If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Reduce injectable buprenorphine dose by 1/2, and for the buprenorphine transdermal patch, start therapy with the 5 mcg/hour patch. If a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist is initiated for pain in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the mixed opiate agonist/antagonist and titrate to clinical response. These agents include the benzodiazepines. If hydrocodone is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, reduce initial dosage and titrate to clinical response; for hydrocodone extended-release products, initiate hydrocodone at 20% to 30% of the usual dosage. Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and glecaprevir is an UGT inhibitor. Melatonin: (Major) Use caution when combining melatonin with the benzodiazepines; when the benzodiazepine is used for sleep, co-use of melatonin should be avoided. to a friend, relative, colleague or yourself. Vallerand AHA, Sanoski CAC, Quiring CC. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Mefloquine: (Moderate) Coadministration of mefloquine and anticonvulsants may result in lower than expected anticonvulsant concentrations and loss of seizure control. Taking 7.5 mirtazapine for sleep while tapering Tramadol; Acetaminophen: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. After IV administration of a 4 mg dose to adult patients, initial concentrations are approximately 70 ng/mL. Meprobamate: (Moderate) Concomitant administration of benzodiazepines with meprobamate can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Hydroxychloroquine: (Moderate) Monitor persons with epilepsy for seizure activity during concomitant lorazepam and hydroxychloroquine use. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Green Tea: (Minor) Patients taking benzodiazepines for insomnia should not use caffeine-containing products, such as green tea, prior to going to bed as these products may antagonize the sedative effects of the benzodiazepine. Zaleplon: (Major) Monitor for excessive sedation and somnolence during coadministration of zaleplon and benzodiazepines. Avoid prescribing opiate cough medications in patients taking benzodiazepines. In one study of elderly volunteers, half of the patients received DHEA 200 mg/day PO for 2 weeks, followed by a single dose of triazolam 0.25 mg. Triazolam clearance was reduced by close to 30% in the DHEA-pretreated patients vs. the control group; however, the effect of DHEA on CYP3A4 metabolism appeared to vary widely among subjects. Increase gradually as needed and tolerated. In general, lorazepam dose selection for the geriatric adult should be cautious, starting at the low end of the dosage range. Lorazepam in excreted in the urine primarily as the inactive glucuronide metabolite; lorazepam also undergoes enterohepatic recirculation. 0000010283 00000 n Human studies suggest that a single short exposure to a general anesthetic in young pediatric patients is unlikely to have negative effects on behavior and learning; however, further research is needed to fully characterize how anesthetic exposure affects brain development. Dose reductions may be required. 0000007240 00000 n It appears glucuronide conjugation of lorazepam is increased in the presence of combined hormonal oral contraceptives; the clinical significance of this interaction is not determined. An enhanced CNS depressant effect may occur when carbetapentane is combined with other CNS depressants including benzodiazepines. In addition, patients should not attempt driving or operating machinery until 24 to 48 hours after surgery or until the CNS depressant effects have subsided, whichever is longer. 0000000856 00000 n 0000002822 00000 n Adults over 50 years of age may experience a greater incidence of central nervous system (CNS) depression and more respiratory depression with use of lorazepam, particularly with preanesthetic use. Immediate-release tablets and solution: Lorazepam is readily absorbed following an oral dose, with an absolute bioavailability of 90% reported following administration of immediate-release tablets. Subjective central nervous system effects occur within 1 to 2 hours; peak plasma concentrations occur 2 hours following administration. 10 mg/day PO; maximum IM and IV dose highly variable depending upon indication. 0 Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and probenecid is an UGT inhibitor. Due to CNS depressive effects, patients should be cautioned against driving or operating machinery until they know how lorazepam may affect them. Mirtazapine: (Moderate) Monitor for unusual drowsiness and sedation during coadministration of benzodiazepines and mirtazapine due to the risk for additive CNS depression. 0.04 to 0.05 mg/kg IV as a single dose administered 30 minutes prior to chemotherapy. Hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ; Methyldopa: (Moderate) Methyldopa is associated with sedative effects. Do not store for future use. An in vitro study demonstrated significant increases in lorazepam release from the extended-release capsule 2 hours post-dose with approximately 91%-95% and 37 -42% of drug release in the presence of 40% and 20% alcohol, respectively. Benzodiazepine doses may need to be reduced up to 75% during coadministration with remifentanil. Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and ombitasvir is an UGT inhibitor. In some cases, the dosages of the CNS depressants may need to be reduced. Dosage not available for anxiety disorders; however, lorazepam 0.025 to 0.05 mg/kg/dose PO as needed (no more frequently than every 4 hours) has been used in burn patients with anxiety related to being in the hospital, dressing changes, etc. In a clinical trial, there was clear evidence for a transitory pharmacodynamic interaction between melatonin and another hypnotic agent one hour following co-dosing. WebI have been taking .5 lorazepam for over two and a half years. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Even that low dose is difficult to get off of. Use caution with this combination. To view the entire topic, please log in or purchase a subscription. If an opiate agonist is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the opiate and titrate to clinical response. Acetaminophen; Chlorpheniramine; Dextromethorphan; Phenylephrine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Use caution with this combination. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. If an opiate agonist is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the opiate and titrate to clinical response. Patient counseling is important, as cisapride alone does not cause drowsiness or affect psychomotor function. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial benzodiazepine dose and titrate to response. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective dose and minimum duration possible. Vigabatrin: (Moderate) Vigabatrin may cause somnolence and fatigue. (Moderate) Scopolamine may cause dizziness and drowsiness. There are no adequate data on the effects lorazepam use during human pregnancy. Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium Oxybates: (Contraindicated) Sodium oxybate should not be used in combination with CNS depressant anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics or other sedative CNS depressant drugs. coma / Early / 0.1-1.2seizures / Delayed / 0-1.0apnea / Delayed / 1.0muscle paralysis / Delayed / Incidence not knownsuicidal ideation / Delayed / Incidence not knownneuroleptic malignant syndrome-like symptoms / Delayed / Incidence not knownpulmonary edema / Early / Incidence not knownrespiratory arrest / Rapid / Incidence not knownpulmonary hypertension / Delayed / Incidence not knownpneumothorax / Early / Incidence not knownGI bleeding / Delayed / Incidence not knowntissue necrosis / Early / Incidence not knownrenal tubular necrosis / Delayed / Incidence not knownSIADH / Delayed / Incidence not knownlactic acidosis / Delayed / Incidence not knownanaphylactoid reactions / Rapid / Incidence not knownpericardial effusion / Delayed / Incidence not knownheart failure / Delayed / Incidence not knowncardiac arrest / Early / Incidence not knownbradycardia / Rapid / Incidence not knownAV block / Early / Incidence not knownhearing loss / Delayed / Incidence not knownpancytopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knownagranulocytosis / Delayed / Incidence not knowncoagulopathy / Delayed / Incidence not knownneonatal respiratory depression / Rapid / Incidence not knownneonatal abstinence syndrome / Early / Incidence not known, erythema / Early / 2.0-2.4hypotension / Rapid / 0.1-2.4confusion / Early / 0.1-1.3depression / Delayed / 1.3-1.3delirium / Early / 1.3-1.3hypoventilation / Rapid / 0.1-1.2ataxia / Delayed / 0.1-1.0hallucinations / Early / 0.1-1.0elevated hepatic enzymes / Delayed / 0-1.0cystitis / Delayed / 0-1.0metabolic acidosis / Delayed / 0-1.0dysarthria / Delayed / Incidence not knowneuphoria / Early / Incidence not knownamnesia / Delayed / Incidence not knownmemory impairment / Delayed / Incidence not knownpsychosis / Early / Incidence not knownhostility / Early / Incidence not knownmania / Early / Incidence not knownhyperreflexia / Delayed / Incidence not knownrespiratory depression / Rapid / Incidence not knownhypoxia / Early / Incidence not knownmyoclonia / Delayed / Incidence not knownjaundice / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyperbilirubinemia / Delayed / Incidence not knownconstipation / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyponatremia / Delayed / Incidence not knownurinary incontinence / Early / Incidence not knownimpotence (erectile dysfunction) / Delayed / Incidence not knownsinus tachycardia / Rapid / Incidence not knownhypertension / Early / Incidence not knownblurred vision / Early / Incidence not knownleukopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knownthrombocytopenia / Delayed / Incidence not knowntolerance / Delayed / Incidence not knownpsychological dependence / Delayed / Incidence not knownwithdrawal / Early / Incidence not knownphysiological dependence / Delayed / Incidence not known, injection site reaction / Rapid / 0.5-17.0drowsiness / Early / 1.5-15.9dizziness / Early / 6.9-6.9weakness / Early / 4.2-4.2restlessness / Early / 