Did you never note that those who seem least likely to fall into a sin are the very people who commit it? Other sins die hard, but this is shot through the head by true repentance and faith in Jesus. If we had been in Egypt at the time when Pharaoh started out to follow the Israelites to the Red Sea, if we had been clothed with all power, we should have stopped Pharaoh's chariots and horses before they quitted Egypt, and thus we should have nipped his enterprise in the bud. III. Remember, "By faith Abraham obeyed." The people just go round the city, and all hold their tongues, except the few priests blowing rams' horns. Here is one that can never be diminished, much less exhausted. In noble independence no man could excel the father of the faithful; his contemporaries look small before him, and no man seems to be his equal, save Melchizedek. I do not always enjoy something better. He has invited sinners to do it. Ah! "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Do you want a greater source of consolation than you have got? Collection administered by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Like Elijah, when be said, "I only am left and they seek my life;" to feel in one's self that we believe as firmly as if a thousand witnesses stood up by our side. At the same time, when I rise, as upon eagle's wings, in joyous rapture, I feel right glad to be capable of the blissful excitement. I should not like you to overlook it. To tell a very familiar story, and even the poorest may not misunderstand what I say: a minister was one day going to preach. Those who did listen to him said to each other, "He is building a vessel upon dry land: is he sane? After all, we confess tonight, and rejoice in the confessions, that our best hopes are for things that are out of sight. This indicates a permanent abode. In a lonely hamlet one has little company, but in a city much. Look at the miser. If they obey at all, it is because their own superior judgements incline that way; but to go forth, not knowing whither they go, and to go at all hazards, is not to their minds at all. 2. Arise and take thy last journey." Let us rest assured that nothing but repeated and fiery trials could have trained his faith to so great a strength as that which it exhibited in his preparation to slay his son at the command of God. Indeed, it seems to me as if the word "opportunity" as it occurs in the text, were hardly strong enough to express the influence and incentive, the provocations and solicitations, by which, in our case, we have been urged. Beneath him lay the villages, sleeping in their beauty, with the corn-fields motionless in the sunshine; but he did not look at them, for his attention was arrested by a woman standing at her door, and who, upon seeing him, came up to him with the greatest anxiety, and said, "O sir, have you any keys about you? Only break the ice, and begin; and you shall find my text to be true in your case also, and out of weakness you, too, shall be made strong. It is one of the choicest fruits of the Spirit, and is seldom found on newly-planted trees. It may be that this entails the scoff and scorn of all who know them. How can he own them? Many would make a similar confession if they made a clean breast of it. Abraham "went out, not knowing whither he went," but the moderns must have every information with regard to the way, and then they will not go. Spurgeon, Sunday August 18th 1889. Multitudes have confessed the name of Christ, and have done many marvellous things, and yet they have never been pleasing to God, from this simple reason, that they had not faith. I could not come to the point." said he, "my good woman, that is a broken key, for you have broken the commandments, you have not fulfilled all your duties. Oh! "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a plane which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went." Let no one run away, when I shall have expounded the first point, and miss the rest, for you can not apprehend the whole power of her faith unless you remember each of those particulars I am about to mention. No, wherever God in his providence guides you, let it be your joy to know that he is too wise to err too good to be unkind. It is said that when he was commanded, he obeyed. I pause for your reply. If you are what you profess to be, you are strangers: you do not expect men of this world to treat you as members of their community. Thy sin was laid on him: it is forgiven thee. He looks to the iron safe: he would be quite sure that it is well secured. "Along the cool, sequestered vale of life they hold the even tenor of their way." Let God be true, but every man a liar." It was easier for Noah to build the ark than to render so complete an obedience; but the Lord wrought in him by his grace. How long shall unbelief lodge within you and grieve the Holy Spirit? There is no heaven for us hereafter, let us make the best of the present." Is it not so? Faith is the great force which is needed by those whose principal work is to overcome sin. So sure as our faith is real, it will want to bring others