But let me first say that Im grateful for this opportunity and I have always thought so much of Patriot Academy and Im really excited to see young people getting involved in processes like this and actually learning and being taught. And not just since yesterday. He has given us a blueprint for multigenerational faithfulness. It is the first paragraph of the post. But dont let me forget, weve got to talk about figuring out a way to get some of your students to Patriot Academy, even if its online, or having some way to help them get some of this process. Your browser does not support the audio element. When you look at cultures where minorities are the freest and the best treated and the most integrated, it is those areas where the gospel has penetrated, where women are the freest and the safest, it is where the gospel has penetrated. Listen: And so, he joined us at Patriot Academy and just a phenomenal time of sharing. But then when the Nazis took over, they left Frankfurt, Germany and eventually ended up in the United States, in New York at Columbia University. Its hard for me to say Im not going to do that to him, my brother. I dont why it changed. I knew historical names, right? Number one, he believed that history had really three stages or epochs: 1) The Ancient Stage, 2) The Futile Stage, and 3) The Capitalist Stage. So, Im going to hand it off to you. So this was sort of his dialectic if you will thesis, antithesis, synthesis. - YouTube Great teaching from Pastor Voddie Baucham on the genesis of today's social justice movement and how it ties in. We cant live like this. Before Dr. Bauchams lecture, I have provided a brief definition and a 5 minute video that will make his lecture more understandable. And you have to go the extra mile, trust our relationship in Christ, and do that. Thats a generational reason for that nation and frankly, that continent. Additionally, names may be misspelled or we might use an. Another one is not an individual, but a group of individuals known as the Frankfurt School. Let me give you this quickly. Im not a social justice warrior. We apologize in advance. And it was right there and it was huge and it was heavy. How does Marxism and biblical worldview compete in America right now from your perspective? Phone. Not only had he done that, but his position on certain issues like for example his homosexual agenda, most radically pro-homosexual politician that Id ever seen or experienced in the mainstream; his position on abortion and infanticide, which was radical; on judicial activism; hate crimes legislation. I mean, I got absolutely hammered over the Mike Brown case. Are we aware of this? And so, this is sort of been my journey and all that. It was just not at all uncommon to see those three pictures everywhere you went. Wait. Her minority victim status is very high. But what does that mean? And the idea that Marx had was that capitalism was exploitative. Holly and I went out of tow." Classical Marxism, Karl Marx, was an economist. What is too often missingeven in the calls for social justice coming from Christian leadersis a clear understanding of biblical justice. The lady said after the interview was over yeah well have to have you back and I knew at that moment that I would never be back on that persons show again. Heres why its important. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. What does it look like to disciple nations? And so, you have ethnic studies, queer Studies, feminist studies, womens studies, African American Studies, Chicano Studies, anything was studies on the end of it, right? And there are a number of areas in scriptures where were told to pray, right? If you get it, its me. Theres a passage of scripture that I want to read for us; its from the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 12. And so thats my decision here; my decision here is to give that. Right? For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. One-Room Schoolhouse. Air Date: 08/13/2020. {26:05} Enter the Cultural Marxist with a couple of goals. (Free Videos and MP3s) Scroll down on landing pages. And the 1970s in your average black home, there were three pictures on the wall. Available for conferences, training, teaching intensives and interviews. While. By the way if you dont know what intersectionality is, whats the hegemonic power? We welcome you to join us in our work to equip and encourage local churches. I didnt grow up with my father, but I knew my father. Did they just disappear and stop bombing things? The first time, I went to school in Oxford, and I didnt think that living in the United Kingdom would be so much different, that living in England would be so much different than living in the United States. Hegemony is the main big idea of the powerful group and its the way that they oppress everyone else, right? And so, for me, I had an understanding of politics as something far off, something almost mythical, if you will. I dont believe that. Anybody who knows anything about anything says if I have a gun and you reach to grab my gun, one of us is in trouble. And for some people it even disqualifies you as a Christian. And he's taken a lot of heat. Why do we think about each other that way? Its WallBuilders Live, where we talk about todays hottest topics on policy, faith and the culture, but always from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. We can expose Voddie Baucham all day long. And so, what happened to these people? The police who policed my neighborhood were from the famous or infamous, depending on who youre asking, Rampart Division. LISTEN:Youtube |iTunes| Soundcloud| Google Play | Stitcher| Spotify. And oh, by the way, its that foundation that were laying in this institution that is going to bring greater degrees of freedom and prosperity in this country in the