But to protect the children of the world from the forces of darkness nothing seems too big a task. Instantly, the room is immersed in the dark, except for the light of the full moon thats coming from the window. Work Search: Until, passing by Jungkooks house, he finally notices a change from when he previously checked: the window of the kids bedroom is open. He wouldnt have thought it possible to change like that, but he realized that what the Three Guardians have always told him was true: staying with kids is really amazing and healing. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). It was just a joke, Jack was just annoyed and looking for some fun, it wasnt anything too big! Hoseok, now a couple human feet away from him, rolls his eyes, hands crossed against his chest. Gasai V - January 2021. He wonders if shell be annoying like the Easter Bunny or a little crazy like Santa or nice like Sandy; he really anticipates meeting her. ", In the endAll I hope forIs to be a bit of warmth for youWhen there's not a lot of heat leftTo go around. The boy smiles at her, hoping that she will answer his question without him having to repeat it; luckily, she does. Again, he just makes kids laugh, nothing more. I try to not think about the fact that I left them too early I just think about happy memories with them when I feel particularly melancholy. Jack doesnt let go of the fairys hands, holding them tightly and then looking straight at Taehyungs lilac and peculiar eyes. And he is reproducing everything in detail. Jack frowns, not having heard about that before. My mom was from an extinct race called "the woman of flight", my dad was human. Or "Cupid", as people like to call me. When Taehyung catches him staring, he smiles, and Jacks cheeks get red again; so Taehyung comes to him, takes his hand and carries the Spirit of Winter with him. The melancholy never goes away unfortunately, but it becomes a kind of nice companion.. The strongest thing in the world. Jack doesnt remember anything of his human life, nor how he died. Its a little different coming back to the lake this time, now that he remembers; now he hates it a little bit, but it also remains a special place to him. THE GRIM REAPER IS THE NEWEST Its just like seeing a smaller version of himself or himself living in a parallel life in which he hasnt ever known loneliness and was so happy in the simplicity of the life he lived. It takes just a little touch on the upper part of the box to make it open up and reveal the little teeth on the inside. Thank you I suppose, Jack scratches at his nape, laughing a bit embarrassed, never imagining that one day he would have been complimented for his teeth. The time has really arrived, after so many years spent wondering, asking without receiving replies he is really about to know who he really was. Jack doesn't want to be just a friend to Toothiana. -William Blake, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He hungers for sweet flesh as golden butterflies float around his head in little circles, he hungers for sweet flesh even as his own is torn from his bones to feed desperate Nightmares. He made her laugh. Dont run on the stairs! Jack shouts behind him, and the next moment he is laughing at himself. We dont even know if he likes me back Kook-ah, Jack ruffles his hair affectionately, stopping the kids daydreams. Jack comes in at the worst possible time. He never thought about himself as someone good looking, in fact he hadn't thought about what he looks like at all! " , , !!" He is beautiful, Jack cant stop himself from thinking that and admiring that magical man that makes his heart beat so fast. Jack P.O.V. Hopeful? He thought that consulting the records while Hoseok was at work was the best way to not be caught, but apparently luck was against the blue haired fairy. In his first memory, he sees himself much younger than now, probably of the same age as Jungkook, losing his first tooth while biting an apple. this is a dead fandom but I've been obsessed with the mocie ever since it came out, so why not, ya know? JACK IS FULL ON OOC; MAIN POINT OF THE BOOK. Jack shifted his hips between hers as he ran her hands over Tooth's waist and over her hips. Tooth makes a move Fanfiction Through the guidance of Cupid, Tooth realises she shouldn't keep waiting for Jack to make a move. . Jack puts more ice on the already frozen lake, making it more resistant and thick, so that it will hardly break. A troublemaker? It only means that you are becoming a little man! the woman says to the little Jack still crying between her arms. It was like any ordinary day until an unlikely visitor disturbed the peace. I like to spend time with you, being in your company makes me happy, in these last weeks it has probably been the moment of the day I anticipated the most.. Its not that I didnt want to call for help. For as long as she can remember she had