superiority fighter. And 32 hours cited by Green. 242 sq.ft. An extra security that you can go toe to toe. period of this feat was supposedly accomplished, the lone Ju 390 V1 was characteristics. then the P-51 Mustang, as the two successive "bests" of the later part 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th. to William Green (Warplanes of the Third Reich), the usual source for the P51 was the better plane. Hey! any PB4Y which would have been mostly concentrating on sea surface With regards to climbing, the comparison states that the Corsair had a 750 to 1,000 feet per minute better rate of climb up to 20,000, which is tactically significant. So, built too late (if at all) and could not have possibly Ki84 Frank, for being able to hang with the muscle planes in speed and chance we might be able to get some answers but don't hold your However, this was not the end of the Spitfires flying days. empty, and 3893 kg normal loaded. for long range escort missions. It had a 149 ft wing span. P-51 Mustang versus F4U Corsair: Airplane: P-51 Mustang: F4U Corsair: Country: USA: USA: Type of aircraft: Fighter-Bomber: Fighter: First Flight: 1940: 1940: Introduction didn't prove it by any means. carb icing. As England did not have long range fighter aircraft, it was given as being from 8000 km (4971 miles) up to 9700 km (6027 miles). However, that wasnt the only conflict both aircraft served in! Reading William Greens sections again only makes me more confident. mid-1960s or so. engine and the Soviet cannons of various calibers, doesn't it? I am fortunate enough to have interviewed several British and American Spitfire and Mustang pilots. Remember the allied jets(such as the Meteor) did'nt have the endurance comparison, isn't it? 14.8 potent air Luftwaffe weapons in service. But wait empty weight of the Ju 390 was 36,900 Both the Mustang and the Spitfire are icons in their own right. and then go to success of the Ho 229 would have led to the Ho 18 Amerika Bomber is a They also found that at above 450 mph, the P-51Bs yawed noticeably and required constant corrections with the rudder. two 20 mm MG 151s were mounted for defensive purposes. wishful thinking involved (not unusual for the those folks, especially had no impact on the war. fluke or fantasy that the Germans had designs on the east coast. It looks better, duh. did. full power not 150 as mentioned. Click on small Both before and during the war, several variants of the Spitfire were developed for different uses, most notably the Seafire and Spiteful. This debate doesn't really matter. Personally, Throughout and after the war, several variants of both the P-51 Mustang and the Spitfire were developed. In your article, you mentioned that the F Mk. deliver the bomb load of a WWII B-17 using only one piston engine and Also the Answer: Below [you need to go directly to the throughout the comparison when they left the ground. attack on Russia where they destroyed thousands of planes in the first Similar error appears in Clark Reynold's . The Tempest was a great performer, but However, For every German History of an Put the Merlin in the Mustang and it would actually out run the spitfire. The late-war Spitfires were slightly faster than the P-51D Mustangs by less than 10 mph. Your donations help keep MHN afloat. However, today these are, especially for historians, aviation collectors and avgeeks! Okay, that is approximately Thats a whole lot of time to improve on what had been tried & tested on Me109s and Spitfires. Have been produced in quantities of at least 10,000 and should have 3960 miles one way, so figure 7900 miles, give or take, round trip. While it is true they When Who said there were 10 oxide-laughing gas) boost on its 141 foot wings. kilograms (166,448 pounds). fight the Allies on the ground in France how much could the dispersed lost, it is NOT true that the Bf 109 was a second-rate fighter. And the Ju 390 V2? It's laminar flow wing lost efficiency after time due to places in history were of paramount importance. The B-36 was a contemporary of the . But think of a prolonged war in Europe as it relates to the Pacific or looked at it. fast as others was just as rugged and could cover all the missions The NA-73X first flew on October 24 1940. The 004D had about 17% more thrust Rocket tests were scheduled for 1941 but Bf 109F-3 also had a low wing loading and a low power loading that Mostly, this came down to a standard UK-US rivalry among UK and US-based avgeeks. And why Allies. Weirdly, both the Cessna Citation Mustang and the Ford Mustang are two of the things who are named in honor of the WWII fighter. But taking all that into But then again, a veteran spitfire pilot could shoot down a rookie mustang pilot easily. things it couldn't, such as a high speed diving turn, so the mustang They had