Furthermore, no characterisation was made on the possible presence of equol-producers among the participants. It is important to evaluate the levels of hormones that fluctuate during the cycle at several points. This could be done by empirically monitoring ovulation to get a real information of menstrual phase, such as quantifying the urinary LH peak as a marker of ovulation, as done by Wu et al.(28). (2009), Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement, Petrakis NL, Barnes S, King EB, et al. No changes in progesterone, LH or SHBG after soy intervention, USA/Caucasian, Hispanic, African-American, E2 levels were inversely associated with soy intake, assessed with multiple adjusted spearman rank correlation coefficients. This aspect was different from the results of the clinical trials with high intakes listed above, perhaps due to very different intakes (mean isoflavone consumption of 34mg/d in this cohort). (2003), Amplification of HSD17B1 and ERBB2 in primary breast cancer, Utilization of oxygen and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate by human placental microsomes during aromatization of androstenedione, Genistein is an effective stimulator of sex hormone-binding globulin production in hepatocarcinoma human liver cancer cells and suppresses proliferation of these cells in culture, Dchaud H, Ravard C, Claustrat F, et al. Ricardo Hector Asch (born 26 October 1947) is an obstetrician, gynecologist, and endocrinologist.He worked with reproductive technology and pioneered gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), as well as working on research linking fertility and marijuana usage, and investigated the use of GnRH analogues with Andrew Schally. Since there are no scientific studies on the effects of soy isoflavones and ovulation, these are just general guidelines. In 2005, Kohama and colleagues published a short communication about a 6 months clinical trial on thirty-six Japanese women with secondary amenorrhea (or anovulation)(33). However, after removing data from studies with elevated bias risk, three studies were included in the sensitivity analysis with consequent loss of statistical significance. These function as phytoestrogens, meaning that they can attach to and activate estrogen receptors in. (1987), Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases, Valles SL, Dolz-Gaiton P, Gambini J, et al. The authors found an association between pregnancy outcomes and urinary Bisphenol A (BPA), dependent on soy consumption in the multivariable-adjusted mixed model. Individuals who are not equol-producers have likely limited response to isoflavone intake(16). between 128 women fed with soy-based formula and 268 women fed with cow milk formula during infancy. High soya intake among women in Asian countries has been linked to their 30% lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to US women, who eat much less soya. The purpose of this review is to collect currently available data in literature, summarising the possible interaction between soy, soy foods and components of soy (in particular isoflavones) on aspects concerning women's fertility and related outcomes. Discuss all supplements you are taking with your care team. A slight increase of approximately 1d (MD: 105, 95% CI 013, 197) was seen compared with the control, with no significant effects in the length of luteal and follicular phases. In the first clinical trial by Unifer and colleagues, 1500mg/d of isoflavones from soy or placebo were administered for 10d to 134 women who had been infertile for at least 2 years, undergoing intrauterine insemination after 100mg/d for 5d of clomiphene citrate treatments (an ovulation inducer)(31). Nevertheless, these studies often suffer difficulties in evaluating individual effectiveness as well as in identifying possible confounding factors and population characteristics (ethnicity, health conditions, equol-competence, etc.). The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. The diagnosis of PCOS occurs in the presence of at least two of the three Rotterdam Criteria: oligo or anovulation, polycystic ovary morphology and biochemical or clinical hyperandrogenism(67). If you are experiencing fertility issues, try to limit the amount of soy in your diet so that you can rule out any possibilities that it is negatively affecting your fertility. There are many reasons for infertility among couples, including genetic . (2019), Soy, soy isoflavones, and protein intake in relation to mortality from all causes, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies, Schmidt M, Arjomand-Wlkart K, Birkhuser MH, et al. Notably, during manuscript preparation, Messina and colleagues published a technical review on endocrine effect of soy and isoflavones(90). Besides, the lack of a placebo group warrants caution. Excretion of daidzein and its metabolites dihydrodaidzein and O-desmethylangolensin (3601, 314 and 227mg, respectively) accounted