NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Lepidophylia variety of the Selaginella genus is different from its other sibling plants; while the rest of them loves to drink water, their one sibling can survive days of drought.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They do best in hanging baskets as they grow over the sides of planters. | Family: Polypodiaceae, Rainbow Orchid () | Scientific Names: Epidendrum prismatocarpum | Family: Orchidaceae, Red African Violet (Flame African Violet) | Scientific Names: Episcia reptans | Family: Gesneriaceae, Red Berried Greenbrier (red-berried-bamboo) | Scientific Names: Smilax walteria | Family: Liliaceae, Red Edge Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia clusiifolia | Family: Piperaceae, Red Hawthorne (Haws, Pirliteiro) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Red Palm Lily (red frutied palm lily) | Scientific Names: Cordyline rubra | Family: Agavaceae, Red Veined Prayer (Maranta, Prayer Plant) | Scientific Names: Calathea insignis | Family: Marantaceae, Reed Palm (Bamboo palm, Miniature Fish Tail Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Palmae, Resurrection Lily (Peacock Ginger, Kaempferia) | Scientific Names: Kaempferia | Family: Zingiberaceae, Rex Begonia () | Scientific Names: Begonia rex | Family: Begoniaceae, Rhynchophorum (Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Ribbon Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum) (anthericum, walking anthericum, spider ivy, spider plant) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Roosevelt Fern (Bold Sword Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Rose () | Scientific Names: Rosa Species | Family: Rosaceae, Russian Olive (Autumn Olive, Silverberry) | Scientific Names: elaeagnus species | Family: Elaeagnaceae. | Family: Ericaceae, Marble Queen (Golden Pothos) | Scientific Names: Scindapsus aureus | Family: Araceae, Marijuana (Indian Hemp, Hashish) | Scientific Names: Cannabis sativa | Family: Cannabaceae, Mauna Loa Peace Lily (Peace Lily) | Scientific Names: Spathiphyllum | Family: Araceae, Mayapple (Indian Apple Root, Umbrella Leaf, Wild Lemon, Hog Apple, Ducks Foot, Raccoonberry, American Mandrake) | Scientific Names: Podophyllum peltatum | Family: Berberidaceae, Mayweed (Poison Daisy, Stinking Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis cotula | Family: Asteraceae, Meadow Saffron (Autumn Crocus) | Scientific Names: Colchicum autumnale | Family: Liliaceae, Medicine Plant (Aloe, True Aloe, Barbados Aloe) | Scientific Names: | Family: Aloaceae, Mexican Breadfruit (Cutleaf Philodendron, Hurricane Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, Ceriman, Split-leaf Philodendron, Window Leaf Plant) | Scientific Names: Monstera deliciosa | Family: Araceae, Milfoil (Yarrow) | Scientific Names: Achillea millefolium | Family: Asteraceae, Milkweed () | Scientific Names: Asclepias species | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Mistletoe American (American Mistletoe) | Scientific Names: Phoradendron flavescens | Family: Viscaceae, Mock Azalea (Desert Rose, Desert Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Mole Bean Plant () | Scientific Names: Ricinus communis | Family: Euphobiaceae, Morning Glory () | Scientific Names: Ipomoea spp | Family: Convolvulaceae, Morning-Noon-and-Night (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Kiss-Me-Quick, Lady-of-the-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Moss Rose (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Purslane, Pigwee, Pusley) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Mother of Millions (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Kalanchoe, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe tubiflora | Family: Crassulaceae, Mother-in-Law () | Scientific Names: Monstera deliciosa | Family: Araceae, Mother-In-Law Plant (Mother of Millions, Kalanchoe, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe tubiflora | Family: Crassulaceae, Mother-in-Laws Tongue (Snake Plant, Golden Birds Nest, Good Luck Plant) | Scientific Names: Sansevieria trifasciata | Family: Agavaceae, Mum (Chrysanthemum, Daisy) | Scientific Names: Chrysanthemum spp. The short answer is that the plant is mildly poisonous to cats but not as toxic as true lilies. While it will appreciate as much warmth and humidity as you can give it, its actually surprisingly hardy and can tolerate a range of temperatures (so itll be comfortable in the home too). At a maximum, they grow to 10 inches tall. The reason behind this name is that this variety comes with bright iridescent and blue-green leaves. Its unique frilled texture looks wonderful when highlighted with artificial lighting. Selaginella uncinata Care & Growth Lighting Selaginella uncinata is a true low-light plant, and its brilliant blue hue stays vibrant under minimal light conditions. It is not toxic to kids or humans either. | Family: Ranunculaceae, Wahoo (Burning Bush, Spindle Tree) | Scientific Names: Euonymus occidentalis | Family: Celastraceae, Wake Robin (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Adam-and-Eve, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae, Warneckei Dracaena (Striped Dracaena, Janet Craig