Shifter is an undertuned class that suffers from a few poor design choices that I feel, at least, are easily remedied by house ruling, and it could do with a few erattas, but it at least has something unique to offer. Last Updated: March 21, 2022. LuK MX Clutch Flywheel for 1987-1995 Nissan Pathfinder - Transmission Shift el. 157. An oozemorph gains the shifters wild empathy class feature, but she can use it only to influence the attitude of oozes with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower. Specificaties Specialized Pathfinder Pro 2Bliss Ready Race Gravel Vouwband. | Monad Echo SRD A Shifter's Favorite Races Core Races Human: Your shifter is a martial with as many feats as a bard, druid, or cleric (fewer, depending on the archetype/domain options used). | Cepheus SRD As the shifter gains levels, the power of her claws increases. There are few races in Eberron: Rising from the Last War with a closer connection to nature than the Shifter. In this form, the oozemorph is immune to critical hits and precision damage and cant be flanked. Rather than invoking spells from the natural world or forging alliances with animals, shifters focus their supernatural powers inward to gain control over their own forms. At 8th level, the fly speed increases to 60 feet (good), the range of your blindsense increases to 20 feet, and you gain the Flyby Attack feat. The forms are: Bear, Boar, Dinosaur, Mammoth, Horse, Lizard, Spider, Tiger, Wolf and Wolverine. Shifters employ a vast arsenal of handmade potions, extracts, elixirs, and even bombs. Minor Form: You gain the scent ability with a range of 10 feet, or, if you have the scent ability, the range increases by 10 feet. | FateCoreSRD | Gods and Monsters SRD Shifters can take feats and other abilities that require wild shape; for the purpose of qualifying for prerequisites, her effective druid level is equal to her shifter level. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD Q: Oozemorph and Items: I know I dont have any item slots as an ooze, but what about items that take 24 hours to attune? They are humanoids with a bestial aspect; while they cannot fully change shape they can temporarily enhance their animalistic features - a state they call shifting. Yet some stumble upon the gift naturally, as if their blood bore the secrets of shifter transformation. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Large monkey (as per the dire ape). Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! The wolverines lust for battle invigorates its will to live, and it can press on in battle longer than its enemies expect. The aspect of the dragonfly offers the ability to make quick, darting attacks at foes. At 15th level, you can take the form of a Large owl and gain the benefits of the Snatch feat, but you can use it only to grab a creature at least one size category smaller than yourself, and you can squeeze a creature grappled with this ability no matter what size it is. Shift Into Action. | Starjammer SRD A savage and bloodthirsty half-orc who lives only for battle is fun to play, but so is a stern and conflicted half-orc paladin constantly struggling to keep her bloodlust in check. At 15th level, you treat your Constitution as being 8 points higher for the purpose of determining when you die at negative hit points. | Fudge SRD At 15th level, you gain blindsense with a range of 60 feet and your fly speed increases to 90 feet (perfect). Shifters who take this aspect learn the value of applying their strength with precision. At 8th level, your base speed increases to 60 feet and you gain a climb speed of 30 feet. While in this form, you gain a bite attack (1d8 damage), a fly speed of 40 feet (clumsy) and blindsense with a range of 10 feet. This transformation is identical to alter self, except the oozemorph can maintain the form for a number of hours equal to her level. At 8th level, your climb speed increases to 50 feet, and you can use your tail to hold and manipulate objects as if you had a third hand, but you cannot use it to wield weapons or shields. When a character reaches 20th level in this class, the following new ability can be selected instead of the standard 20th level class ability which would normally be gained. cRPG Bro 21.7K subscribers Subscribe 39K views 1 year ago As promised, here is the first of my 4 Demon Path Builds, friends, a Demon Shapeshifter to rule over all other demons and enemies while. | Forge Engine SRD This extremely clean 350Z . | Heroes and Monsters SRD | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Whether or not it succeeds at the initial save, a creature cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours. Summation: Shifter is not a bad class. These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks and when the shifter is flat-footed. It pretty much fixes all the problems Shifter has. By RAW, a Shifter turning into a Giant Wasp doesn't even get an attack! Ulbrig build guide. These bonuses increase to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. This thread is archived. These alternate natural attacks modify only the damage type of the shifters natural attacks and otherwise function exactly as the shifter claws class feature. Class defines a character more than any other aspect, so knowing your class is crucial to building an effective character. If the oozemorph later reverts to a humanoid form with no natural weapons, she can instead create three morphic weapons. This ability has been added based on this FAQ entry. Base Classes. At 8th level, your electricity resistance increases to 10 and you gain a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. A shifter using the alternate natural attacks rules can select a bite (B, P, S) or tail slap (B) attack. She can also communicate in nonverbal ways with allies. While in this form, you gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet, tremorsense with a range of 10 feet, a climb speed of 30 feet, the web special attack, and a bite attack (1d6). | True20 SRD Secondly, we have each race's ability score bonuses (usually the most important part) laid out for easy comparison. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. At 7th level, her claw damage increases to 1d6 (1d4 if Small). While in this form, you gain a bite attack (1d4 damage), two claw attacks (1d3 damage), a fly speed of 60 feet (good), low-light vision, and a +4 racial bonus on vision-based Perception checks. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Large bull (see Cattle). | Basic Fantasy SRD. At 8th level, you gain a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatic checks when jumping. Recent Changes If you already have darkvision with this range or greater, your darkvision increases by 30 feet. | Monad Echo SRD A shifter gains a small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, John Bennett, Robert Brookes, John Compton, Dan Dillon, Steven T. Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Jeffery Swank, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Until reaching 5th level, a shifter has only a single aspect, but as she increases in level, she gains more control over her metamorphosis, allowing her to take on multiple aspects and even merge aspects. Aside from the Magical Beast and overall spiritual theme, the real reason Totemist is as good as it is for Shifters is because of the Totem Rager . At 8th level, you gain one of the following teamwork feats as a bonus feat: Outflank, Pack AttackUC, Paired Opportunists, or Shake It OffUC. Shifters with this aspect also embody the size and ferociousness of large dolphins, such as orcas. These bonuses do not stack with the monk AC bonus class feature. The following options are available to the listed race who have shifter as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward. This bonus increases to +20 feet at 8th level and +30 feet at 15th level. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your bite and your tail attacks, and the reach of your tail attack becomes 10 feet. | d20 Anime SRD At 8th level, you gain a tongue attack (see below). | True20 SRD At 17th level, the damage die does not increase, but the critical multiplier becomes 3. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack with your bite attack, and when you successfully grapple a foe, you can knock your grappled foe prone. The deinonychus is adept at racing from ambush to deliver grievous wounds with its talons. | ACK-SRD It increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. | Gods and Monsters SRD The Shifter's Wild Shape ability calls out that Shifter levels count as Druid levels for feat pre-req purposes (though the verbiage is in the middle of a paragraph, so is easy to miss). At 8th level, this bonus increases to +6, and at 15th level it increases to +8. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, John Bennett, Robert Brookes, John Compton, Dan Dillon, Steven T. Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Jeffery Swank, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. In fantasy roleplaying games, race is fundamental. You can help us by expanding it. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a Small falcon. In addition, the reach of your tongue attack increases to 30 feet, and your tongue attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to the damage dealt by your shifter claws. The claws on each hand can be used as a primary natural attack, dealing 1d4 points of piercing and slashing damage (1d3 if she is Small). At first a shifter may appear human, but closer inspection reveals pointed ears, flat noses, and canine teeth. A giant wasps alternate attack is sting (P). Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Charisma score. Pathfinder 2 Core Rulebook. Spell Pool. Minor Form: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. Type band: vouwband. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level. While in this form you gain low-light vision, a fly speed of 40 feet (clumsy), two talon attacks (1d3 damage), and a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks. These are typically quicker transformations, both brutal and painful, imparting the dark lessons of nature through its most catastrophic forms. For mythics I would just be careful to ensure you also pick up the Shapeshifter feat that increases your physical stats by 4 when polymorphed, as that should stack with Shifter very nicely. | ACK-SRD Minor Form: You gain a +4 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks. Recent Changes Minor Form: Your attacks deal 1 point of electricity damage in addition to their normal damage. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Known as oozemorphs, these shifters focus on the oozea form of life as simple in construction as it is dangerous in combat. An oozemorph can use this ability on mindless oozes; when she does so, she imparts a modicum of intellect to the ooze to allow it to respond to her commands. Minor Form: You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity score. Character creation for the best Feyform Shifter build Each time the shifter activates her shifters claws ability in her natural form, she can manifest one of the alternate natural attacks listed below for any of her chosen aspects, or those that relate to her archetype. The octopus is a cunning hunter, able to contort its malleable body with ease. | FateCoreSRD When the shifter uses wild shape, she gains a total of a +6 bonus to her physical ability scores, which she can distribute as she likes each time she shifts. While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspects major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability. Stinginjury; save Fort DC = 10 + half your shifter level + your Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a horse. Shifter (Class) Region Any Races Any Alignment Iconic character Zova Images of shifters Source: Ultimate Wilderness, pg(s). Dwarf: These short and stocky defenders of mountain fortresses are often seen as stern and humorless. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a giant scorpion. The following races are the most common in fantasy settings. After all, most people know the basics: dwarves are short, elves live a long time, and gnomes are dangerously curious. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. If it turns into a animal via fluidic form, the items meld into the new form and grant some passive benefits, as normal for polymorph effects. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level. | Dungeon World SRD RPGBOT June 5, 2021. Most people believe skinwalkers are half-breeds of lycanthropes, or that they share some slight version of the curse of those creatures. This ability functions as a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. At 15th level, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Spring Attack as a bonus feat. All shifter aspects have a minor form and a major form. | 2d20SRD If you already have the Run feat, you instead can run at 6 times your base speed when using the Run feat. At 15th level, you gain 1 additional hit point per Hit Die you have, and you gain Awesome Blow as a bonus feat. Starting Wealth: 3d6x10 gp (average 105 gp). While in this form, you gain a fly speed of 40 feet (clumsy), and swarms and vermin do not attack you unless magically commanded to do so. At 15th level, you gain Improved Natural Attack (bite). | Dungeon World SRD Clerics and wizards can receive a capstone at 20th level, despite not having one to begin with. Despite having an oozelike shape, an oozemorphs base form is not an ooze, though it does also count as an ooze for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type. A shifter can use wild shape for a number of hours each day equal to her shifter level + her Wisdom modifier. Major Form: Your shape changes to that of a giant spider. Lions hunt in prides, cooperating to bring down large opponents and defend their territory. Increase to +6, and canine teeth this transformation is identical to alter self, except the is. The most common in fantasy settings a giant Spider number of hours each day equal to her shifter level her... Battle invigorates its will to live, and it can press on in battle than. 1 point of electricity damage in addition to their normal damage character more than Any other,! Hunter, able to contort its malleable body with ease than its enemies expect dangerously curious critical..., elves live a long time, and gnomes are dangerously curious brutal and painful, imparting the dark of. Only the damage die does not increase, but closer inspection reveals pointed ears, flat noses and. 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