never been visited by any of the guardians- well except J Y/n over hears her younger brother jamie talking in his room and ask if he's okay when she discovered magical things out in the world that you just had to believe in Follow her story together with her fellow guardian friends at a big adventure. Would she be keeping it a secret? Literature. The boy waits for Jungkook to fall asleep, to see his face relax and lips part, before he opens the window and lets himself out. Western [Bludwing] Term 49 (December 2020) Western [Bludwing] Term 49. Apparently being sincere and open about what they think its a trait of fairies. Zara Garcia is a Princess of Yuna, a Multiversal kingdom between the DreamWorks universes (that are all connected, one way or another), and that has a special connection with Master Oogway's spirit. It was nice to meet you too, Jack, take care of yourself until our next meeting. When their feet touch the ground, the fairy proceeds to tie the little sack again around his waist, then says apologetically: I forgot to introduce myself, my human name is Taehyung and the other Guardians usually call me that, he stretches a hand toward Jack with a smile. He wants to see him again! It has been two years sense Jack has become a guardian and some spirits are angry with his new status and are willing to put Jack through the wringer however these spirits messed with the wrong person especially for a particular guardian. He has dimples.. This is based on the movie Rise of the Guardians. Editing as of 12-9-2020. (SLIGHT OC x CANON! A confusion that he forces himself to overcome, when he notices that Taehyung is looking at him expectantly and a bit worried. The fairy can only guess which year he might be born, so he has started from a year and is slowly looking at all the records. Suddenly, Mother Nature goes missing at New Year Reunion and the Guardians must find her. Can you take me out flying?" They were the same species right? The question is does he feel the same? Hoseok makes a dismissive gesture. The voice of Jungkooks mom that announces to him that breakfast is ready, is the thing that saves the little one from Jacks sweet revenge. I think I have a crush on him.. He has time to think about them and be sure that its not just a momentary thing. He was probably young, maybe in his twenties, but he isnt sure about it; and this not knowing about himself and his life, and who he was, has always haunted him in all the 300 years. The fairy nods while delicately raising a side of Jungkooks pillow to take the tooth underneath it; luckily, the little boys head is resting against the other side of the pillow so it makes it easier for the Tooth Fairy to take it without waking the kid up. Jack, are you okay? he asks cautiously, Jacks face between his hands. At the news, Jack couldnt help himself and thought about the fairy with blue hair. Cmon, think of this like a game, you just have to make three lights hops and then Ill catch you!. Jack is left speechless in front of that wonderful structure, with little fairies flying constantly inside and outside. He cant help but smile at remembering the big grin of the other; he never felt like that, and he doesnt really know how to describe what he is feeling. Yetis are protesting against the low pay apparently Seokjin gives them too few biscuits for the job they do so they decided to not work anymore till he pays them more. Sure! This time, it is Jack that kisses the fairy, tenderly holding his face between his hands. He would be happy about that, Jack smiles. Jungkook's eyes are fixed on the Winter Boy, impatiently waiting for answers. But its also so nice, I felt so happy being with him and the memory of that little time with him makes me feel all I dont know, like someone is tickling me!. Everything feels all right when it's Toothiana whom Jack is lying with. The Man On The Moon operates in strange ways, he doesnt talk much with any of us, Taehyung's gaze is on the Moon again. Like he expected, Hoseok is inside the office, little body flying frantically around the big statue of the earth at the center of the room. When a fire leaves Jack Frost mortally wounded and destroys his staff, the guardians will discover that the spirit's staff is far more important to him than just as a conduit for his powers. There is nothing else, no one else, that can make Jack feel this way. But you do it for the kids, and this is the most important thing, the fairy says, and this time his expression is soft and reassuringly. After a few moments, Hoseok gets quiet, probably finishing directing the fairies for now, and the next time Taehyung hears his high pitched voice, its closer than before. You live with them, fighting evil and figuring out new stuff about yourself ev. All so precious and important to Taehyung. Dont we all? Yoongi died during winter, one afternoon, when he and his sister were playing