to make you watch. One of those makeup artists who always publicly discounted it while keeping it in the back of her mind is this foreign born A list makeup artist. This A- list actress all of you know, is looking to finance a new project. That is the one she posted. She has since returned to her real hair, and denies she ever wore them. Her family has always been very grounded and there was never the whole you have to work thing so you can support us stuff coming from the family. This A list host/mogul had a mild stroke 18 months ago and he managed to keep it quiet. No, the A list mostly movie actor is not working to mediate the money dispute between the celebrity grandma and the celebrity granddaughter. It is unclear whether it remains. banderas de las 12 tribus de israel. The wannabe cannibal planning a comeback reached out to this foreign born B List actress famous for her contract relationships to see if she would be willing to be his girlfriend once her time is up with the foreign born alliterate superhero. A top seed was easily cruising and then made a ton of unforced errors to make it look like the match was loser than what it appeared. The A+ list singer did some striking back of her own by throwing the foreign born actor under the bus about his lack of career. Shortly before this A list everything overdosed, this former A list actress said she finally had enough working for him and she was going to quit. Uh huh. If you are a brand, this former A+ list rapper, will be ride or die if you pay her. And thats not particularly surprising to Enty, the name under which CDaNs creator publishes. It is almost a marriage of convenience right now. Apparently, he has started speaking to friends about it. If you find yourself listening to a certain YouTube pastor, he will tell you that he spoke to a "friend" who knew a big makeup influencer and they were convinced that it was actually demons that were hacking their phones looking for secrets. The serial cheating alliterate basketball player is living with the alliterate reality star. Attending with his ex. Would it shock anyone at this point if the cheated on one's new love interest is a woman. It didn't keep him around as long as she thought it would. Emily Ratajkowski/Sebastian Bear-McClard/Harry Styles. This A- list actor has at least one movie franchise and moves from main role to main role in show after show after show. This is the subreddit for Crazy Days and Nights - a place to rehash old blind items, interesting blog posts, exclusive content, friend of the blog appreciation, and of course, love for the old, bald, fat man himself. Just because you are in the same place, does not make you a couple. The foreign born superhero with the one named girlfriend is becoming addicted to pap photos. The only reason anyone knows this is because of the enemy he made in a former friend co-worker who wants to get even for getting his pet project canceled. This A- celeb was supposed to be in his hometown for a speaking engagement. Why? This A/A- list mostly television actor is a huge Warriors fan, and made a point of staying with the team at the hotel. The tabloids might want this A+/A list actor to be with a foreign born A- list model, but she has a child so that is a big no. The previous owner promised to not release it. Who do you think leaked the background report of his husband he had prepared, to the press? This alliterate permanent A list singer wanted to keep as much money for herself as possible which is why she has barely any backup dancers on her tour. That is a big self own. They are encouraging him to find a new home though. Would you have cast Ryan Gosling as Ken in the Barbie movie? He paid extra for private classes. ago It all looks so perfect and amazing and the newcomer thinks this will be their life too. It seems so clich, but this A- list actress who recently starred on a network television hit, has nanny and husband problems. I guess that could be another season of the show. Enty insists hes not a Q follower, though he did admit to being familiar with Q lore. It got people talking though, and that is always the idea with this pair. Do I believe the moon landing was staged? The two were spotted getting cozy at a local bar after filming wrapped up for the day.. What makes a good blind item is if you only have two or three possibilities, not 100, he explained. You thought you were a huge star and acted like it, so no one wanted to work with you. He was wrong. She essentially said she was too famous to stand in lines. Throw what happened into the mix and it just got worse. Posts Tagged. #4 - One half of a brotherly singing duo. He got the message. This A- list actress who stars on a hit streaming show after starring on multiple hit other shows, one of which also turned into a movie and is iconic, got dumped. This used to be a "couple" needed to get wasted out of their minds to even attempt a kiss that looked very uncomfortable and forced. There might be new music from this foreign born permanent A list singer, but there doesn't mean there will be a tour. The company partnering with her wanted her in Los Angeles. 5.5k. Have you ever won a contest, like a radio show giveaway or a raffle giving away a house, or some type of luck involved contest? This one, was a much smaller film with some very taboo family topics. This actor struck it big not not once or twice with television hits, but four times. This dancing reality star/host has a great sob story. She is going to have to go the subscriber route in order to make money podcasting. The reason? She was a recruiting machine. Speaking of horrible people, this A- list actor from an acting family, had a woman pass out in his bed because she had too much to drink. The mogul loves that everyone is talking about him which has not happened for years. No one has asked about the child. He has talked about his process before and he has to receive the same or similar tip from at least 2 sources which he vets before posting an official blind item and/or reveal. They are both with other people, but that was them being very touchy feely at a lunch earlier this week. Everyone now is asking where is the actor? The guy who helped/enabled their mom to get cheated on and then paid off the woman who was the mistress. It is why the actor had to go back to being a predator in his own country. Home; Portfolio; Team; Careers; Blogs; Virtual Experiences. 