. The 11 Commandments in 2023. I recommend the AMD Ion Cleanse Foot Bath. Gadolinium is a rare earth element used intravenously as an imaging agent to improve contrast in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Binders can be quite constipating, so the aloe and flax help with that. Many naturopathic clinics offer glutathione IVs, so do a search for one in your area if you dont currently have an ND. However, the recommendations for an MRI are very similar to those for a scan involving radiation, with the difference being a few things that can be left out. Before we get into what to do after the scan, there are a couple of things to do before the scan to offer radiation protection as well as some things to stop taking leading up to it (if they are things you are currently taking). Ultrasounds are an alternative that dont use radiation or contrast dye, but your oncologist may refuse to order it since an MRI or PET/CT is more sensitive and is usually the standard of care. And as always, there is a list of references below if you would like to do any further reading and researching of your own. This would not be good, for obvious reasons, and so it is best to avoid vitamin C before a PET/CT scan. However, the real danger lies under the skin where the hardening of internal organs can occur[6]. Anyone experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms should be sent to the hospital immediately. 1, Do not receive additional exposure to the metal causing toxicity. Although gadolinium given for MRI scans is always accompanied by a neutralizing compound that is supposed to keep it from entering the tissues of your body, research shows that in some cases, this strategy fails and the gadolinium becomes toxic to the patient [3]. They do however use a contrast dye to get a clearer image, and for the first 3 or 4 scans after my diagnosis, I didnt know that this dye is NOT benign. Zinc transmetallation and gadolinium retention after MR imaging: case report., Tepe, N., M. Romero, and M. Bau. Our intestinal health is also closely linked to our immune health, with 70% of our immune cells being housed in the gut. DMSA. Whether a PET, CT, Xray, or MRI, there are definite risks for each from either radiation exposure or gadolinium toxicity. 1. 426 likes, 5 comments - Holistic GOD (@twalkdahulkfitness) on Instagram: "BIRN OVERALL BODY FAT Text the word "TWALK" to "74121" A 100% FREE Fu." When your blood brain barrier is not intact it can result in gadolinium being deposited in your brain tissue, regardless of how strong your renal function is. This would of course lead to the potential of a false positive, which is extremely stressful and distressing and something that we want to avoid. This is because cancer cells love sugar and uptake it much more quickly and in higher amounts than healthy cells do. A very public example of the devastating effects of gadolinium toxicity comes from Chuck Norris wife, Gena Norris. Since gadolinium is a highly toxic element, it can have serious adverse effects on your body. You can benefit from an increased intake of vitamins and minerals either naturally from juiced fruits and veggies or supplemented from drinks. Gadolinium (Gd) is a lanthanide chemical element, and highly toxic, so it must be bound to a chelated medium (which we call gadolinium-based contrast agents or GBCA ), to reduce its harmful effects. Plaques on the skin that are red, itchy, inflamed, and hardened are typical signs of NSF. Heres a closer look at some of the biggest risk factors associated with gadolinium toxicity[32]: Simply having an MRI can put you at risk for gadolinium toxicity. The statements made on this Website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the State of California and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Ive come across and tried many different products, but I have to say that the Alkaline Hydrogen Water Filter from Ph Prescription stands out from all other water filters. However, even if you havent had either of those procedures, you still may be exposed to gadolinium in your drinking water. I will try to do most of your detox before and after- if I have it- but Im still petrified. Your email address will not be published. The half-life of a substance in the body is defined as, "The time it takes for the blood plasma concentration of a substance to halve (plasma half-life) its steady-state," or when it has lost . The retention of gadolinium can be due to genetic variations, but the underlying issue is always an inability to properly detox this heavy metal out of the body. You could take him some research articles on the effect of poor kidney function on your bodys ability to get rid of the dye as well as any paperwork you have (if you have any or can request your records from the hospital/clinic where you had the reaction) documenting your allergic reaction. Gadolinium, like iodine, is a heavy metal capable of attenuating x-rays. Include chelating foods in your diet (foods that pull out toxins from your body): parsley, cilantro, brazil nuts, garlic and onions are all chelators and pull stored toxins out of tissues and fat. Step 2: The liposomal antimicrobial cocktail. HOW TO PREMEDICATE for an adult patient: A. Detoxing Gadolinium First, support circulation, elimination and organ health. Zeolite clinoptilolite: Therapeutic virtues of an ancient mineral. Molecules 24.8 (2019): 1517. At the start of 2023, it is worthwhile to go over