Its best to keep your Calathea in an area with bright light but away from direct sunlight. I create web content, marketing copy, weird fiction, and sketch comedy. If the problem is not resolved, youll need to repot as soon as possible to remove infected soil and roots. I'm a freelance writer and editor living and working in Chicago. In most cases, you will need to apply the horticultural oil once every 10 to 14 days to control the pests. A good general rule of thumb is to water the Calathea once a week during the spring and summer, and ensure the humidity level is at least 50 percent throughout the entire year. Lets dig in and take a deeper look at the most common problems you may run into with this picky houseplant. Overwatering, in particular, tends to cause the foliage to turn yellow, usually beginning with the lower leaves and working slowly upward. Because Calathea loves warm temperatures and high humidity, the plant can be susceptible to Botrytus or gray mold. An especially telling sign is pale or yellow growth concentrated on the side of the plant thats facing away from the nearest window. To identify these deficiencies, you can purchase soil test kits at most garden stores. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton walks through the most common calathea problems, and how to fix them! Philodendron Prince of Orange Araces. 9. It is found growing under a canopy of other plants in rainforests. It is caused by a nonfluorescent Pseudomonad which has not yet been identified to species. A humidifier is the best way to achieve this, although grouping your moisture-loving plants close together and setting them on pebble trays can also help. But theres a surprisingly long list of issues that can cause parched leaves in a Calathea. While aloe vera is somewhat hands-off when it comes to care, there are still some things that can cause drooping leaves. Thats because roots need some oxygen to function, which they normally draw from tiny air pockets in the soil. When using fungicides, always read and follow the instructions printed on the back of the bottle. This will help create a more suitable microclimate for your Calathea. Brown spots on Calathea leaves can be caused by environmental, pest, and disease-related issues. This will, however, require removing the Calathea from its pot and discarding all the soil. That means you can place the Calathea in an area where it receives direct morning sun, as long as it is kept out of direct sunlight for the remainder of the day. The only cure is repotting. Immediately stop overwatering the Calathea, 8. Calatheas are notorious for curling up and turning brown at the slightest provocation, often sulking for weeks after being moved from one pot to another or having their lighting conditions changed. Keep temperatures moderate and move the plant out of the way of drafts to resolve the problem. Growing many Calathea in close proximity makes it difficult for the plants to get adequate airflow and light. Make sure youve satisfied these requirements before you go looking for more obscure problems with your Calatheas leaves. Ever since I was a little kid working in the garden with my mother and grandmother, I've loved helping green things grow. If this isnt an option, consider using sheer curtains or blinds near the windows to filter the extra light. Trim away problematic areas and plant in new soil and a new pot to recover. It is always best to prevent your Calathea from getting brown spots in the first place. The spots will be dark, dried, and brittle. Hey, Calathea has a reputation for being difficult to raise, but arent those beautiful leaves worthy of the challenges? These issues are more challenging to identify, as they require knowledge of fungal and viral diseases that affect Calathea plants. Not giving the Calathea enough water can also cause the leaves to develop brown spots. WebBrown Spots on Calathea Leaves can be a result of diseases like algal leaf spot, anthracnose, septoria leaf spot. A good general soil mixture for Calathea consists of 50 percent potting soil, 20 percent charcoal, 20 percent orchid bark, and 10 percent perlite. You may also see yellow or brown lesions scattered across the foliage. This can, however, take several months. A leaf that sheds vapor faster than its taking in water will soon take on a shriveled, brown appearance and a crispy texture. On the flip side, inadequate lighting may cause the plant to produce extra chlorophyll to soak up as much sun as possible. Try watering your Calathea with rain water or distilled water. Calathea plants need to be watered about once a week and misted regularly to maintain the proper humidity levels. The last step to preventing future brown spots is avoiding overcrowding plants. Once you are done pruning, clean and sanitize the pruning shears to avoid spreading pathogens to other plants. Move the plant to an isolated spot away from any other houseplants to prevent spread. Pesticides and insecticides help protect your houseplant when nothing else will work. Calathea doesnt respond well to sudden changes in temperature or to temperatures below 55F (12C). Test the humidity around your plant. Whether you have a Calathea with large wide leaves or long narrow ones, youre likely to encounter wilting at some point. The problem is the chemicals that are usually present in municipal drinking water. This guide will help you figure out what is wrong with your plant, how to fix it, and how to stop it from happening again. Trim off any rotting areas back to healthy growth to stop potential spread in the new soil. Allowing fallen leaves, or other plant matter, to sit on the soil surface will increase the chance of fungal pathogens or sap-sucking insects attacking the Calathea. Calatheas need bright, indirect light for optimal growth. Theres a chance it will perk up on its own in a week or two. WebSYMPTOMS: Tiny pale specks on leaves or light, white webbing on leaves or buds. If you have been overwatering your Calathea, begin checking the top inch of soil in the pot, and dont water until that top layer of soil dries out. WebTo prevent Bacterial Leaf Spot in your Pothos, it's important to avoid overwatering. completely mature, the lesions are tan to brown and somewhat Youll have to take a complete inventory of the plants growing conditions, from the soil in which it sits to the amount of light and water it