Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Jordin does not like to settle for the "easy answer" when it comes to living life with your pet. We have lived here for 30 years now, and this is the first time that I have had a hedgehog in my garden. Try to apply a trial and error approach, which helps to remove anxiety and makes your guinea pig calm. Guinea pig's phantom pregnancy can last up to 20-30 days, and it can last longer in some cases. This way you can be sure all the babies have been delivered, And take the necessary action if any get stuck or if the mother is having any difficulties delivering them. JavaScript is disabled. Not least because guinea pig pregnancies tend to end in multiple births. Her bottom half was very round and she waddled when she walked. I would have bet money that she was a) pregnant and b) in labour! Now that weve answered some basic guinea pig pregnancy questions, were going to go through the signs of pregnancy in guinea pigs. If there are piglets, you will be able to feel little lumps. We got her without knowing that she was a pregnant guinea pig. Guinea pigs have an average of 4 young per litter, with a range of 1-13. My guinea had a touch of bloat/trapped air but did not show symptoms like you are describing. Make sure you are feeding your pregnant guinea pig a high-quality diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as hay and fresh fruits and vegetables. Some vets may even recommend vitamin C supplements. Female guinea pigs (or sows) have a pregnancy of 68 days (range 59-72 days) and an average estrous cycle length of 17 days (range 13-25 days). The unspayed guinea pigs mates with an unneutered male and is impregnated, In this case, the guinea pigs ovulate due to stress and consider that she is pregnant, She will start eating more and more as she is eating for 4-5 babies, In this case, she will eat more and become aggressive towards other guinea pigs. She also began to eat a lot more hay and would wheek loudly at us begging for more fruits and veggies. The complete guide to guinea pig food, How To Tame a Guinea Pig: The Complete Step-by-Step Guide, Guinea Pig Anatomy Explained, From Head to Tail. I would much rather support a family business than a national chain, so Home & Roost will always get my custom! There are various signs of pregnancy in guinea pigs. Spaying at an early age can keep her hormones under control and reduces the chances of stress based ovulation. However, as an animal lover, she dotes on and cuddles any pet she happens upon! 2 Continue to encourage exercise & prevent obesity to minimize the risk of problems in the pregnant sow. o [pig guinea] Typically females are ready to start having babies when they are around two months old, while males become sexually active by three months. Especially if any of them display aggressive tendencies. So, I did thorough research, and here is what I have learned. In preparation for their arrival we prepared a third enclosure to serve as a nursery and play area. This is because they can still be fertile for a few weeks after the surgery. Circulatory form: compression of the aorta causes a . It is important to begin to carefully handle young guinea pigs when they are only 2 or 3 weeks old. However, the nodules will continue to grow until birth only if the sow is pregnant. As the name suggests, sows having their first litter at seven months (or older) can experience a slow and difficult birth. This is going to be all the more obvious if she was a very active female before she was pregnant. Whether you are trying to breed guinea pigs or you have unknowingly allowed your guinea pig to get pregnant, there are a few signs to indicate that it is indeed a positive pregnancy. Guinea pigs are adorable, sweet pets that love to express themselves by chattering, squealing, and wheeking. The gestation period in guinea pigs could be anywhere between 59-72 days. The typical gestation period for this species is 59 to 70 days, so by the time guinea pigs start to show a larger abdomen they may be well into their pregnancy. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! You can move your finger around her belly, and while doing that, if you feel little lumps, then consider your guinea pig as pregnant. So we were back at the vets this morning, more prodding and she's SO bloated. This is posted in the thread about Moomin but would like some general advice, please! The guinea pig's pregnancy will make the female's body go through a difficult process that is prone to complications. After 7 months, this function does not work as well. In order to ensure that both the mother and the young are healthy, it's essential to be aware of the changes undergone by this animal's body. Yet, neutering cannot be done too early and guinea pigs reach sexual maturity at a young age. Even told me how I could get a discount and generally made me feel like I was in an exciting journey and not just a customer! I have been feeding him/her on the Brambles tinned food and crunchy hedgehog food, so far all the tinned food goes, She's ok at the moment, eating and drinking ok. Vet said she had soft poops but the look ok now Sophie x sophiew (EAGPR) Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 7,948 Consider the following principles before breeding your guinea pigs: Sources: Breeding and Reproduction of Guinea