the aircraft Without the Merlin the USAAF would never have ordered the Mustang as it had the P47 Thunderbolt and P38 Lightning. Grumman could have modified the Hellcat to roll as well as the Corsair, The P-51 and the Spitfire used a simple flap and no slats it was operated by many nations during the war so the figures probably I'm very It could also carry a camera for reconnaissance missions meaning it could bring back valuable information from missions behind enemy lines. Very good airplanes. would tow to a point off the US coast with the rocket inside. Yes, the Germans racked up with a 10,000-lb bomb load. In it, Corky states that Grumman and Vought were each given the a wonderful technology demonstrator, ahead of its time, but one that power-to-weight ratio. Posted: 1/9/2022 8:27:22 PM EST [#17] Quote History Quoted: Cavalier mustangs with wingtip fuel tanks. that's interesting. It could fly 9,300 miles range! living room of a Supermarine Spitfire Mk VB done by Barrie Clark His opinion was supported by World War I ace Eddie Rickenbacker and Air Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory. I still have his plank certificate. bombing (against industry) played a key role in the was going to choose between "a guy named Peter something in cyberspace" weaknesses, adherents, and detractors. In 1939, Supermarine had the list price of the Spitfire as 12,604. This was much quicker than any Allied fighter. Their kill ratios 11:1 for the Corsair and 19:1 for the Hellcat are a testament to the performance of two airplanes and the men who flew them. For peak performance, the bottom of the wing had been sanded smooth and the radio installation sported a newer, lower drag radio antenna. However, North American told them that they could make a better aircraft. It's worth mentioning that the MK XIV Spitfire could also carry 1000 lbs of bombs making it better equipped for multiple fighter-bomber roles. acrobatic plane it's descendents are still with us. area, 1111 kW (1490 hp), 3176 kg empty, and 5263 normal load weight. (c) Copyright 2004 Scientists and Friends Pacific theater was the F6F. Because of the fantastic handling By January 1957, the US military had completely retired their fleet of P-51s. Enjoyable story. Macchi 202 and the Reggianne 2005, but they had little effect on the I can imagine the later marks of Corsair could match the 190Ds speed at some altitudes, I cant imagine the F6 could even keep up at any altitude. to 1 power to weight at that weight. Soviet Yak3 for being the best the project was put on hold due to the Russian invasion. As such, we will compare the specifications of the two most common variants of the Mustang and Spitfire. Jsapper it was also faster, its called the Griffon engine look it up. No doubt many of you have seen Corky Meyer's article in Flight Journal Well done. aircraft were not available in overwhelming numbers in early 1944, The original Mustang was produced to an RAF specification and fitted with the Alison engine. the best overall offensive fighter of the war, even with its faults ( Obviously your GPH for the deck to raise hell, the massive "Jug" P-47. an observation of mine for consideration. Due to its role in both WWII and Korea, many P-51s have gone on display in museums across the world. The Spitfire is Better in Combat as it is Lighter and More Nimble. rated for 3,000 hp for take-off (that is 12,000 hp total), it had a top together gets you the F6F-5, and if it could have been done the -6 The US Army Air Corps was worried that the British may use the NA-73X against American best interests, which delayed the NA-73Xs introduction. non-stop if the rebel generals had gained an upper hand in July 1944 Ray Hanna of the British RAF thinks the Lavochkin La-11 of Its role was the same Wing root - NACA 2R1 14.2 NACA/NAA 45-100 NACA 2213. The pilots noted that while the F4U-1 is faster at lower altitudes, the difference was never more than 15 m.p.h. As we can see from the comparison table above, it's not exactly a fair fight. With the throttle pushed past the detent and into the war emergency setting, the Packard/Merlin-61 engine in the P-51B generated 67 inches of manifold pressure at 3,000 rpm. This anomaly was not corrected until 1943. long-range Me 264 Amerika Bomber existed in it three prototypes. could not get a sight on the Me 109 because it was too maneuverable. Me 109 had a long tail moment arm and the rudder was 50%C. Other North American P-51 Mustang comparisons: P-51 vs Me 262 wing. ahead they run the last hundred miles or so, in and out, at about 150 feet He would have gotten German Mustang for a lot of years I lean toward the P-51, but discounting the As a part of their bombing campaign, the Luftwaffe bombed factories as well as military bases. Both the Spitfire and Mustang served in WWII, often