1.3-1.3headache / Early / 0.1-1.2asthenia / Delayed / 0.1-1.0agitation / Early / 0.1-1.0tremor / Early / 0.1-1.0hyperventilation / Early / 0.1-1.0nausea / Early / 0-1.0hypersalivation / Early / 0.1-1.0vomiting / Early / 0-1.0infection / Delayed / 0-1.0chills / Rapid / 0-1.0vertigo / Early / Incidence not knownfatigue / Early / Incidence not knowninsomnia / Early / Incidence not knownanxiety / Delayed / Incidence not knownnightmares / Early / Incidence not knownirritability / Delayed / Incidence not knownhyperactivity / Early / Incidence not knowndiarrhea / Early / Incidence not knownhypothermia / Delayed / Incidence not knownlibido decrease / Delayed / Incidence not knownorgasm dysfunction / Delayed / Incidence not knownrash / Early / Incidence not knownalopecia / Delayed / Incidence not knowndiplopia / Early / Incidence not known. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. <]>> Lorazepam injection is contraindicated in premature neonates. Abrupt discontinuation or rapid dosage reduction of benzodiazepines after continued use may precipitate acute withdrawal reactions, which can be life-threatening. Add Ora-Plus and Ora-Sweet to bring the suspension to a concentration of 1 mg/mL (i.e., QS to a total volume of 360 mL). Pyrilamine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Lasmiditan: (Moderate) Monitor for excessive sedation and somnolence during coadministration of lasmiditan and benzodiazepines. (Minor) Patients taking benzodiazepines for insomnia should not use caffeine-containing products prior to going to bed as these products may antagonize the sedative effects of the benzodiazepine. Limit the use of mixed opiate agonists/antagonists with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Consider the benefits of appropriate anesthesia in young children against the potential risks, especially for procedures that may last more than 3 hours or if multiple procedures are required during the first 3 years of life. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. Use caution with this combination. If oxymorphone is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use an initial dose of oxymorphone at 1/3 to 1/2 the usual dosage and titrate to clinical response. A Davis's Drug Guide subscription is required to. The severity of this interaction may be increased when additional CNS depressants are given. (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be decreased in patients receiving benzodiazepines. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. However, the minimum amount of benzyl alcohol at which toxicity may occur is unknown, and premature and low-birth-weight neonates may be more likely to develop toxicity. Monitor for signs and symptoms of CNS depression and advise patients to avoid driving or engaging in other activities requiring mental alertness until they know how this combination affects them. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. The risk of next-day impairment, including impaired driving, is increased if daridorexant is taken with other CNS depressants. If a mixed opiate agonist/antagonist is initiated in a patient taking a benzodiazepine, use a lower initial dose of the mixed opiate agonist/antagonist and titrate to clinical response. In a study of 4 lactating women, concentrations of free lorazepam in breast milk 4 hours after a single 3.5 mg oral dose were found to be 8 to 9 ng/mL, which accounted for 14.8% to 25.7% of the mother's plasma concentration. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Anticonvulsants, BenzodiazepinesAnxiolytics, BenzodiazepinesBenzodiazepine Sedative/Hypnotics. Additive CNS depressant effects are possible when ziprasidone is used concurrently with any CNS depressant. Brompheniramine; Pseudoephedrine; Dextromethorphan: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Use caution with this combination. Phenylephrine: (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be decreased in patients receiving benzodiazepines. Aspirin, ASA; Caffeine; Orphenadrine: (Minor) Patients taking benzodiazepines for insomnia should not use caffeine-containing products prior to going to bed as these products may antagonize the sedative effects of the benzodiazepine. Brompheniramine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Each mL of sterile injection contains either 2.0 or 4.0 mg of lorazepam, 0.18 mL polyethylene glycol 400 in The volume of sterile water required will vary depending on the specific tablets used; this will also result in varying amounts of Ora-Plus and Ora-Sweet depending on the product.In the chemical stability study, 2 different suspensions were made using the following ingredients:180 lorazepam 2 mg tablets by Mylan Laboratories, 144 mL of sterile water, Ora-Plus 108 mL, and Ora-Sweet 83 mL.180 lorazepam 2 mg tablets by Watson Laboratories, 48 mL of sterile water, Ora-Plus 156 mL and Ora-Sweet 146 mL.Each suspension was divided into 1 oz amber glass bottles for stability testing.Storage: Suspension is stable for 90 days when refrigerated (4 degrees C) or for 60 days at room temperature (22 degrees C). Acetaminophen; Pamabrom; Pyrilamine: (Moderate) Coadministration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. Use caution with this combination. Concomitant administration of apomorphine and benzodiazepines could result in additive depressant effects. If the patient is hyperdynamic and agitated after lorazepam 40 mg within 3 hours, consider phenobarbital or propofol. Coadministration may increase the risk of CNS depressant-related side effects. Monitor patients for adverse effects; dose adjustment of either drug may be necessary. ER -, Your free 1 year of online access expired. Papaverine: (Moderate) Concurrent use of papaverine with potent CNS depressants such as benzodiazepines could lead to enhanced sedation. It appears glucuronide conjugation of lorazepam is increased in the presence of combined hormonal oral contraceptives; the clinical significance of this interaction is not determined. If concurrent use is necessary, use the lowest effective doses and minimum treatment durations needed to achieve the desired clinical effect. General anesthetics: (Moderate) Concomitant administration can potentiate the CNS effects (e.g., increased sedation or respiratory depression) of either agent. "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel }}Cq9 x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- Besides ethanol, clinicians should use other anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics cautiously with olanzapine. Levonorgestrel; Ethinyl Estradiol: (Minor) Ethinyl estradiol may enhance the metabolism of lorazepam. Desflurane: (Moderate) Concurrent use with benzodiazepines can decrease the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of desflurane needed to produce anesthesia. Alcohol consumption may result in additive CNS depression. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Valproic Acid, Divalproex Sodium: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in lorazepam-related adverse reactions and consider reducing the dose of lorazepam if concomitant use of lorazepam and valproic acid is necessary. 0.044 mg/kg/dose (e.g., 2 to 4 mg) IV every 2 to 4 hours, as needed; however, the required dosage is highly variable and should be titrated to desired degree of sedation. endstream endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 32 0 obj<> endobj 33 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 34 0 obj<> endobj 35 0 obj<> endobj 36 0 obj[/ICCBased 42 0 R] endobj 37 0 obj<> endobj 38 0 obj<> endobj 39 0 obj<> endobj 40 0 obj<>stream startxref 1. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. ER -, Your free 1 year of online access expired. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. If you need further assistance, please contact Support. LORazepam. Avoid prescribing opiate cough medications in patients taking benzodiazepines. (Moderate) The therapeutic effect of phenylephrine may be decreased in patients receiving benzodiazepines. Gemfibrozil: (Moderate) Monitor for an increase in lorazepam-related adverse reactions and consider reducing the dose of lorazepam if concomitant use of lorazepam and gemfibrozil is necessary. Lorazepam is an UGT substrate and valproic acid is an UGT inhibitor. Adequate dosages of anticonvulsants should be continued when molindone is added; patients should be monitored for clinical evidence of loss of seizure control or the need for dosage adjustments of either molindone or the anticonvulsant. %%EOF In addition, hypercarbia and hypoxia can occur after lorazepam administration. Maprotiline may lower the seizure threshold, so when benzodiazepines are used for anticonvulsant effects the patient should be monitored for desired clinical outcomes. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. 20002023 Unbound Medicine, Inc. All rights reserved, TY - ELEC For extended-release tablets, start with morphine 15 mg PO every 12 hours, and for extended-release capsules, start with 30 mg PO every 24 hours or less. In. Consider alternatives to benzodiazepines for conditions such as anxiety or insomnia in patients receiving buprenorphine maintenance treatment. Educate patients about the risks and symptoms of respiratory depression and sedation. Lorazepam is administered orally and parenterally. If a benzodiazepine is prescribed for an indication other than epilepsy in a patient taking an opiate agonist, use a lower initial dose of the benzodiazepine and titrate to clinical response. WebView topics in the Pharmacological Index benzodiazepines section of Daviss Drug Guide. Use of PVC containers results in significant drug loss; PVC administration sets can also be expected to contribute to sorption losses.Dilute lorazepam injection with a compatible diluent such as 5% Dextrose Injection (preferred) or 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection to a final concentration of 0.2 mg/mL. Benzhydrocodone; Acetaminophen: (Major) Concomitant use of opiate agonists with benzodiazepines may cause respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, and death. Limit the use of opiate pain medications with benzodiazepines to only patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. 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