but just be kind enough to check every now and then =c). I should point out that the owlbear smithing drops are also available in Paludal; I am not sure about the wolf ones. War Script was broke when they did all the post patch patching for Depths of Darkhollow. The boss wolf, Gnarlik, is a reasonably easy kill. Hollowshade Moor. another massive zone in Luclin with a giant level spread. Once one camp has been taken over, invasions are automatically triggered at random every 12 minutes; these are usually, but not always, unresisted. Skrietat'Cha, Battle Scarred Wingblade, Black Feathered Circlet, Elder Wolf Jawbone, If I was intending to do this as a mid-level raid, Id want at a minimum 2 groups of 35 45s, up to four groups, one with a tracker. Map last updated: 02/22/02. As soon as they die, the vah shir will come back and all the camps will reset back to their initial position. The two reasons I used to curse this zone were: all the mobs are undercons, with a distinct lack of experience modifier; and the war script was badly broken, with no way to reset the zone to any reasonable status. 7 Once the owlbears take over the sonic wolf caves, you'll see a zone message indicating the Vah'Shir retreating into town. Its a zone that I have cursed many a time in the past, but thats changed now that the war script is fixed. This spot/zone will also be rather antisocial compared to other locations for this level range. © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. Cold nukes always landed for full (I have been told); I dont know about fire. Aside from knowing the exact name of groundspawns, I'm still looking for a way to search by zone as this list is . IF YOU START THE WAR YOU BETTER FINISH IT!!!!!!!!! When it comes to planting tomatoes, the first step is choosing the right variety for your climate and soil type. owlbear fleshrender/SkrietatCha Excuse me for sounding a bit bitter, but I've have spent a lot of time getting to the point where I *might* be able to get my Wolf Bane to find it now almost impossible. The Zone has everything where it needs to be and I am farming the grimlings to get the item and then a single high lvl character (has happened well over 20 times now different characters each time) starts the war killing the grimulings first then leaves the zone without completing the war. both items are no drop. Special named will appear in the conquered camps, you can use this information to cause the named you want to spawn. Wiknak Grimglom (not seen personally) If you're unlucky, it takes a few waves of sonic wolves (and 12 minute respawns) and it can take closer to an hour to finish a war. This was a time sink but no big deal right?? You must go to the back left of the owlbear cave and kill the named Grimling that you will see there. "Hollowshade Moor was created for NoS, but they had no time to actually fill it with content so it was scrapped for NoS Launch at least" This is awesome. Thanks for the bit on make sure that they spawn the first time. You are probably here because you want access to one of the war drops like the Eye of the Owlbear Mother. I still get random attacks that go all different ways. Keep killing the nameds until you have enough drops, then cycle through a different way. The grimlings will be the hardest to defeat, but they dont have wanderers pathing through the defenders area. Here's my "guide" if you will, to doing the zone war. so the war might fubar againI hope not. There are three camps: a village on the south wall, occupied by grimlings; a cave to the east, occupied by sonic wolves; and a cave in the NW, occupied by owlbears as well as a vah shir outpost near the entrance to Shar Vahl in the NW. i learned something about the substances, they drop near on the island south in the zone, and they drop more when the entire zone isn't taken over by one race, so it will take a little longer to kill the main guy in the fort then have your race take over the south again, but it seems to be worth it. These three often drop acrylia, as well as the usual grimling drops. Start by killing the appropriate trigger mob, then have all groups commence killing all the nameds for the next 5 minutes. Gardeners around the world have been growing these varieties for the past 8-10 years and are sharing their experiences with others. Allakhazams Hollowshade Moor Quest. Then three sonic wolf defenders will spawn; kill these I think they can summon as well, but it is possible that they dont. Successfully completed war today. Yes, this is a SharVahl quest..many of the ppl in SharVahl will speak of it. Then i noticed no zonewide emotes either. Drop a comment on a post or contact us so we can take care of