455 posts. In case you were wondering, yes, there are new "revelations" scheduled for every week for two days prior to each episode airing and will continue through the end of the season for the bar show. He is the one closest to the entertainment industry and arranged connections between celebrities and the pedophile. This foreign born A- list actor from an acting family that all of you know, says he once was at a party with this married A list political person from a family of rich behind the scenes players/former convicts the whole world knows. #1 - A+ list singer in a group and solo. He did not limit himself to just one woman. Katie Notopoulos is a senior technology reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. He probably even paid for the drugs. This former Disney actress turned host who does a little bit of everything, thought she would land a ghost hunters type show super easy, but she is discovering not everyone is a fan. I bet the A+ list singer is wondering if she can claw back that fake award she got her now ex. They are assigned boyfriends because couples sell better they are told. This of course made them more reliant on the cult for everything they needed. So, actors refused to work with the actress. When he said he was going to sue, he was beaten again. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point., Enty was the best until he got Q-pilled., I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal., Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together. There is a little revolt going on with some of the mothers of children of this prolific celebrity baby maker. They have been down this road before, but he is adamant about not doing it. It was going to use some locations from a movie in which he starred. If it seems like there have been a lot of items about child predators on the site, maybe thats just because there are a lot of child predators in Hollywood, he said. The middle of the week streaming actress pushed her way to the front of a line of 100 people at the music festival this weekend. Create my account Then, when the appropriate number of games were played, the higher seed went back to their dominance and easily won. This former A- list Disney actress was on a game show recently, and was so bad at it, they decided not to air the episode. The post Penny Farthing was replying to was a "blind item" claiming an actor had forced his friend to join a rape club (commenters guessed it referred to Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt). That is because the singer's parent company of which she has no control, threatens stores and outlets if they try and carry any other similar celebrity brands. Multiple posts have accused Tom Hanks, a frequent Q target, of licentious behavior on a yacht belonging to Hollywood mogul David Geffen. The other sister wants to do the same thing, but with her boyfriend. In any event, this actor proposed marriage to his girlfriend and she accepted, but the actor's wife wouldn't agree to a divorce, so the actor had to dump the girlfriend. Life imitates art as this situation is reminiscent of a film that featured an Oscar winning Emmy winning actor and an Oscar nominated Emmy nominated actress. While there, she ended up hooking up with another counselor and our actress became pregnant. He didn't want to be associated with a man who was sleeping with other men. Problem is, theres a nasty gulf between the two. This actor was A list for decades. 3,282 followers. The permanent A list legendary singer is off to a rocky start on her tour and is going to smaller venues for later dates, in an attempt to get more sellouts. After the news all saying the same thing was sent out to outlets, promo for her next move is released in bits and pieces online. This A list actor who has a new movie debuting at that big film festival next month, says he is afraid for his life. In 2019, I was working at St Regis Toronto, which hosted the Golden State Warriors and their VIP crew during the NBA finals for the year. This A list singer turned A- list actress is complaining about injuries. The alliterate former talk show host, is able to work and succeed, but advertisers have been scared away because of her past. Jenna Ortega/Darren Aronofsky/Jennifer Lawrence. From Crazy Days and Nights. A Polaroid has turned up that was long thought missing. I am sure she will deny this one too. If you complain too much, you are fired. Is anyone from the seasonal house available? And whether intentional or not, its made the long-running blog a favorite of actual QAnon adherents who see it as reinforcing their elaborate shared delusion. This A- list journalist/host says that she was continually pressured for years to have sex with this former A++ lister from back in the day, who did her a very big favor. That being said, it isn't my decision to make, but if you are going to do it, doesn't it make sense for your magazine cover that you put the daughter of the three named model who was the youngest model ever for the designer? A recent music video starring this former vampire actor who crashed and burned his career was supposed to film in Los