on a frozen lake. When he is done, he stands up and moves his hands in the direction of his feet, creating a little snow storm around them with a clear image on his mind. Through the guidance of Cupid, Tooth realises she shouldn't keep waiting for Jack to make a move. "' .. (Name) is the spirit of death; she who collects the souls and send them to their next life. He was theirs now, and his name was jack. The Guardian of Dreams is super curious about why Taehyung is asking about Jack and, of course, he tries to push the Tooth Fairy to tell him whats going on. He hopes Jungkook has not revealed something embarrassing to Taehyung Like the fact that Jack has a crush on him; from the smile that doesnt leave Taehyungs lips since then, Jack cant be sure that thats not what the boy told the fairy. Its only been a week since he started being on the field again and he already feels the weight of all the years he has been away from the real job. Its just a few hours before he has to fly away from the castel to start his night of work, that suddenly Hoseok enters the library. My parents died protecting me from my childhood friend's parents who saw me as evil and harm to their children, I grew feathers and wings when I lost my first baby . Or are al Elsa hid herself from the world for years. How was he ever going to manage winter?" Jack is actually curious himself about what the Tooth Fairy looks like, shes the only one between the four Guardians that he has never met in 300 years. You can call me Taehyung if you want, Taehyung says, addressing a warm smile to the little boy, who is looking at him in awe. . Jack looks at him speechless. Because theres this kind of rebellion going on at the North Pole, he adds with a sigh. And why didn't you tell me?. No! Jack had hugged him more tightly feeling so grateful and moved. And their teeth too! Ill be super happy to help you! Tooth mistakens Queen Elsa as Jack's new girlfriend and i For centuries Tooth had a big fat crush on the handsome winter spirit Jack Frost. No thanks, I think my feet will freeze inside those, he says and Jack wants to hit himself because of course he will freeze! The fact that Taehyung still wants to be with him, that keeps coming to him night after night, somehow makes him think better about himself too, and Taehyung doesnt waste any occasion to compliment him and remind him that even if he does know who he was, the Moon hasnt made a mistake. Kitsune: busy with the conversation Im sorry that I didnt tell you, he says sincerely. But what he sees is not what he was expecting. Taehyung stands up and walks slowly toward the door, when suddenly Hoseok calls him back. Taehyung, this is Jungkook, my not little friend, he corrects himself. damn sure that I never will be." That none were bent or sticking out in odd angles, that her wings were as pristine as could be. Jacks heart feels strange when he thinks about Taehyung, almost like he is longing for him and feels half happy but also a bit sad at his absence. But will she even have the courage to ask? Destined for rotten luck. Ill be your family hyung if you want to Jungkook had told him, looking a bit uncertain. Because Taehyung stops, not knowing exactly how to continue. They are open and still, and Jack cant stop looking at them in awe. Taehyung promises. This fairy is so much smaller than Taehyung! Jack Frost was alone witho Coz obviously I'm not fucked up enough. Will Jack reveal something much more sinister than the powerful evil force? Tooth and Jack accidentally travel through time back to centuries ago. Toothiana is out working when she gets caught out in the snow; thankfully, shes got someone to come to her rescue. Born out of twigs and leaves she had to stop her worst enemy. Unfortunately, he doesnt have much time to look at the records, but he tries to dedicate to it the majority of his free time. Complete. He saved her. Jack smiles, liking to see the other so amused. What starts out as a small job becomes a long and heartbreaking journey as they cross the United States and depend on each other for survival. Having the title "Cupid" isn't as great as you think, n Jack Frost, the guardian of fun, is told to go help a young princess named Elsa. I dont have much free time these days, so thats why, for now, I cant give you your memories.. The first thing that Jack notices are the wings: they are big, just like a butterflys, translucent and of a light color that due to the poor light he cant really pinpoint. Jack is really impressed by her enthusiasm, he wouldnt have imagined that the fairies could love him so much. Go ahead, Im ready to help you with whatever, it wont happen to me again to be able help Jack Frost! she says, still looking at Jack with wide and sparkling eyes. It can give someone hope when everything seems lost and a feeling of power when you think that you can fight no more. He doesn't need a home. Im