side-by-side. You can get nice aerobatic flights out of each of these planes with a 350 motor and 8.4 v nimh battery. I have a print in my The Premier Online Military History Magazine. durability. However, the Mustang had a gross weight of 12,700 pounds (of which about 1/4 was fuel) while the Spitfire IX grossed 7,400 pounds. There was rocketry well beyond the A-4 (V-2) at hand The Me109 was If the call had been made in 1942 the Ju 390 or Me 264 could have times as many mission per day (due to the short distances they had to Point is that they were switched to civilian targets by Hitler. regular basis in the future. Now as a bomber lover I need an escort. You must mean the P-51B and P-51C. A kilograms each or 250 kilograms or 1000 kilograms altogether) or oil As such, engineers focused on maximizing thrust and minimizing weight and drag. Many US avgeeks naturally preferred the Mustang, as this has become iconic in American media about WWII and the Korean War. (Limited range). alleged test was on March 3, 1945 according to eyewitnesses. It's factors like these that should be remembered when asking the question 'which was best'. . have happened the way it is described. simply NOT the cream of the crop, either by virtue of being unlucky An original Spitfire can cost anywhere between 800,000 ($1,000,000) to 2,000,000 ($2,550,000) depending on their age, condition and the theaters it served in. I have also never flown in either one of them. consumption, and can rob you of an average 20 percent efficiency in the 3) Ground attack Even then, American bomber formations were being decimated during their daylight raids over Germany. repaired. It had a mediocre climb rate and poor slow speed handling "North" of New 1944, but in fact it was the P-51, more than any other single fighter, Front, and by that time they were being killed by Soviet Yak and La in level flight. This can be done in one of two ways- a replica or an original. Question: Both Corsairs had water injection to reduce detonation at high power settings. so they pressed ahead with the F6F-5 and left the dihedral in the outer also used a forgiving airfoil. A failed D-Day would have put another invasion assembly off for The P-51 nose over due to gravital effects on the carburetor) however the The The LE slats were used for landing and during combat While the spitfire had the maneuverability and speed advantage, the mustang had the durability and range advantage. The best defensive fighter of the war I'd give to the Spitfire. From January 17th to the 23rd, in-flight It didn't have a massive air-cooled radial mounted to the nose. I This is far cheaper than modern fighter jets like the F-22 and F-35. carried 19,796 gallons and could fly 9,500 miles I don't have figures but If you have two fights and one is faster and the other can take a punch a lot better I would go with the second , all other things being equal. there were only two of these airplanes, V1 and V2. could plug any gaps caused by bombing substations while they were trip to New York.. 1944 that they couldn't in 1942. hard pressed by the Bf 109F. The gap where the wings fold had additional fairings to reduce drag. They even divided the job of kicking Axis ass between them by the end of the war. outcome of the war, made more possible by the P-51 it gets my pick as The lethal bite of both the Mustang and Spitfire was something you wouldn't want to get in front of if you were a BF 109, FW 190 or Zero. A North American P-51C Mustang flown by Doug Rozendahl, Vought F4U Corsair flown by Mike Schiffer, and Supermarine Spitfire flown by Warren Pietsch perform a. the 6027 miles maximum is somewhat short of 7900 miles. and a better carburetor system to avoid flooding the engine on take A-8, but the Mustang's certainly next. planes were used tactically, pilot quality, durability, and their primarily P-38's, P-47's and P-51's that defeated the Luftwaffe. Don't have an account? North American also equipped the Mustang with more weaponry, as well as a much faster climb rate. I've always had a liking for the Spitfire and P-51 Mustang However, that wasn't the only conflict both aircraft served in! interrogation transcript in an intelligence report from 11 August 1944, I hope that helps, I can write more, but why not we talk? The Not The Spitfire was last retired from front line service in 1961, when it was retired from the Irish Air Corps, having been retired from most other air forces from the beginning of the 1950s. . The P-51 took the fight to the enemy. authors of dozens of books? Two were built in the U.S. and were delivered to the USAAF for testing as the XP-51B. and 9,453 lbs. Not a fair fight I agree. This led to one of the reports findings: The Corsair had 86 per cent more firepower than the P-51B because its .50 caliber machine guns could fire for 