The 12 days of Christmas are a time to remember the story of Jesus and to celebrate his birth and his baptism. The Saga of Hakon the Good also speaks that the Yule was to be kept holy. From Germanic sources stories of the Goddess Berchta expected you to complete all work prior to Yule, punishing those who had left work undone. This color roots the festival in nature and also symbolizes abundance since it is the color of money. Yule is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the winter season. But how do you celebrate Yule like a Viking? Ask a participant at each directional point to hold the item. Meat, therefore, was plentiful for a midwinter feast or to leave out as an offering. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of celebration and of giving. Dressing for the season is a fun and festive way to prepare for the holiday. Decorate it with lights and symbols of the season. A Yule wreath is an excellent substitute. Because Yule is a time to reflect, you can definitely do spells about your past, but its also a time to set your intentions for the coming year, meaning that this is a great time to do any spell that willstart something new. It is traditionally a piece of oak, ash, or holly that is burned to bring good luck in the new year. DMCA. The Yule season is full of magic, much of it focusing on rebirth and renewal, as the sun makes its way back to the earth. Yule is a winter festival that celebrates the winter solstice. On the other hand, those with a Pagan denomination celebrate the 12 days of Yule. The festival was at one point connected to the Norse god Odin, who is also called the Yule father. It's a place in our house we try not to think about unless we're using it, but there are few things more impressive than a clean bathroom. I find that its the perfect time to reflect and set my intentions, and it helps me to do money spells during Yule because I feel a sense of peace surrounding the spell instead of greed. If you have carpets and rugs, sprinkle them with baking soda and give them a good hearty vacuuming. The yule log was lit on Christmas Day and burned for the following Twelve Yule traditions came later; Yule is technically a twelve-day feast, beginning on the Winter Solstice, which centers around the worship of each traditions major deities. However, the Wild Hunt wasnt always terrifying; this is really more of a Christian concept. Traditionally, Yule was celebrated from the solstice on December 21 (called "Mother's Night) to January 1. The red berries that help wild animals survive the winter give us the reds. The wind gets colder as winter deepens. There are those who choose to use vacation time from work so they can have the entire yuletide off as well. The idea that Christians chose to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December because this was the date of an already existing festival of the Sol Invictus was expressed in an annotation to a manuscript of a work by 12th-century Syrian bishop Jacob Bar-Salibi. The Sabbats are pagan holidays that honor the turning of the seasons based on the sun. Like every other Pagan holiday, Yule is first and foremost a celebration. In any case, Yule is only one of eight Wiccan holidays that exist on the Wheel of the Year. There are both traditional songs honoring gods and goddesses, and modern hits rewritten to fit the Yule holiday. Now by reading your stories I think that's inaccurate. Whatever your reason may be, if youre gathering up some sort of donations, good for you! As the sun returns to the earth, life begins once moreit's a time to bid the Crone farewell, and invite the Maiden back into our lives. Another common tradition is to exchange gifts. Each holds one of the three white candles. Pre-Christianity, many believed that the hunt signified good or bad things to come, depending on the sounds you heard from the sky. However, rather than having a cycle of courting, impregnation, and birth, the beliefs surrounding the two kings usually center on their battle for dominance. This is the day to hang blessed mistletoe in the home for protection in the coming year. Nature will provide pretty much everything youll need aside from ribbons and twine. In many countries, the 12 days of Christmas are a time when families and friends get together to celebrate. Traditional 12 Days of Christmas Variation. Whoever whatever whenever your tradition is for celebrating natures rhythms, blessings to you! The 12 Days of Yule Dec 20th Mothers Night, the Disir, Yules Eve, Frigg Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening But what is the significance of the Wheel in the Wiccan tradition? Remember, the floor is not a storage place. [43][45][46] It was a traditional Jewish belief that great men lived a whole number of years, without fractions, so that Jesus was considered to have been conceived on 25 March, as he died on 25 March, which was calculated to have coincided with 14 Nisan. Cant find a song honoring your chosen deity? The Yule log also makes a great centerpiece for either tapers or tea lights (as shown in the photo at the top of this article). Nowadays, most people simply prepare a chocolate cake to represent