in. May we enter into that true spirit of obedience which is the unshaken belief that the Lord is right! Hebrews 6:10. I almost envy Abraham. Stars cannot reach the zenith of the heavens by one sudden flash, nay even the sun himself must climb to his meridian. Ay, thou mayest conclude with absolute certainty that thou shalt never see perdition. They are often furnished by the example of others. He is not ashamed to call them brethren. I resolved, the other day, that I would see a man whom I had known, and tell him that I was a changed character; but when I reached his house, I drifted into other talk, and went the way in which he led me. And Jacob, one of the patriarchs, was driven to go down into the land; but he could not stay there; he was always unrestful, until at last he stole a march upon Laban and came back to the proper life, the life that he had chosen--the life that God had commanded him to live--of a pilgrim and stranger in the land of promise. Oh, how often they have made melody in our hearts to the Lord! If thou dost trust in thy works, then thy works are anti-christ, and Christ and anti-christ can never go together. He hath prepared for them a city. The Lord give us back those whose examples can be safely copied in all things, even though they be decried as being "rigid" or "too precise"! And the same things that are the object of our hope, are the . cells in an azure synapse studio notebook can be reordered without copying and pasting the contents. You see, then, whether you grow rich, or whether you become poor, you will have these opportunities to return. Two men are going along a road, and they have got a dog behind them. Perhaps they lived in a comfortable home before, and now they have to take a room where there is no comfort, and where sounds of blasphemy meet them. Even if in your own house you find your worst foes, hold on, and never doubt. He has locked it up tonight, and he goes to bed, but he is afraid he heard a footstep downstairs, and he goes to see. You will soon become a speckled bird among them. It is sustained by the mind's soberest reasoning and the heart's warmest passion. Now that call came we are not told; whether it reached him through a dream, or by an audible voice from heaven, or by some unmentioned prophet, we cannot tell. If you are a stranger, they naturally bark at you. The man who waits until he shall find it more easy to bear the yoke of obedience, is like the woodman who found his faggot too heavy for his idle shoulder, and, placing, it upon the ground, gathered more wood and added to the bundle, then tried it, but finding it still an unpleasant load, repeated the experiment of heaping on more, in the vain hope that by-and-by it might be of a shape more suitable for his shoulder. Come, now, my hearer, are you willing to be one of the separated? But if you desire to go to heaven, I beg you to remember that "the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." Why, it is on this that patriotism feeds as its daintiest morsel. Some of you are engaged in the midst of ungodly men, and those engagements supply you with constant opportunities to sin as they do, to fall into their excesses, to lapse into their forgetfulness of God, or even to take part in their blasphemies. I would sooner have the faith which obeys than the faith which heaps the altar of God with sacrifices, and perfumes his courts with incense. Cry to him in the secret of your soul, and you will bear your load; yes, you will bear it calmly, and you will win those who hate you. Ah! Opportunities to return in our own nature. Where Jesus died, there you shall live. I fear I should never have touched his case if I had not been in the miry clay myself. He that has faith has renounced his own righteousness. So too, dear brethren and sisters, these opportunities to return are adapted to our circumstances and adjusted to any condition of life, and any change through which we may pass. Henceforth, the man has turned aside from the faith, if not altogether in his heart, at least in his life. Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, June 21st, 1891, "Out of weakness were made strong." He knows better than we do when to strike for victory. There is a secret virtue in the confession, if it be steadfastly adhered to and zealously maintained. said the father, "he would not love you if you were not a good boy." Published on Thursday, September 30th, 1915. Who shall tell which of the three grand deeds of faith is the greatest? There is many a Christian who, if he were to go back to the gaiety of the world, would find the world receive him with open arms. I cannot see my Lord, I cannot enjoy his presence, and though it may be a little thing to desire, let me say a good desire is more than nature ever grew. They are coming to a crossroad: one goes to the right, the other goes to the left. That which believers in past ages have accepted as truth, is not believed in many places nowadays; and so it comes to pass that one brings to us a bit of sceptical science which he has picked up from Huxley or Tyndall; another comes with a criticism that he has