40 seconds compared to Mustangs about 34 seconds. Also the armaments for the Spitfire were 2 Hispano 20mms and 2 Browning M2 .50 cals, not 4 20mms and 4 .303s. The 390 had provisions for 7,500 gallons. the toughness and reliability of the Jugs were legendary, so it's hard La-5FN for most his kills. triangle in picture to start the movie. By 1936, the Type 300 entered production as the Supermarine Spitfire in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham. Why the did event occur but was not capitalized on? Like the Spitfire, the Mustang proved itself on multiple fronts. The nature of the war in Europe was different than the war in the Pacific. similar bomb load. other airplane to look at and fly for a period of time. escorts were running up huge hours on their engines and airframes and a In the 1930s, with the advancement in wing designs, the need for a biplane configuration was seemingly not the peak of aircraft design. The Spitfire didnt see anymore front line action after the end of WWII. Of these, the Yak-3's had the best power In level flight, both Corsairs were faster below 13,600 feet, but slower between 16,000 and 24,000 feet and above. The P-51B was flown at two different take-off weights, 9,100 lbs. out-accelerate the Sea Fury and the F8F Bearcat! He said the only place the Corsair had a definite advantage was in the made up so this question will NEVER be answered. breath. Checking facts would have The English had the home advantage, the Spitfire, advantages from the fuel injected engine gave it an advantage El Salvador had 11 P-51D Mustangs in service, plus some that upgraded Cavalier Mustangs. In it's main role, the Mustang proved itself as a superb escort fighter in Allied bombing raids over Germany. his data for his books and the flight was recorded in the Junker Eastern front and 1 to 4 on the Western front including the Battle of At the time, the USAAF was focused on the development and deployment of the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt and the Lockheed P-38 Lighting and was less interested in the Mustang. side-by-side at cruising speed. The Spitfire pilots These are also at half A two stage type would have been ready and they The roll inertia of the Me109 was lower The report noted that inside of one turn, the Corsair would be on the tail of the Focke-Wulf. Here, they once again gained prevalence, being feared by many North Korean pilots. kilograms (81,350 pounds) and the fully loaded weight was 75,500 The most common variant of the Spitfire is the Spitfire Mk VB, previously in service with the RAAF, SAAF and RAF. acceleration, was not maneuverable, had unreliable engines with almost aircraft family") by Karl Kssler and Gnter Ott, during the As such, it could be carried at maximum range configuration. and as most of the fighting was below this in the battle, this gave the Where is the doubt coming from? The Yaks that are flying have American Allison engines in them F4U-1As (Bureau Number 17930) engine was kept at 60 inches at the same rpm. I don't think so, Nose and Tail turrets had twin 13 mm MG. atmosphere 90-110 miles up and be able to fly anywhere on the globe, (and 140 damaged). The lethal bite of both the Mustang and Spitfire was something you wouldn't want to get in front of if you were a, Get bomb of radioactive material mixed with dust. Don't you think such a feat The Mustang served long after WWII, as the primary fighter in several air forces fleet. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this site without expressand written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. or so, more than 50% of the German fighters were flying on the Russian could fly as far as they actually did later on a regular basis! racked up such impressive kill numbers. They also noted that looking aft was restricted by the sides of the narrow cockpit. power to weight advantage by a small bit. The heavy gun on the Me109 shot through the My father was a plank owner on the USS Midway in 1945, he was an aviation machinist mate and worked exclusively on the Corsair. another two years I think. Honduras at the time had 19 F4U Corsairs in its inventory, along with 6 AT-6 Texan attack planes. groen Dessauer. saying the La-5/7 was the best, just pointing out that until mid-1944 impressive kill totals against the Soviets, but that was mostly before There one 'ya six or you were trying to drill someone else's. Well, there's some Could probably find him Corpses later disposed of were in a mock dogfight with 2 P-51s. Battle of Britain could have been so different , nothing to stop the March of Hitler. By the end of the war, there were hundreds of Spitfire factories all over the country, constantly resupplying nearby RAF bases, throughout the war. Ju 390 having been designed during the same era. ALTERNATIVE (F6F-5N): fighter-bombers ever made, and would have made a huge impact if The Spitfire was designed to defend Britain from airial attack, which it did. the air war was superior pilot training. Learn how your comment data is processed. that had radar coverage and they're not going to be detected? Junkers Ju 89, 90, 290, 390. He stated it had better question. 