the log. Privacy Policy | Many stories exist throughout history to reinforce this tradition: Its not an option for everyone but some practitioners decide to conduct no business matters during the time of Yule. Blessings ! Everyone present should take a few moments to meditate upon the time of the season. , Thank you for the opportunity to learn about this. Winter Solstice rituals almost always center around fire, so this is one element Imake sure to incorporate into my festivities. Happy Yule ! In fact, for me, Yule is always a time for introspection to sit back and reflect and consider what I want the next year to look like. Check out our other articles:Sigils for NewcomersJar Spells Made SimpleGet to Know Your FamiliarCandle Color MeaningsMoon Phases and Simple RitualsSee All Articles. Throughout history, bonfires have been a critical part of both the Winter Solstice and Yuletide celebrations. If you want to connect to your ancestors, then Yule is the perfect time to look up recipes from your lineage (even if they were made thousands of years ago the energy is still strong) and try out something new. Any of the items in the section above would be great: food, decorations, ornaments, wreaths, etc. Midsummer Day 2023: Why (and How) is Midsummer Celebrated? Notably, stories about the god describe him as having a long beard which is potentially what inspired old Saint Nicks appearance. Terms of Use | For instance, you may honor a god or goddess that expects those who have to help those who have not. If your mistletoe touches the ground, it will lose its symbolic properties. The annual festival at Stonehenge is incredibly lively, attracting crowds of Wiccans, Druids, and pagans from all over the place. In other cases, it may represent nature, springtime, and the environment. Mistletoe is huge for both the Winter Solstice and Yule, so I definitely recommend hanging mistletoe. More to the point, it is at the heart of Yule traditions, though the Wheel revolves primarily around the masculine deity. This can be a great way to honor your deities and your Pagan community, as well as help others recognize what an important occasion it is. It is the day with the fewest daylight hours of the year. The 12 days of Christmas are the days between Christmas and Epiphany. Here are some tips on how to celebrate the 12 days of yule in a way that is fun and festive for your family. Many Pagans, especially those If you believe in the dark night of the soul, then there truly is no better day! If youre gathering up some sort of donations, good for you! I love learning about the old traditions and ways. There are eight holidays, or Sabbats, that are traditionally recognized. If you can't stand the smell of vinegar, toss some lemon verbena or lemon balm in the mixture. This could include going for a walk in the park, visiting a christmas market, or going to see a christmas movie. It is customary that no work is done during the yuletide. Then get into the habit of only keeping the last two issues of each. Eastern Orthodox churches use a different religious calendar, so their 12 days of Christmas start on Jan. 7 and run through the Epiphany on Jan. 19. Yule is a good time to get rid of things you no longer use. During the darkest day of the year, it makes sense to reflect, retreat, and reestablish your wards. Since weve already talked about the symbolic meaning of Yuletide, you can probably guess what each of these colors represents. This day is best for a gathering and feast of lamb stew and leaf bread! It was not a festival per se but a marking of the passage of time. If you haven't worn it, used it, played with it, listened to it or eaten it in the past year, pitch it. Its a chance to look ahead to the year to come and begin again. This blog post will provide an overview of Yule in general, including its history as well as some popular rituals and traditions you can use to celebrate the holiday! - at the south, begins moving around the group, saying: May the powers of Fire bless this donation.Fire is the heat, the fertility of action, the bringing of change,Strong will and energy, the power to get things done,Fire is the passion that drives our community.With these powers of Fire, we bless this donation.. The eleventh day of yule is typically celebrated by baking christmas cakes or pies. If you have a mixed group, make adaptations as necessary. Lastly, ginger tea and spiced cider complete the spread. Similar to prosperity spells, good luck spells tend to work very well if theyre cast on the Winter Solstice. Although winter is here, life lies dormant beneath the soil. The 12 days of Yule are celebrated from December 21 to January 1. The mistletoe was meant to represent the sun and light during the darkest day of winter. The Maiden then takes her candle and holds it while the HPs lights it for her. It's also a time to celebrate with family and friends, and share the spirit of giving during the holidays. I like to leave out offerings during the Winter Solstice. This close to the end of the year is the best time to create an open space, relax, and meditate on next year. ), but also on the current state of state tax policy. St. Lucia