it! Next I want to get the wolves in control and this is when everything goes bad for me. sonic packleader/Ghowlik Just one attacker reaching an undefended camp will take it over. I was doing progressive quest when a high level sent me a tell to loot it at the fort because I was the only other one in the zone. If the invasion is the one you want, you need once more to kill the defenders, if they spawn; if it isnt, you will have to kill the attackers, which is best done as they start to leave their base. After I recently made the Cleansed BP combine trivial and used my storage of Indium and Sunshard pebbles I found myself at 233 smithing, so I decided to check out the 5.0 tradeskilling guide and decide to work the war. Check it out here at http://www.geocities.com/hollowshademoor/HollowshadeMain.html I think that you will find it help a lot. Aggro them, and they will turn to you. When killed, he only uncommonly has any of his drops but youll need to kill his two bodyguards to loot. The owlbears are all mostly in their upper 20s so if you're coming here right at 25 you'll need to be a bit careful. Before you get started, you'll need to decide what type of vegetables you want to grow. I reset the war to get the grimlings in the south, wolves in the east and owlbears in the north/west. may want to check it out friend. After taking a camp you must help them take the next camp within the first attack. Warpaw Dankpelt (not seen personally) If this is your first visit, be sure to This is a general server message board for all players on the EverQuest Firiona Vie server. There used to be a sticky in this forum or the quest forum about the War and how to manipulate it. Grimlings to the south, Owlbears to the east, Sonic Wolves to the north. I did some of the earliest Shadowscream Steel work, and got several skillups (242 - 250) on it without ever farming the Hollowshade Moor war. It should now be possible to set teh zone back to its defaults in about half an hour or so, simply by turning the crank and winning the war and killing the chief. Maybe a bit less. But to get the most out of your tomato plants, its important to understand the basics of planting and caring for them. Sony just reprogrammed this zone danger! Hollowshade War by paul on Jun.02, 2003, under Quests Hollowshade Moor is one of the most entertaining zones in the game - provided you aren't attempting to gain experience there. I highly recommend it!!! As soon as one group has taken all three camps, the vah shir leg it for the zone accompanied by rain and thunder, and the victors take over the outpost. LDoN: Just the end rooms of each mission, some of these are really unique. At the back of the outpost spawns SkriatChakku (named owlbear). . The drops required for smithing are commonest from whichever of the owlbears or wolves holds the southern village shrieking and wailing substances (wolves and bears), for shadowscream armor. She is immune to changes in run speed. what is this thing for? (The owlbear caves are quite large, and there may be two leaders there - one in each of the back caves. I target her from the road, then run around the back and cast on her she warps through the wall onto me, and can be safely killed without interference from the other owlbears. It's does seem however that there are already some bugs in itagain. In hollowshade again today and another person claimed to be able to control the war. . Felt awesome to be there and to fight to the end of the towers. Basically, you have three camps whenever the zone is reset. This is where the frustration sets in, instead of heading from north to south they decide to go from west to the east wall back west then head south. explorers in their territory. They maintain several small settlements in Hollowshade Moor, and now fight a continual war with the owlbears and sonic wolves of the region. My theory is that this true for one of two reasons: All times are GMT-6. WOW! If you move quick, you have time to kill some wolves and the named/PH here - Ghowlik -- this is OPTIONAL and has no impact on the war. The two reasons I used to curse this zone were: all the mobs are undercons, with a distinct lack of experience modifier; and the war script was badly broken, with no way to reset the zone to any reasonable status. This page was generated at 07:31 AM. So there was one glitch, so what? Zone broken for low-level questers after revamp. GL to you all. The Moor itself is a hotly contested area between the grimlings, the owlbears, and the sonic wolves. Skriat'Chakku popped at outpost and dropped 2 Owlbear Feathered Caps and a beak(stackable). i was out soloing the war with 62 druidequiped decently and when i went to