Angeles. A big olive branch to the stylist, from the one named actress. Priceless. This person was showing him a video of the political person whipping a male escort. It isolated them. The money? It's a complicated tale of an online gossip site called " Crazy Days and Nights ," which may or may not be entirely fake, may or may not be written by a celebrity or a real "insider," but most certainly has caused some trouble. I was a bartender during my time in University here in Toronto. This foreign born A- list actor has been most recently seen in a universe streaming series that has been renewed. I believe there are some names that would be big sellers, but that is because there would be people willing to shell out money to buy it and watch it. He is using again and has a much much younger girlfriend. The only really good gig he got in the last decade disappeared because of his drug use. In return, he tried to stay out of the photos from a recent event. A couple of people who have managed to see the two month from release movie starring this A+/A list actor and helmed by this permanent A+/A list director, say it is awful and one of their worst movies. Celebrity gossip is typically harmless (though perhaps not for targeted celebrities) and unlikely to inspire a coordinated assault on the US Capitol. The model was told that she needed to sleep with certain people or she wouldn't be booked for jobs. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point, he told BuzzFeed News. Let me know if you find it somewhere, or if it really did write its own. It was reported as being canceled due to a scheduling conflict. Continuing the awful people theme, this A- list pro wrestler got divorced last year because his wife discovered he sexually assaulted a barely barely barely legal teen. You would think most A list comics/sometime actors would be above stealing content from a reporter and passing it off as their own. It was around that time that the religious leader for a large group of people and his assistant were spending so much time with the group. But viewed through a celebrity gossip lens, it seems to make a little more sense. He just fled the country as fast as he could. It is a pretty open secret at this point. This three named actress is taking advantage of recent events to take her image in a completely different direction. I mean, it always has been, but seems more like it now. Is it a thing where he is scared for his life or is he in rehab or getting more surgery? You can see pictures of her going in. Celebrities who try and copy her formula, even with really good products are not succeeding. Crazy Days and Nights was the site that revealed that Amber showed up to Kevin Costner's trailer naked and he called her out in front of at least ten other people. Plus, he hooked up with a 22 year old host all weekend from the Revolve House. Gone are the millions of dollars she earned on the show, and now she makes her living doing hustling celebrity things but also as an online Domme using a different name and a complete set of hundreds of photos she paid a woman to take that she pretends to be. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. The resemblance in the face is superficial at best but the close ambitious family member is gambling that the recent A lister will soon be taken off of life support and declared dead then she can announce it and fill his current position herself. Speaking of OnlyFans, there is a CURRENT Housewife who has expressed an interest in starting a page. She is more of a makeup professional rather than an influencer. The fashion designer who was recently murdered in a very try to get away with it way, was also a friend of the woman who some say was murdered so the A list singer/actress could have a career. Gossip fans and QAnoners share a core belief: that behind closed doors, celebrities are doing unspeakable things. And perhaps that's why CDaN seems to have collided with the QAnon delusion: Maybe the instincts that make for a compelling celebrity gossip site are the same ones that make for a compelling political conspiracy. After he had called the paps and done his bit of good, one of his PR team said he could have raised tens of thousands of dollars for the same shop, if he had sold the clothes online, instead of the few hundred they will get now. This foreign born former A list model/actress slept with a relative's wife before a wedding to make sure the new wife would be a great sex partner for the relative. crazy days and nights jeans theory crazy days and nights jeans theory. This former late night actor turned A- list actor away from the show, threatened a woman with revenge porn when she called him out on his drug abuse. #1- This former A- list singer who had two really big hits, one of which has been sampled for other hits briefly took to wearing wigs just to change things up a bit. You are under constant pressure to sleep with the more famous members and if you don't, then you don't get to appear in videos and no one will do partner videos with you. The wigs were the same color as her own hair. Her pedophile husband? You then got busted for having sex with minors, but nothing happened. But does she know he was grooming and propositioning minors while he was still dating her? After decades of bad men in her life, she is now living with a woman. The movie this former A- list actress all of you know did right before she quit acting has been bought by someone who wants to release it. They have this perfect life and are always traveling and have lots of people they partner with for each video. The way she blocks people right and left who call out her support of the child p**n enabling fashion brand is next level. Ive been a faithful reader of this site since like 2008 but