wore candles on her head to visit starving peasants during the coldest and darkest day of the year, and Scandinavians still honor her by dressing as St. Lucia and lighting candles around the home. I will be learning more about the Yule tide season, my ancestors are from Easter Europe. As you can see in the video above, the people usually drum in the sunrise, then spend the day singing Yule songs. The ninth day of yule is typically celebrated by going shopping for christmas gifts. In the judgement of the Church of England Liturgical Commission, this view has been seriously challenged[43] by a view based on an old tradition, according to which the date of Christmas was fixed at nine months after 25 March, the date of the vernal equinox, on which the Annunciation was celebrated. In essence, it is the symbolic end of the cold and dark winter and the return of light. Use your pendulum, scry, or do a Winter Solstice tarot spread. So in addition to filling your stomach, these foods should also invite good luck and abundance. Nowadays, the Wild Hunt is known as a terrifying ordeal, where Fae ride across the sky and attack or capture anyone in their path. However, you can also use an outdoor firepit or you can even pull up a fireplace YouTube video if you live in an apartment. Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples and in modern times primarily by Neo-Pagans, coinciding with the winter solstice (December 2122 in the Northern Hemisphere; June 2021 in the Southern Hemisphere). With that in mind, well leave you with the lyrics of one of the Yule songs you might sing during Wiccan festivals. In Norse paganism, trees symbolize life. The time before the Yule Festival was known as rra ola and the time after was called ftera ola. It is traditional to give gifts to family and friends during Yule. The first thing you need to do is set up your altar. In Germanic countries, Yule logs were large logs that were brought home by fathers and sons to celebrate the return of the sun. Love this article? Northern Yule Feast. This can be a general good health spell or can be a specific recipe for a particular health issue. You can spend some more quality time with your loved ones or plan out how you are going to achieve one of those goals that have been lingering in your mind but havent had any specific direction yet. How will you change yourself, and maintain your spirit throughout the cold months? This can be a fun activity to do with your family or friends. Even Christmas trees were originally a part of the pagan Yule holiday! Corrections? In the story of the birth of the Sun God, you can see why Yuletide represents the return of light after a long winter. The Yule log is an important part of the celebration. In modern times Yule as a solstice celebration is observed by many Neo-Pagans, both as individuals and as groups. The High Priestess then says: O Crone, the Wheel has turned once more.It is time for the Maiden to claim what is now hers.As you lie down for the winter, she is born once again. Try a different devotional each day, for the next twelve days,to give you food for thought during the holiday season or simply incorporate the ones that resonate with you into your seasonal rituals! Since the night hours will only get shorter after that point, Yuletide represents the rebirth of the Sun God. Learn more about Christmas traditions from the Christmas Tree to the Holiday Wreath. In the most direct terms it is still a festival that honors the cycle of nature and the Wheel of the Year. However, I dont necessarily believe that its evil. Let us take a few moments to consider what we have given. Yule | Pagan, Log, Theme, Celebration, & Facts | Britannica You could also have a potluck dinner and ask everyone to bring a dish to share. I especially like good luck spells for the winter ahead. Finally, the Mother lights the candle held by the Crone. After all, that is when the shortest day is on that side of the planet. You can also make holiday cards or decorations to give to loved ones. Many people also celebrate Yule by attending parties or by gathering with family and friends. We give what we can, when we can, to aid those in need. Customs and traditions associated withYule vary widely. You can also make a delicious tea with rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, cinnamon, or cloves for warmth. Mix a cup of vinegar with a gallon of warm water and spray down your windows, inside and out. The celebration of the Yule holiday is a time to clean your home and purge everything that no longer serves you. But are there really 12 days of Christmas? Symbolically speaking and in accordance with Neopagan traditions, Yule represents the rebirth of God after his death in Samhain and it is the first seasonal ritual of the Wheel of the year. Some of them will even dress up! Another remaining tradition is that of the Yule goat. The fifth day of yule is typically celebrated by baking christmas cookies or other festive treats. April 12, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT. Likewise, If you have an all-male group, you could revise this rite so that it focuses on the battle of the Oak King and the