for 421% of daidzein ingested. (2000), Effects of soy foods on ovarian function in premenopausal women, Lu LJ, Anderson KE, Grady JJ, et al. Five studies exploring the relationship between soy and the length of menstrual cycle in healthy women have been selected, including two observational studies(41,45) and three longitudinal interventional studies(26,28,29). From the data obtained, diet isoflavones do not seem to have a direct effect on fertility, whether positive or negative. Fertility is closely associated with menstrual cycle functions and a longer time to pregnancy is associated with shorter menstrual cycles(5658). The intervention period was extended only to one menstrual cycle. Women will take 2-4 tablets each day for a few days prior to ovulation: days 1-5, 3-7, or 5-9 of their cycle. Most women taking soy isoflavones to induce ovulation take around 150-200 mg a day on cycle day 3 -7 or 5-9. However, urinary phytoestrogen levels were only detected at baseline and this increased the correlation uncertainty. A systematic consultation of literature was launched on four search engines (PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Trials Library and ClinicalTrials.gov) using the following keywords: (Soy OR Soy Foods OR Soybeans OR Genistein OR Daidzein OR Isoflavones OR Phytoestrogens) AND (Fertility OR Infertility OR Fecundability). Products containing isolated soy isoflavones may be especially problematic. Soy consumption is supposed to have protective effects against cardiovascular disease by cholesterol-lowering and blood pressure improvement action and in the prevention of cancer or diabetes and it also supports bone health and the management of menopause symptoms(28). I started taking soy in December on CD4-8 and I got digital bfp on at 9dpo. For this reason, in clinical studies, the nationality and ethnicity of participants may be relevant for the assessment of potential conflicting effects of soy intake. These substances could play a role in the ovaries circulatory functions(50). To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review on soy effect on women's fertility. From the general linear model of the analysis of covariance, the intervention with soy reduced free androgen index (0020005 v. +0010005, P<0001), total testosterone (01005 v. +01005ng/ml, P=0008) and increased SHBG levels (+4008 v. 1408nmol/l, P<0001) compared with placebo (adjusted for baseline values). Previously, Petrakis and colleagues proposed an interventional study with a soy isolate (374g of soy protein containing 374mg of genistein) on twenty-four women (pre- and post-menopause) followed for 6 months plus 3 months pre-intervention and 3 months post-washout(25). Recent research suggests that consumption of soy may have a more . Infertility is a condition that prevents pregnancy despite having regular sexual intercourse with your partner for at least a year. FSH levels were not significantly changed after genistein intervention. The urinary or serum levels of isoflavones did not affected progesterone levels in the multiple regression analysis. Meanwhile, the possible influence on endocrine system, in particular by isoflavones, raised concerns among some researchers. The generalisation of these results is complex due to the type of study, which does not allow to define a causal relationship. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism randomized 70 women with PCOS into two groups to take either 50 mg/d soy isoflavones or a placebo for 12 weeks. No changes in DHEA, DHEAS, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentrations or LH:FSH ratio. (2019), Dietary patterns and outcomes of assisted reproduction, Andres A, Moore MB, Linam LE, et al. Yes, soy can cause ovulation problems. However, the intake of isoflavones in diet has not been investigated, and therefore, it was not possible to define the presence of equol-producers among participants. SMART [Internet]. jimmy carter health 2022 . A. F. contributed to drafting and revising the manuscript. After adjustments, an inverse correlation between estradiol and soy intake was highlighted on the 22nd day of menstrual cycle (r: 032, P=004) but not on the 11th. (2014), Soy isoflavone intake and the likelihood of ever becoming a mother: the adventist health study-2, Mumford SL, Sundaram R, Schisterman EF, et al. Based on our literature search, we also identified two observational studies: a cross-sectional study published in 1997 by Nagata et al. I usually. Among the six women in the first clinical trial(26), the intervention with soy also led to a significant reduction in dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels (23%, P=003), an intermediary in estradiol synthesis. I started taking 60mg every 12 hours (120mg daily) beginning the evening of CD2 and will finish the morning of CD8. As expected, women with the highest soy consumption were more likely to be of Asian descent. If you're trying to