I have just about had enough of the QAnon garbage that gets posted lately. This is about to explode. That is not mentioned in any of the news stories. This industry plant who takes her name from a manufactured all female group, keeps getting shoved won our throats like the bad rapper last year, but she is just as bad. The foreign born actress almost played girlfriend to the permanent A+ lister so shes okay with crazy if it gets her attention. This A- list actress sometimes sings. I started to feel that Enty had an agenda or a value system that went beyond neutral reporting on celebrity high jinks., Another former CDaN reader was a bit more pointed in a remark they posted to Reddit: Enty was the best until he got Q-pilled.. I would hate to see what they are trying to buy through the internet. Apparently the reality family pulled some strings so new "love" could be captured for the television show. She thought she looked fat, so has been barely eating. She failed to mention why those conflicts existed and made it seem, as if she was the victim. He thinks others said his name, but he is the only one who has said his name. A poster to the pop culture message board Datalounge wrote, The site is custom made for right wingers, people who hate Hollywood and loudmouthed liberals with a passion. The alliterate actress from the national park show should know that her significant other who she hooked up with while married, is talking and texting to another woman. What he didn't mention in the apology are all the other times he cheated and all the other times his girlfriend caught him, but didn't ever say anything. Friday, April 14, 2023 Blind Item #13 The woman in #12 has hooked up with the husband of this foreign born A- list reality star, who despite living outside the US, keeps landing US reality shows. He definitely keeps track of her life. According to Petersen, blind item fans think of gossip as a puzzle they can solve. This foreign born A- list comic/actor/host is being accused of sexually assaulting a teacher in a class he was taking from her. Maybe that is why the son of the Pawn Stars royal is involved in the whole coronation thing. For the vast majority of its productions moving forward, this big streaming service is going to stop footing the bill for premiere parties and leave it up to the individual producers to decide if they want to do something on their own. Killers of the Flower Moon/Leonardo DiCaprio/Martin Scorsese. To do that, she decided to seduce this A- list actor and his much younger girlfriend in the hopes the much younger girlfriend would set up a meeting with the A+ list actor. Who would want to buy it? The result? This foreign born A- list actress turned judge is in a feud with her actress former best friend who she accuses of stealing a sponsorship deal from our A- lister. Lisa Vanderpump/Jason Sabo/Vanderpump Rules. They are not biting though and our actor is going to pay out more money he will never get back. #2 - This permanent A list singer has worn wigs on and off for decades, but has now embraced them, despite people saying it goes against her punk rock ethos. Someone said she is 18 or 19. This former A- list actress from a long running hit almost network television show has to mostly take work as a producer now and put together her own projects, because the showrunner of her former hit show tells everyone not to hire the actress. cc: Yolanda Hadid. It was early June and Penny Farthing had finally had enough. What! That is not even close to reality, but at this point, after telling the story for so long, she probably thinks it is her reality. This permanent A list actor with multiple hit shows is still alive. It really isn't fair because the wife has been working nonstop for decades while the husband just takes projects every so often. Apparently there was some behind the scenes drama from an executive's wife who holds a grudge against the actress for something that happened years ago. I bet they don't make it all the way to the wedding. That's what I'm thinking too. I know a lot of you like to think it was a Housewife, but come on. Do, we think the big television streamer paid him off because they were just about to launch the new show our author/creator was helming? Apparently, his minder has now lined up the singer/actor to play a series of concerts at conversion therapy gatherings. Correction: Tara Giancaspro's name was misspelled and the title of the podcast Beyond the Blinds was misstated in a previous version of this post. This is not about her or any of the director's most famous movies. She moved overseas for the foreign born former boy bander, and he is still cheating on his girlfriend. And yes, she has asked the former A+ list rapper to be a part of it. The thing is, she doesn't really care. Obviously the questions from the interview that aired yesterday between the foreign born comic/multiple host and the bar star were prepared in advance by those closest to the bar star, which is why it is shocking it still didn't go better for him. In Washington State right now, leaders from around the world of this church/cult (Two By Two) which professes to take in zero dollars from any of their members and owns no buildings or structures or property in the name of the church/cult have spent nearly a half million dollars on travel and lodging. Yeah, so there is that version too. I don't know if a one night stand would necessarily qualify as a throuple, which is why I am calling it a trio. This foreign born A list model has not been getting any work for the past few months. Surprisingly enough, despite all the stuff that has come out the past couple of days about a news anchor, it is the big boss that is on the shakiest of ground. 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