and violent end, a drow's natural lifespan was about 750 years. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. A fragrant flowering bush. A bright pink feather. Build, create and embed interactive Google maps with drawings and labels. [58] They could further enhance the spell-like ability to cast it more often, and learn to deepen it so that a daylight spell could not overpower it any more. But all of them? Malice Do'Urden sacrificing Zaknafein Do'Urden to appease Lolth. I'm a little suspicious about any D&D-based video, board, etc. Within Lolthite societies, even drow with a disposition towards what was considered good generally had problems developing a strong personal sense of morality. 73. [28] Though the power of the many Houses changed often, the few at the top usually remained stable. Two male drow wizards duel to the death in the street. Generate a random star system, including primary planet physics, population, tech level, and other characteristics [203] With few exceptions, every entity within the Dark Seldarine demanded absolute fealty from its adherents. It's so much freedom, so much story, and a great way to hang out with friends all in a format that fits that perfectly. Anyone know some details about how you can interact with the city? There were three categories of drow runes and glyphs: the house defense glyphs, used by the most powerful drow to defend their houses and treasures, the way-marker runes, used to guard places with drow traffic but no permanent population, and the sacred glyphs, only found in sacred sites of Lolth. 2nd Edition Statistics[4] Even drow Houses were punished for the open murder of their enemies, just as they would if their assassination was exposed, but this was because public fighting was considered boorish. Before we travel too deep into the inner bowels of each urban location, let's summarise. 44. 2. [36], When drow nobles warred against each other, the attacking side had to eradicate the entire enemy family in a single attack. 87. It was also the primary means by which they found water, by listening to the dripping sound it made. She's a half-drow who was an accident between some high-ranking female drow noble and a human slave. Of course, there are rules of behavior; every society must boast of these. Still others were dangerously insane, broken by the horrors that shook their psyches. For the most part, there was no prescribed criteria for how justice was to be performed, and punishments could very easily be wildly disproportionate to the crime. Meet a Handmaiden of Lolth and Solaufein in the Merchants' Circle of Ust Natha. Cities were normally independent and not part of a larger drow nation, and though some had trade agreements, most frequently fell to war with one another. A small stall sells a confectioners treat of spun web and sweet fungus powder called Icky Sticky. Menzoberranzan the City of Intrigue, the City of Spiders. Darkvision. Coins glitter below the surface. [127] To take advantage of even the smallest cracks that constituted an opening to the surface, orbs of duo-dimension were used in these assaults. A drow offers the party riches beyond their wildest dreams if they entertain her desires for 1d6 days. With Inkarnate you can create world maps, regional maps and city maps for dungeons & dragons, fantasy books and more! [198], About a fifth of the entire drow race was capable of complex works, while only about one-tenth could create items fine enough to be enchanted or turned into drowcraft through the absorption of faerzress. In some cases the number was rarely above the House's drow population[127] and in others the slaves outnumbered them either two or three to one. Love this campaign. 1 [76] Since magical darkness looked like black stone when looked at with darkvision, there were many creative uses of the spell form a tactical standpoint. [36][23], The moral code of the average drow was informed by the teachings of Lolth. [32], The drow held some respect towards races capable of resisting their aggressions,[28] and could perceive certain races as at least possible equals (though never superiors) with whom they had mutual gain or non-aggression pacts. 56. The rest of the day a character feels like something is crawling on them. This is a big project and Im not going to be starting on it until Brazenthrone is finished, which will be a while still. Thank you for making a duergar city which used to be a drow city (I had to reverse the chronology for my own purposes, lol). Children play a game of marbles with preserved eyeballs in the street. Justice had never been more than a facade and a means of keeping the pretense of order in chaotic Menzoberranzan. It was also illegal for non-drow to disguise themselves as a specific drow, a noble drow, or a member of a House outside of the one they belonged to. For any of these quests, you can roll some simple monsters from a random encounter table or pick specific enemies, such as bandits, from the back of the D&D manuals. It lasts for 1d4+2 days before dissipating. Medium A ladder on the side of a cavern wall leads up to a ledge overlooking the entire city. [198] An art form unique to the drow was the use of continual faerie fire to create murals or to highlight temples. Yes, the silver dragon. A sign in the window reads Daily Demonstrations, Volunteers Welcome! in Undercommon. At barely a day old, she was left alone in a city of murderers and thieves. [58], The drow could use their base powers once every day and, once employed, they could end the spell, move it around at their whim, or downsize it. What books reveal new Drow cities that aren't with Lolth? Within its black walls ferment all manner of evils, depravities, and additions. It reads Ask for Saladrin at the Black Gate Tavern. 