conceive, you should eat soy-based foods in moderation. Isoflavones also bind to ER receptor, albeit with lower affinity. In 2000, Wu et al. The limitations of these studies have already been discussed in the previous paragraph. Stay below 60 grams per day. Furthermore, there was no evaluation of metabolic utilisation capacity of isoflavones and their absorption by measuring serum and urinary levels. Adapted from SMART: Servier Medical Art(89). Only three articles declared power analysis to assess adequate sample size(30,43,46). Similar to the previous observational study, Chavarro et al. ( The average person's intake of . (2021), Health beliefs, behavior, spiritual growth, and salvation in a global population of seventh-day adventists, A brief historical overview of the past two decades of soy and isoflavone research, Mumford SL, Steiner AZ, Pollack AZ, et al. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Soy is a key food in human nutrition. Articles concerning reviews, case series, case studies, non-human studies, in vitro studies, studies on males, editorials, letters to editor, conference abstracts, book's chapters, non-English papers, studies with no-soy isoflavones and studies with outcomes not pertinent to fertility were excluded. Soybean isoflavone exposure does not have feminizing effects on men: a critical examination of the clinical evidence The intervention data indicate that isoflavones do not exert feminizing effects on men at intake levels equal to and even considerably higher than are typical for Asian males. Furthermore, the absence of gynecological issues was only based on self-reported information. Sampling involved synchronisation on the third day of menstrual cycle follicular phase, spontaneous or pharmacologically induced. Moreover, isoflavones act as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) showing both agonist and antagonist effects on ER, with subsequent estrogenic, anti-estrogenic or even neutral effects(14). Recently, the anti-Mllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations have proved to be a useful tool for predicting female fertility, especially because it is independent of the cycle phase(48). However, the number of combined participants of the two studies was very limited (n: 40). Higher soy products intake did not correlate with the rate of infertility. M. A. S. contributed to drafting and revising the manuscript. One in vitro study reveals that genistein (a soy isoflavone) increases the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells. No restrictions were applied using filters and results were collected from search engines by the inception through 4 April 2021. (2014), Higher urinary lignan concentrations in women but not men are positively associated with shorter time to pregnancy, Vanegas JC, Afeiche MC, Gaskins AJ, et al. SOY ISOFLAVONES (soi iso FLA vons) may relieve the symptoms of menopause. There was no evaluation of dietary habits and the determination of hormone levels was performed using non-validated ELISA kits, due to limited budget. Authors Gianluca Rizzo 1 , Alessandra Feraco 2 3 , Maximilian Andreas Storz 4 , Mauro Lombardo 3 Affiliations 1 Independent Researcher, Via Venezuela 66, 98121 Messina, Italy. I've heard soy increases chances of having twins. 8600 Rockville Pike The study must be considered exploratory, because of the limited number of luteal phase deficiency cycles and a small number of fertility-related outcomes. While the observational data better reflect the effects of diet in free-living conditions compared with experimental settings of clinical trials, the use of food frequency questionnaires exposes to possible misclassification and measurement errors. (27) and a longitudinal study published in 2013 by Filiberto et al.(37). The authors showed an inverse correlation between cycle length (detected via fertility monitors and daily journals) and total urinary phytoestrogen levels (0042d for 10% increase, 95% CI 0080, 0003). 16 Although much of the concern is based on animal research, 16 a sufficient amount of fertility-relevant human research, including both epidemiologic and clinical studies, has been conducted; therefore, conclusions about the impact of soy on fertility can be . Mildly increased levels of SHBG were associated with higher dietary isoflavone intakes (Q4 [16788mg/d] v. Q1 [0003mg/d]) in the adjusted linear mixed model (: 009, 95% CI 002, 016), but no correlation was found for estradiol, progesterone, LH, FSH levels or anovulatory events. Updated at 2:23 p.m. Luteal phase deficiency can represent a relevant aspect for pregnancy outcomes and fertility disorders. No significant differences were found in the spontaneous abortion rate, the number and quality of embryos transferred or oocytes fertilised. No investigation into the individual's ability to absorb and use isoflavones from soy milk was performed. Similar significant association was observed for peak luteal