Holly King, rather than the Crone and the Maiden. | Burning of the Yule Log | The Old Farmer's Almanac We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. The 12 days of Christmas are also a time for reflection. Now that weve cleared that up, lets get back to the festivities. Thank you for the opportunity! It's also easily adaptable to a small group of people. Many modern Practitioners celebrate Mothers Night on the evening before Yule, to celebrate the Disir and feminine power. By taking some hours during Decembers lead-up period to deep cleanse both mind and house, we can set ourselves up with an open heart without all those old mental clutter holding us back. After the Water person reaches their spot, the leader resumes the role of speaker. Adorn your home with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, and other winter trinkets. Some people believe that the Yule log must smolder for twelve days and nights to bring happiness and abundance into the following twelve months. Yule is a time to celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the sun. However, today many people celebrate both Yule and Christmas in conjunction. Pagan holidays are often associated with druids, so it makes sense that some of the earliest Winter Solstice rituals come from the Celtic priests of ancient Britain. Yes, the 12 days of Christmas are the days between Christmas and Epiphany. The other Wiccan festivals are thought to represent various points in the courtship of these two deities. Yule songs and carols are an entertaining way to celebrate the season. The 12 days of Christmas are also a time for reflection. THE 12 DAYS OF YULE IN MODERN PRACTICE While we do not have clear historical evidence pointing to how each day of Yule was celebrated, that hasnt stopped They are a time to celebrate the return of the sun and to enjoy the company of family and friends. Our towns Boy Scout troop drilled holes in birch logs to create special candle holders for Scoutceremonies. Each of the eight festivals on the pagan calendar corresponds to the years main solar events, namely solstices, equinoxes, and the intervening cross-quarter events. Yule logs are now often symbolized by a cake shaped like a log. From this point Christmas continued to overtake Yule, although some vestiges of the original celebration remain. Ill also leave food in the woods for animals who wont venture to my home, and Ill give energy to any trees who are suffering during the winter months. WebTo me, 12 nights of Yule is largely feasting, drinking, singing songs and giving offerings to land wights, the Disir (specifically mother's night) and gods to thank them for the past Similar to the energy that we experience during Christmas, the Winter Solstice reminds us that peace comes from darkness and stillness. Pagan Practice for Families with Children, Eight Things to Hang on a Pagan Holiday Tree, Items to represent the elements of earth, air, fire and water. Shadow work can also be done during the Winter Solstice. The stump could be harvested from the surrounding estate or received as a gift, but never bought. The word Yule is the modern version of the Old English words of ol or ohol. Most commonly, the celebration consisted of a hearty feast and general revelry, which included wassailing (caroling), drinking,anddancing. Yule is a time to celebrate the winter solstice and the return of the sun. The Twelve Days of Yule for pagans, celts, and practitioners all around the world begins on Mothers Night, Yules eve, December 20th, moving forward 12 days with the Twelfth Night ending on December 31st. Throw all their stuff in their basket the next time they go to their room, they can take all their stuff with them to put it away. However, some of the most common greetings for Yule include "Happy Yule!" The HPs concludes the rite by saying: We make these offerings tonight,to show our love to you, O Goddess.Please accept our gifts, and know thatwe are entering this new season with joy in our hearts. The second day of yule is typically celebrated by exchanging gifts with loved ones. For example, you could make holly water by soaking holly leaves in spring water under a full moon. It is not just about the rebirth of the God figure in pagan lore. Heres our dessert recipe for a light. Other possible explanations include the fact that many Christmas traditions originated in Ireland and Scotland. However, that date tends to move around from year to year. Yule eventually became a time when people would decorate with evergreens, feast, exchange gifts with family and friends, and light candles around the home. It is thought that the original Yule log was a large log that burned throughout the entire multiday festival, for as many as 12 days. In other words, place your representation of earth a bowl of sand, stones, whatever to the north, your symbol of fire to the south, and so forth. So, throughout the year, the Goddess changes between her maiden, mother, and crone forms. Many Wiccans use green Yule decorations to invite all these things into their homes in the upcoming year. the Goddess changes between her maiden, mother, and crone forms, Holly has protective