near future. {49:42} Why is this important? And then number three, this particular institution is a very unique one. Jeremiah Wright was an overt Marxist He was not just a Cultural Marxist, he was also a classical Marxist. The idea that a culture must be weakened first before the revolution can take place. As you can see, were doing kind of practical application. Video Interview with Voddie Baucham, author of FAULT LINES: THE SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT AND EVANGELICALISM'S LOOMING CATASTROPHE. The second idea was the idea of class consciousness that each one of these societal epochs contained internal contradictions and these internal contradictions are what would lead to struggle and would eventually lead to the next phase, which led to the third idea his idea of historical determinism. Glad you find it helpful too. There is brokenness here that has to be addressed. He and his wife have nine children, seven of whom were adopted. No, it doesnt have to be. It was complete fabrication so a guy who had just strong armed robbed somebody in a store, stopped by a policeman, aggressive action against the policeman, gets shot and killed. I learned so much. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. There is a man by the name of Balint Vazsonyi (I probably didnt say his name correctly). Thats a problem. Listen to the way one sociologist puts it: Cultural hegemony refers to domination or rule maintained through ideological or cultural means. And we look at everyones issues, problems, whatever, in relation to the system and what the system is doing, has done, needs to do. Swords, shields, mighty men of valor you need all that. By the way, this idea of cultural hegemony explains something. I hope that it will be about us trying to understand the times. And then having opportunities to meet people who serve in political office and have a relationship with people who serve in political office and just to recognize that not only are these just regular people, but these are regular people who need to be discipled. Give praiseto theLord, proclaim his name; It is a great new series WallBuilders is putting out where you literally get a tour of the WallBuilders library as Tim Barton and Jonathan Ritchie bring history to life. And as a black person, you know, these big issues surrounding race and ethnicity and history of slavery and Jim Crow and, you know, civil rights movement and things like that. And there were all these big issues. In all honesty, Im in a unique position. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. Theres classical Marxism. And you can feel like youre having two different conversation because on the one hand you come to this and you say, Ok a guy, 64, 300 and some odd pounds reaches into a police car and grabs a gun of a police officer. White, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born American people. Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. R.C. 3 Continue this thread level 2 But he came and got online and went through our Patriot Academy, was virtual this year, we couldnt get into the capitals because of all the COVID crackdowns. It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior of the rest of society. You see, so I try and get them to sort of see and understand that it is the gospel, it is the penetration of the gospel and these ideals that come from the Gospel that bear that fruit. God's WorldGod's Rules BOOK: https://press.founders.org/shop/by-what-standard-gods-world-gods-rules/Wield The Sword: https://founders.org/wieldthesword/Become a part of the F.A.M. What is too often missingeven in the calls for social justice coming from Christian leadersis a clear understanding of biblical justice. But what that looked like is we divided the year up into three parts. And the other thing is, people think, well, Christianity, its a Western religion, its a white religion. Oppression is real. Voddie Baucham was born in Los Angeles fifty-some years ago and was raised by a single, deeply dedicated, mother (14). It meant, you know, heres how you think critically and biblically about not only your role, what your very understanding of what it means to be a representative, what it means to be in the government, you know, so on and so forth. Another part of the problem is our ignorance of, or misuse of, the terms, which is one of the reasons that I want to address this tonight. The Frankfurt School refers to a collection of scholars in Frankfurt, Germany. A number of things. Until the very ways in which we think about ourselves, the very ways in which we think about issues And this is why sometimes you can feel like youre having a different conversation than another person. Number one, that Christianity is not Western or white. A REAL understanding of what is happening. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." That ultimately capitalism would fall. But you also need some men who understand the times. Check it out [emailprotected]. Lets go to the Book. Author and former pastor Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr. does, and his new book, "Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism's Looming Catastrophe," breaks down how critical race theory is an assault on Christianity and Western culture itself. Cisgendered just means that youre not special. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. What are the robes of society? And so, its been amazing to help people get a hold of that. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Justice in the Midst of Racial Tension and the Death of George Floyd, Ethnic Gnosticism by Voddie Baucham [Transcript], Cultural Marxism by Voddie Baucham [Transcript]. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. There are two first cousins of mine whove been gunned down in the street. {37:11} So what do these guys give us? Amen, somebody. Yes I couldnt find a transcript anywhere and wanted to be able to refer back to particular things that were said/share parts of it! Theres a lot of people that are like are like, Oh youre telling black people to shut up. Nope. Welcome to the intersection of faith and the culture. Well, some of them went to jail, but most of them went to the universities. Summary taken from the podcast description. But what if youre not white, but youre also not male? Thank you Wallbuiders! Were all one in Christ. 970K views 3 years ago Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. {32:40} Well theres another group of individuals the Frankfurt School. As a part of that conversation and I got to tell you, I am just giddy about todays program. You can join the F.A.M. Voddie Baucham on the Movement's Religious Trappings The social justice movement isn't just a pseudo-religion, says Voddie Baucham, but rather its own religious movement. Legislation, U.S. Culture, America, American History, Slavery, Church, Christian Church, Fatherless, Ghetto, LAPD Rampart Division, Murder, Homicide, Activists, Islam, Protests, Civil Rights Movement, U.S. Criminal Justice System, Juvenile Detention Centers, Victims Advocate, Group Homes, Influence, Skin Color, Black Power, Black Nationalism, Boys Home, San Antonio, Texas, Social Justice Warrior, Social Justice Theory, Social Justice, White Privilege, Intersectionality, U.S. Presidents, Jeremiah Wright, Philosophy, Homosexuality, Homosexual Agenda, Infanticide, Abortion, Hate Crimes, Hate Crimes Legislation, Race Relations, U.S. Race Relations, CNN, Economics, Karl Marx, Capitalism, Communism, Athe, Athei, Atheist, Antonio Francesco Gramsci, Frankfurt School, Germany, Italy, Hegemony, Columbia University, Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, Network | Churches | Education | Homes | Work | Finances | Notes | Media | Property | Fund, Church: Cultural Marxism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Ethnic Gnosticism by Voddie Baucham, Church: Evangelistic Protest in America 2020 "Lord Give Me You, Everything Else Can Wait, We only Want You", Life: Does God Love Transgender People? You know who you are. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Dr. Voddie Baucham serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. Your email address will not be published. *FC$Uu=* n+2Zm`i.,ZkG&0H4HvJ)|!`=4\t/4 r`nRyjv . I mean this is not a text on Cultural Marxism, but i believe its a text that really explains the importance of us addressing this issue tonight. We wont be able to go into every aspect of this ideology, but I want you to at least have an idea of where it comes from and what were talking about when we use the term. 5 0 obj Youve been listening to WallBuilders Live. You know, the man keeping us down. Let me give you just a few that I wrote about then and was worried about then because of the philosophy of Cultural Marxism and because of this mans long history with Cultural Marxism, not only from his university days but even his church. Dr. Baucham is the author of numerous books, including Expository Apologetics: Answering Objections with the Power of the Word, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, and Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. And there were some relationships that came out of that. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." Hes been actually teaching in Zambia for the last five years, hes been living there and hes Dean of a theology program and pastoring a church and just doing phenomenal work there and were going to ask him about that as well. Members of my family who were part of protests and the whole civil rights movement and everything else. And I know for me, I learned so much, Voddie just watching you online even now that youre around the world from where we are. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. And I had just asked him before the break about biblical worldview versus Marxism in our culture right now and how they are competing in the culture for the hearts and minds of Americans. Well because were not dealing with economics; were dealing with culture. And I believed, and said openly on a number of occasions, that I believed this mans presidency would make race relations in America worse not better. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. o@7836Dkw/UBrW(M_de[o$a+Bz~gUXXR[ P}eZ@0f\6C@pTZ3}lWEX3zF}V {znd`c! And how do you overturn the cultural hegemony? As a courtesy for our listeners enjoyment, we are providing a transcription of this podcast. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:05:44 Cultural Marxism Voddie Baucham. As someone who grew up in drug infested, gang infested south L.A., the son of a single, teenage mother, I look at the Mike Brown situation and I want to say to all of the young, black boys like him who were young, black boys like me, We cant live like that. To all the fathers who are not there, to the tune of nearly 75% among black children, what I want to say is, We have a problem that needs to be addressed. Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. So the revolution that comes doesnt need to be an armed revolution or a revolution of force, it needs to be a hegemonic revolution. Have you heard the idea of Critical Race Theory? The cultural hegemony is patriarchal. Im not arguing that theres no brokenness, that theres no injustice. Just a wealth of information, you dont want to miss it. And so, it was a very turbulent time. And its important on both sides. Its important because this is an agenda, not just an idea. {7:11} But first, let me tell you what Im not saying. Alright; I have to give it. And so today and tomorrow, were going to share that with you. Cultural Marxism Voddie Baucham. And since you mentioned Eastern Europe, I want to talk about Marxist philosophy and whether or not it can abide with a Christian worldview. And its important that we understand the words that we use. Why do ideas like intersectionality from Kimberly Crenshaw 1989, gain such popularity that people use it like we know what is? Critical theory is sometimes referred to as cultural Marxism. Im not seeing the summary mentioned at the end, did I miss it? He says there is no such thing as social justice, there is only Biblical justice. And Im just thankful youre here, man. But politicians were the sort of mythological figures. Number one, I dont think its likely that he would have gone through 33 years of living and not identified with any of those groups. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." Justice exists because God is just and righteous. There are a number of family members of mine whove spent most of their adult life in prison. Voddie Baucham - Defining Cultural Marxism and Hegemony ReformedWiki 137K subscribers Subscribe 919 17K views 2 years ago Pastor Voddie defines cultural marxism and cultural. 1 Chronicles chapter 12 beginning in verse 23, These are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him, according to the word of the Lord. So David, the man after Gods own heart, is about to inherit the kingdom; hes about to become king and there are men who came with him because if youre going to be king, if youre going to govern Gods people, if youre going to lead Gods people, there are some things that you need. It was kind of right here, you know. It was Gramsci . While it's important for Christians to bring biblical clarity Absolutely. If you are all those tings, but youre not white, then your oppression is limited to this area. This is the mission that God has placed on the heart of all believers and one that Voddie has submitted his life to. Thats why you can have so many white, male, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied, native-born, American politicians who present themselves as representatives of the people who are not any of those things. Many thanks! Alright. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. There was a picture of Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr and John F. Kennedy. Hegemonyis political or cultural dominance or authority over others. What is too often missingeven in the calls for social justice coming from Christian leadersis a clear understanding of biblical justice. Amen, somebody. Below is a transcript of the podcast episode Cultural Marxism from The Sword & The Trowel (by Founders Ministries) dated February 22, 2019 (65 minutes long). Pastor Baucham lays it all out, explaining what's going on now in our society and how the Gospel is the only solution. Anyway, Voddie is now in Africa, hes in Zambia at the African Christian university there where Dena theology, used to be a pastor, just outside of Houston and just has been a wonderful voice in the church. No. Email Address * CAPTCHA. But I dont believe that everyone who is an advocate of those things is necessarily a Marxist, and I think we have to be careful about that that were dealing with brothers and sisters here. i0b; CBq[7`zt=E\`{Q0+j-) XtC&\Xo4yeA(T=i`og9ihX There are things at stake here that are of the utmost priority and significance. In southern Europe, it hasnt prospered the same as it has in Northern Europe or in the United States. And weve had some from Canada, but no other countries and I would love to be able to expand that in the way youre planting those seeds there, what a wonderful opportunity. I had looked on YouTube for one but didnt find it. So capitalism had to fall. ), Satan; Slanderer; Devil; Liar; Serpent; Dragon, Ex-Catholic Exposes the TWISTED Teachings of the Catholic Church | Mike Gendron, Can the CBDC Be Stopped? How has critical theory penetrated American society? There are only a few in the world. I want both, coach. Its interesting, because there are a lot of Africans believe that America and the West is what it is because white people are superior. So, this one is Dr. Voddie Baucham. He worked in the criminal justice system. In this address, he unpacks Cultural Marxism identifying how it is incompatible with the Christian faith that has once for all been delivered to the saints. Dr. Baucham stated in his lecture, that the population of women in this country is greater than men, yet they claim minority status. Now what I dont want to do is I dont want to just offer you a dry lecture on the topic of Cultural Marxism, which is kind of hard not to do because it is Cultural Marxism. And that didnt just mean Im going to do the same thing that everybody else in politics does, but Im just going to pray before it. Podcast description: "Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. And this is one of the things that makes it difficult to talk to people about Cultural Marxism because Classical Marxism is something that for most Christians, for most Evangelicals, for real Christians, for real Evangelicals, who are not way out there in the fringe somewhere, just wouldnt identify with Marxism. And they became professors, especially in the areas of education, sociology and political science. And so, part of what Im having to do here is sort of deprogram that and go, wait a minute, guys, lets look at a world map and lets talk about the freest societies in the world and the least corrupt societies in the world and lets also overlay that with the societies where the gospel has penetrated the deepest. In this video: Pastor Voddie talks about cultural marxism and Barack Obama at the Southeast Founders "Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly" regional conference. Nearly a decade and a half now Ive been addressing this issue. 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