progesterone 10ng/ml (aOR: 140, 95% CI 100, 196, P=005). Furthermore, the use of spot urine samples for BPA quantification may have underestimated its exposure. (2013), Usual dietary isoflavone intake and reproductive function across the menstrual cycle, Jacobsen BK, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Knutsen SF, et al. Furthermore, it should be considered that, as already discussed, many studies display several limitations including inadequate sampling of hormone concentrations during all phases of cycle, low number of participants and the lack of a placebo group. (2015), Soy food intake and treatment outcomes of women undergoing assisted reproductive technology, Andrews MA, Schliep KC, Wactawski-Wende J, et al. In another prospective study, 471 healthy American women were followed for 12 months or until delivery without showing significant correlations between urinary isoflavones, quantified by HPLC-MS analysis, and fertility, defined with adjusted Cox Model using time-to-pregnancy assessment(39), while lignan concentrations in urine were significantly associated with shorter time to pregnancy. Soy contains numerous phytochemicals that can be responsible for these positive effects through multiple mechanisms. (2004), High dose of phytoestrogens can reverse the antiestrogenic effects of clomiphene citrate on the endometrium in patients undergoing intrauterine insemination: a randomized trial, Unfer V, Casini ML, Gerli S, et al. Similarly, the stratification by ethnicity and equol-producers may suggest the nature of interactions between soy and fertility. Likewise, equol-producers showed lower AMH levels in the whole cohort as well as in participants in PCOS or control groups. (2019), Daidzein intake is associated with equol producing status through an increase in the intestinal bacteria responsible for equol production, Setchell KDR, Brown NM & Lydeking-Olsen E (2002), The clinical importance of the metabolite equol-a clue to the effectiveness of soy and its isoflavones, Ariyani W, Miyazaki W, Amano I, et al. Additional considerations regarding hormonal influences will be discussed in the next paragraph. Corrections for confounding factors, such as diet, demographics, lifestyle factors, age, body composition and ethnicity, indicated reliable analysis. In 2015, a longitudinal study found no differences in sexual organ development at 5 years of age between cow milk formula, breast milk and soy formula feeding(69). However, the difference became not significant after adjustment for isoflavone intake. Accessibility (2001), Antioxidant mechanisms of isoflavones in lipid systems: paradoxical effects of peroxyl radical scavenging. It would have been useful to have retrospective information on soy consumption to assess the potential effect on previous fertility problems. There was a significant correlation between dietary soy consumption and fertilisation rate (77% v. 71%, P=0004), age-adjusted pregnancy (52% v. 41%, P=003) or age-adjusted live birth rate (44% v. 31%, P=0007) among soy consumers compared with non-consumers. (2011), Equol-stimulated mitochondrial reactive oxygen species activate endothelial nitric oxide synthase and redox signaling in endothelial cells: roles for F-actin and GPR30, Akiyama T, Ishida J, Nakagawa S, et al. was a pilot study without a characterisation of diet among participants and without data on soy composition (isoflavone or antioxidant contents). The possible correlation between menstrual cycle length and soy does not seem convincing either. The only study found about the effect of exposure to soy in childhood and reproductive functions is the retrospective study by Strom and colleagues(30). (1982), Calculation of free and bound fractions of testosterone and estradiol-17 beta to human plasma proteins at body temperature, Dysbiosis of gut microbiota associated with clinical parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome, The (TAAAA)n microsatellite polymorphism in the SHBG gene influences serum SHBG levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Escobar-Morreale HF, Luque-Ramrez M & Gonzlez F (2011), Circulating inflammatory markers in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and metaanalysis, Showell MG, Mackenzie-Proctor R, Jordan V, et al. Furthermore, the type of dietary survey carried out in the proposed environmental questionnaire was not clear. Among the studies discussed to evaluate menstrual cycle length, three interventional studies also evaluated the levels of circulating hormones following soy intake in healthy women(26,28,29). The .gov means its official. However, ethnicity was not used for outcomes stratification. Nynca A, Sadowska A, Orlowska K, et al. Reduced E2 levels in follicular phase but not in the luteal phase. It affects one out of every six couples and affects the majority women aged between 15 to 44 years. No significant differences in fertility outcomes such as missed menstrual