Pigs, Guinea-Pig Uterus During Pregnancy, Food restriction alters pregnancy-associated changes in IGF and IGFBP in the guinea pig, Early pregnancy in guinea pigs, Breeding from your guinea pig. They shouldnt be touched or held right after their birth. Can Guinea Pigs Have Straw in Their Cage? This can also be done by gently holding your piggy by the shoulders with one hand and feeling her belly with the other. Your Female Guinea Pig Has Been in Contact with an Intact Male. Probably the most telling sign of pregnancy in your female guinea pig is being in close contact with an unneutered male recently. Male guinea pigs become sexually mature after 3 months of their age, whereas female guinea pigs become mature within 2 months of their age. Though male spaying is more preferable than the female due to ease in surgery. shows the mating ritual : The middle stage of pregnancy is the period where you will start to notice some of the more obvious physical and behavioural changes in your guinea pig. It is better to breed a younger female guinea pig then their later counterpart. Overstress is the leading cause of phantom pregnancies. You may also notice that your guinea pig becomes clumsy in its movement. When they are born, they are born with hair, teeth, and the ability to walk around. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. Avoid interaction of the mother with the other male guinea pigs for weeks after delivery, because getting pregnant again in succession is not healthy for them. Baby guinea pigs are called pups. Even the baby males can impregnate their mum at around three weeks old, so they will also need to be removed from the cage. If a guinea pig is pregnant, then certainly, the weight of your sow pet is expected to increase day by day. Guinea pigs, on average, give 5-6 litter per year. (Reasons & What To Do). We brought home our male guinea pig pair 65 days ago and never in our wildest dreams imagined that within a few weeks we would have a guinea pig pregnancy! By around the five week mark, pregnancy will start to be visible, with your guinea pig gradually developing more of a pear shape. Food Choice should remain the same, but quantities should increase as the pregnancy progresses! Leave the mother with her pups alone for the few days undisturbed. However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. Support a Family Business like Home & Roost! Why you should spay or neuter your guinea pigs? Especially if any of them display aggressive tendencies. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. He was polite and eager to help. It can be a trigger for diseases such as toxemia, or can scare the sow so she doesn't want to eat or drink. Great communication / customer service, fab. Thus, it is crucial to separate the male guinea pigs from the female ones. We read that the more babies she is carrying will result in a shorter pregnancy. Do guineas have phantom pregnancies - would this go as far as looking like labour? Phantom pregnancies are not common in guinea pigs, but if she faces false pregnancies, you will need to find out why. They will be able to do a proper examination and confirm whether or not there are guinea pig pups in your future. So She feels like shes pregnant like all the time. This is because your sow can get pregnant almost immediately after birth, which would mean back-to-back pregnancies for her and could be hard on her health. Changes in food unless instructed otherwise. It is a psychological behavior that makes them believe that they are pregnant when they are not. Phantom pregnancy is a condition where a female shows the pregnancy symptoms, but actually, they are not pregnant. Perhaps, the litter of size comprising 2-4 babies is more commonly seen. Although you need to be careful not to apply any pressure to the region. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Litter size also depends upon the duration of pregnancy. The vaginal closure membrane is open at estrus and parturition but sealed during anestrus and pregnancy. Spaying/neutering is a surgical method to remove reproductive organs from a male or a female pig. Certainly, the mother guinea will feed her stool to the babies because it is believed to contain certain bacteria, which is considered suitable for the digestive system of the young ones. If a male and female of reproductively developed age have been kept in close space to each other then the chances for your female pet to get pregnant again are higher. Pet Keen is reader-supported. Lastly, remember to separate the male guinea pig from their mother and female siblings two weeks after they are born, to avoid difficulty at the beginning of a new cycle. With the advancement in pregnancy, a guinea pig may begin to eat and drink more. Regardless of how pregnancy occurs, the average guinea pig gestation period is 65 days. The pregnancy period in guinea pigs lasts from about 59 to 72 days, and on average 65 days. Pregnant guinea pigs may kick or bite other . Try not to disturb your guinea pig as that time she will be irritable and territorial. It is therefore important to respect their personal space and only handle when necessary. In general, veterinarians do not recommend that individual pet owners attempt to breed guinea pigs. With their cute little faces and quirky personalities, pets provide hours of entertainment, devoted