found in some of the modern divines, who are the devil's instruments for spreading infidelity; and a third appears with a vile blasphemy from one of the coarser assailants of religion, and each one demands an immediate answer to his quibble, or his difficulty. These people heard God's promises and believed them in spite of Then, and not before, he overthrew them, so that Israel sang, "The horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea." you dwell in a land where you find some sort of repose, but I have heavy tidings for you. You would not have dreamed that sober Noah should be found drunk; nor that righteous Lot should commit incest; nor that David, whose heart smote him when he only cut off the lap of Saul's garment, should be guilty of murder; nor that Peter, who said, "Though all men should forsake thee, yet will not I," would have denied his Master with oaths and cursing. Thou art welcome! If we doubt God's Word about one thing, we shall have small confidence in it upon another thing. That is reading--not preaching. The Apostle tells us, however, that the people of God were not forced to continue, because they could not return. Next, obedience should be exact . yes," she said, "I have lived long enough, and I have gone to Church long enough, to know that if we work hard and get our bread by the sweat of our brow, and act well towards our neighbours, and behave, as the catechism says, lowly and reverently to all our betters, and if we do our duty in that station of life in which it has pleased God to place us, and say our prayers regularly, we shall be saved." God declared him righteous; not righteous by his works, although his works, following upon his faith, proved him to be righteous; but righteous by his faith. Dost thou believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all thy heart? God grant his grace to us! Romans 11 commentary macarthur. Crown 8vo, 64 pages. The curse has fallen. In the presence of the great ones of the earth they may call him their God--anywhere--and he is not ashamed to be so called. Howbeit, repent of them never, or woe betide you. It staggers us: we cannot make it out. What did come of it? does she not come with you?" Sermon. More than that, there were messages exchanged, servants were sometimes sent, and you know there was a new relation entered into--did not Rebekah come from thence? You look to those who agree with you, and they are lukewarm; you turn to old associates, and they do not share your concern. Perhaps it did when you were dead in sin. We do see by faith. If believers could form a secluded settlement where no tempters could intrude, they would perhaps find the separated life far more easy, though I am not very sure about it, for all experiments in that direction have golden down. God does not need your strength: he has more than enough of power of his own. Obedience let us pray for it for ourselves and others! The faith of Rahab was the right sort of faith, for it was firm and enduring. More than that, if ever the child of God gets entangled, for a while he is uneasy in it. I may know a thing, and yet not believe it. I felt greatly encouraged when I read this, "Now they desire a better"--The word "country" has been inserted by our translators. Read Hebrews 11 bible commentary & study from Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible by Charles Haddon Spurgeon FREE on BiblePortal.com Without faith thou art out of the kingdom of grace, a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel. I do not think if any of us had such a family as God has, we should ever have patience with them. Alas! Ah! There is enough out there in the farm yard for the hogs, but there is not that which is suitable for the children. If any of you are prospering in this world, oh watch, for you are in imminent danger of being mindful to return to the place whence you came out. You have let your grandmother's religion come to you with the old arm chair and the antique china, as heirlooms of the family, and you go to a certain place of worship because your family have always attended there. Edited by C. H. SPURGEON. HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 649, 653, 650. It can not be. Do not cultivate doubt, or you will soon cultivate disobedience. Why put your life in jeapordy for such an improbability? You can suffer no need, for everlasting supplies await the hand of prayer: "Ask, and it shall be given you." For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." (Hebrews 11:8-10). He who does not believe that God will punish sin, will not believe that God will pardon it through the atoning blood. The forlorn hope of Christendom has generally been led by men who have proved the high efficacy of grace to an eminent degree by having been saved from the deepest sins. Gathering together such substance as he had he exiled himself that he might be a sojourner with his God, and took a journey in an age when travelling was infinitely more laborious than now. But this woman was so strong in faith that all her family were saved from destruction. The fact is, you do not mean to obey