55. [204], Unlike the elves, who often venerated one member of their pantheon above the others while still paying homage to each of their deities,[205] the drow would choose one, sometimes two, gods or goddesses from their pantheon and ignore the rest. She has been crying. [2], The house ranks in the early Sable Years, in the Year of the Singing Skull, 1297 DR:[1], The house ranks in the later Sable Years, in the Year of the Adder, 1328 DR:[1], The house ranks during the Time of Troubles in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR:[1]. [118][88], Failing to completely exterminate the drow noble line of another House in a single attack, more than one House teaming up to attack another (one of the few offenses that had to be proven) or attacking a drow House within a year of the last attack against them were all offenses. [46] Normally the drow had poor opinions of even their erstwhile allies, and viewed other races, at best, as merely laughable or contemptible.[73]. Names, trademarks, and images copyright their respective owners. [47][28] Even in moments of safety or relaxation, they were always alert and constantly expecting attacks of any kind, and were rarely surprised when such attacks did come. 10. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A well-known drow-made piece of gear was the death armor, legendary in the Underdark. 74. 180k. A wavy dagger with the words feed me in Undercommon is stuck into the wall. Measure route distance on Google map It sports a collar that reads Itsy in Elvish. They frequently included spider motifs, such as the curtains positioned to emulate spider webs that often adorned noble Houses. 1. Black, dark blue, gray Female Drow Names. [54], Before the 1360s DR, the drow would gradually lose their base and mature powers, as well as their defenses against magic, if exposed to sunlight. A perfume bottle. The effects vary from illness to hallucinations to an increased sensory susceptibility, and none are deadly. Underdark [29], Drow generally kept their hair long, and decorated it with pins and webbing made of precious metals. Even just disabling your adblocker will help (it's only text and plain . As a result, most of their settlements were found under the Moonsea, north and west of Iltkazar, from the underground of Calimshan to the one of Icewind Dale. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. [238]; Like any other civilization, the drow had craftsmen, farmers, and businesses but these were undercut by the priestesses of Lolth and the nature of their society. It is very easy to think that you are alone and then suddenly have dungeon alert jump up as a dozen or more Drow attack you. [28] If a drow was not where they believed they should be, their pride demanded they blame someone else (sometimes everyone else) for their incorrect position. Formal education or much practice was needed to "read" heat hues, as the drow had no innate ability to discern the meaning of the various patterns from birth. [32] Merchant clans[114] and commoners (who lacked the resources to hire tutors) considered raising children the entire family's duty, before they learned the parent's craft, enrolled in the military, or joined a wizard or cleric academy. [28] Forming relations with others was therefore a dangerous endeavor, and mostly temporary, since any alliance or cordial relationship could end in treachery. Almost every drow put some individual effort into strengthening their tolerance to poisons as part of their training. Inkarnate is an all-in-one and easy to use map making platform with a free version. 4: The Iron Globe. Salvatore(March 2006). [113] Commoners could also rise to a higher social station by becoming the consort of a noble, gaining the latter's last name for the duration of the marriage. The drow are a very hated race, perhaps you wouldn't do wrong to hate them. Size. 51. They used tricky devices like clothes with built-in items, gas-powered needle-throwers, extensile mechanical hands, wire-saws, and similar devices to defend themselves and break out of cages and prisons. 1: The Duergar Camp. 58. There are more details in the DM notes above, but if youve got any other questions I didnt cover, feel free to ask. [240], It was common for injured drow to make use of a prosthesis, as craftsmanship in artificial limbs was advanced and easily available. 99% Upvoted. 27. [119] Fittingly, one of the main tenets (the first one, in fact) was that Lolth was the only true goddess, and that anyone worshiping another deity or practicing a different faith was to be sacrificed to Lolth. [239], Only the most experienced and worldly drow of the merchant clans were capable of forming genuine friendships with the so-called lesser races, including mind flayers or duergars. Lolthite, drow society had had two nominal goals, called "the First and Second Part of the Destiny of the People". [57] According to Seldszar Elpragh, a drow's faerie fire worked by channeling faerzress. Pointed ears, slim but athletic build, beautiful, affinity to darkness, able to enter fully aware sleep state. Families that didn't produce artistic talent on their own acquired it from the outside (be it by simple hiring, forceful coercion, or the rare adoption into the family). [285] An exception was the church of Vhaeraun, whose goal was to elevate the Ilythiiri to their former glory. Some purported that females were generally bigger and stronger than males,[22] while others claimed the males had superior strength. Gems were usually worked in rings, wristlets, gorgets, belts, pendants, or collars. They would interact with other societies when needed, but not out of choice. Drow14Drow Gunslinger4Drow Elite Warrior5Drow Mage7Drow Priestess of Lolth8Drow House Captain9Drow Shadowblade11Drow Arachnomancer13Drow Inquisitor14Drow Favored Consort18Drow Matron Mother20 A merchant drops a case of potions at the partys feet and demands they pay for them. It stops after 1d4 days. Boots of Dark Elvenkind. Spells like dispel magic could end a base power's effect. 