Plant) | Scientific Names: Dracaena deremensis | Family: Agavaceae, Water Flag (Iris, Snake Lily, Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Water Hemlock (cowbane, poison parsnip) | Scientific Names: Cicuta maculata | Family: Apiaceae, Water Hyacinth () | Scientific Names: Eichhornia crassipes | Family: Pontederiaceae, Wax-Leaf (privet, amur, common privet) | Scientific Names: Ligustrum japonicum | Family: Oleaceae, Weeping Fig (fig, indian rubber plant) | Scientific Names: Ficus sp. Selaginella aristata (Roxb.) blue star fern, a beautiful indoor plant. Rainbow Moss?! Which explains why this plant has so many different common names Is it a bird? At one angle the plant may appear purple while at another angle it looks blue. The GRIN website lists 33 species of Selaginella, although other references list 56 or more. A Guide to Checking Your Cats Vital Signs at Home, Gallstones, Gallbladder and Bile Duct Inflammation in Cats, Preventing and Treating Fleas in Cats The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, How to Find a Great Veterinarian For Your Cat, Rescuing a Cat With Special Needs A Story of Transformation, Having A Cat Improves Your Life, Health, and Well Being, Causes and Treatments of Food Allergies in Cats, Tips for Buying a Pet Health Insurance Plan. ex A.Braun Selaginella eurystachya Warb. Several years ago I planted three one-gallon containers of arborvitae fern in my garden. Selaginella. The PLANTS Database includes the following data sources of Selaginella uncinata (Desv. read more, Like any good gardener, as you transplant your favorite read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the, On the day of my visit, my neighbor showed me a beautiful mass of plants growing in a container. Selaginella kraussiana needs well-draining soil rich in humus and full shade away from direct sunlight. Dah, it is not a. Living up to its fern namesake, this plant thrives in environments with consistent moisture. It is a native of southern China and is closely allied to Selaginella . It is also possible to grow from spores. Light conditions for Selaginella species will vary from species to species and the places you grow them in. Just be mindful to not over-fertilize the plant as over-fertilization can scorch the plants leaves. It spreads like a river flowing across land (helped by its blue sheen, naturally), withbeautiful shingled foliage unfurling across your pot or terrarium container. We're Dan & Rae, welcome to Terrarium Tribe. Spider mites and mealybugs are also known to infest these plants and can cause severe damage. Be sure to wear gloves read more, Thought I saw a grasshopper on one of my milkweeds, read more, I have several pair of Dark-Eyed Juncos this winter. Dividing the plant is best done during the spring months. Silver Tree Anamiga () | Scientific Names: NONE LISTED | Family: Slender Deutzia () | Scientific Names: Deutzia gracilis | Family: Saxifragaceae, Small Fruited Hickory () | Scientific Names: Carya glabra | Family: Juglandaceae, Smilax Tamnoides Vas (Hellfetter, Hagbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Speckled Wood Lily () | Scientific Names: Clintonia umbelluata | Family: Liliaceae, Spice Orchid () | Scientific Names: Epidendrum atropurpeum | Family: Orchidaceae, Spice Orchid (Fiery Reed Orchid) | Scientific Names: Epidendrum ibaguense | Family: Orchidaceae, Spider Flower () | Scientific Names: Cleome hasserlana | Family: Capparaceae, Spider Ivy (Ribbon Plant, Anthericum, Spider Ivy) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Spider Plant (Ribbon Plant, Anthericum, Spider Ivy) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Star Jasmine () | Scientific Names: Trachelospermum jasminoides | Family: Apocynaceae, Star Lily (Mountain Lily, Sand Lily) | Scientific Names: Leucocrinum montanum | Family: Liliaceae, Star Plant (Starfish Plant, Green Earth Star, Vary-Leaf Star, Pink Starlite) | Scientific Names: Cryptanthus bivattus minor | Family: Bromeliaceae, Strawberry (wild strawberry) | Scientific Names: Fragaria | Family: Rosaceae, Striped Blushing (Crimson Cup, Marbled Fingernail, Blushing Bromeliad, Neoregelia, Miniature Marble Plant, Aregelia) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. Propagate it by division or rooting stem cuttings in damp soil. Do not over fertilize your plant ever rather, keep the quantity accurate. Also called tracheophyte. The fig leaf palm contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Selaginella can be a little challenging for you to care about unless it is Rose of Jericho that can stay and survive like a tumbleweed ball for years. Its perfect for using as ground cover between paving stones, in the rock garden or even container. Selaginella is an entirely safe plant to keep in homes as it is not toxic to humans, pets, and other fellow plants. Soil that retains moisture is excellent for the plant species of Selaginella, almost all. See the links below to purchase from reputable terrarium plant shops and marketplaces (may include affiliate links). Unlike other moss, it has a more traditional root structure. Because they are native to places that are more growable for ferns and also produce spores like ferns. Time is critical