kill the defenders i nuked a grimling defender for 1K damage +\- a fewcome to find out that they summonis that a new thing or have they always been like this. Hollowshade Moor lies in the foothills of the Tenebrous Mountains to the north, separating them from the Vah Shir city of Shar Vahl. Those tallons you've gotten are part of the Vah Shir chain quests. At the back of his hut are two spiritists, who will chain heal. Backbone - Unrest (Pit Area near Dwarf ghost) Jawbone - Everfrost Ice Cave (+4525, -5238) Finger - Kedge - Phin's room, on a rock next to the wall (-147, +145, -251) Deep Soil - The Hole. From Fort Vancouver Yellow Pear to Santa Anna, these, Start Gardening This Summer and Reap the Rewards | Successful Harvesting for Beginners, Gardening is a rewarding experience that brings with it many benefits, from improved physical and mental health to the joy of harvesting fresh produce. He summons, and casts a form of snare (called Quicksand). I didn't get not one drop for shadowscreamBad night? The owlbears in the north; the sonic wolves in the east; and the grimlings in the south. Hollowshade was a painful zone for low level Vah Shir players; it had drops that were required for their trade skill based weapon quests, which were even underpowered for the day. The named always pops at the chieftain hut, as do the defenders. The earliest level you can come to this zone is around level 10 but things are going to be a little difficult if you do. I did a search on Hollowshade for that forum, and it brought it up. The Hollowshade War is the ongoing tribal battle for control of the Hollowshade Moor by the inhabitants of the zone: the owlbears in the north, the sonic wolves in the east, and the grimlings in the south. I've done the war solo a few times and I've come to a quick, easy pattern that lets me force a win for whatever side I want within about 15-20 minutes. WRONG! To my knowledge those items only drop when the War is on! Its been the owlbears last 5 days and unable to spawn grimlings or wolves. Defenders are all perma-rooted. Luckily though this zone is a lot easier to explain level-by-level than most of the other zones added in Luclin. When a named mob in the outpost is killed, the zone resets back to its normal state. Each trying to retain control over the land. Only two bridges lead to the city itself, one on each . Hollowshade Moor Quick Facts Type: Outdoor Expansion: Luclin Instanced: No Keyed: No Level Range: 10 - 45 Send a correction Located on the dark side of the moon, Hollowshade Moor is in a constant state of darkness and is the site of an ongoing struggle between owlbears, sonic wolves, and grimlings. When everything is reset you have grimlings in the south camp, sonic wolves in the east camp, and owlbears in the NW camp. what kind of levels/amount of players are needed for this? The demi-goddess Luclin took this barren land and made it habitable and created beings to live there . 213 powar Plane of War 214 potactics Drunder, Fortress of Zek 215 poair Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind 216 powater Reef of Coirnav First there are 3 camps in the zone. And btw drop rate on the substances from sonicwolves was terrible too got 1!!!! Did a search for hollowshade moor, then dropped the moor and didn't see it, even went looking in other forums. hrm!?!?!? Did this just this week in fact. It is possible that they can be spawned by killing the aggressive green beetles and rockhoppers (i.e. Gamtoine Cursmakk (not seen personally) I get the owlbears to take over most everything then I go and kill the grimling leader at one of the caves and the stupid grimlings go and start an invasion and win which doesn't make any sense at all since they should be the ones being taken over, not the owlbears! Example yesterday I was trying to complete my post sonic wolf bane quest. Within a few seconds, the Owlbears will launch an attack on the Grimlings announced by a message to the zone. These summon, backstab, and use Strong Poison on you. Check here for details of the drops the list of mobs is rather incomplete. i got one too.thats why i came here to see if there is any info.maybe something with the wars..they always seem to go buggybut gms say its not bugged..just we are missing something, The Horrors of War (or How Four Greenies Took My lvl 50). The Moor itself is a hotly contested area between the grimlings, the owlbears, and the sonic wolves. If all three sides still exist in the zone, which side attacks will be random. Thanks in advance. I have been there the past two days and haven't seen a single grimling anywhere. I usually have to wait until the server reset on the patch day because noone ever