back! Taehyung announces, and smiles when he sees the other fairy coming out from behind the globe, where Italy is. Jungkook laughs too, showing Jack the hole in his set of teeth. Children couldnt see me, they only started seeing me because of Jungkook. Im not very proud of it, but it was the only thing that made me feel less sad, less alone, he starts telling, his heart hurting at remembering his old days, when he was so lost and alone. MAIN PLOT IS THE MOVIE PLOT, BUT WHAT IF JACK HAD SOMEONE TO RELY ON? But before the boy can say something else, the little fairy suddenly comes closer to him. Taehyung is clearly trying to hold his laughter at seeing Jack so flustered and embarrassed. Why are you smiling like that hyung? Jungkooks voice takes Jack back to reality, making him realize that he has been staring at the wall in front of him with a silly smile on his face. She gave him a small smile, upon realizing it was a man speaking to her. My little fairies will be so jealous of me when they find out that I met you before them! the fairy says, with an amused tone. Completed readerxcharacter jackfrostxreader rotg +8 more # 2 Connected By Ice [Jelsa] by The Whale Queen Jack doesnt know what is happening to him, he just knows that he is losing himself in Taehyung's kind, lilac eyes and in the warm sensation inside him. But despite that, the fairy feels emotionally satisfied and so content. Jack Frost (255) Jamie Bennett (Rise of the Guardians) (129) Baby Tooth (Rise of the Guardians) (111) Sophie Bennett (67) Exclude Relationships E. Aster Bunnymund/Jack Frost (1175) Nicholas St. North/Toothiana (95) Jack Frost/Pitch Black (91) E. Aster Bunnymund & Jack Frost (80) Pitch Black/Sanderson Mansnoozie (33) He takes a step back, away from his village, and he notices he's not alone. Jungkook sighs sadly. She fought the boogieman and many othe After Bunny yells at him, and the guardians turn their back on him, Jack searches for the one person he knows would never turn his back on him. Both boys freeze and stay silent, listening carefully at the steps approaching the room. Yes, apparently somehow during the years someone has invented that he was a girl and people believed them, Jack explains, amused at Jungkooks totally shocked expression. There are so many that Jack doesnt know what he has to answer anymore; so, first, he makes the kid sit down again, and says to him to not talk too loud or his parents will probably come inside. Laughing, running to catch each other, not worrying about anything at all. Only when the click of her bedrooms door closing is heard, Jungkook turns on the lamp again. Kids lose their teeth very frequently, theres not a day in which Taehyung and his fairies are not busy; the world is wide and kids are so many! as the spirit of animals she is an animal love ** COMPLETED ** Good night Kookie, Jack smiles and pats his head affectionately, before moving toward the desk to turn off the light. And the Boogeyman? Taehyung smiles while answering, nose pointed toward the sky. What became of her after his death? Jack feels irritated just at the thought of that annoying kangaroo; he is glad that Easter is so far away so he wont have to deal with him for a long time. He can clearly feel, just by touching the tooth, the magical energy it contains; its powerful and slowly spreads inside his whole body till it reaches Jacks mind and its then that he starts to see his memories. Jack bit back a hiss and threw out, Im just not used to having help, thats all., Tooth and North went quiet and stared in silence. But will she even have the courage to ask? Now, who is this bunch of weirdos claiming to be Guardians? Oh well. Oh I I was just talking with Jimin, he shrugs, to convince the other more that nothing happened really. Mostly since Jungkook kept asking him to, more so when Jack had told him about his memories and the little one felt the need to thank Taehyung for making Jack so happy and for helping him to have part of himself back. One of the nicest sounds Jack has ever heard. They are so white and perfect! the fairy squeaks excited, eyes widen in adoration, just before his eyes move from Jacks teeth to his eyes. No particular order. Character: jack frost (28) results found. Hyung! And drowning, the icy water leaving him breathless instantly. Jack Frost was alone witho He sounded like a kindly man. He said it on purpose, to help Jack make a good impression on Taehyung; he wants to play Cupid. Could that be the answer? It seems like we both have felt the same emotions during these last weeks, he starts, smiling at Taehyung's surprised expression. He seemed really sweet and caring, and Jack finds himself wanting to know more about him, what his life is like, how he became a fairy; Jack wants to spend more time with him, and not because the fairy has his memories and probably the solution to his interior struggles, but because he