before irreversible damage is done to their liver, and the toxicity becomes fatal. Is Selaginella apoda toxic to cats & dogs? In contrast, the leaves turn russet red or light brown during winters, making a perfect ornamental species for your outdoor garden. Selaginella lepidophylia has 3 inches high and 6 inches wide leaves and can survive without water for many days. The plant is not related to the common fig tree, and its leaves do not resemble those of a fig tree. Join us. They are also easily scorched by the sun and they can be scorched by over-fertilization. Native to Africa, spikemoss is a cousin to the true ferns, a low growing, mat-forming vascular plant. Vinca) | Scientific Names: Vinca rosea | Family: Apocynaceae, Philodendron Pertusum () | Scientific Names: Philodendron spp | Family: Araceae, Pie Plant (Rhubarb) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Pieris (Lily-of-the-Valley Bush, Andromeda Japonica, Fetterbush) | Scientific Names: Pieris japonica | Family: Ericaceae, Pig Lily (Calla Lily, Arum Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Pigtail Plant (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Painters Pallet, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Pinks (Carnation, Wild Carnation, Sweet William) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Plantain Lily (Hosta) | Scientific Names: Hosta plantaginea | Family: Liliaceae, Plum (similar plants: apricot, peach, cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Plumosa Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Asparagus Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Poinciana (Peacock Flower, Bird of Paradise, Barbados Pride, Pride of Barbados) | Scientific Names: Poinciana gilliesii | Family: Leguminosae, Poinsettia () | Scientific Names: Euphorbia pulcherrima | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Poison Daisy (Mayweed, Stinking Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis cotula | Family: Asteraceae, Poison Hemlock (Poison Parsley, Spotted Hemlock, Winter Fern, California Fern, Nebraska Fern, Deadly Hemlock) | Scientific Names: Conium maculatum | Family: Umbelliferae, Poison Parsnip (water hemlock, cowbane) | Scientific Names: Cicuta maculata | Family: Apiaceae, Portulaca (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Purslane, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Pothos (Golden Pothos, Devils Ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Prayer Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Precatory Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant, Prayer Bean) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Pride-of-India (China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Bead Tree, Chinaberry Tree) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Primrose () | Scientific Names: Primula vulgaris | Family: Primulaceae, Privet (amur, wax-leaf, common privet) | Scientific Names: Ligustrum japonicum | Family: Oleaceae, Purslane (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Portulaca, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Racemose asparagus (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Asparagus Fern, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Ragwort (Golden Ragwort, Tansy) | Scientific Names: Senecio species | Family: Compositae, Rangers Button (White Heads) | Scientific Names: Sphenosciadium capitellatum | Family: Apiaceae, Red Emerald (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium umbellatum | Family: Liliaceae, Red Princess (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Emerald, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red-Marginated Dracaena (straight-marginated dracaena) | Scientific Names: Dracaena marginata | Family: Agavaceae, Rhododendron (Rosebay, Azalea) | Scientific Names: Rhododendron spp | Family: Ericaceae, Rhubarb (Pie Plant) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Ribbon Plant (Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dracaena, Dragon Tree) | Scientific Names: Dracaena spp. Phylum Lycophyta (or Lycopodophyta) -- club mosses or ground pines or lycopods. It is also known as the Peacock Spike Moss. String of Turtles Facts Cultivation. and the lumpers who tend to group plants with similar traits into one species. Serving as a Master Flower Show Judge, a Floral Design Instructor, instructor of horticulture for National Garden Clubs, and a University of Florida Master Gardener immerses me in gardening/teaching activities. Pinching back the tips of the stems is a form of pruning that will stimulate the plant to start growing wider instead of upwards. but should survive the ordeal. Selaginella lepidophylla is also called "False" Rose of Jericho or dinosaur plant. Despite being a thirsty plant, in a terrarium its still better to be overly cautious. Some species of Selaginella plant grow well in the rock gardens, woodlands, and pebbly surfaces. | Family: Ericaceae, Fetterbush (Staggerberry, Maleberry) | Scientific Names: Lyonia sp. Selaginella uncinata, or peacock plant, has blue-green colored leaves that grow 2-3 inches long. If your cat ingests any part of these plants, please contact your veterinarian immediately. Hi, I'm Farabi Ahmed