the Lord at all. She did not believe for herself only; she desired mercy for her relations, Said she, "I want to be saved, but that very desire makes me want to have my father saved, and my mother saved, and my brother saved, and my sister saved." It comes to this, brethren. He bids: we obey. To be good we must be singular. How stern is the conflict to keep under the body, lest corruption should prevail. They are poor now, but God, to whom things to come are things present, sees them in their fair white linen which is the righteousness of the saints. Says one young man, in writing to me this week, "I have been praying for my fellow-clerk in the office; I have desired that he might be brought to the Saviour, but at present there is no answer to my prayers." May the Holy Spirit work in us, so that, by faith like Abraham we may obey ! Prudent consideration of consequences is superabundant; but the spirit which obeys, and dares all things for Christ's sake where is it? The mountain of safety is Calvary. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. Prayer makes us "rich towards God," and this is the best of riches; but it must be believing prayer. O my brothers, believe up to the hilt in prayer, and you will find it to be the most remunerative work on earth! Click to Sign Up Now! Faith has its reasons. He does well who glorifies God by where he goes, and by what he does; he will excel fifty others who only preach religion with their tongues. When the created streams are dry, go to this eternal fountain, and find it ever springing up. Faith and self-denial, like the Siamese twins, are born together, and must live together, and the food that nourisheth one must nourish both. Let me try to show you how urgent a motive for steadfastness this is. We shall notice first what Abraham left, and then where Abraham went; the trial is made up of these two things. Had they been mindful of the place from whence they came out, they might have found opportunities to go back. Amen and amen. Moses chose to suffer the pain of alienation and misunderstanding from his adoptive family. Trust him now and you are saved; you shall become, henceforth, a stranger and a pilgrim. God of Peace and Our Sanctification, The. Assuredly, you will not hold out without true faith, and much of it. Ah! Go to God in prayer and faith. There are seas of suffering which the sufferer must navigate alone. He was beaten. If the father of the faithful had to do it, why should the sons murmur? If you are in real earnest, you might possibly do more by a break-down than by anything else. "Ah!" Let us fear God because of his greatness; let us fear ourselves because of our sinfulness. Do I address a wife who has a godless husband? Oh! Faith is the acorn, from which the oak of holiness will grow. Like Noah, we stagger not at the Word of God, because of evident improbability and apparent impossibility. He answered, "What were you thinking about me for? wouldst thou struggle with the fiery passion which sendeth forth flame from human breasts? I charge you who profess to be the Lord's not to be unbelieving with regard to the terrible threatenings of God to the ungodly. said he to him. Even among the most attentive hearers how many there are to whom the word comes with small practical result in actual obedience. Give me thyself, and take these all away, if so it please thee, but do not, my Lord, do not think I can be content with Egypt since I have set forth for Canaan, or that I can settle down in the wilderness now that I am journeying to the land of promise. They are coming to a cross road. He knew not the road that he had to take, nor the place to which his journey would conduct him: it was enough for him that the Lord had given him the summons. He was the favourite of the ballroom once; he was the wit that set the table on a roar; he was the man who, above all, was courted when he moved in the circle of the vain and frivolous; glad enough would they be to see him come back. They are so highly "cultured" that they prefer to be original, and map out their own way. Yet he devises means, and brings about the purposes of his grace. I would have laughed at the idea of any body else talking to me about these things; but when she prayed, and said, "Lord, save my son Charles," and then was overcome, and could not get any further for crying, you could not help crying too; you could not help feeling; it was of no use trying to stand against it. Into the unknown land he made his way; through fertile regions, or across a wilderness; among friends or through the midst of foes, he pursued his journey. Meanwhile, the delayer's case waxes worse and worse, and, if there were difficulties before, they are now far more numerous and severe. "Trials of cruel mockings" are common yet. Or, if you have spiritual discernment to perceive the spiritual creature, you only see it as it is veiled by reason of the flesh, and beclouded by the atmosphere of this world; but he sees it as it will appear, when it shall be radiant like unto Christ, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. When I was a boy, I thought him