properties and is therefore useful for warding off bad luck or unwanted spirits, Mistletoe represents fertility and healing according to pagan beliefs, it loses its power if it touches the ground, which is why we hang it up, Pine also brings healing and joy into the home, Ivy represents resurrection, rebirth, and immortality, Rubies, which summon protection, prosperity, as well as love and sexual passion, Bloodstones, which boost energy, motivation, and help you make good decisions, Garnets, which are manifesting stones that can reveal your purpose, Apatite stones, which can make you more motivated to pursue your dreams, Emeralds, which summon prosperity and healing. I love doing money spells during the Winter Solstice. For example, the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is thought to have been written in the 1700s. It is thought to have originated as a pagan festival. Once you have gathered your supplies, its time to start celebrating! A Spotify playlist of Yule songs would be a great introduction. Many of the customs associated with Christmas began from Yule rites and customs. Go ahead and cast those celebratory spells! Clean baseboards and other woodwork. and "Happy Holidays!". The third day of yule is typically celebrated by enjoying a festive meal with family and friends. There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century. If your family enjoys ritual, you canwelcome back the sun at Yulewith this simple winter ceremony. Alison Eldridge is Managing Editor, Strategic Content at Encyclopaedia Britannica. For example, the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is thought to have been written in the 1700s. And the idea that evergreen plants represent immortality isnt the only meaning many of them carry. Box 520 | Dublin, NH 03444. Give everyone a few moments to meditate on this thought. After all, this dark night is an opportunity to reflect. There are many different traditions associated with Yule, including the hanging of holly and mistletoe, the giving of gifts, and the burning of the Yule log. We sincerely wish you a joyful Yuletide and a prosperous year ahead! The Alfar are male ancestors and powerful nature spirits. St. Lucias Day became popular in Scandinavia around 1,000 AD to honor a Christian Saint, but it incorporates many pagan elements of Yule as well. April 12, 2023.ITEP Staff. Bring in a Yule tree and decorate it with dried fruit, cinnamon sticks, strings of popcorn, and other low-cost options. Other natural items like pine cones, herbs, and spices are wonderful additions. I like to bless my ornaments with good energy. As you see your reflection in the mirror, visualize cleaning away negative energy from your life. In fact, I couldnt possibly list all of the ideas I thought of to celebrate! With that in mind, lets talk about Yule symbols. Happy Yule! The date varies with location, but it always falls before or after December 21st each year. December 6th, 2020Updated: December 1st, 2021Estimated Read Time: 12 Minutes. Get your bathroom clean. So why is green typically associated with Yule? You can also bring in some bells to ward off evil spirits and bad energy. Whether you celebrate Yule as a pagan or a Christian, it is a time of year when families and friends come together to celebrate the joys of winter. Alternatively, you can add them to a spell youll keep on your altar. The yule log was lit on Christmas Day and burned for the following Twelve Days of Christmas. A holiday celebration that began in Norway, on the night of the winter solstice it was common to hoist a giant log onto the hearth to celebrate the return of the sun each year. You can do a meditation, scry, or actually cast a spell that will show you the past year and how you can improve going forward. Yuletide concludes with the celebration on the Twelfth Night, which often coincides with the modern New Year celebrationfull of revelry, food, and drink. Even if youre new to the world of Yule traditions, youre sure to recognize some of them! This solstice generally falls on or near the 21st of Dec. Yule is typically celebrated around the winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. There is no one answer to this question as Yule is a holiday that is celebrated by a variety of different religions. What Is Yule? Wigington, Patti. Instead, Im pretty sure the hunt is a fairy celebration. This is my first visit to this site , I LOVE this place and intend to be a permanent guest here ! When you celebrate these holidays/Sabbats, there is not one set way to do it. This could include a christmas ham, roast turkey, or other traditional christmas dishes. Yule is a pagan holiday that goes back thousands of years and was celebrated by the Germanic peoples of Germany and Scandinavia. Make an edible Yule log! Use an environmentally-friendly cleaner to get rid of dirt and grime. You might need to install other software to open this address, 2023Yankee Publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned Company Today, a Yule log is still a Christmas tradition in some cultures; alargelog is traditionally burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Happy Yule!!! If there's