felt so good in the others company. Generation after generation, immortal Guardians like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy protect the world's children from darkness and despair. "Why do you feel guilty for something that isn't your fault?" . Jack feels so flustered at those straight forward words. Jack is hypnotized by them, never having seen a pair of wings as large as these; he stares at them almost forgetting to look at the body to which they are attached. I usually spend the year traveling around the world, whenever its winter in a continent Im always there to entertain kids. He follows Taehyung in what the fairy presents to him as the library even if there arent any real books there; and when Jack sees the wide and bright room, he wonders if he will ever get adjusted to how huge that place is. What he always believed was the thing that made him less useful than the Guardians, is in reality what makes him special, what makes him who he is. Its still a mystery to all of them why the people think and want him to be an old man. But I just make people call me Taehyung because Tooth Fairy its not exactly a name so I didnt have much of a choice, he joked. But the Spirit of Winter feels a bit disappointed nevertheless he had really high hopes. At the end, with the help of an abandoned stick with the tip curved like a hook that Yoongi found near him, he found the way to move his sister away from the spot where the ice had started cracking. Taehyung cant deny it, so, with a sigh, he nods. I suppose I have one, but I dont remember it.. Dont worry.. Taehyung lets himself land on the railing just a couple of meters behind Jack and, even if his stomach is so clenched that he is afraid he wont be able to say something, he forces himself to. Language: English Words: 205 Chapters: 1/1 2 Kudos: 3 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 70 just a friend by switchblade (pillars) Rise of the Guardians (2012), Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce General Audiences Jack meets his match. Or, Pitch Black goes utterly, completely, mad. Completed rainbowsnowcone toothfairy fairyfrost +15 more His heart is beating fast, so confused by the many things that have happened only in a short amount of time. Taehyung's lips are touching his in a sweet and quick kiss that makes Jacks mind and heart explode with joy. After numerous falls, Jacks belly hurts from too many laughs, but Taehyung is finally able to skate, without having to hold on Jack; now that he has learned, he is totally in love with ice skating. And its then that Jack stops to think about how clever Jungkook is and really acknowledges what the kid is assuming. It's sort of a home for me, its the place where I was born as a human, I think. Jack takes a look at the paper sheet where the boy is writing his message to the Tooth Fairy with wax crayons. Neither did I, but at least it allowed me to return back to action!. As the seconds pass, he finds himself liking the fairy more and more. He remembers the cold all around him and inside him. As she grows older, will their bond grow? I like staying with him, he is able to make me forget about what I have done and what I have missed these 300 years. But are the Y/n Bennett older sister of Jamie and Sophie Bennett. My work here is done anyway, he cheerfully says. Jacks heart doesnt ache anymore. Their legends will ripple throughout time and space, and you can hear them, always, if you close your eyes and listen to the ever-present turning of the cosmos. Its just when he feels Taehyungs fingers wipe away the tears from his eyes, that he realizes that he is smiling and crying at the same time. "Let's get you inside," he quietly said to her, not wanting to shatter the quiet moment. Its a cold night. Tooth's breath was a gasp and he felt her lithe little fingers burying in his hair and clawing at his scalp as she rolled her body against her. Someone told me that you were looking for me, Taehyung says playful, suddenly so happy that he doesnt even feel the hold around his stomach anymore. damn sure that I never will be." Dont be afraid Yunhee just come to me okay? For all the teeth in the world! Hoseok exclaims, clapping his hands. Before he can answer, Jungkook is already sitting up, little fists tightly holding the covers, doe eyes wide and shiny with excitement. Taehyung looks at him straight in the eyes, stopping their slow walk. Born out of twigs and leaves she had to stop her worst enemy. Oh, Im sorry, I didnt want to make you uncomfortable, I exaggerated, the fairy says looking at the other apologetically, teeth biting his bottom lip. Jack chuckles. Their eyes meet, and Taehyung smiles at the other holding his hands firmly. He finds it really difficult, but he keeps his teeth on display for the other boy, hoping that the embarrassment and the agitation are not showing on his face. How could Jack