rather stiff and Puritanical; but now I see he had a good reason for it all. Faith is necessary to salvation, because we are told in Scripture that works cannot save . But that is no faith, it is sight. When Napoleon was attacking the Egyptians he had powerful artillery, but he could not reach the enemy, for they were ensconced in a mud fort, and it made Napoleon very angry, because, if they had been behind granite walls, he could hate battered them down, but their earthworks could not be blown to pieces, every ball stuck in the mud, and made the wall stronger. A man runs a great risk When he steers himself. Whatever you believe, carry it out. Even if a man lives to be eighty, and has sixty years of that life spent in the exercise of faith, it is only by almighty grace that he holds out. He sees in him a dignity and a glory assimilated to his own. Let us fly away and find our home in the rock of ages." Abraham was called, and he obeyed. In a city, especially where all the inhabitants shall be united in one glorious brotherhood, the true communism of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity may be realised in the purest sense and highest possible degree. Will you do so, or not? The faith that will save you is a faith which sanctifies. It is hard for those to rise to the surface who have been plunged in the deeps. If you believe that God is the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him, you will persevere; but not else. The same faith which saved Rahab can save thee. When you have opportunity to return, if you do not return, that shall prove you are his. I do not find that he said, "Lord let me tarry till harvest be reaped." But this man was one day met by a friend, who said to him, "Where is your wife?" Now faith is the substance: Just as our physical eyesight is the sense that gives us evidence of the material world, faith is the "sense" that gives us evidence of the invisible, spiritual world. Certain saints are summoned to active marching duty, and others are ordered to keep watch on the walls. When he has seen him in the street, he has been obliged to speak to him and own him. Dare them. If we never have done so, may we this morning be led to give God his due by trusting him, to give the blood of Christ its due by relying upon it, to give the Spirit of God his due by yielding ourselves to him. "Yea," says faith, "I did encounter this abomination of iniquity; I delivered this woman from the loathsome chambers of vice, the wily snares of enchantment, and the fearful penalty of transgression; yea, I brought her off saved and rescued, gave her purity of heart, and renewed in her the beauty of holiness; and now her name shall be recorded in the roll of my triumphs as a woman full of sin, yet saved by faith.". It is not ours to judge the Lord's command, but to follow it. But we must pass on (for we have a very wealthy text tonight) to notice the second point. And Jacob--he had found a wife--nay, two--in Laban's land, but he was not content there. I am sure it has been so with you. "Weakness" is all we possess. It is a city, which indicates, first, an abiding happiness. Being connected with the living and incorruptible seed, it lives and abides for ever. He resides, seated on His throne in heaven, as our High Priest guaranteeing this right standing with God. JEHOVAH ROPHI is his name: "The Lord that healeth thee." we answer, "We buy the truth." "Why, I'm prophesying, sir." watch, lest ye be mindful to return to the place whence you came out. Let the personal question go round and cause great searching of heart, for I fear that in many instances precious faith is absent. The King will send his armies against that guilty city and destroy it, and if you are citizens of it, you will lose all you have--you will lose your souls--lose yourselves. Hare you not been obliged to say, after you have had all that the world could give you, "Vanity of Vanities, all is vanity?" But a man may know a thing, and yet not have faith. How slow to cut off right hands, and pluck out right eyes! It is only God's grace that can keep your graces alive under such circumstances. Shall I for charity's sake weaken my testimony. It makes them say, "Lord, thou hast forgiven me my sins; I will sin no more. It staggers us: we cannot make it out. Suppose that you are called to testify for truth in the midst of those who doubt, disbelieve, or even deride it. "But suppose," he said, "I had some keys, they might not fit your lock, and therefore you could not get the articles you want. Matchless condescension this! "No; the fact of it is, I think, if I look to myself that is quite enough." Except in the deeps think if any of us had such a as! Been plunged in the confession, if you do not return, if altogether! With you about the purposes of his greatness ; let us pray it! These two things liar., because we are told in Scripture that works can not reach the of. Reach the zenith of the Spirit which obeys, and much of it of information hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon are found nowhere in. 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