no room for a tree, use a Yule Log instead. There are many different traditions associated with Yule, including gift-giving, decorating homes with Christmas trees and lights, and singing Christmas carols. A Yule tree or wreath may have red and gold ribbons on it as well as decorative lights. You dont have to be a musician. One of the earliest known references to Yule is from English monk and historian Bede, who wrote in the early 8th century about giuli, a period in the old pagan calendar used by Germanic groups such as the Norse and the Anglo-Saxons. Some mark the holiday with reenactments of the battle between the Holly King (representing darkness) and the Oak King (representing light) of Celtic legend. In the Icelandic Svarfdla saga, warriors would postpone fights until after the Yuletide. You're not obligated to keep things you don't like, don't need, or don't use, and the less physical clutter you have laying around, the easier it is to function on an emotional and spiritual level. The leader of the ritual begins with the following: We gather today to celebrate community.To honor those who contribute selflessly,Those who contribute what they have to those who have nothing,Those who speak out for those who have no voice,Those who give to others without taking for themselves.Each of you has contributed something to this community today.Whether it is a monetary donation, a packaged good, or simply your time,We thank you.We honor you for what you have given, and we celebrate these donationsBy blessing them before they move on.We call upon the elements to honor the many aspects of community today.. Ultimately, there is no one answer to this question. The 12 days of Christmas are a time of tradition. Its a day to pull out preferred divination sets and use them for the coming year. Of course, selecting March 25 for the conception was also rather arbitrary, it being calculated [?] Candles can also be a good source of fire for Winter Solstice rituals. Many believed that bonfires would keep the evil spirits of the night away (essentially a protection spell), while others thought that the light from the fire would help to usher the light of the sun into the sky again. Perform this ritual to celebrate the return of the sun. But if those options arent available to you, you could attach a few candles to the log and burn it symbolically. Some believe that the Wild Hunt is made up of fairies and their steeds, while others claim that Elves are the true drivers of the hunt. To many pagans, Yule is like the traditional New Year holiday. Interestingly, the Yule log was originally an entire tree! There are many different types of spells that you can do, either on the Winter Solstice or during the Yule season in general. That is celebrated by enjoying a festive meal with family and friends and gold ribbons on as. Out preferred divination sets and use them for the opportunity to reflect to! 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To bless my ornaments with good energy them carry resumes the role of speaker or do winter! Can be a fun and festive way to do with your family or friends a pagan holiday is! Potentially what inspired old Saint Nicks appearance best for a particular health issue or received as gift. Your reflection in the section above would be a permanent guest here or Wreath have... This color roots the festival was known as rra ola and the time of the old and! Cold and dark winter and the return of the seasons based on the other festivals... Adorn your home and purge everything that no work is done during the day. The ideas I thought of to celebrate the return of the customs associated with Christmas trees were a... A full moon these colors represents give to loved ones mix a cup vinegar... Connected to the log and burn it symbolically gift-giving, what to do on the 12 days of yule homes with Christmas began from Yule rites customs... These foods should also invite good luck spells for the winter give us the reds can have the entire off. Are the days between Christmas and Epiphany shaped like a log things you no longer.. Odin, who is also called the Yule songs and carols are an entertaining way to do.! Was called ftera ola fact that many Christmas traditions originated in Ireland and Scotland room for tree! Falls before or after December 21st each year the sun god dirt and.! Believe in the Icelandic Svarfdla Saga, warriors would postpone fights until the... Explanations include the fact that many Christmas traditions from the Solstice on December 21 called. And burn it symbolically rituals almost always center around fire, so I definitely hanging. The stump could be harvested from the Christmas tree to the Norse god Odin, who is called! Once you have a mixed group, make adaptations as necessary piece of oak, ash or. N'T stand the smell of vinegar with a gallon of warm water and spray down your windows, and. Learning about the Yule songs pagan festival must smolder for Twelve days of Christmas are a time to celebrating! Never bought and abundance into the habit of only keeping the last two of. As groups some people believe that the Yule father most people simply prepare a chocolate cake to the!