periods, pregnancy, live births, abortions, miscarriages, full-term deliveries, preterm deliveries, between soy or cow formula utilisers in infancy were seen, Improved endometrial thickness using transvaginal sonography in soy group compared with placebo. Available from: Messina M, Mejia SB, Cassidy A, et al. The possibility of a sexual development disorder as a neonatal programming effect is an often raised hypothesis because circulating levels of isoflavones are higher in soy-fed infants compared with cow milk formula or breastfed infants(69). Even if the exact conversion mechanism has not been characterised yet, a limited conversion capacity in Western populations (about 25%) has been highlighted, as opposed to the greater competence of Asian populations (50%), estimated through urinary equol excretion(17). Other weak aspects of the population sample characterisation are given by a lack of stratification by ethnicity and equol-producers. The evaluation of isoflavones circulating levels and their urinary excretion allowed to show a wide inter-individual variation of metabolic and absorption capacity. However, among fertile individuals, it may have a neutral effect, as discussed in the previous paragraphs. A weak . Furthermore, from the multiple regression analysis of ten women in the second trial(29), the reduction of estradiol in both luteal and follicular phases was positively associated with serum and urinary isoflavone levels but not with individual changes in the intake. Soy In Your Diet. In addition, no significant changes in progesterone, LH or SHBG were found in the whole study sample. (2010), Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis, Reed KE, Camargo J, Hamilton-Reeves J, et al. In the first of the two papers by Lu and colleagues(26), the intake of 36 Oz/d of soy milk (~200mg/d IF) for 1 month caused a reduction in mean estradiol levels of 31% at days 57, P=009; 81% at days 1214, P=003; 49% at days 2022, P=002, compared with the baseline. These clinical trials had several strengths including the presence of a placebo group, randomisation, double-blinding and recruitment of a wide number of participants. Soy as an endocrine disruptor: cause for caution? Similar to the previous trial, the number of participants was limited. Implantation (P for interaction <002), pregnancy (P for interaction <003) and live birth rates (P for interaction <001) were higher among soy-consumers (n: 176, 74%; mean isoflavone intake of 34mg/d) without linear dependence with urinary BPA quartiles (P trend >005), compared with no consumer who had lower rates with higher BPA excretion (P trend <005). But you need to eat a lot of it. Moreover, urinary concentrations seem to reflect the isoflavone intakes in a short time window. (As part of this process, a group of eggs matures so that one will be ready for release during ovulation .) Isoflavones are non-steroidal compounds with a chemical structure similar to endogenous estrogens and for this reason, they are defined as phytoestrogens: a functional classification that also includes lignans, coumestans and stilbenes(12). These changes may have resulted in the mild, non-clinically relevant prolongation of menstrual cycle, as discussed in the previous section. The dietary intake of isoflavones did not appear to be associated with fertility in the two cohorts but some marginal evidence of amelioration of fertility was related to a higher intake of isoflavones among 30 years old individuals after age stratification (Fecundability Ratios: 112, 95% CI 994, 134 and 119, 95% CI 092, 155 in the two cohorts comparing 90th with <24th percentile). (2020), Urinary phytoestrogens and relationship to menstrual cycle length and variability among healthy, eumenorrheic women, Haudum C, Lindheim L, Ascani A, et al. An official website of the United States government. Clinical trials can provide solid causal inferences, but they often have limitations in terms of study duration or intervention design. btw, ladies who got pregnant with the help of soy isoflavones - is anybody expecting twins? These also included non-soy derived phytoestrogens, such as lignans. San Diego Fertility Center is one of the most respected fertility centers in the USA with fertility clinics in Southern California and New York City.With exceptional patient care, a track record of IVF success and a sunny fertility tourism destination, San Diego Fertility Center is an international location for egg donation, IVF, IUI, PGD/PGS, gender selection, egg freezing, surrogacy and . Table 2 summarises main limitations about the studies discussed. No significant differences were appreciated for free testosterone and DHEAS. Miso intake was inversely associated with SHBG levels. Using food frequency questionnaires, researchers found that women with high isoflavone intake ( 40 mg/day) had a 3% lower lifetime probability of giving birth to a live child compared to women with a low intake (< 10mg/day). No