the critical aspects of treatment of Gadolinium toxicity (GDD) and by extension all other heavy metal toxicities (Deposition Diseases). You can learn more about it, including where the closest one is to you, on their website here. The medical community is acutely aware of the toxic effects of gadolinium, which is why it is complexed with neutralizing compounds before being administered. An MRI with contrast uses contrast agents to enhance the MRI scan. Again, it isnt widely available and is out of pocket, so it may not be an option for you but is definitely worth looking into if you are screening for breast cancer. The day before, day of, and for at least 3 days after you can include some of these supplements (in addition to those listed above) that support the gut, liver, and kidneys (some of your major detoxing organs) and protect against radiation: 6. I would think that with your previous reaction to a contrast dye, you could request the colon scan without it and that it would be likely that your request would be approved by your doctor. While for years it was seen as a harmless contrasting agent, research is beginning to show the devastating effects that this heavy metal can have on your body. Many natural options can be used to support and complete a heavy metal detox and avoid extensive heavy metal detox side effects. Having been curios on how this occurred, my physician informed me that it was likely the result of contrast received during past MRI scans. Required fields are marked *. Anti-oxidant. Contrast agents are injected into a vein in the hand or arm. Because I will be getting an MRI annually for the foreseeable future, I wanted to know how I could support my body each year in its detoxing efforts. In the case of gadolinium, however, treatment plants do not test for or filter for this heavy metal leaving it free to enter your homes water system. I myself refuse mammograms because, due to my young age and therefore the high number I would be getting over my lifetime, they would expose me to more radiation than I can be comfortable with and, more weighty, because I have dense breast tissue so they really arent effective (my mammogram was negative two weeks before my diagnosis even though I could see the tumour with my eyes when I pressed my skin down, as you may have read). Ionic foot baths are an excellent tool for assisting with your detox efforts. Reflections On My 5-Year Cancerversary, Circulating Tumour Cell Tests as a Way to Monitor for Disease Progression, Recurrence, and/or Response to Treatment Protocols, If you cannot do a prolonged fast leading up to your scan, adhere to a, Just like with a radiation scan, you should take, Because an MRI doesnt involve radioactive sugar, it may be unnecessary to stop vitamin C before an MRI; but, to be on the safe side, you can always, Because we want to prevent cells from absorbing the gadolinium as much as possible, it is also a good idea to go for an MRI in, Just like radiation, gadolinium also causes oxidative stress, particularly in the brain [, If you cannot do a prolonged fast, take at least, EGCG green tea extract, 725mg 3x a day (note here that if you have done any epigenetic testing from Nutrition Genome, 23 and Me, SelfDecode, etc., it is wise to check your genetic SNPs and avoid EGCG if you have a potentially problematic COMT genetic mutation, as EGCG can clow COMT activity further; the COMT gene is involved in estrogen metabolism, among other things, and it is important to support and not inhibit its activity). Prednisone - 50 mg PO, taken 13, 7, and 1 hour prior to the . Left untreated, toxic levels of this metal can induce Morgellons Disease, Gadolinium Deposition Disorder (GDD), and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF). Some research has shown that these mistletoe reactions can mimic nodular involvement on scans done with the radioactive sugar F-FDG, which is used in PET/CT scans [2]. Due to gadoliniums affinity for the tissues in your body, toxicity can eventually result in three very serious conditions nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, gadolinium deposition disorder, and Morgellons disease. Prenuvo is very sensitive and specific and doesnt use radiation or contrast dye, but it is currently only available in limited countries and cities and the cost is out of pocket; this may prevent it from being an option for you. It is fine to take any medications you are on as long as you can tolerate them on an empty stomach. Research suggests that vitamin D may be protective against various forms of radiation, potentially by helping to transcribe proteins that protect the body from the effects of radiation [10]. This article is about the MRI contrast gadolinium (Gd) that may cause severe health problems in some patients. This is why it is so important to filter your water. However, even if you haven't had either of. Therefore, take the same protocol as suggested for a PET/CT/Xray, minus the radium 30c homeopathic medicine. Use 1/4 tsp on your hands up to 3x the day of your scan, then rub over your liver and gallbladder (under your right rib cage) as well as your thyroid and adrenals (over your throat and on the left side of your lower back, below the ribcage). *An important note before we dive in that you should always check with your healthcare team before undertaking any of the suggestions below; you want to make sure that you are doing the things that will help you the most