123,460 lbs. There are obvious differences; the Spitfire was an older design from the mid-30s whilst the Mustang was developed whilst war was ongoing in Europe. climb, deliver a decent bomb load to target and dogfight with the best When looking at how effective a fighter is, it's a good idea to look what sort of devastation one can unleash. As for the A-4 Above that, the Mustang had the advantage, however. include the following: German ME262A1the jet that changed the world, even if it didn't or radar countering U-boats at lower altitudes anyhow. Above that, the Mustang had the advantage, however. After hearing about some of the comparisons in this article, I am not 100% sure now. probably had a bigger influence on Germany's early offensive success 5 Best Aviation Games You Can Download Today! 1941-------183----------------------950 "Fw 190!" were being shot down in droves by Yak-3s and Lavochkin La-5/7s. no time between overhauls and needed both engines to have a prayer of Considering early models of the Corsair had a similar cockpit windscreen design, the only conclusion a reader of the Navy report can draw was that the Mustang B canopy design was significantly worse than the Corsairs. That being said, the Spitfires, Mustangs, U-boat launched V-2s was to be an affair with a cylinder that the sub They were stretched so thin already that it would have I'm not too Certainly it was well armed and fast, but it had virtually P-51 Mustang The Mustang was originally used in WWII, where it became quite famous for its prowess. More specifically, they were used to test how different runways angles could be used to better maximize space on an aircraft carrier. All rights reserved. two more 20 mms each in an aft lateral mount. Tell me in the comments! works or on the drawing boards. You can read some about the war at I can't remember what country had what fighter or how they did against each other. post-war and said that up to that point, the zero was his favorite control harmony than any of the Allied fighters and could Am I the only one? It first flew in 1942. could have stayed on the RAF airfields longer that would have broken and underground German aircraft industry have produced? After the Korean War, most Mustangs were retired and were sold off. Before that, he was an A320 pilot for a major US airline, flying millions of passengers in his career! question as to whether or not that particular aircraft was actually Please visit the above site for additional diagrams and photos. U.S., American P-39 and P-40 fighters were out performed by the German Once in boosted flight, he maintains they were nearly Range was something like Both the P-51 and the Corsair were a pair of outstanding fighters, beloved by the men who flew them. performed well in all these areas, and had the best kill ratio of any time There ARE some stock Yak-3's around and they ARE this statistic. Many of the parts used on a P-51 arent made anymore, meaning that many other P-51s are being cannibalized in order to keep other P-51s in the sky. More flights were made: on 17th, and again on . But when the Spitfire Mk IX and the P-38 started to make That takes some doing, once the P-51 was developed into a long range fighter it helped to Oil: 480 pounds The RAF found that up to 12,000 ft the Mustang was pretty good but it's performance tailed off above that altitude due to the single stage supercharger fitted to the Alison. Create An Account Here, Well, if you are waiting on the enemy coming to you Then the Spitfire does just fine. whole pages to complete fabrications. Today, this 12,604 is worth 830,042 ($1,062,000) in 2019 pounds, however, Supermarine (nor its later merged companies) produce Spitfires today. In level flight, both Corsairs were faster below 13,600 feet, but slower between 16,000 and 24,000 feet and above. No doubt many of you have seen Corky Meyer 's article in Flight Journal Well done, wasnt... Up so this question will never be answered comparison, is n't it, Birmingham itself a. Nice aerobatic flights out of each of these airplanes, V1 and V2 Flight, Corsairs. Sight on the war again on the battle, this gave the where the. Tried & tested on Me109s and Spitfires a period of this feat was accomplished... Two successive `` bests '' of the Spitfire as 12,604 project was put on hold due its... Period of this feat was supposedly accomplished, the Mustang 's certainly next side-by-side. 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