changes were highlighted for DHEA, DHEAS, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentration or LH:FSH ratio. The present paper aims to conduct a review of available data on the effect of soy, soy foods and soy components on women's fertility and related outcomes. Hamilton-Reeves JM, Vazquez G, Duval SJ, et al. SHBG levels were not associated with the intake of soy foods, except in the case of miso intake on the 22nd day of cycle (r: 036, P=002). Podeli na Fejsbuku. Finally, twelve entries were identified and ten additional articles were obtained after the consultation of full-text bibliographic lists. Similarly, a significant correlation between isoflavone intake and nulligravidity emerged (P=003) with a 13% higher risk but with a wide range of confidence interval (95% CI 2, 26) in women with intake 40mg/d compared with lower intakes (<10mg/d). Despite adjustments for demographic, lifestyle, dietary factors, including ethnicity and other phytoestrogens, it would have been useful to check the dietary intake of isoflavones for equol-producers evaluation. This could have introduced other confounding factors such as the influence of male on couple's fertility or possible changes in habits caused by the desire to conceive. Although a study in cheetahs suggested that a high intake of phytoestrogens may impair. Interestingly, soy often appears in literature as a food with a beneficial effect on fertility, especially in the case of pregnancy search(68). Participants were classified by ethnicity; however, the population sample size did not allow to perform stratification of outcomes based on this aspect. Although some works investigate the relationship between consumption of soy formulations in infancy and age at menarche, as well as the onset of puberty or pre-puberty reproductive organ size, these outcomes are not strictly related to fertility in reproductive age(6971). The use of surveys only through self-administered questionnaires, although validated, is easily exposed to self-reporting errors or incompleteness and misclassifications derived from the database used for food intake quantification. The research on soy, soy protein, and soy isoflavones supports the safety of soy's consumption and its positive health impacts. From data that emerged on individuals with PCOS, there is no homogeneous improvement effect on hormonal picture, on menstrual cycle and therefore on fertility associated with soy consumption. (2020), Dietary phytoestrogen intakes of adult women are not strongly related to fecundability in 2 preconception cohort studies, Levine LD, Kim K, Purdue-Smithe A, et al. With regards to available clinical trials, Lu and colleagues conducted two interventional studies using 36 Oz of soy milk (about one litre) divided into three daily intakes for a total daily intake of about 200mg of isoflavones(26,29). (2016), Soy intake modifies the relation between urinary bisphenol A concentrations and pregnancy outcomes among women undergoing assisted reproduction, The effects of soy isoflavones on metabolic status of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, Wesselink AK, Hatch EE, Mikkelsen EM, et al. Moreover, significant improvement of oxidative markers such as total glutathione and malondialdehyde levels was observed. The consumption of soy over time, the possible use of certain foods considered healthy in seeking pregnancy or the willingness to avoid pregnancy could generate spurious associations. This could be due to the scarcity of studies on the topic and the presence of few clinical trials, adequately designed to evaluate soy effect on fertility with consistent timing, with an adequate number of participants, blinding, and randomisation for physiological conditions and the presence of equol-producer individuals. Marginal reduction of luteal phase for an increase of 10mg/d IF intake in the adjusted model (aOR: 138, 95% CI 099, 192, Increased fertility (assessed with live birth rates, implantation and clinical pregnancy rates) with higher soy intake through interaction with urinary BPA, compared with no-soy consumption, Soy IF intake reduced the free androgen index (0020005, USA Canada Denmark/Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Hispanic, others, No association between IF intake and fertility (assessed by per-cycle probability of conception) with some marginal evidence of amelioration over 30 years associated with IF, USA/Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic, other, Urinary Ph levels were inversely associated in adjusted regression models with cycle length; urinary Gen levels were associated with cycle irregularity (assessed by fertility monitors and daily journals), Fertility amelioration (based on androgens and AMH levels) among equol-producers in the whole cohort compared with non equol-producers. : 140, 95 % CI 100, 196, P=005 ) from SMART: Servier Medical (. 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