resets the zone. Through Shar Vahl or Paludal Caverns are two of the most common ways while getting a portal to Grimling Forest and coming in from there is another. If the wolves attack the owlbears, five sonic wolf fiends will set out. Well it looks like the zone is broken. The Owlbears had their cave in the NW of the zone. Either way they will fight. if so at what lvl? She is immune to changes in run speed. Currently the grimmlings have all 3 areas but the prince won't spawn or anything. Each camp has one static point at which a named mob can spawn; the north cave has two of these (one in each of the two end caverns). I have a lowbie kitty shaman and am wanting to complete the sonic bane weapon quest. The entrance to Shar Vahl is located at 1200, 3000. They are non-aggro, and slightly easier to kill than the general run, whereas the defenders are harder, and they summon. If you kill the owlbear leader, sonic wolves attack. are unaffected by camouflage or invisibility, and can pick out even hidden Luclin, Norrath's second moon, was added in "The Shadows of Luclin" expansion in December 2001. With the right planning and dedication, anyone can have a successful garden this summer. Next, you will have 18 minutes from the chieftains death, 12 minutes from the owlbears taking over the village, to get to the wolf cave in the east. If they despawn or are killed by another it will disrupt the spawn and break the end spawn. In addition, there are several named mobs that can spawn outside the camps and will wander about their faction areas. They must control their own starting camp. The entire zone is covered with wandering creatures, which makes it dangerous to hunt anywhere but near the edges. It would be a nice bonus zone. Did you kill the grimling defenders? Once a faction owns all three camps, they will take over the Vah Shir outpost at #2 on the map and will have a stronger named here. ok, here is some info to the war, from what i have found: i havent confirmed yet, but my belief is, ok, say the wolves r in E and N and grims in S. since no bears, S advances its home race, grimlings. There used to be a sticky in this forum or the quest forum about the War and how to manipulate it. At the back of the outpost spawns SkriatChakku (named owlbear). Not sure about the rest you need for the quest, but with soo many of them when they control the islands, it should be a breeze. Whether youre growing heirloom varieties or hybrids, tomatoes offer something for everyone. Although if you kill the main mobs in the zone (named & higher lvl mobs) this may start the war faster because the other mobs in the zone sense a "weakness" in their enemines. Did a search for hollowshade moor, then dropped the moor and didn't see it, even went looking in other forums. || Strategy Hollowshade Moor War Guide by Infernostar Fatalblow, Wizard on Cazic Thule. This cycle can be over in 25 minutes; at times, it has taken close to 90 minutes if the luck of the random number generator was against me. Anyone can confirm this? This named grimling will drop one of two things. See you around! It is easiest to kill them as they parade outside the cave. He's DB to me, and doubles for 60-70, 100 only once, and his bash almost never lands. It is easiest to kill them as they parade outside the cave. Happy hunting. Attacks seem to happen every 12 min if you just kill PHs of the trigger nameds. Hollowshade War Write up? 4 Timing is variable, but it's usually 4-8 minutes for the Owlbears to achieve victory. PoP: Sol Ro's Tower - really huge and epic. IE., the defenders wouldn't spawn when grimlings were attacking. to hunt anywhere but near the edges. It is possible that they can be spawned by killing the aggressive green beetles and rockhoppers (ie the ones that will aggro even when green cons). Occasionally one side will spontaneously attack another, but you can cause one side to attack another by going to any of these locations . Below is a guide that I wrote some years ago, and submitted to EQTraders, which they used. The entire zone is covered with wandering creatures, which makes it dangerous Here it is from my log file. Hollowshade Moor is one of the most entertaining zones in the game provided you arent attempting to gain experience there. Then race to the outpost. In the southern portion of Hollowshade Moor, in the large watery area just east of Paludal Caverns you'll find grimling and tortoise enemies which have about a 5 level spread (16 - 20). I have done the whole "kill the named" mobs and this did nothing for me. Please someone get back to me on this, it was extremely frusterating!!! When an attack commences, the attackers will send 3-5 non-kos units across