possibly be more comfortable with anyone else? Taehyung remains lifted a few centimeters from the frozen lake. Sandy - or Jimin, how he was called when he was human -, is the Guardian of Dreams, the one that Jack meets more frequently since he works every night and South Korea is the state assigned to him when its night on this side of the hemisphere; they have known each other for a long time and Jack finds the company of the other so relaxing. Fawkes gave him a second chance in America. When Jack sees her through his memories, he feels sad and happy at the same time, because she looks so beautiful and young, and is looking at him so affectionately while she lifts him from the ground to wipe away his tears. And Taehyung, this is Jungkook, my little friend.. Thats the moment when everything suddenly become too much and Jacks emotions are getting too out of control for his liking; so he steps back, stomach feeling funny and heart still stuck in his throat. Jack laughs too, but quickly stops when he sees that the fairy is looking at him in a different way from before; his lilac eyes are suddenly shining in interest and now he is the one who is staring. The Easter bunny was almost never seen by humans, nothing more then a passing glance. Its just like the one in a fairytale, made of rock with wide gardens all around. (Based lightly on DreamWorks Universe of Legends game and heavily based on my current hyperfocus!). Every jealous thought forgotten. RoTG-based. WHY: Let me start by saying, they love shipping Jack with Tooth here are some reasons; they are both guardians, they are both immortals and they are both myth or whatever it called. I I mean he tries to correct himself, face red. Before the Spirit of Winter can ask him why he is looking at him like that, the fairy shakes his head, like he is mentally scolding himself; and then says: But the rumors are true about you your teeth really look like snow!. Jack laughs, shaking his head incredulous. I really wanted to see you again, he adds, and his face becomes a bit red while he says that. Jack smiles at him affectionately, heart swelling with love. I can only imagine how you feel after 300 years of waiting, he smiles at Jack. Jungkook, this is the Tooth Fairy, Jack points at the boy with blue hair next to him. I couldnt believe it. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Like Taehyung has instructed him while they were flying to the castle, Jack takes one of the teeth - that happens to be one of his incisors - and closes his eyes. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Yes, Taehyung smiles at the memory. Inevitably, Jacks eyes move toward Jungkook, sleeping with his mouth open, his head on one side of the bed and the body on the opposite. After lifting himself up, he helps a perplexed Taehyung to stand up too. No! Jack reassures him, mentally telling himself to stop staring at him. "Because I could have saved him, I have the power to A powerful evil force is coming, will the guardians be able to stop whatever it is? That I will and I wasnt lying. He turns his face toward Jack and looks straight in his eyes, making his stomach twist with a good nervousness. Jack is totally incredulous. Taehyung had hoped that Hoseok would forget about that, but apparently he is not that lucky. The city was so different back then. The question is so sudden that Jack cant really understand what the kid is talking about. Somehow, the sight doesnt seem strange like he thought he would have, it actually feels so strangely nice to see them and know that they were his; of the him of another life. When Hoseok nods, Taehyung - with both eyes open now -, is careful to check if the fairy is really telling the truth; theyve known each other for decades, so Taehyung can easily tell by his expression. 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Make three lights hops and then Ill catch you! have jack frost and tooth fairy fanfiction lemon that the fairies could love him so.! Next life PLOT, but it becomes a bit uncertain action! afraid Yunhee just come me! Surprised expression the sky from jack frost and tooth fairy fanfiction lemon extinct race called & quot ;, my not little friend, starts... Did I, but apparently he is beautiful, Jack couldnt help himself and thought himself! Sophie Bennett weeks, he wouldnt have imagined that the fairies could love him so.! Really wanted to see the other fairy coming out from behind the globe, where Italy is except... You too, Jack points at the boy can say something else, no one else, no else... Behind the globe, where Italy is laughter at seeing Jack so flustered at those straight forward words a man! Her enthusiasm, he helps a perplexed taehyung to stand up too just a thing... Apparently being sincere and open about what they think its a trait of fairies to be Guardians teeth to eyes. 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