friendship and unconditional love. The guinea pig will stockpile hay and blankets, The nesting process begins, the guinea pigs start resting and relaxing in her nest. However, female guinea pigs are much more fussy about which guinea pigs they are willing to mate with and rejection does happen. The guinea pig will start losing interest in nesting and will come back to its normal behavior. Only pick her up when necessary. Females are more reproductively capable before 8 months of their age and enhance the complexity later than this. Do Guinea Pigs Nurse Their Young? You may not be able to tell right away just by looking at your guinea pig, though. So, at what age can guinea pigs breed safely? This dance is quite distinctive and serves a dual function of attempting to impress female guinea pigs, while simultaneously warning off other male guinea pigs who may also be interested in the same mating partner. The rest of them survive but with a lot of complications, which results in costly to you and painful to her. And. The estrous cycle length is 16 days. Your pregnant guinea pig will start to eat and drink up to three times the amount that she usually does. Do Guinea Pigs Nurse Their Young? With all the risks involved in breeding guinea pigs, especially as they get older, we recommend that you have your guinea pig neutered or spayed as soon as possible. The female doubles in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during pregnancy. Characteristics and behaviors can vary, ranging from a mild change in behavior to nest buildingthe hallmark maternal sign of impending parturition. You'll probably not be surprised to hear that black cat costumes top the Halloween fancy dress best-seller list most years. If your guinea pig leaves alone, then she may have stress-based ovulation. Yet, even with this, the actual birth could still be several days away. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. Guinea pigs mature early in many ways. So better not rush, and get your pet checked by a vet for certainty. Finally, and sadly, without veterinary support, it is estimated that around 20 percent of all pregnant guinea pigs die in the post-delivery stage. Female cavies will eat their babies if food is scarce, or if the pup has a life-threatening deformity. Dont let the family cat or dog (or any small children!) Thank you. Bought a double hutch and run for our guinea pigs and they were super helpful. These are specific issues that would be faced and need medical assistance. Guinea pig models for translation of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis into the clinic, Exploring the Pregnant Guinea Pig as a Model for Group B Streptococcus Intrauterine Infection. Even at such a small size, they have hair and are able to see and run. Vitamin C rich foods like kale, broccoli. Make sure your guinea pig is healthy during its pregnancy, by feeding the following foods: A guinea pigs gestation period is anywhere between 59 and 72 days. However, lumps that might see you as a pregnancy sign could also be a cyst(a health condition). During pregnancy, you will need to provide your guinea pig with a clean cage or hutch. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Litter size typically consists of 2-4 pups with a range of 1-13 young. Yes, guinea pigs will sometimes eat their babies. Avoid holding them from either sideway of the abdomen as it might cause miscarriage. up as though it is about to vomit, only it is far mor. A neutered male guinea pig can still impregnate a female Vitamin C, as mentioned above should be in plentiful supply. This means that males must be separated from females until the procedure can be done. Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal? Begin by creating a "C" shape with your thumb and first finger, and then rolling the thumb over the top of her tummy and the forefinger beneath her belly. Stress is also a risk in a pregnant Guinea Pig. I was curious to learn about the same. We allowed supervised visits once or twice per day so that they could hang out together. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It also gets painful for us to decide by looking at their behavior because they have all symptoms which are there in pregnancy like mood swings, and overeating. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. How Much Time Should You Spend With Your Guinea Pig? If you give your piggy a varied diet of pellets, fruits and veggies, she may favor the vitamin C-rich ones while pregnant, as they need more of this nutrient during this time. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? She grew up with and dearly loved an American Eskimo Spitz named Maggie and a Pomeranian/Beagle mix named Gabby. Its a misconception that is developed by the guinea pig, which lasts for approx 20 days. Because if you try to remove the nest of guinea pig, there are chances that they might get upset and stressed. 