the map. Several hours later, on the way back, I noticed the outpost back to Vah Shir. you may want to try paludal. Then race to the outpost. When I was doing war triggers, I made sure I wiped out the defenders of any race I wanted to get rid of. The zone announcement has been adjusted to be reasonably clear if the camp attacked will be defended or not. Aggro them, and they will turn to you. The east cave is by far the toughest to deal with. on my 23rd round of wolf feinds i mean really, come on. Just as a warning to the high level folks who are enjoying the war. lower level characters are in there doing their newbie quest stuff, and when the kitty camp gets over run, we usually die. Once I figured out about the war, and by talking to whomever was running it, it wasn't so bad, (Quick, run for cover, war is procking, heads up, etc.) The rare drop is the eye (FT1). So I must know is the war bugged in the A. pathing and B. spawn rate of the majority ruler in the zone. The Moor itself is a hotly contested area between the grimlings, the owlbears, and the sonic wolves. Apparently this annoyed someone who wanted to contol the war. Gorehorn Don't see Skriat'Chee on here anywhere - spawns in the wolf cave once owls have taken it over - cakewalk to 54 monk, but so are the otehr mobs - dropped: Yup, after this last patch, it sure is working properly. These are roughly level 25. To all the newbs on legends in hollowshade that claim to control the war and event start it LOL, you can all kiss my ***** everyone knows you cannot "start" the war, it starts automatically and also starts/ends when you kill the named inside the taken over sharval camp. any info would be highly appreciated. If you want the owlbears to win so that you can try for the FT 1 range item, first kill the grimling chieftain. If you're lucky (5a happens right away), you can finish a war in about 20 minutes, mostly running around. If nothing else, give warnings to the zone that once race is about to switch or the friendly merchant camp is about to get ugly Addendum to the above rant. Hollowshade Moor is one of the most entertaining zones in the game - provided you aren't attempting to gain experience there. Just because you all dont like what I write doesnt mean you had to rate these two posts that low. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for dropping by! It looks like the coders at SOE finally got off their duff. The more times you kill the mains the likeliness that group will be attacked. owlbear fleshrender/?? I used to run the war for drops for alts, and I did this with a mid-40s up to 52 necro. Nice post there very insightfull. The commonest drop is the owlbear bone club, but both the +5 cha cap and the polished owlbear beak piercer is common. The entrance to Paludal Caverns is located at -1800, 3000. https://wiki.takp.info/index.php?title=Hollowshade_Moor&oldid=4394, Blackfin Minnow, Grimling Bodyguard, Grimling Chieftain, Grimling Fisherman, Grimling Herder, Grimling Lookout, Grimling Mystic, Grimling Overseer, Grimling Priest, Grimling Recruit, Grimling Spiritist, Grimling Thief, Moor Tortoise, Owlbear Cub, Owlbear Grappler, Owlbear Razorbeak, Patrolling Grimling, Rhinobeetle, Rockhopper, Sonic Guardian, Sonic Packleader, Sonic Pup, Sonic Wolfling, Sonic Wolf, Curfang, Dirtchomp, Gorehorn, Grimling Chieftain, Skrietat'Chu, Skrietat'Cha, Feather, Fishing Grubs, Mushroom, Owlbear Egg, Pod of Water, Roots, Rough Stone Phalange, Silt Slider Egg, Wild Blueberries, 1 Owlbear Caves where Skrietat'Cha and Skrietat'Chu appear, 2 Vah Shir training outpost, Merchant selling Food and other Goods, Hopperhide Armor, various Vah Shir Weapons, 5 Grimling Main Camp with Grimling Chieftain. Just south of the vendors that are near the Shar Vahl zone line is where you'll find all the enemies 10 - 15 in the zone. It is possible to hunt solo or in groups here equally well. As it now is, it serves several purposes: as an experience and quest zone for young Vah Shir (14-30); a source for high level smithing components; probably the most exciting mid-level raid zone; and a zone for 49+ people to solo farm interesting drops (many of which are no drop). Drop for shadowscreamBad night to check every now and then =c ) to rid... But just be kind enough to check every now and then =c ) I dont know about fire antisocial to. War Script was broke when they did all the post patch patching for Depths of Darkhollow you need! Of snare ( called Quicksand ) group will be defended or not are GMT-6 it to! Owlbear smithing drops are also available in Paludal ; I dont know about fire help them hollowshade moor war the next within... 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