3: The various elemental portals. [97] In truth, despite her rhetoric, Lolth had no intention of having the drow devote themselves to reaching their supposed goal. In general, drow women chose their partners as animals would be chosen for breeding purposes, with males expected not to resist the other's affections. Each drow city contains 8 noble houses, each one holding sway over a different district of the city. The flow was regulated by opening a sliding panel, which turned the sphere in such a direction that only the volume of water that filled it could pass through and be diverted towards a side-channel. [251], Surface drow, while ignored by others, were attractive to the merchant clans, for they represented a contact to the surface for trade. Station: In all the world of the drow, there is no more important word. They've yet to be revealed, but if you go to the Legend of Drizzt sub-site (on the main D&D website) you can catch a glimpse of these cities and their artwork. Drow are characterized by white or silver hair, obsidian black skin, and red (or rarely gray, violet, or yellow) eyes, as well as innate spell-like abilities and spell resistance. Systems of intricately curved pipes that bore through solid rock, fitted with shut-off valves, side-channels, and pumps, collected and diverted water for various purposes, from dietary, to industrial, to waste disposal. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. See more ideas about dungeon maps, tabletop rpg maps, fantasy map. [40] They were also taught that they should crush those beneath them,[37] for cruelty was seen as a method of self-validation. A book titled The Bane of Butcher Cavern. It has stood for over eight centuries among the severe cliffs of the great cavern Cocyrdavarin . Maybe I could send them here. White The drow as a whole held to many different religions outside of those accepted by most of their society. Sign in to . 38. [118][88], While violence and property crime was punished in drow society, it wasn't because such acts were believed to be morally wrong. Their bodies are thin and lithe like their fellow Elves with an average height of five feet. A mysterious cabal has taken up residence near the city gates. [75], Drow had an aptitude for rune magic,[75] elegantly limning runes in black paste, ink, or inlay. The setting is prominently featured in the adventure Out of the Abyss. Each House had a standing army of drow soldiers, priestesses, and wizards, which included contingents consisting solely of non-drow slaves, usually bugbears, ogres, and minotaurs. [75], Drow priestesses and wizards often created magical scrolls to give their warriors an edge during their patrols. The map is 5050, equivalent to 25 of our standard 1010 tiles. An image of a Lolth-touched bebilith, drow, and giant spider. [26], Reports varied on the physical differences between the drow sexes. Positions were normally sorted by age but were ultimately not set in stone, and could be changed at the matron mother's whims[89], Females had absolute power within their household, and owned all the governmental and militaristic power within the city, although they held no authority until after puberty. 25. 7. [35] Ironically for a race that put such a focus on individual merit, personal achievement and ability carried so little weight in their minds they had almost no notion of its worth. This offshoot of drow became starlight elves, Aevendrow, who were skilled mages and lived in a much more free society. [75] Male drow were normally competent fighters,[36] and rangers were also valued as scouts. [73], Barring the most primitive among them, the drow were a literate race. Underground I wanna read 'em! Something moves in the shadows overhead, a horrible experiment to be sure! Learn how your comment data is processed. An unguarded cart filled with bolts of hardened spider silk interwoven with filaments of precious ore. The geosphere package provides the gcIntermediate () function that computes the path. 22. [23] From birth, the drow were taught that they were superior to other races, and as such they believed themselves to be the ultimate beings. 45. [22] Intellect, along with force of personality, were mental traits that had been ruthlessly selected for in their socially darwinian civilization over several generations. [101][28] The drow were the best architects when it came to shaping and hollowing out stalactites, stalagmites, and cave columns. Download Article. The lowest ranking members, almost exclusively non-drow, were called "assets", and made up the labor and military force of the organization. Master-tier subscribers can share their books and other compendium content with friends in their campaigns! Holding a last name, in general, meant that the holder was either born into a noble family, or had a rank and role (like weapon master) in a household. [27] Both sexes varied in height from 4feet and 7inches to 5feet and 5inches (140 to 170centimeters), averaging at 5feet (150centimeters). [21][42], Given the scarcity of resources in the Underdark and the limited chances for advancement within their society, most drow had to be aggressively competitive. [99], Drow architecture, like typical elven works of construction,[100] put an emphasis on beauty and was considered a marvel to behold. It was considered a lost path, i.e. 67. The relic of the First House is a fake magic item. [10] They started to show signs of aging at around 600 years,[263] and rarely lived past their seventh century, with about 94% of natural deaths occurring before 800 years of age. Terms of Service. [32] It would be easy to imagine, therefore, that drow females, had it much easier compared to males, but this was merely an illusion. [8] They believed that having first names similar to those of the Dark Seldarine guaranteed misfortune, and names similar to that of their patron was considered blasphemy. [89], This was the reason why drow society was in a perpetual state of very small-scale battle of underhandedness, instead of a series of bloody frontal battles. [41] They were a vengeful people by necessity, as not answering to slights with punishment was easily perceived as weakness by other drow, and was essentially the same as inviting exploitation, abuse, or even death. If a priestess particularly liked the products, this could cause a business to go bankrupt despite the owners' efforts, leaving the destitute workers with no choice but to enter a contract that essentially made them slaves to the priestess. The first level of the Drow City holds the Level 120 Drow Assassins and the level 125 Drow Rangers. [92] Larger patrols were generally led by female drow, who normally had one or two powerful warriors as lieutenants. The spell-like abilities detect magic drow city map know alignment, and levitate were also valued as scouts to their! 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