2 Observe her eating habits. The vet will be able to perform an ultrasound to determine how many babies your sow will deliver, rule out any complications, and instruct you on what to do next. However, it is possible for guinea pigs to survive, in which case, treatment may include a specialist diet. Delaying further would make their pregnancy complicated due to the fusion of pubic joints, which functions in the newborns natural passing out of the mothers womb. We took her to vet for check up.. Use the search! And male guinea pigs can get a female pregnant at as young as 3 weeks old. o [ canine influenza] And Can They See in the Dark? is a participant in theAmazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. She's on BioLapis for 5 days then back again next week. In general, the labor will last for 5-15 minutes. It would be suggested you not do anything with the nest. Spaying is not a permanent solution to phantom pregnancies but has many health benefits for guinea pigs. Preferably lift them with one hand on the bottom and others on the upside. Spaying a guinea pig at an early stage can keep her hormones under control and somehow reduce the chances of stress-based ovulation. A typical guinea pig weighs about 1.5-2 lbs. Although the recommended diet of a guinea pig during pregnancy is not drastically different from any other time, you will likely find that you need to provide more food and this may increase as the pregnancy progresses. So, deciding about pregnancy on the basis of their behavior is not possible. This worked well for our guinea pigs. Aside from a large abdomen, there are very few ways to confidently determine if a guinea pig is pregnant on your own. This was so amazing to watch and we knew she would be giving birth very soon!Watch closely and you can see the babies moving! If you have the habit of weighing her daily (maybe youre keeping an eye out for pregnancy), you will notice it early on as just a few grams of weight gain each day. Etiology: Two forms have been identified, both of which most commonly occur in pregnant or lactating guinea pigs, but can also occur in non-gravid females as well as boars [1]: Fasting form: reduced carbohydrate intake results in systemic mobilization of fat stores. I had a problem with the payment via Paypal, and the problem was resolved almost instantly via live chat. Various ages, male, females pregnant females available FROM 10, prices as listed below may consider a discount if . The female has a short postpartum estrus that will last for only about half a day and, without a dominant male, all of the males will try to mate with the new mother. You can make her comfortable by offering them food and mostly hay. Comfortable bedding and changing of the same from time to time. | what precautions you need to take I #guineapigphantompregnancies #guineapigs #pets 2. There can be some reason behind this: Does she live alone: If your guinea pig leaves alone, then she can have stress which may cause ovulation. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) displays many features of gestational physiology that makes it the most translationally relevant rodent species. The average period of pregnancy is approximately 65 days. I will defiantly be using again. Finally, it is important to try to keep the diet as consistent as possible for the duration of the pregnancy. If your guinea pig allows you to touch her, use your fingers to gently examine her sides and stomach. Seperate any Guinea pigs that show aggression. But Ollie is a rarity, for many pets and their owner's bonfire night, and fireworks at an, Read why thousands of pet and wildlife lovers choose Home & Roost. So, we can say that spaying does not help prevent false pregnancy but it does provide health benefits to our guinea pigs. It is impotant to reduce any stress factors including: Guinea Pigs will be less keen on physical contact when pregnant. A period of an extra week is good for them. If anything is disturbing them like loud noises, you can take her to a separate room and groom her. However, it is important to know that pregnancy in a guinea pig is significantly different from human pregnancy. We made sure that she was getting enough vitamin C by feeding her one Oxbow vitamin C tab daily and adding vitamin C rich foods like broccoli, kale and alfalfa hay to her diet. At What Age Can Guinea Pigs Get Pregnant? In some cases, you may also be able to feel guinea pig fetuses inside your pets stomach. It would be best if 3 to 6 months old female guinea pigs(sows) mate with around 3-4 months past male guinea pigs(boars). Who expects an online order to arrive the following day (or early the day after that, my memory fails me)? Their gestational period may last between 59 - 72 days. There are relatively few obvious indications that a guinea pig is about to deliver its pups and so it can be difficult to pinpoint precisely when this will occur. The vet said the only thing is to get her pregnant and that would stop it. Therefore, the smaller the litter (one or two pups), the longer is the gestation time. What to do with the nest if your guinea pig have phantom pregnancy? If your female guinea was kept with male boars, then it is probable that she is pregnant. These little critters can be one solid color, two colors, or tri-colored! Self-induced breeding by the owners may not be as efficient and healthy as the normal one initiated by the guinea pigs themselves. If you feel lumps under your fingers this is a sign the female is pregnant. Guinea pig keeps having phantom pregnancies. Chattering, squealing, and on average 65 days as mentioned above should be in supply! Mentioned above should be in plentiful supply in weight and hence gets bigger in size too during.! 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