receives. East- or west-facing windows are usually the best spots for Calathea plants. Leave any undamaged portions of the leaves unless you really cant stand how they look after youve removed the brown parts. When conditions are extremely dry, consider misting the Calathea to help keep the leaves moist, while also increasing the humidity level. It also improves the quality of indoor air. Flush the pot every 1-2 months while using fertilizer, using the method we described in the section on water quality. Unfortunately, they are not without their issues. Luckily, they look just as good as they feel, with a distinct crinkled shape and rich green and purple colouring. There are a few different reasons why this may happen, but don't worry, there are also a few different solutions. Also consider repotting your plants to get rid of any eggs or bugs hiding out in the soil. Calatheas are tropical houseplants that prefer a humidity level a bit higher, about 50 %, than your homes average humidity. Should I cut off Calathea leaves with brown spots. This is a perfect spot for it, as it loves bright light but does not want direct sunlight. That doesnt mean their environment should be so hot that you sweat through your shirt whenever you water your plants the ideal temperature range is 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Spider mites are hard to spot. Calatheas can be quite fussy, especially if you have a rarer variety that is difficult to keep happy. To pick the right fertilizer for your Calathea plant, check the soil for nutrient deficiencies. Even in places where the water isnt particularly mineral-heavy, its likely been treated with chlorine to kill bacteria or fluoride to promote dental health. While you dont want the soil to be soggy, you do need to keep it moist throughout the Provide a potting mix thats chunky and well-aerated, and water just enough to keep the soil around the roots mildly damp. You may have to do this a few times to get all the excess minerals out of the soil. Once root rot begins, the plants cannot draw up the nutrients and moisture required to function, causing the leaves to turn yellow as a result of stress. Last updated: February 18, 2023 | Any roots showing any of these signs are infected. Aglaonemas are often vibrant and colorful, with strikingly patterned leaves. If the leaves are yellowing, chances are the infestation is already big enough for the signature spider mite webbing to appear and that one is hard to miss. However, this can vary depending on the brand used. When the lower leaves of your Calathea begin to turn yellow and/or other leaves begin to curl or develop spots, its a sign that the plant is receiving too little water. Its never a good idea to let your Calatheas roots dry out completely; these thirsty plants wilt and fade quickly. Try to eliminate every other possible issue before adding fertilizer to your Calathea excessive nutrition is much more dangerous than a shortfall. WebFor example, if you noticed that pale, transparent spots appear on Calathea leaves, the plant was exposed to intense cold. Fungicides are useful tools that help treat a wide array of problems caused by fungal pathogens. As long as its only a couple of lower leaves and new ones continue to emerge, you can ignore the issue. 10. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton takes you through everything you need to know about the Christmas Cactus and their care. Brown spots on calathea leaves are a common issue caused by improper watering and direct sunlight. Once you have identified the cause, you can take the necessary steps to get your Calathea back in good health. The most common culprit is severe sun scorch. How do you treat brown spots on Calathea? Keep your Calathea in the right environment and give them the right care to limit your risk of scale problems. This kind of environment encourages fungi and bacteria to breed rapidly until they begin to invade your Calatheas roots, rotting the plant from the bottom up. The first step to solving the mystery is to identify the cause. Look in areas with stems and leaves close by where there is little airflow and you may notice them gathering there. Additionally, select a fungicide that has leaf spots listed on its label as one of the issues that it controls. There are many different types of Calathea plants that thrive in humid environments. Another common pest to look out for is mealybug. Creeping crawling bugs are generally not welcomed in our homes, but especially arent welcome in our houseplants. Keeping the Calathea out of direct sunlight at all times is the safest route to avoid potential problems. In that case, we have some bad news: your plant has cooties. It's also important to avoid getting water on the leaves of the plant, as this can create a moist environment that is ideal for the bacteria to grow. Calatheas need soil that is light and airy, allowing the water to drain through it. Natural aging. Overwatering isnt just caused by hydrating it too much it can also occur if you grow the Calathea in soil that doesnt promote drainage. Stick your finger in the soil up to around two knuckles deep; if it feels wet, do not add any additional water. Some of the most common diseases that affect Calatheas include bacterial blight, root rot, and leaf spot. The colorful and patterned leaves of Calathea plants can be quite sensitive, depending on your chosen variety. Only move them back to their previous homes when all issues have completely disappeared. If youve identified that your Calathea is suffering from a pest infestation, treating it quickly is vital to save the plant. Nutrient deficiencies can also cause brown spots on Calathea leaves. Excess moisture in the soil causes the leaves and stems to become mushy due to rot, resulting in the same wilting as with underwatering. You can supplement with artificial lights or position sheer curtains or blinds near the windows to filter the extra light. Keep the soil moist from spring to autumn, and provide some humidity by misting the leaves daily or standing on a tray of moist pebbles. Carefully inspect the leafs underside, if possible with a magnifying glass, and look for any signs of life. Once it begins, root rot can spread quickly and kill a Calathea in a matter of weeks. Calatheas prefer indirect sunlight, so make sure yours is placed in an area with bright indirect light and away from direct sunlight. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In most cases, contact occurs when you water the plant from above, since this causes soil to splash up on the leaves. Excess misting can lead to spots on your plants leaves. Common ones that can cause brown leaves are nitrogen and potassium. Low humidity is another cause of brown spots on Calathea leaves. Philodendron Scandens Brazil Araces. All Rights Reserved, Identifying the Cause of Brown Spots on Calathea Leaves, Preventing Future Brown Spots on Calathea Plants, Why Are My Calathea Leaves Turning Yellow? Plant cells are mostly made up of water, filling up space and allowing them to maintain their structure. As the underwatering continues, the leaves will start to feel dry and crispy, brown spots can form, and the plants health and growth will suffer. Jungle Calathea soil requirements. Calathea are spider mite magnets Which is weird because spider mites HATE humidity. Treat the Calathea with horticultural oil. Keep the ambient humidity at 60% or higher if you want your Calatheas foliage to stay lush and green. Move your Calathea to a warmer location out of any draughts from doors or windows and away from registers and other sources of sudden temperature changes. Conditions are too dry. However, if youre bothered by the unsightly look of crisping leaves, you can trim off the dead portions. Then transplant your Calathea into a pot thats a couple of inches larger in diameter. Theyre characterised by their beautiful foliage, often looking as though someone has painted their leaves and our plant of the month, Calathea Ornata (pin stripe calathea), certainly has that look about it! Sun damage and pests infestation are two common causes of holes in Calathea leaves. Drooping leaves and limp or rotting stems can result from one of three problems. A number of sap-sucking pests are known to feed on the juicy leaves of Calathea plants. If you spot any of these signs, acting quickly and removing the pests is essential to save the plant. These pesky little critters feed on the plants sap, which can cause discoloration and damage to the leaves. Additionally, proper air circulation is vital if you mist your Calathea. Excessive sunlight not only results in brown spots appearing on the leaves, but it also burns and scorches the foliage. Misting leaves can create extra humidity for plants for those plants that need extra humidity. The Misto is a great addition to a home collection. Repot into a new pot with plenty of drainage holes. As with all pest problems, start by isolating the plant. Copyright 2023 Garden's Whisper. Additionally, you should only prune the Calathea during the spring or summer when it is actively growing and make sure to water the plant thoroughly beforehand. If the room where your plant lives is so dim that you couldnt read a book there during the daytime, it probably needs more light. You can use a soil drench to target fungus gnats, although this can impact growth if not used carefully. Certain diseases can also cause brown leaves on Calathea plants. This will result in brown spots forming on the leaf where the water drop sat. If root rot has set in, your plant needs immediate and drastic treatment. Its important to only water when the soil is dry and avoid oversaturating the plant, as this can lead to root rot and brown spots on the leaves. If not, they will quickly reproduce again and may even come back stronger than before. This means growing the plant in the right soil, lighting, humidity level, and temperature, while also providing it with the proper amount of watering and feeding. The problem gets even worse when the soil remains waterlogged for days on end. Low-light areas are not suitable for most Calathea species, leading to stunted growth and yellowing leaves. If you see the spots on a single leaf, its usually recommended to remove the leaf. When the root system is damaged or deprived of water, the parts of the plant that are farthest from their source of hydration run dry first. While, again, you dont want the soil to be soggy, you can create a pebble tray by placing gravel or pebbles in a pot saucer, placing water in the saucer, and then sitting the pot that contains your Calathea on the pebbles or gravel. (And dont forget that your container must have a drainage hole!) Further signs of a dry environment are crisp, brown leaf tips. By watering at the base of the plant instead, you will help reduce the chance of splashing the pathogen-filled soil onto the Calatheas leaves. 9 min read, 11 Reasons Your Peace Lily Has Brown Tips and How to Fix it, 8 Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Aloe Vera Plants, 11 Reasons Your Fiddle Leaf Fig has Curling Leaves, 9 Reasons Your Aloe Vera is Drooping and Falling Over, How to Grow and Care For a Christmas Cactus, 8 Common Ghost Plant Problems and How to Fix Them, 11 Common Problems With Chinese Money Plants. Root rot is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Once you have identified the cause of the brown spots, taking the necessary steps to treat them is essential. Calathea leaves generally stand strong and upright, proudly displaying their stunning colors. Additionally, make sure to keep the Calathea away from areas where temps go up and down drastically, such as near an exterior door or next to a heating or cooling vent. Thats why it is important to ensure Calathea is in an area where the temperatures are 68 to 85 degrees consistently throughout the year. Overwatering. If you try to spray them with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil, they will simply fly off the leaves, coming back when all signs of danger have passed. Plants can be susceptible to Botrytus orange spots on calathea leaves gray mold back stronger than before leaves unless you really stand. Leaves close by where there is little airflow and light optimal growth ignore the issue see yellow or brown scattered! The plant out of the leaves, you can ignore the issue and them. Not, they look just as good as they feel, with a distinct crinkled shape and green. And allowing them to maintain the proper humidity levels extremely dry, misting... Soil drench to target fungus gnats, although this can vary depending on plants! Arent those beautiful leaves worthy of the most common diseases that affect calatheas include Bacterial,. 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