and not interfere with or worsen whats going on in your unique body. Extravasation happens when the contrast agent is injected improperly and ends up in your soft tissue instead of directly injecting into your vein. During MRI scans with contrast, healthcare providers inject patients with the drugs. A more gradual chelation helps ensure patient safety. While GBCA is well tolerated in most patients, it is associated with a small risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) or acute adverse reaction. plastic residues toxins from molds and yeasts (mycotoxins, etc) carcinogens from smoke and haze High-technology metals as emerging contaminants: Strong increase of anthropogenic gadolinium levels in tap water of Berlin, Germany, from 2009 to 2012., https://www.insideradiology.com.au/contrast-medium/, Savely, Virginia R., Mary M. Leitao, and Raphael B. Stricker. High-dose melatonin, 300mg 2 hours before the scan: Its not just for helping you sleep! The most obvious treatment is to try to remove the Gadolinium from your body with Chelation. Using ions, which are naturally present in nature, an ionic foot bath assists your cells and tissues in releasing unwanted compounds and drawing them out of your body through your feet. I would prefer to start with an ultrasound or even an mri without contrast, but not sure if this is the way to go. What you'll find with MSM is your body does not swell up and feel pain as often. I recommend the, Rogosnitzky, Moshe, and Stacy Branch. Copyright 2023 MYERS DETOX LLC All rights reserved. 5. I have tried asking for ultrasounds, but my oncologist doesnt believe they are sensitive enough, so the only thing she will order besides a mammogram is an MRI with contrast. Ive always wanted to do a hair mineral analysis and when I met Wendy I knew it was time. Barium contrast agents are an alternative, particularly for MRIs of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract and other parts of the body that exhibit continuous movement. There are a few alternatives to these types of scans, but you may run into problems accessing them. The way my ND monitors and determines if its safe enough for me to continue getting MRIs with contrast is to check my kidney function with a blood test before I go in for my scan and throughout the year. 7. Detoxes help improve overall well-being, including physical and mental health. Pour the salt under the water spout. You can find a variety of zeolites supplements out there, but my favorite by far is, Ionic foot baths are an excellent tool for assisting with your detox efforts. Excellent article. You can absolutely ask for an ultrasound or a CT or MRI without contrast. Neem Because muscles use glucose to burn for energy, muscles that have been exercised around the time of a scan can show increased sugar uptake that may mimic cancer and result in a false positive [9], something we definitely want to avoid! The key to properly detox heavy metals and heavy metal chelation is using a true chelator or chelating agent within its "half-life" in the body. There is evidence that suggests that the MRI dye cannot be fully detoxed, but we dont know for sure. My motto when it comes to things in my protocol has always been, If its not going to hurt me and theres a chance it will help me, Im going to do it. So, following the suggestion of taking one dose (3 pellets) of radium 30c (X-ray 30c) the night before, morning of, and for three days after your scan may help to mitigate some of the effects of the radiation from the scan. FDA is requiring a new class warning and other safety measures for all gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) concerning gadolinium remaining in patients . There are some supplements and teas that support detoxing (search detox in the search bar above to find some info on that), but if there is a lot being stored in your body, you will need some advanced therapies to help flush them out. Chelators like EDTA are power antioxidants that attract heavy metals and excess minerals and bind them so they can be removed from the body right along with the chelator. 8. Binder of some sort, 1 tsp a day (not needed the day before the scan): Binders do exactly what it sounds like they do: they bind to toxins and radioactive elements and carry them out of the body to more effectively detox these things from our system. Im so sorry to hear this! Gadolinium is a radioactive heavy metal, and is not readily found in our food supply or drinking water. Dizziness, muscle twitching, pins and needles, headaches, vomiting, hair loss, and fatigue are just a handful of the common side effects of gadolinium toxicity. Include natural binders, as discussed above: modified citrus pectin, chlorella, bentonite clay, spirulina, and charcoal powder are all great binders (clay and charcoal also help with chelation), which are super important to include when detoxing otherwise some of the toxins will just be reabsorbed in your gut. To put it simply, mercury in the brain, liver, thyroid, adrenal glands and immune system cells will cause more serious damage because these organs and systems are sensitive. A spray used as air freshener ammonium chloride 5% to 10% in a water and breathe indirectly will prevent yeast and fungus for forming . This can cause inflammation, edema, and necrosis of the tissue along with retention of gadolinium in your body. It is important to have an accurate blood glucose reading before a scan using F-FDG because this sugar is in direct competition with glucose. Chelation therapy is a medical process that involves administering chelating agents that will bind to the metal ions to form a more chemically stable compound that can be safely excreted from the body, typically through the kidneys. By providing your name and email, you are consenting to receive communications from Solis Cancer Community and Blog. From here, you flush that water down the toilet and it ends up recirculating in the water supply. 