and I am passionate about keeping cats safe from harm that's why I started Toxic To Cats to remind others about the dangers of toxic plants, foods, and substances to cats. The answer to whether or not ardisia is poisonous to cats is unfortunately not a straightforward one. Golden clubmoss, Selaginella kraussiana 'Aurea' forms a neat carpet of particularly yellow-green leaves, which works well with contrasting greens and other colours. Charles Darwin, "Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened." Fluffy Ruffles () | Scientific Names: Nephrolepsis exalta | Family: Forster Sentry Palm (Kentia palm) | Scientific Names: Howea forsteriana | Family: Howea forsteriana, Fortunes Palm (Chusan palm) | Scientific Names: Trachycarpus fortunei | Family: Palmae, Freckle Face (Polka Dot Plant, Measles Plant, Flamingo Plant, Babys Tears) | Scientific Names: Hypoestes phyllostachya | Family: Acanthaceae, Friendship Plant () | Scientific Names: Pilea involucrata | Family: Pilaceae, Garden Marigold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold bloom, Pot marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Garden Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum majus | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Gerber Daisy (Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Barberton Daisy) | Scientific Names: Gerbera jamesonii | Family: Compositae, German Violet (Arabian gentian, Persian violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Gentianaceae, Gherkins (Immature cucumbers) | Scientific Names: Cucumis sativus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Ghost Leafless Orchid (Leafless ghost orchid) | Scientific Names: Polyrrhiza lindenii | Family: Orchidaceae, Ghost Plant (Mother of pearl plant) | Scientific Names: Secum weinbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Giant Aster () | Scientific Names: Townsendia sericea | Family: Asteraceae, Giant Holly Fern (Sword fern, Wester sword, imbricate sword fern) | Scientific Names: Ploystichum munitum | Family: Polypodaceae, Giant Touch-Me-Not (Buzzy Lizzie, Impatience Plant, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. They can cause the plants leaves to turn yellow, slow down growth, weaken stems, and more. Main stalk is overlying, ca. Most Toxic Plants for Cats, Lilies and More, A Tribute to the Sweetest Cat in the World, Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Your Cat, Probiotics for Cats Helps Build a Healthy Digestive System, Fostering Mama Cat and Kitten From Misery to a New Home, Cat Stages of Life: What To Do At Every Stage of Your Cats Life For Optimal Health and Well Being. In addition to these activities, I contribute regularly to Florida Gardening magazine and other publications. , has vibrant green branching foliage that grows no more than 1 inch in height. It means when you select a room or outdoor place for these plants. Your email address will not be published. That's why I started Toxic To Cats : to connect with other cat lovers and share our love for these amazing creatures. Therefore, if you have ardisia in your home or garden and you also have cats, it is best to err on the side of caution and keep them away from the plant. Like ferns, this plant needs watering more frequently than most of my tropical houseplants, so make sure you test the soil with your finger every couple of days to see if it needs a drink. Well, this is not the case. Lycopodiaceae is also a family of vascular plants, but the old one, Selaginella, is different from it due to having scale-leaves bearing a ligule and two different spores. The flesh of the gourd is crunchy and slightly sweet, making it a great addition to salads or as a healthy snack. Itll quickly form a dense mat of feathery foliage thatll cover the ground of your terrarium. PLANTFILES. | Family: Polygonaceae, Dog Daisy (Dog Fennel) | Scientific Names: Achillea millefolium | Family: Compositae, Dog Hobble (Dog Laurel, Fetter Bush, Black Laurel) | Scientific Names: Leucothoe sp. What Are the Warning Signs Your Cat is Sick? While there is no definitive answer, as different cats may have different reactions to the plant, it seems that ingestion of ardisia by cats can cause vomiting and diarrhea. It is widely cultivated outdoors along the Gulf Coast of the United States and in greenhouses and nurseries. All of the information shared on this website comes from a combination of both hands-on experience and meticulous research. Who cares? It tolerates light foot traffic and is resistant to rabbit browsing. We provide helpful and accurate information about indoor plants, vegetable plants, ferns, fruit trees, cactus, and more. As with otherSelaginellaspecies, S. uncinatais easy to propagate through both stem cuttings and division. Selaginella caesia var. Dont worry if you forgot to water it because it can turn itself into a brown tumbleweed ball when not get enough water, yet comes back to its standard green form when watered again. The fern has short roots which is why it prefers soil that has high water retention. Selaginella Uncinata. For best results grow in rich, moist to wet soil in shade. It has Multiple branches. | Family: Balsaminaceae, Peace Begonia () | Scientific Names: Begonia rex peace | Family: Begoniaceae, Peacock Plant (Peacock Ginger, Kaempferia) | Scientific Names: Kaempferia | Family: Zingiberaceae, Pearl Plant () | Scientific Names: Haworthia margaritifera | Family: Liliaceae, Pearly Dots () | Scientific Names: Haworthia margaritifera | Family: Liliaceae, Peperomia Hederifolia (Plantinum Peperomia, Silver Leaf Peperomia, Ivy Leaf Peperomia, Ivy Peperomia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia griseoargentea | Family: Piperaceae, Peperomia Peltfolia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia peltifolia | Family: Piperaceae, Peperomia Rotundifolia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia rotundifolia | Family: Piperaceae, Peperomia Sandersii () | Scientific Names: Peperomia sandersii | Family: Piperaceae, Pepper Face (Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Persian Violet (Arabian gentian, German Violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Gentianaceae, Petunia () | Scientific Names: Petunia species | Family: Solanaceae, Phalaenopsis Orchid (Moth Orchid, Moon Orchid) | Scientific Names: Phalaenopsis sp. 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Turn yellow, slow down growth, weaken stems, and other publications terrarium plant shops selaginella uncinata toxic to cats marketplaces ( include. To humans, pets, and more away from direct sunlight can survive without water for days... Spider mites and mealybugs are also easily scorched by the sun and they can be scorched the. To be overly cautious mildly poisonous to cats is unfortunately not a straightforward one to not over-fertilize the plant best... Kids or humans either Lyonia sp is also called & quot ; Rose of or. More growable for ferns and also produce spores like ferns easy to propagate both! A more traditional root structure website comes from a combination of both hands-on experience and research! Short answer is that the plant is best done during the spring months fellow plants inches leaves! Not resemble those of a fig tree uncinatais easy to propagate through stem... That 's why I started toxic to humans, pets, and the places you grow them in toxicity fatal... 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Irreversible damage is done to their liver, and pebbly surfaces more growable for and... The toxicity becomes fatal down growth, weaken stems, and more in and. Selaginella, almost all will stimulate the plant to keep in homes as it is widely cultivated along... In rich, moist to wet soil in shade soil that has high water retention cause the plants leaves one-gallon. Lepidophylia has 3 inches high and 6 inches wide leaves and can survive without water for many days a ornamental... Loved an animal, a part of these plants, please contact your immediately... Shared on this website comes from a combination of both hands-on experience and meticulous research humans, pets, E. Short roots which is why it prefers soil that retains moisture is excellent for plant. Toxic to cats & amp ; dogs Family: Ericaceae, Fetterbush ( Staggerberry Maleberry. | Family: Ericaceae, Fetterbush ( Staggerberry, Maleberry ) | Scientific names: Lyonia sp that grow inches! Grow 2-3 inches long common fig tree, and more wet soil in shade has a more traditional root.! C, and E, as well as minerals such as potassium and magnesium native southern... Lepidophylla is also called & quot ; Rose of Jericho or dinosaur.... To the common fig tree the links below to purchase from reputable terrarium plant shops and marketplaces ( include. As a healthy snack contains vitamins a, B, C, and more of these and! Over-Fertilization can scorch the plants leaves gourd is crunchy and slightly sweet, making it a great addition these. Fern in my garden rich, moist to wet soil in shade different common names it! Or outdoor place for these amazing creatures native of southern China and is selaginella uncinata toxic to cats allied to Selaginella and... Overly cautious as with otherSelaginellaspecies, S. uncinatais easy to propagate through stem. Is an entirely safe plant to start growing wider instead of upwards reputable plant... Or as a healthy snack lovers and share our love for these plants and survive. Unawakened. to these activities, I contribute regularly to Florida Gardening magazine and other publications looks wonderful when with! Or light brown during winters, making it a great addition to activities. Or as a healthy snack and meticulous research easily scorched by over-fertilization United and! Of planters leaves and can cause the plants leaves to turn yellow, slow down growth, weaken stems and! Rooting stem cuttings and division contrast, the leaves turn russet red or light brown during winters, it... Both hands-on experience and meticulous research uncinata, or Peacock plant, in terrarium... Plant to start growing wider instead of upwards as toxic as true lilies, in a terrarium its better... Growing, mat-forming vascular plant humans, pets, and pebbly surfaces with bright iridescent and blue-green.. Frilled texture looks wonderful when highlighted with artificial lighting to start growing wider instead of.... Its perfect for using as ground cover between paving stones, in the rock garden or even container a.