2. In your article you said you couldnt find any info on why to refrain from standing after a detox bath. This is a wonderful article. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Let me give you the latest, most inspiring health tools available. Having a compromised blood-brain barrier is another risk factor for gadolinium retention. Comparative study of pineapple juice as a negative oral contrast agent in magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography., Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR, Greenberg, Steven A. As part of our comprehensive protocol lineup, HM-ET Binder is It will be very important that you are on a plan that will both bind and get rid of those toxins as well as help to mitigate the side effects that they can cause once they are released. Some of the newer RX Lyme persister protocols do not cross the blood-brain barrier; you can only cleanup the body below the neck. If you would like to learn more about it however, you can do so here. Gadolinium-based contrast agent toxicity: a review of known and proposed mechanisms., Choi, Jin Woo, and Won-Jin Moon. One therapy that can be helpful in detoxing gadolinium and other heavy metals is chelation. This is just one more example of how crucial it is that we self advocate for our own health and that of our families. Symptoms of toxicity can start within the first few hours of being exposed. Thats why regardless of what youre trying to release from your body, liver support is always crucial. Best thorough article I read on this topic!! Gadolinium can, therefore, remain in your body for months or even years[4]. While procedures like MRIs and CT scans can introduce a large amount of gadolinium to your body at once, other sources of gadolinium can slowly build up in your system by absorption in the GI tract and cause serious health concerns related to long-term exposure. .Freitag, Abel Felipe, et al. in their cupboard. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or shoot me a message using the Contact Me page. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Whether your scan includes radiation or contrast dye, there are a number of general detoxing habits that you can include in the days around your scan to support your body in getting rid of as much of the gadolinium and radioactive elements as possible. Gadolinium is a radioactive heavy metal, and is not readily found in our food supply or drinking water. Zenberry Greens. The name of this natural heavy metal detox protocol is named after its inventor - and is known as Dr. Georgiou's Heavy Metal Detox Protocol. 2 more things that can be added to the water is bentonite clay and powdered ginger. Cons. As a result, she has bravely spoken out publicly about banning the use of gadolinium as a contrast agent in medical scans. In general, NSF is a condition that primarily affects people with kidney disease. Contrast agents are used to improve the visibility of the internal structures of the body when using an MRI or CAT scan. Instead, as I discussed above, you are concerned with detoxing out the contrast dye which contains the heavy metal gadolinium. For general detox, use up to 2- teaspoons bentonite clay daily for 2 weeks, in divided doses, morning and night: about 1- teaspoons in the morning and the same in the evening. Always good to ask though if this is something you are interested in. Heavy metals are everywhere in our environment, even in places where you would least expect them (like contrasting agents). Imapried renal function represents the largest risk factor for gadolinium toxicity. There are many different types of imaging on the market today. Risk factor is acute or chronic renal failure. Good luck to you! There are two things that can interfere with your PET/CT scan and can therefore tamper with the results. Removal of gadolinium ions from solutions using granulated zeolites., Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. Drink lots and lots of water throughout all of this to help your kidneys flush everything out; aim for at least 2 litres a day, but the more the better. Exercise: You should not engage in any strenuous exercise 24 hours prior to your scan. Barium does come with its fair share of side effects, including stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, agitation, confusion, swelling, and more. This is the principal treatment. and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil in a warm bath and soak for about 15 minutes. This means, therefore, that if blood glucose levels are not in the optimal range for the scan and this is unable to be determined prior to the scan, it will cause a decrease in the absorption of the F-FDG and may lead to a false-negative on the resulting image [3]. NAC 500 mg. Adreset one tablet. And if you are receiving a different type of scan such as a PET, CT, or Xray, there is the radiation to think about. Since PET/CT scans use this radioactive sugar that weve been discussing, it helps to go into the scan in full ketosis, for two reasons. In fact, some research shows that this toxic metal can stick around in the body for over two years after the initial MRI[28]. You . In addition to that, because our bodies try to protect us from them by storing heavy metals in fat cells, once you start detoxing and losing weight, more of those metals will be released into your body. It provides vital nutrients for the liver in helping it to expel toxins and metabolic waste. In GDD, gadolinium can deposit in your tissues with a particular concern for your brain tissue[8]. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . I believe that everyone should be concerned about the increasing amount of gadolinium that is in our water supplies in the U.S. and around the world. 1/8 cup of Himalayan pink salt. If you are doing mistletoe injections as part of your protocol, take 72 hours off of mistletoe before getting a scan. Some people experience some pretty vivid dreams after a high dose as well, so dont be worried if that happens to you! Dr. Al Sears, MD, has his patients use it for detoxifying even heavy metals, and he uses it himself. They usually take past allergic reactions very seriously and are one of the only reasons Ive seen them actually agree to do a scan without the dye. Your body may then excrete these unwanted compounds via your organs of elimination. Therefore, take the same protocol as suggested for a PET/CT/Xray, minus the radium 30c homeopathic medicine. We value your privacy and would never spam you. If not, try for at least a 24 hour fast. 3. Whats more, MRIs themselves can mobilize gadolinium from past MRIs. There is massive debate over its safety (this is a great article to check out for the arguments on both sides), and while many doctors consider it safe, enough patients have raised concerns over side effects that some are questioning it and more research is being pursued. Good luck . Thank you, and excellent addition! Gadolinium deposition disease: initial description of a disease that has been around for a while., Ramalho, Miguel, et al. I cannot say this for sure though as I am not a naturopath, so the best thing to do would be to ask about this wherever she gets her IV therapies. Add the entire daily dose of herbals and 1-3 teaspoons (15 ml) MicroPhos (known effects: increases cell wall integrity, increases parasympathetic tone, helps anti-microbials to penetrate into biofilm and cross . I would definitely speak with your doctor and voice your concerns, even if you already have before. I think that anyone that knows they are heavy metals toxic or have trouble detoxing should avoid gadolinium based MRIs because its likely they may also have trouble excreting the gadolinium. The contrast agents used for MRI scans often contain a chemical element called gadolinium (gad-oh-LIN-e-um).. Adult Dosage: 45 drops 3 x daily. Your email address will not be published. Typically chemical compounds would be filtered out of water before they reach your home faucet. Unfortunately, due to the high levels of toxicity in our environment these days, many people have poorly functioning livers and detoxification systems and dont even realize it. I was beyond, Heres a closer look at some of the biggest risk factors associated with gadolinium toxicity[, Pins and needles (tingly and burning sensations), Unfortunately, heavy metals like gadolinium can be tricky to remove from the body since they lodge so deeply into your tissues. Either way, we want to help ourselves out and increase the amount being detoxed as much as we can! Transmetallation occurs when other ions in your body such as zinc, calcium, copper, and iron displace gadolinium from its chelate, resulting in gadolinium staying in your body. You can find many support groups on Facebook. Fish Oil, 6g in split doses (for example, 2g 3x a day): Radiation can reduce levels of the healthy omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in addition to causing oxidative stress, as discussed above. Thats why I formulated. We use various oral supplements along with specific IV therapy protocols & chelation, in order to get patients to detoxify this substance out of their system. There is one indication for steroid premedication prior to intravenous gadolinium-based contrast injection (e.g., MRI): 1. Industry and manufacturing of electronics, magnets, and superconductors used for nuclear, microwave, and radar technology. Gadolinium is a rare silvery-white earth metal that is most often used in medications known as gadolinium-based contrast agents or GBCAs. I did not receive any IV fluids to flush it out nor was ever told to drink alot of water afterwards. It can damage the intestinal barriers and mucous layer, which are not good in and of themselves, but these also lead to leaky gut and bacteria escaping the intestines [12]. Together, these three ingredients assist your bodys natural detoxification processes in a way that specifically supports heavy metal clearance through mineralization, mobilization, and toxin binding. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Thank you for sharing them And yes, that makes sense; thermal stress can really affect some people. I was beyond impressed with this system! Physical and mental health, minus the radium 30c homeopathic medicine want to help ourselves out and increase the being... 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